What You Don't Know | By : SanitysStorm Category: +S through Z > Tales of Symphonia Views: 3973 -:- Recommendations : 2 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Tales of Symphonia nor do I make any money off of this story |
“Oh master Zelos, it would be an honor if you were to accompany me to the summer festival tonight~” A blonde beauty, cheeks flushed in excitement, had her hands wrapped around his arm, clinging possessively “No, Chosen one! Take me instead! I would certainly be fairer company~” A brunette before him, fairing worse then the blonde if only because she used that damn title. “Please Chosen one! You know I could make it worth your while.” Blondie smirked in what she thought was a seductive way, but instead made her look like a cheap harlot, thanks too all the make-up on her person. “Oh Chosen, don't bother with her.” Brunette waved her hand in Blondie's direction, only to ruin what little points she might have gained by tossing an identical smirk his way. “You know I'd be far more interesting...” Martel, these women were supposed to be ladies weren't they? Zelos made sure none of his exasperation showed on his face as he carefully detached himself away from both of his hunnies. In consolation he gave them his favored charming grin, causing them to predictably swoon in the process. “Now, now ladies, as much as I would love nothing better then to have the pleasure of both your company tonight, I'm afraid I'm going to be preoccupied.” His voice was syrupy sweet, honed from years of practice herding catty woman out for his body...or worse yet, the fame that came with him. “I have to do something with the church, Chosen stuff, and unfortunately it's probably going to take all night to get done.” Both women whined and pouted unattractively at him...then again Zelos supposed it would be attractive if he weren't so biased. As it stood, these two were in the category of 'especially' clingy and as such he had a tendency to find anything they did unattractive. He gave them another charming grin. “I know, I know, I hate it too. It's such a boring and long winded ceremony, but it's my duty, and as the Chosen” He suppressed a grimace, glad the word hadn't been coated in venom as he felt it should be, “It is my duty sacrifice some things for the better of Tethe'alla. Right?” Both women sighed in resignation and, thankfully, let him go. He gave them a consoling smile. “Now, don't look all sad like that, I'll feel a lot better if I know you two will go and enjoy the festival in my place. Can you do that for me, my darling hunnies?” They perked up at that, smiling and promising him that they would, before they left him to go to his house to prepare for the so called 'ceremony' that, in reality, was just his excuse to sit in at home instead. Normally Zelos did try to go to such festivals to keep up appearances, but tonight he just wasn't up for it. It took quite a bit of work getting out of the grasp of other such honey's like the ones before, but eventually the Chosen managed it and made it inside his mansion, to be greeted by his ever loyal butler Sebastian. “Welcome home sir.” The elder gentleman said to his oft times wild charge. Zelos gave the man a grin. “Hey Sebby, it's good to be back.” He waltzed into his home and elegantly flopped onto his plush couch. “Phew! Today was a long one! I'm just gonna stay in for tonight.” He waved a hand dismissively. “Just tell anyone who comes calling that I'm out doing Chosen-y things with the church and that I'm not gonna be entertaining any guests while I'm away, excusing the 'certain' people we've discussed. Okay Sebbs?” He turned to look back at his Butler, who bowed in response to his orders. “Of course Master Zelos, however, I must inform you that a...particular guest is waiting for you in one of the guest rooms...” Sebastian pointed up the stairs as he said this, and Zelos made a face. “Who is it?” He asked, letting a bit of his usual cheerful mask slip in his irritation. He didn't want to deal with this, dammit! “A..ah..'certain person' of 'darker' countenance?” The words were careful, just like how they always spoke when discussing Zelos' dealings with Cruxis. Zelos sighed. So, Pronyma was making a call huh? Great. Well, at least it wasn't Yuan, or Kratos. Especially Kratos. Zelos didn't understand why, but he could barely stand the man, even though technically Kratos had been the one to teach him how to fight. Yuan, on the other hand, had a bad habit of speaking with him in a condescending way. He wasn't sure what the half-elf's problem with him was, but he figured Yuan was just an asshole or something. Zelos let out a long sigh. “Alright, alright. I'll go see what they want.” With that the Chosen vaulted up out of the couch, and with a bit of grumbling climbed the stairs. As expected, the scantily clad half-elf was in the room waiting for him. “Chosen One.” She greeted, a smirk on her lips. Zelos opted to give her a pleasant smile in return, choosing not to show her how irritated he actually was. “Lady Pronyma! It's been way too long! How's my favorite Cruxis commander doing?” He laid on the flattery, an easy routine, while inwardly hoping she would get to her point soon. The half-elf's smirk only grew wider. “I see you haven't been 'entertaining' as much as you once did Chosen. Surely I would have expected at least one of these rooms to have been in recent use.” She purred. Zelos refused to allow his rising annoyance to show, instead shrugging indifferently in response. “Well, you know what they say; Always leave 'em wanting more!” He gestured out with his hands, making a grand show of it. Pronyma only chuckled. “As true as that is, I believe the real reason has to do with a favored ninja.” Zelos tensed, angry that they seemed to know so much of his personal life. “But fear not, Chosen. It seems as though you'll be reunited with your little harlot soon enough.” It took every ounce of concentration Zelos had not to loose his temper or his pleasant grin, so he didn't notice that Pronyma's face had turned serious. “Chosen.” She said, reclaiming his lost attention. “Yes Lady Pronyma?” The red-head's smile grew, but his voice couldn't contain all of his spite. The half-elf either didn't catch it or chose not to comment on it. “Lord Yggdrasil has a mission for you.” She replied. And so they finally get to the point. Zelos narrowed his eyes, wary of her next words. “And that would be?” He asked. “It seems as though your Sylvaranti counterpart has taken a field trip to this world. Her and her companions. Your orders are this, join them and keep an eye on them.” Pronyma's voice was sharp and businesslike. “Cruxis angels will regularly meet with you in order to obtain reports on what they are doing.” Zelos blinked, taken aback for a moment. “That means...” He didn't finish, his attention returning to a once again smirking Pronyma. “Yes Chosen.” She purred. “They were brought here by your pet ninja.” Zelos found himself clenching his fists, and had to focus hard to regain a smooth, cool stance. “Oh?” He responded, his stance regaining his 'devil may care' attitude. He chuckled. “Heh, I knew she wouldn't be able to do it.” Truthfully, Zelos was relieved. He knew Cruxis would be none too pleased should their 'prized Chosen' end up dead. If Sheena had gone through with her mission...He didn't want to think about it. Pronyma lifted a brow. “It is a good thing she did not, however the complications of the Sylvaranti in Tethe'alla can not go unsupervised. It is likely that they will come to Meltokio soon enough. Find a way to join them Zelos, and keep tabs on them. This is your mission.” She smiled. “Do this, and Lord Yggdrasil shall give you what you desire most.” With that the Desian turned and vanished, leaving Zelos to his thoughts. “Mission, huh?” He muttered to himself. He recalled another time that word was said to him...It was always a 'mission.' Reclaim your honor, make the village proud, succeed in the mission, save the world... Kill yourself to save the world... Zelos sighed and flopped down on the bed. A memory flashed into his mind, one of soft curves and amber eyes. He closed his own and shut the memory and the pain out. Mission... It pissed him off. He hated being ordered around, hated people telling him what to do or how he should act. Sure, he could kiss up and follow orders as well as the next guy but still, a part of him chaffed at it. The truth was he had had been perpetually at the whim of a self sacrificing 'mission' his entire life and he was sick of it. Absolutely bone weary sick of it. However, working for Cruxis had the potential of cutting him loose from his first 'mission.' If he could keep tabs on these Sylvaranti and do whatever the heck Yggdrasil wanted him to do with them he would finally get what he had always wanted. Freedom. He would be free to go where he wanted, do as he wanted, act like he wanted... He would be free to live. Zelos sighed, his mind going to a place that he'd been avoiding for the past few months. Sheena... because of this assignment he knew he was going to see her again. There had been something that prompted her to bring the Sylvaranti back, and if he knew his old friend she would likely hang around for whatever she'd started. A part of him was excited, hopeful to see her again. He longed to hold her in his arms and kiss her, and touch her, and do other things to make her happy. However, another part of him dreaded it. Zelos was no fool. He knew where their relationship stood. He was the one who kept it that way after all. He hadn't really planned for things to go as far as they had. His original plan had been to distance himself from her, to keep her safe. His title, his inevitable 'mission' made things very complex between the two of them. Some would say he already made passes at every woman he met, what made her different, that he felt that way? They'd been friends before, right? Zelos would tell them that, yes, they had been, but that was before he'd gone and ruined it by falling in love with her. Granted, he'd always been drawn to the summoner, ever since they'd first met. However he'd convinced himself that it had simply been hormones and had promptly greeted her like every other woman. What he hadn't expected was how so damn intriguing she was, how real she was compared with everyone else in his life. Not to mention she was so much fun to banter with. He'd wanted to be closer to her, so he'd pestered and broken through her walls and eventually they'd become friends. Good friends, and he'd been happy with that. So it'd come as a devastating shock when he realized that he'd begun to care far more deeply for her then he'd expected himself to. He'd had no choice, he'd needed to cut her out of his life, the sooner the better. He couldn't afford to love. His title, his duty, prevented him. Any woman he'd love would be doomed to nothing but pain and unhappiness. That was what he did, after all. He just gave pain to those he cared for, Sheena was no exception, and he refused to hurt her like that. Or at least that was the plan. Zelos shifted onto his side and groaned. What a big mess...He'd lost control, all that work and just a single glance at her delicate skin, uncovered, glistening with water, and he'd done the unthinkable. He'd seduced her, of all the damn things! Seduced! He didn't even try to make it better by saying he genuinely loved her, it was still wrong. It he'd really loved her he wouldn't have gone that far, and the fact that she'd actually gone with it didn't make things right. His only consolation had been that he'd never once lied to her the first night. He hadn't told her everything, couldn't, but he'd never lied. He'd even been honest when she asked if she could trust him. He hadn't told her she could, even though he'd been planning on going through with his plan to distance her afterwords. Even then, she still went with him, still trusted him with her body, even though he told her she couldn't. Zelos flushed, feeling himself get excited at the memory. His hormones distracting him from his self pity. She'd been...far better then he'd imagined. Still, Zelos sighed and stretched out on the bed, his arms crossed behind his head. Still, he'd had to leave her the next day, figuring that if that transgression didn't drive her away for good, nothing would. He'd hated himself then, but it had been for her sake as well. It was his own fault, really, if he hadn't let his dick do his thinking for him he might have managed to hurt her less if at all. In the end, though, she hadn't been deterred in the least. Angry, yes, but not deterred. Zelos smiled at the memory. She'd cornered him again, and he was doing all he could to be an asshole so she'd leave. It hurt to see her, so he focused on blocking her out and pissing her off by blatantly ogling her breasts. It was working by the steady anger growing in her tone, but it didn't do well for his self control. All he wanted was to touch her... Suddenly, those breasts were pressed against his chest and his eyes were forced upon hers. He blinked, hiding his flustered state behind a perverted grin. “I'm sorry hunny.” He said, “Were you saying something?” Martel, there was something wrong with him. The anger in her eyes did nothing to abate his libido. She probably wanted to kill him and all he could think to do was to pin her to the ground and take her right there. Still, she'd managed to get some of his attention, so he actually listened to her when she spoke next. “Listen you stupid pervert, I KNOW you're an asshole and it's not like I'm expecting anything deeper then mutual gain here. So...” She hesitated, and a bit of his lust abated at the pain in her eyes. “So if you wanna keep doing...” She pressed against him, eliciting a gasp from his throat. “This, then I won't say 'no.'” He gulped, wrenching his attention away from the soft female body against him. “I didn't think you were made for casual sweetheart.” He said, schooling his face into a neutral expression. There was a flash of something before her amber orbs cooled into resolute confidence.”Maybe I'm made of more then you thought.” She said, narrowing her eyes. “What about you?” Zelos snorted. She had to ask? “Hunny, I'm not made for relationships. My heart just can't be tied down to one.” A lie, for she'd already taken it, stole it away in the night. He couldn't let her near enough to know that however. Couldn't let her see the hole where it used to be. She didn't look surprised. “Of course, why would you be any other way?” She muttered, her face tilted away for a moment before turning back, her hand reaching up to tangle in his hair. “Fine, I understand. I won't ask your heart to be tied to me.” Oh Sheena, if only you knew, he thought. “However,” She added. “I have a condition.” A thigh slipped between his legs and Zelos swore he died a little. “This?” The thigh moved, and he found himself grasping her arms tight, his mind struggling to anchor itself. “This is mine. You can flirt all you want, but if we're gonna keep doing this.” She pressed against him again, nearly shattering all self control he had left. “Then flirting is ALL you'll do, get it?” He laughed, he couldn't help it. “I always knew you were possessive.” He smirked, brushing a hand along her cheek. “But as much as I love the way you think, the fact remains that I can't be yours.” Could never be hers, no matter how badly he wanted it too. “Why bother at all?” Sheena reached up to grasp his hand, squeezing it in what he would've thought were a loving manner were it not for the hard edge to her face. “It's simple Zelos.” She spoke in a syrupy sweet voice, much like his hunnies in Meltokio. “If I can't have your heart, then I'll take what I can get.” He felt sick, but she wasn't done yet. Her lashes fluttered. “Besides, I have the same needs that you do, so why shouldn't I have this part of you all to myself?” Her face lost the simpering nature, returning to stone. “So if you want me, you can have me, but only me. Got it?” He shook his head, grinning helplessly. “I don't think you quite understand what a 'casual relationship' really entails hunny.” She growled at the pet name and pressed herself harder on him. “Oof!” He grunted. “N-now, lets not be violent my banshee-” Another shove, and Zelos found out just how 'comfortable' tree bark actually was when pushed up against it. He gasped. “Alright, alright!” She let off the pressure against him, and he sighed in relief. He took a good look at her, really looked at her...and saw that she was serious. She did want it, even though she'd never truly have him... Zelos felt sick, he felt like the biggest jerk of all. If he were any kind of decent man he'd walk away. It would be so easy too, he'd make some flippant comment,likely insult her, and she'd leave him, probably for good. He should've walked away, but he really was an asshole. So he didn't. She felt so good against him, the thigh resting casually between his legs, her breasts pressed so nicely against his chest. He couldn't leave, not without tasting her again, without breathing her in again, without hearing her loose control again. He could never truly have her. “Alright then sweetheart.” But... “Looks like we have a deal.” He'd take whatever he could get. Zelos groaned, frustrated and turned on by the memory. He ran his hands through his hair and sat up on the bed, a wry grin on his face. It was all well and good to regret his assholish choices in the past, but it didn't really mean much if he kept making the same damn choice every time he was near her. “Some Chosen.” he chuckled and stood, stretching languidly. He certainly didn't feel 'pure' or 'saintly' or whatever else the 'savior of the world' was supposed to be when he was bending her over and penetrating her every free chance he could get. He loved her, he was desperate to be with her, but by Martel he was such a horny dick whenever he was withing ten feet of her. It was no wonder she didn't trust him anymore... Zelos shook his head, banishing the thoughts from his mind. It did no good to beat himself over what had already happened. He couldn't change it, no matter how much he wanted to, so why bother? He'd beaten himself up enough for today, it was time to take care of a 'problem' and get ready to meet up with the Sylvaranti. Zelos felt dirty, thanks to his uninvited guest earlier, so he decided it was best to wash up in the shower. He mentally debated and opted for a warm shower instead of a cold one. It'd been too long since he'd taken care of himself, even though one would think with his favorite Ninja off in another world he'd have taken to 'himself' far more often. Well, he'd been busy, and thanks to the guilt he tended to feel when it came to her, if she wasn't there to distract him physically he had a tendency to stave off on taking care of himself. Needless to say cold showers were usually his choice. However, she was home now, and he had a feeling he was going to be meeting up with her in the near future. He didn't want the first thing that happened between them to be him pouncing and bending her over (Like he'd done the last time they'd seen each other, when he hadn't seen her for a while and had been pent up. While he'd been planning on confronting her and asking her about her current 'mission' face to face, just one look at her and his libido had taken over.) No, he didn't want that. Despite what their relationship was, they'd been friends once, and he cared about her too much to welcome her with demands for a quickie. Zelos thought it best to take care of the need NOW, so he didn't end up demanding it from her later. That, and he wanted the next time to go longer then a quickie. Much, much longer. They had a lot of time to make up for after all. He knew Sebastian would be busy with dinner, so he'd been uninterrupted for the most part as he'd gotten ready in his private bathroom. His first order of business had been to take care of his hair, his mind wandering as he soaped up the fire-red locks. Goddess he'd missed Sheena. He wanted to see her again with such a painful intensity it hurt. He always felt that way when it came to her, though he'd been extremely careful that he never showed it. Sometimes he'd wonder if the only reason he wanted her had warped into him wanting her for her body, like he acted he did. It was the pain that showed him otherwise, the emotional pain that reminded him that, yes, he needed her for much more then his lust. The idea of never seeing her again hurt far more then the idea of never having sex with her. The past few months had been, in a word, hell for Zelos. He closed his eyes under the streams of liquid, a hand trailing slowly down his chest. He shoved the thoughts out of his head. She was home, back in Tethe'alla, and safe. Or at least he hoped she was safe. He didn't know what punishment the ninja of Mizuho would inflict on her for failing to complete her mission, however he did know that it wouldn't be fatal (at least not until she made her report to the King, and he could at least talk with her and find out during that.) Enough. He was done thinking and worrying, he needed to take care of this, and then he needed to take care of the Sylvaranti. His hand kept trailing until it came upon his member, firm and ready, and he sighed in content as he grasped it. “Sheena...” He sighed, everything else in his mind driven out by thoughts of the beautiful ninja. He slowly stroked himself, his other arm propped against the wall in front of him, holding himself up under the shower spray. “Oh goddess Sheena...I missed you.” He'd never really been one to stay quiet. He'd always been vocal, whispering dirty phrases into a woman's ear or crying out his pleasure, it just was part of who he was. Sheena had a tendency to be vocal as well, much to her frustration. He smiled, recalling her banshee cries turning into moans and cries of bliss after he was done with her. He stroked harder, still remembering her cries even after months of her being away. It always amused him how much she hated making noise, her determination to be silent during their fucking apparently due to her pride as a ninja, or something like that. It didn't matter, he loved hearing her, and loved making her cry out no matter how much it irked her. “Sheena, I want you...so much.” He wanted to touch her so badly. “I want to...” Her soft, warm skin, shivering as he caressed it. “Fuck...” His strokes became faster, and his mind raced, remembering all the moments he was intimate with her. In his mind, he imagined seeing her again, just as strong and vivacious and real as she always was. He imagined touching her, all over, brushing his hands along her soft breasts. He imagined the fire burning in anger in her eyes, only to be transmuted into flames of passion as he cajoled her into, not a submissive state, but a desiring one. “Oh goddess...” He slowed his strokes, wanting to stave off his peak a bit longer. He'd kept his mind from her for so long, too long, that thinking about her again felt almost like she'd already come back and he could just waltz over to the Research Lab to see her. It'd hurt too much to think about her and not know if she were still alive, but she was back and he'd be sure to keep her safe in whatever way he could once he met back up with her. His mind raced, running free from the usual restraints he placed on it. He imagined pinning her to a wall again, this time letting himself say to her what he wanted to say instead of only what he could. “ Sheena...” He panted, his hand closing tighter around himself. “Do you know what I want?” The hand on the shower wall slowly curled into a fist. “Do you know what I wouldn't give to have you?” His strokes became a little faster. “Every last inch of you?” He let out a low moan. “Goddess I want you here now...I wanna touch you...taste you...fuck you...” He felt his forehead press against the wall, his arm having bended as he lost himself in his lust. “No one...” He loosened his grip, making long strokes. “No one'll touch you but me.” Because she was his damn it. Back in his mind, where he'd locked away his possessive side because of how hypocritical it'd be of him to be possessive, she was his. His to protect, his to love, his to fuck, his to fight, his to have... His member gave a twitch, and he halted in his strokes, squeezing it. “Fucking hell Sheena, you're gonna scream when I see you next.” He kept squeezing, just thinking about the feeling of moving inside her, his imagination repeating his last experience with the ninja, only this time in a place where they could be as loud as they wanted. “Fuck...” His thumb moved to brush against the head, sending a jolt through his body. “Oh fuck...” His peak hit him, his member pulsing beneath his hand as it shot his essence against the shower wall. He stroked it, quickly, trying to keep the warm feeling of his climax going for as long as he could. “Fuck, sheenaaaa...” He sighed and fell against the wall, letting go of his member as he waited for feeling to return to his extremities. He panted, his blood pounding as he rested under the spray. He'd needed that, badly. Though he was certain it'd possibly still be a while before he saw his ninja hunny again. He'd probably have to repeat the process, how he was going to do that while babysitting a bunch of bumpkins from Sylvarant was the real mystery. He chuckled, perhaps he hadn't helped matters by rubbing one out as much as he thought he would, he still wanted to pounce her the moment he saw her...now more then ever. He shakily got off the wall and began to finish cleaning himself up. A part of his mind wondered what the Sylvaranti would be like, but he wasn't expecting much. He was especially curious about his Chosen counterpart. What was she like? More importantly...what would she be like after having completed the Angel Transformation process? He sighed and mentally shrugged. No point in worrying over something that he hadn't had the displeasure of witnessing/experiencing yet after all. He'd babysit, do whatever the big angel upstairs wanted him to do with them, and possibly learn a bit about his unpleasant fate in the process. Oh, and of course if he were lucky he'd get to be with Sheena again. That was always something to look forward to. All in all, it looked to be an interesting journey. Zelos couldn't say why, but he was....kind of looking forward to it. He figured he was just getting sick of Meltokio. That had to be it. Oh, and seeing Sheena again. Mostly seeing Sheena again...
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