Seta Souji, the infamous magnificent bastard | By : Rago_Dragovian Category: +S through Z > Shin Megami Tensei: Persona (all) > Shin Megami Tensei: Persona (all) Views: 7395 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: The Persona series is property of Atlus. I have no rights to it and do not intend to use this for profit. |
'Fuck you, Naoto Shirogane.' Souji's was livid. He had planned to simply shout out and point out the fabled young detective that had come to Inaba but in the end it had all proven useless. He was waiting outside the school gates for Naoto to arrive, even Kanji had yet to arrive at the specified location. 'WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!' continued Souji's thoughtful tirade, 'HOW THE FUCK CAN THESE STUPID PEOPLE NOT FUCKING REMEMBER WHEN TO COME TO THEIR OWN FUCKING DATE?' 'Fucking people, I hate every goddamn one of these fucking dumbasses!' Souji's mental fuse had long since blown at this point. While usually calm and patient, he realized that even if they were to come, which is what he had been waiting for, the opportunity was obviously gone. What was he to do? Continuously shout out the famous young detective was in Inaba constantly to everyone whom was nearby, where ever they were going, if they were even meeting up? He would be seen as an annoying nuisance instead of a lucky new bachelor who had scored a love interest with the Inaba Ice Princess. It was vexing, it was annoying, and he was ready to kill those two with a death spell. Souji turned from his position nearby the right side of the school gate as Kanji finally arrived. 'What is this? He was in the motherfucking school the whole motherfucking time! WHAT THE FUCK?' Souji scowled. Kanji saw him as he was coming close to the gates. "You! You're the shithead I pummeled yesterday!" shouted Kanji, visibly tensing in anger, "The hell are you doing here! Are you following me around?" Kanji's hands balled into fists as he appeared to be ready to launch himself in anger as Souji stood in front of him in the middle of the gate. "Well, this is unexpected." said Naoto, arriving from behind Souji. Naoto made a surprised face. "... You're Seta Souji, correct? Well this is convenient I was hoping to speak with both of you... though separately..." Souji didn't turn to face Naoto as he still kept his gaze on Kanji. "Look," said Souji firmly, "I didn't come here to fight, I just wanted to talk." "Oh yeah? Then why were you stalking me yesterday?" said Kanji, Naoto looked visibly surprised and somewhat horrified at that new piece of information but Souji couldn't see it since his gaze hadn't left Kanji even when Naoto had arrived. "I wasn't stalking you." said Souji, annoyed, "I wanted to speak with you! Your mother is friends with Yukiko-chan and her family and I figured I should make sure you were aware of the danger you might be in!" Kanji looked at him quizzically though he still had the ugly fucking scowl on his face. Kanji snorted. "What the hell are you talking about?" said Kanji, Naoto watched quietly, observing. "What danger?" "Look, you know about those murders, right? The Junes employee and the TV reporter?" Kanji looked at him, this time appearing totally lost. 'God, what a fucking idiot.' "So what about them? What's that got to do with me?" questioned Kanji, his body more relaxed, no longer appearing as if he wanted nothing more than to pound the snot out of Souji. "Well..." began Souji, clearing his throat, his lies so far had done well to catch Kanji's attention. He needed Kanji off his back. Ryotaro had been angry about the apparent bruises on his face but Souji dissuaded him from speaking with Kanji's mother to apologize after he had explained everything that happened to Ryotaro. Souji just needed an excuse to get them off his back and he had thought of telling Kanji the danger he may be in anyway. "I figured out a pattern, both those women appeared on TV and were headline news, roughly the week they were murdered, both of them disappeared and their bodies were found upside down on some high locations. Before their bodies showed-up, they both appeared on what is called the 'Midnight Channel'" explained Souji, before taking a deep breath and asking, "Do you know what the Midnight channel is, Kanji-san?" "Who cares?" asked Kanji again, he appeared fearful for a few brief moments before suddenly looking pissed off. "What the hells any of this gotta do with me!" Souji was thankful he had let the anger in his mind fizzle and learned the value of patience from long ago. Kanji would get his comeuppance at a later time. He wanted to deal with both of them one by one so he could concentrate and give them both his undivided attention. "Well..., you see..." began Souji, appearing concerned. "You were on TV from that news clip about biker gangs... and you appeared on the Midnight channel last night at 12 am..." Kanji's eyes widened in horror. He had heard the rumors of the Midnight channel even before this discussion and knew classmates were babbling about seeing Mayumi Yamano on it some month prior... "A-are you saying someone's out to get me!" shouted Kanji, appearing hysterical, he shook his head in disbelief. "No way man! I... I got nothing to do with either of those two who were murdered, I don't even know them!" "That's just it..." said Souji, giving Kanji a sad look, "The two victims before have been women so it may mean that it's not you but your mother who is in danger." Kanji's face went white as a sheet of paper. His mouth opened in horror, unable to speak a word, as the sudden revelation seemed to give him a visible blow of sorts. "MY MA'S IN DANGER!" shouted Kanji, this time in full blown hysteria. He forcefully pushed Souji out of the way suddenly, sprawling Souji to the floor and crushing his abdomen and right arm as he literally ran over Souji to get to his mother's textile shop as fast as possible. Naoto was able to avoid Kanji entirely having been prepared when Kanji had steamrolled Souji to the floor to move past him. Naoto stared at Souji as he got up. Souji growled loudly and openly in hateful irritation. 'One day, I WILL A MAKE THAT MOTHERFUCKER PAY!' was Souji's prominent thought among the myriad of ideas of what to do to Kanji, if Kanji ever ended-up in TV land. "Well..." began Naoto, making Souji turn around to face him in his irritation. "That was certainly a... surprising turn of events. An enlightening one too. Nevertheless, my original intentions here have ended-up in failure." "But, it seems fortune favors me. Seta Souji, correct? I've heard a lot about you." Naoto looked at Souji pensively, adapting a rather serious look, having cornered Souji at a point where he was in emotional disarray and therefore more likely to blurt something he would not want anyone to know. "I'd like to chat with you for a bit, nothing personal, of course, just business." Souji scowled. He folded his arms. "What possible interest could you have in me? Or are you just speaking with me because you want a chance at Yukiko-chan?" Souji was acting his part well, if all went smoothly, Naoto would underestimate him. Naoto chuckled. "No, no, of course not. I promise you this is merely business, I just need to clear some things up about you, just some coincidences such as your arrival and the time of the murders. Like I said, nothing personal." Naoto continued on. "Did you know, had it not been for his daily time spent in the hospital, and many witnesses testifying he had been working on those days, the man who presumably kidnapped your girlfriend would have been tried for the two murders? Of course, there was no evidence that could be linked regardless but the murders themselves had been peculiar so some people, even those of the police force, doubt his innocence." "I see..." said Souji before narrowing his eyes, "Wait, what do you mean presumably? He did it. Yukiko said so." Naoto's annoying serious expression re-appeared. "But how can you be so sure?" said Naoto, "You seem to hold such a steadfast certainty to that story being the truth. It's doubtful that Amagi-san didn't suffer mentally in some way. According to the police report she was running around in a screaming and confused fit." "What does this have to do with me?" Souji growled out, "Did you just want to speak with me to have some sick and twisted discussion about Yukiko-chan's mental state after she had gone through such a horrifying ordeal?" Naoto seemed taken aback before deciding to change the subject. "My apologies..., it would be hard to talk about. You're right, I've strayed from the topic I wished to discuss with you." began Naoto, before giving Souji a more focused gaze. "Well, you see, I've been hearing quite a bit about you..." "A city boy, new to the area, got hooked up with the famous Amagi heir, nephew of one of the head detectives of the Inaba police department, and a model student. You have... quite the resume from such a short amount of time." "You have yet to make a point here, you know." said Souji simply, irritated and bored of the discussion. "Well... I find your achievements to be a bit too... charming. It's as if you've gone to the utmost of great lengths to hide something. With other people, their flaws are rather apparent, such as Kanji Tatsumi, with you, it's as if you don't appear to have any flaws." "What?" said a baffled Souji, not understanding, "You want to know my flaws?" "Well no, to be honest, none of that actually interested me, if anything you were an alarming read, but not an impossible one. It was actually your job description that got me interested in you." Souji's blood ran cold but otherwise he appeared calm. Naoto's gaze was like a hawk preying for any signs of weakness. "I also had a nice chat with one Chie Satonaka while she had been recuperating at her home since her parents couldn't pay for her medical expenses in full. I convinced my grandfather to pay such a trivial fee." It was a threat. Naoto had not only just given Souji a huge bombshell at what the discussion was being led too but had also implied that if Naoto went missing or was hurt, there would be hell to pay from a rather wealthy family. "She told me some rather informative stories about how you were the last person she had seen with Hanamura-san when he was alive." said Naoto, having caught on to Souji's worst fear, someone believing even a word of what Chie had to say. "Tell me, Seta-san, is it a mere coincidence that Yosuke Hanamura, Yukiko Amagi, and Chie Satonaka all suffered three different unfortunate incidents, all after knowing you for a short period of time?" Souji realized his luck had just run out. He stared at her, stone faced, not saying a word. Naoto took this as a cue to continue on. "Is it a further coincidence that two of the three victims of such surprising, out of norm events, were found in the same hospital you are employed in?" Souji was seething on the inside. He uncrossed his arms and balled his fists in anger. He realized the worst had come once he had seen the young detective yesterday but even he hadn't expected it to be this close. He had been afraid this would happen. "Are you saying, I had something to do with the unfortunate events that transpired on those three?" said Souji, calmly, with an apparent anger shining in his eyes. "So what if I work at the hospital? That doesn't mean anything. Yukiko and the police identified Dr. Kato for the wrongdoings." Naoto didn't miss a beat. "I was just asking about the coincidences, there is no need to appear as if you're hiding anything." said Naoto, there was a triumphant look in those eyes. The next statement was a bold move. "But... yes, I do think you had something to do with it. Even if you're not the killer who killed those two innocent victims... if you are responsible for what I believe you to be, then you're a much worse person because you've crippled, killed, and threatened three different individuals. At least the killer of those two innocent victims seemed to be merciful enough to let them die painlessly instead of using them for their own ends or making them suffers." "I have no idea what you have blackmailed Yukiko Amagi with to take control of her actions in such a way but I intend to find out and remove it so that the due process can take its course on your monstrous actions." Souji walked up to Naoto, appearing enraged. Naoto stood still, not flinching, not batting an eye. Souji appeared to be further enraged that Naoto wasn't reacting with any sort of fear, not even a hint of it even as he was right in front of Naoto, so close to Naoto that both their noses were touching slightly. Naoto was an expert though, having experienced such things with taller and more influential adults whenever Naoto was finding clues to small time cases that implicated them in illegal affairs. But Naoto was not prepared for what Souji pulled next. Souji smiled, this wasn't surprising, and many had insulted Naoto after smiling due to Naoto's age or height, usually followed by some petty insult, or they smiled to merely calm themselves. What Souji did next though was arguably one of, if not the most, surprising and personally insulting events in Naoto's life. Souji kissed Naoto. He kissed her hard on the lips. Naoto was so shocked that her mouth widened and Souji drove his tongue into her mouth before pulling out before she could bite him and stepped back calmly with a arrogant smirk. Naoto backed away holding her mouth with one hand in fear and her stomach in the other as if struck physically. Naoto's eyes were wide in shock. The expression in them asked the question he realized she was too scared to ask. Souji's arrogant smirk never left his face. "Yup, I know." chuckled Souji, making Naoto back-up in horror, her eyes were burning, wanting to know how it was possible. How could he know! "I don't have to tell you." Souji had replied to the unasked question as brash and insulting as ever. The smirk never left, instead it rose ever-so-slightly. He crossed his arms. "You know, I probably would have been scared of you but when I found out you were nothing more than a woman, I realized there was nothing to be afraid of." Naoto's body was trembling in humiliation and anger. She had been told this, feared a moment like this, all her life. "You should be happy that you got this experience. You really should quit the detective business... or any police business for that matter, it's not suited for your gender." Said Souji, Naoto looked at him malevolently, she hated what he was saying, she knew deep in her heart that he was wrong. Souji put his arms up as a sign of peace, as he had done before with Kanji. "I'm not saying this as a way to anger you... I'm saying this for your benefit." It was a lie, Souji had only been thinking of himself during the conversation, and he had acted like an idiot to get her to think she had got him where she wanted him, as he knew all women desired that for anything they did, so that he could go in for the mental damage he knew was waiting there. Women were always dissuaded from joining any form of profession that entailed combat so it was simple and easy to pull off. Naoto being so young would only be more damaged as a result. 'And all because she's a she.' thought Souji, laughing on the inside. "Consider this a life lesson," said Souji smoothly, he could see tears beginning to form in Naoto's eyes. "There ARE really horrible people out there who, if you were to ever try and find clues to arrest them or have to fight them in a life-threatening situation, wouldn't even bat an eye to the idea of raping you if they got the chance." "You can't just say you'll always be careful or aware of your surroundings at all times either. Nobody can do that. No one is capable of that. It's just a lie you would be telling yourself." Souji continued on, smirk never waning as Naoto's body started trembling. "Grow-up, stop trying to accomplish something you should never have tried in the first place. It's for your own good. You won't live a delusional and second-rate life that way. Believe me... or just ask Yukiko-chan, she can tell you how horrifying it is to experience being violated on a weekly basis." Naoto's eyes widened as she suddenly realized the implications of that last statement. Souji's gaze now appeared predatory as Naoto walked back slowly in aghast fear, she turned around, body still trembling and tears still falling. She sprinted away as far as she could go to get away from Souji. Souji chuckled shaking his head happily.
'They're so... easy.'
Naoto promptly threw up at the river of the Samegawa flood plain upon arrival.
She had been aimlessly running in fear and shock at what Seta Souji had revealed. A teen was actively raping a classmate on a weekly basis? Never mind the popularity of the classmate, or the fact he had been able to gain such control in a short amount of time. He was dangerous, a sexual predator as well from the looks of it, could she even stop him? She honestly didn't know. Her conversation hadn't been recorded as she had thought she would simply make him uncomfortable with her piercing but subtle taunts. Reviewing his profile, she had thought for sure that nothing could really be gained that could lead to an arrest on the first interrogation... an amateur mistake. It hadn't really mattered either since she hadn't been conducting an official police investigation but her own personal one out of interest. She should have suspected something when she had heard Tatsumi say that Seta had been spying on their conversation at the textile shop. Naoto was at a complete loss. Choked sobs came out as tears cascaded down. She had underestimated him for being a typical high school student and he had proved he was just as dangerous with hunting for information on her. What was she to do? What could be done? She was utterly terrified at this point. Assuming that his comment about Amagi-san was true..., it meant she was in danger of being sexually abused herself if she got in his way. Even with her family connections, he had still threatened her, and he had connections of his own in this town thanks to Amagi. Naoto felt like a complete child as well. Like she had just been playing games with her work on lesser crimes before and had just stepped into a case more serious than she had ever imagined it would be..., rape, unfortunately, wasn't an uncommon case. Naoto had never dealt with such a case of that magnitude. Seta's brutal assaults to her psyche had also reinforced this. She had always been told of the dangers... always been warned... by adults she knew, teachers when she told them of the profession she wanted to undertake, and even her own grandfather... Had she really been completely stupid the entire time? Just a naïve child that didn't know what the hell she was even getting into? Her grandfather always tried warning her of dangers but..., looking back at it, never did address the true dangers as directly as Seta had. Other people had warned her of dangers as well, the insults from everyday police officers she had worked with for being a child and a girl had got to her at times. Naoto had read books and cases... but never experienced such a threat herself. She had always been sure she could handle herself but Seta had utterly crushed such thoughts so easily with just a few biting remarks. The danger was real and announcing publicly that she had been threatened would reveal her gender to all (assuming Seta didn't plan on doing so already) and ruin any possible cooperation she had wanted with the Inaba police department due to Seta's uncle whom was seen as a hard working a respectable Detective of the town. Then there was the Midnight channel..., Chie had obviously been delirious when speaking of it when she had questioned her at Chie's home. A world inside a TV was utterly ridiculous... but what did that leave? Nothing... just a mystery she couldn't piece together. She thought for sure she would obtain a lead by trying to scare Seta Souji, hoping for some sort of opening or to antagonize him enough to make him worry and slip-up at a later time in regards to Yukiko Amagi but now that she knew what was happening...? There was no way she could pin it on Seta with Masato Kato being convicted for the torture of Amagi-san and the murder of Hanamura-san. He clearly had some control over the hospital... and that was likely why he knew of her secret. What could she even do...? Naoto felt so helpless. On one hand, she was now terrified of Seta Souji... on the other she would be letting so much torture and possible deaths continue just by walking away... What about her grandfather? No..., even her grandfather would be hard pressed to believe a high school student had got away with getting a doctor convicted, especially when Amagi was found in the man's closet. It wasn't like she had any evidence to back-up any statements she made anyway. Naoto decided to simply sit and think by the river. Her mind was racing a mile a minute, it would be good to have some solitude to calm herself and think rationally. She didn't notice the figure slowly approaching behind her, at first. Naoto turned her head and looked at the figure in surprise once the footsteps could be heard close enough. She looked at him quizzically. "Can I help you...?" asked Naoto, uncertainty in her voice. She was confused about why he was here. "Hello," replied the person cheerily, "the name's Adachi, would you by any chance be the detective prince I've heard so much about?"On Tuesday, May 17th Souji was convinced that there was only one real prerequisite connection regarding the people who were being thrown into the TV...
"Hel-LO, dear viewers... It's time for 'Bad, Bad Bathhouse'!" spoke Shadow Kanji on the TV, "Tonight, I'll introduce a superb site for those searching for sublime love that surpasses the separation of the sexes!" 'They're all secretly whores.' thought Souji, staring at the TV in disbelief, 'Every single one of them has had a secret desire for a good fuck.' 'Seriously, WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT?' The idiocy he was staring at now made him honestly believe that theory could be possible regardless of how unlikely it was. Looking back at it, the reporter fucked someone else's husband, Yukiko wanted a good fuck, Kanji DEFINITELY did from the evidence here, and Saki Konishi? Who the fuck knew? Maybe she was BSDM? The girl sure as hell liked torturing herself for a job she never seemed to have wanted in the first place. Maybe Inaba itself was full of stupid perverts? Souji had got hot ass early in his arrival to the town so it wasn't entirely too unbelievable. It was one thing to be gay, Souji personally had no problems with that, he simply hated Kanji for being a complete dumbass, it was another thing to flaunt their gay shit so excessively and want viewers to watch them fuck each other... what was worse was this meant in the literal sense instead of the figurative. Souji turned off his TV. He felt like he was going to hurl. He had to save this guy? The fucker clearly hadn't listened to the warning (at least not enough for Kanji to keep himself out of danger) and Souji had actually actively tried to be a good Samaritan in this case and only got bruised and stepped on for it... and yet again, in the most literal sense of the term. 'God, this sucks... I really, REALLY don't want to bother saving this idiot.' thought Souji, annoyed, even more so because there was no long-term monetary or sexual reward that could be gained. This combined with the fight and personal humiliation of being stepped because of Kanji had really made Souji even more pissed off about the current predicament than he would have been. 'Yukiko will definitely want me to even though he hit her but only because she cares for his mother...' Yukiko wouldn't, however, actively go against him. Her family came first and foremost and she wasn't even in a position where she could do anything. He wanted Kanji dead. That was for certain, but he needed to make it look like an accident and Souji no longer had a scapegoat he could use like with Yukiko's bruises and Yosuke's death. 'I don't need one.' Souji had finally come to a decision, 'Idiots make-up whatever excuses they can from superstition to basing their belief off a field they lack any substantial knowledge of. Getting rid of Kanji might even be easier than when I injured Chie.' While he could let TV land run its course, it would be counterproductive to his entire motivation of decreasing Dojima's hardships. So, the answer was simple: make it look like something else happened. This was going to be perfect. Finally! Revenge! Souji smiled a very serene smile as he got ready for bed.Two days later, Souji had made time to look for Kanji and had easily tracked the bath house's location with his heat seeking ability however a huge wave of revulsion swelled within Souji as he arrived. The comments coming from all around the area just made him feel even more nauseous. The bathhouse's defined stench and hot temperature was already getting to Souji upon arrival.
"C'mere, pussycat..." spoke Shadow Kanji's voice from all around, "Oh... such well-defined pecs..." Souji becoming increasingly more irritated with the comments, the hot atmosphere around the bathhouse, and the fact he fucking felt like a total idiot for forgetting to wear lighter clothing decided to simply speak his mind. "Fuck you!" shouted Souji, upon realizing what he said, Souji's eyes widened as he hastily added, "Wait! Forget, I said that!" The same sense of humiliation came back at him full force with the Shadow's response. "There's no need to be scared..." replied Shadow Kanji, "Now, just relax..." Souji felt like he was going to barf. Just a few seconds in and he already felt the impulse to smash the guy's face in. 'I'm gonna do worse than just kill him.' thought Souji, 'This guy's thoughts are worse than Yukiko's whining and I thought that couldn't be possible!' Upon walking into the entrance Souji scowled as a Kanji wearing nothing but a bath towel around his hip turned around smiling. Lights out of nowhere blared as a Shadow Kanji spoke with a microphone in his hand. "Oooooh, my my!" said Shadow Kanji, seeing Souji had finally arrived, "Thank you for your undivided attention!" "At last, I've penetrated the facility!" 'That's it' thought Souji, as he ran up to hack the shadow to pieces, 'I'm ending this shit as quickly as possible.' It was too bad for Souji that the shadow ran off and summoned its apparent subordinate as a distraction. Souji would come to regret choosing to ignore the shadow just to pulverize his subordinate out of frustration.Souji broke open the final door to Kanji's location. He was pissed off with how long it had taken. If not for the steam and the heat all over the place the trip upward to this specific room on this specific floor would have been MUCH shorter. Souji's hatred for this place had increased tenfold. It's floors, its oppressive steamy atmosphere, and just about everything! The monsters had been easy to deal with, so easy that he hadn't bothered to summon Bloody Izanagi the entire trip upward. And why the fuck would he? To make Bloody Izanagi suffer the same cruel atmosphere when his help wasn't even needed? Yeah, right.
'Oh fuck no!' thought Souji, upon seeing the events in front of him. 'Not this time, not fucking again, and if I can help it, not ever again!' "I-I..." said the real Kanji, at a loss for words at what his shadow was telling him. He had been struck into silence at whatever the shadow was telling him. "Oh, come now, enough with the charade. Isn't it awful to deceive people? To deceive yourself...?" spoke the shadow, "What's so bad about doing what I want to do?" "That has nothin' to do with- AHHHHH!" Kanji stopped speaking to the shadow and hollered in pain as Souji had just cut his left arm off with his sword. The limb fell off as blood sprayed all around the area from the fresh wound. Souji then slammed the hilt of the sword on the back of Kanji's head knocking him out. He wasn't going to fucking wait around for Kanji to do something stupid. Shadow Kanji stared in momentary shock at what had just happened within the brief few seconds of Souji entering the room. Whatever the shadow had planned to do it didn't get the opportunity to do so as Souji immediately summoned Bloody Izanagi to eat Shadow Kanji. Kanji, the real one, was already on the floor unconscious. Souji slammed his right knee on Kanji's back and pulled his head back by holding on tightly to Kanji's hair with his left hand. Souji then repeatedly slammed Kanji's face on the hard floor. Each slams using more force than the last. Raising his head, tightening his grip, and then slamming the stupid fucker's face on the floor! Souji was repeating the motions continuously until he felt satisfied. Souji couldn't care less if the idiot deserved it or not. What was important was that Souji himself was frustrated and it was because of how this idiot treated him. Souji didn't let up until he noticed the pool of blood on the floor. Finally he raised Kanji's head up one final time and simply let go. He got off Kanji and simply watched for a few moments. Kanji's face was facing his left side, where Souji was standing. Bloody Izanagi already finished its meal. It had shimmered back into Souji's breast pocket some time ago. Souji assessed the damage he had done. A few broken teeth, a severely broken nose, and a lot of blood coming from all over Kanji's face. There were severe bruises on the face, of course. The arm he had chopped off lay in between where Souji stood and where Kanji lay unconscious. It was twitching due to the nerves. Souji noticed he had severed the arm off from the shoulder blade and Kanji would likely die soon of blood loss from the arm if he wasn't rushed to a hospital quickly. Fortunately beads had the distinct power of healing injuries in this world, so Souji was free to heal Kanji's wounds and beat upon his broken body all week if he wished. He had brought fifty beads with him just to make sure and hadn't suffered any injuries when arriving here. He could freely heal Kanji's less severe wounds and stop the blood loss. He couldn't do anything about the arm though, not that he cared to begin with, Kanji would forever live life as a cripple. 'This isn't good enough.' thought Souji, unimpressed with himself, 'This stupid ass deserves more.' Souji raised the sword he had been holding with his right hand and took out some beads from his pant pocket in his left. 'This is gonna be soooo much fun.' thought Souji gleefully, 'He'll never bother me again or have the chance to. And I get to screw-up his entire life. Not that anyone in the town would truly care apart from his mom.' 'By tonight, he'll wish the serial killer had killed him like the two others.'"Oops... sorry, uh.., did I catch you at a bad time?" asked Adachi, he had a look of uncertainty when gazing at Naoto and scratched the back of his head with his left hand. "I..uh, you were just alone and I thought that now was a good as time as any, you know?"
Naoto had been sitting alone at the Samegawa tunnel, on the wooden floorboard, sitting by herself just gazing out at the water trying to think of what to do. "I..." began Naoto uncertainly, she decided to get up and turn around to give Adachi her full attention. "Um... what do you need...?" Naoto had spoken softly, her gaze was downward, she didn't want to face this right now but it could be important. The man was one of the detectives from the precinct if she remembered correctly. "Um..., so are you the detective prince or is that just a, uh.., cosplay?" asked Adachi, with a look of befuddlement on his features. "I mean... I want to make sure..." Naoto looked at him with the expression of surprise. If Naoto hadn't been a serious person or even in such a poor mood, she would have started laughing at the idiocy surrounding that statement. Naoto looked at the man as if he were an idiot. 'THIS is one of Inaba's finest? Just how does this man conduct his investigations?' thought Naoto, Naoto couldn't help but keep the expression on her face due to the man's words. 'Do these people have any hope of catching the serial killer?' "I am Shirogane Naoto, yes." replied Naoto, looking up at the man expectantly. Adachi only gazed at her with a questioning look. They stayed like that for a few minutes before Naoto mentally kicked herself for not understanding how slow this man was. "I am the Detective Prince." It was a single statement and it seemed to have clicked to the man that he had found whom he was looking for. "Oh good!" said Adachi, appearing happy to have found whom he was looking for, "I was hoping you weren't some fake just cosplaying as him." "Um... right..." said Naoto, not knowing what to make of that statement. "So... could you please get to the point?" She didn't have the patience to deal with something like this right now and so was trying to be polite as possible. Adachi merely nodded happily in response. "Well...uh.., Shirogane-san, was it?" began Adachi, he seemed unsure of himself. Naoto merely nodded as a reply. She didn't want to sound annoyed. "The precinct got word that you were conducting your own investigation and... well, they didn't have anything better for me to do but send me as an errand boy to check what someone as famous as you was doing in little old Inaba." Adachi rubbed the back of his head and laughed at this. Naoto gave him a slightly annoyed look. 'Now of all times?' thought Naoto, 'I... I have to pull a confident appearance but...' It was how people always needed to appear, especially detectives. Confidence was a key factor in assuring others of one's capabilities. The truth of the matter was however, that she just so unsure of herself due to what had happened and she wasn't even sure what she wanted to do anymore. Thinking quickly, an idea popped into Naoto's head. "I'm... simply here to observe." said Naoto plainly, while she doubted lying about coming on vacation wouldn't trick this fool. The people he was reporting to wouldn't be as easy and likely wouldn't believe such a story. "If I may be so blunt: The mysterious double-homicide piqued my interest. It's rare that such mysterious cases ever happen and I am willing to help the police department in any way I can if they need my assistance. No charge." Perfect, or as perfect as such a lie could ever be. Hopefully it would satisfy the hounds at the precinct and if not? "You should tell your Captain that there are other parties interested in this case." The media, the local government, and the people should be what they were more concerned about. Instead of feeling threatened over her because of her age and presence in the area. "Ah, I think that would just get me in trouble." joked Adachi, chuckling at what he thought was a joke. Naoto wasn't amused. "You think that's a joke?" asked Naoto, was she being treated like a kid even when viewed as an embarrassing threat? "I would suggest you take my words more seriously." The precinct was losing the respect and confidence of the people. Anybody could see that. Perhaps this man was 'special' even by the standards of a moron? "No, I-I didn't mean to offend you!" said Adachi, putting his hands up in defense, "I-I just meant that... well, my Captain would punish me with more paperwork if I said that to him! I mean, he'll probably think I'm insulting him!" Naoto looked at him with a hardened gaze. She didn't believe him. "Why would he not? I'm assuming he sent you hear to ask what my intentions were, correct?" said Naoto, Naoto had meant that statement too since she didn't want the police uselessly coming to her to "check up" on her or worse, somehow accuse her out of desperation instead of doing their job properly. "Just tell him I said that." "Well... uh, if you really care so much than why don't you do it?" posed Adachi, trying to get out of the situation and push it on her, "He'll take you more seriously than me." Naoto just stared at him incredulously. Was this man being serious? 'Is this man really a police officer?' thought Naoto, 'Because he certainly seems more like a practical joker... or a clown.' "Adachi-san, with all due respect," began Naoto, "I question the logic behind allowing me to answer for a task you were given by your commanding officer." "What exactly makes me more reliable? Certainly he would trust anything you had to say over me since you're his subordinate and it's your job to begin with..." Adachi politely shook his head. Naoto raised an eyebrow and gave him a questioning look. "Well, you're famous... so people are more likely to listen to you..." said Adachi, slowly, shrugging while having said the statement. "It's the truth." Naoto simply shook her head in disagreement. While fame did help with popularizing some product or other useless junk, it couldn't help convince the Captain of a precinct about her honest intentions regarding the case... especially when she wasn't sure what she wanted to do at the moment. "I think he would simply get angry at the both of us if I were to do as you were told." said Naoto, "And I don't believe a man in such a respectable position would simply believe me because of how well-known I am." In Naoto's opinion, this man was being childish and in Adachi's opinion, Naoto was being unrealistic. Adachi just shook his head in disagreement. Naoto lost what little patience she had at that point. She couldn't stand to be around this idiot any longer especially if all he was going to do was try and push his work on her. "I'm sorry but I must be going." lied Naoto, wishing to get away from him, she bowed respectfully and ran off before Adachi could say anything. Adachi just scowled after she left and headed back for the precinct. 'Stupid kid thinks he's right about everything.' He thought, 'Just like everybody else, always whining about how they're never wrong in what they say.'The day after Souji's trip to Kanji's bathhouse, Kanji's body was found in a grotesque and critical condition nearby a dumpster by his mother's textile shop. His mother, who found him, rushed him to the Inaba municipal hospital as quickly as she could. The doctors rushed Kanji to the emergency room quickly upon spotting him during his arrival. Upon examination and treatment of Kanji's body, the doctors found scarred cuts and bruises all over the boy's body from what could only be described as wounds from sword stabs, broken teeth that had to be removed, and a broken nose which could be fixed with surgery. The missing teeth and arm were never recovered from the site of where he was found. The doctors were eventually able to clear Kanji out of the critical condition his body was found in but could do nothing but wait until he recovered from his coma.
The police hadn't found any leads since there weren't any footprints or fingerprints found on Kanji or around the crime scene. His mother reported that she had found his hair completely soaked as if someone had taken the time to thoroughly hose his head. The police investigating the case seemed certain that this was a case of a premeditated attack and questioned the biker's that Kanji had picked fights with over the course of his life since the 8th grade. When finding no leads and even more unfortunately, no clues at the scene. They decided to wait to see if the boy would recover from his coma. Some police at the station spoke secretly about how they had expected something like this to happen for some time especially when Kanji had been reported missing by his mother. Most denizens of Inaba felt bad for his grieving mother as some secretly wanted Kanji to have disappeared. The boy's mother, distraught over the state that she found her own child in, closed her shop to grieve over what happened. Unfortunately, after the police let most of the biker gangs free from questioning, some returned nearby the textile shop to ride freely without the threat of the scary bully in the way. The more vocal bikers remarked openly about how Kanji had got the karma that was coming to him. Kanji's mother, upon hearing these boastful comments from within her shop, in her emotional state, snapped at the bikers. She came out of the shop and threw whatever textiles she could find in her mad dash for the door. She, much unlike her kind and sweet demeanor, openly cursed the bikers, accusing them of having harmed her poor son, and started balling up and throwing textiles at them. Although most of the biker's laughed at the attempts of the old woman, one of the more annoyed biker's decided to try and scare her. The biker sped at the old woman at a fast speed, intending to circle around her to scare her; Kanji's mother had thrown a textile directly at his incoming bike. The biker was immediately blinded at the piece of cloth covered the biker's vision and fellow bikers watched in horror as their friend crashed into the old woman and fell off the bike. When the police and EMT's arrived at the scene, due to passerby calling them to tell what happened, the biker's who witnessed the incident were rounded up and sent to the precinct again. The biker that crashed into Kanji's mother was sent to the hospital due to injury. The biker was found to have broken her arm once doctors could properly examine her and she was later told by the police that the old woman whom she had crashed into had died on impact. She was convicted of second-degree manslaughter at her trial.Souji smiled when he heard of his accomplishment on the local news. He thanked Bloody Izanagi for volunteering getting the body to the textile shop after he had washed Kanji's head in one of the empty bathrooms of the Inaba municipal hospital. Letting Bloody Izanagi simply fly away with him after opening one of the larger windows had been easy enough.
Souji owed a lot to his Persona and had no qualms with believing he'd be nothing without Bloody Izanagi. But, Bloody Izanagi was him in a sense, so it was all good.
"Well, isn't this disappointing?" said Souji, rhetorically, with his mouth curving slightly upward. "It seems that due to Hanamura-san's tragic death, we'll only be a party of three."
Chie narrowed her eyes at that as Yukiko continued to eat the food in her bento. Typically, Chie would be left alone when the school went on the break period since everyone in the classroom would leave and be off to their own devices for it. Unfortunately for Chie, her two least liked people of all, Seta Souji and that stupid traitor, Amagi, had stayed in class to eat their lunch this time. Chie was now further down in the row to Souji's left, having taken Yosuke's old seat, since Souji had taken Chie's previous seat behind Yukiko back when Yukiko had pretended to be her friend. Yukiko had turned her desk around so that Seta and her could both face each other and eat lunch together as Souji had wanted. Due to the classroom now being devoid of anyone but the three of them Souji had taken the opportunity to speak aloud despite not looking in Chie's direction. "If you have something to say to me then say it to my face!" yelled Chie in response, aggravated over being treated like a second-class human being ever since the incident in which Yukiko had broken up their friendship. Ever since she had returned to school with injuries nobody gave her any attention unless it was to insult her for being a thief at Yosuke's father's store or, worse, being the serial killer who was responsible for the mysterious murders. Chie had become aggravated and hateful. She hated coming to school now and wished her parents hadn't become so poor now so that she could just leave here. Although a rich family had paid for her initial medical expenses in turn for the heir, some young upstart of a detective, coming to her for a line of questioning; it had quickly changed once Chie was healthy enough to move around despite the need for a crutch and a cast. Chie still had yet to recover from her injuries and had to go for check-ups at the local hospital. Once the negative attention had simmered away the hospital accepted her back into treatment but the expenses for all her injuries had begun piling-up and her parents were too proud to ask a rich family for help again. They had stopped giving her treatment under the assumption they could go to the hospital since they had agreed to re-admit her for check-ups. The help had been voluntary and with Chie no longer being in immediate life-threatening danger, her parents simply wanted to deal with the debt themselves without any outside involvement so they wouldn't look like needy or helpless beggars especially with how the town currently viewed them... or rather her. "Oh?" began Souji, amused by her abrasive tone. Chie wanted to sock him. "Should I go tell one of our sensei's that you're trying to pick fights with a fellow student or are you going to be a good girl?" Chie almost flung something at him with her good hand. The fucker was using the fact that even the teachers hadn't treated her with any respect like the students. They would grade her harshly, ignore her raised hands, and told her she would have to stay outside of class if she began to get more vocal in her anger over the treatment. Chie balled her fist in anger as she clenched her teeth. She wished they would just go away. "Now, come over here and sit with us or I'll have to inform our Sensei's of your misbehavior." said Souji, turning to face her with a small smirk. "You wouldn't want that, right?" Souji turned away to begin eating his food again. Chie almost growled before calming herself. She grabbed her crutch after packing her bento and fastening the string around her cast tightly. She moved over there with her crutch and stood between the desks where Souji and Yukiko were seated waiting for one of them to pull up a desk for her to connect with theirs. Yukiko ignored her in favor of her food. Souji gave a quick glance at her before returning to his. "Go pull up your own seat and stop wasting time." said Souji, simply, implying that Chie was an idiot. Chie scowled. She turned around, placing her bento on the desk directly to Souji's left and moving it to fit right next to his desk before collapsing on it. She panted from the stress she had just built-up over Souji's harassment. How she wished her body could recover, then she would show him. She untied her bento box and carefully placed it on her desk before opening it to begin eating while futilely trying to ignore their closer proximity. She didn't have to speak with them just because she was here, right? "Well then, now that you've decided to be nicer to us," said Souji, trying to goad her into snapping at him. "Yukiko-chan, please tell Satonaka-san our plans for the camping trip." Chie stopped eating to look at Yukiko. Yukiko looked up at Chie with a blank expression. Chie took it as an implication that Yukiko didn't care about her condition. She wasn't surprised. The traitor's money making inn was more important than some 'lousy' friendship after all. "Oh, um, I've decided to make the food... so..." Yukiko stopped speaking for a moment. Her lips thinned as she got a better look at Chie's tired form... and just from moving a simple desk. She quickly tried moving her explanation along so she could better ignore Chie's condition. "Your... your assistance isn't required. I'll be making the food preparations; I've become better at it thanks to being taught on how to properly cook a meal as part of my training in case I need to act as a replacement for one of the workers." "You shouldn't stress yourself over menial tasks. We both decided it's better for your recovery if you don't pressure yourself during the camping trip so we can avoid you getting into any... injuries." Chie felt insulted. Not only had they decided to decide on what to do without letting her be part of the decision making but they had also essentially told her that she would be nothing more than a burden. "Well, you can go back to your seat now." interrupted Souji, ordering her, Chie turned to face him. "Be sure to move the seat back and move to where you were before." 'That was it?' thought Chie, angered. Closing her bento box and quickly re-tying it to her cast. 'They had me walk to them and move a desk for that? UGGHH' She angrily moved the desk back and slammed her body on the seat she had been sitting before. Unfortunately, her bento string and untied itself and her food had fallen on the floor as a result. The food was all over the floor and Chie would have to clean it up quickly before the students or teachers came so she wouldn't get in trouble. Souji almost laughed out loud.Souji relaxed on his futon, propping his heads behind his head and entangling the fingers. He smirked within his tent happy over how well things had panned out for him so far in Inaba. He had sent Bloody Izanagi out to give Yukiko the word for the task he was going to give her. Everything had gone so perfectly. Souji was genuinely happy at how his life had improved in ways that surpassed even his dreams. Before coming here he thought it was going to be another dump he would be forced to endure for another year before his parents picked him up by the middle of summer to dump him somewhere else.
After gaining a Persona with the absolute thrill of the TV land and the fighting he had become more than happy with his daily life. Souji planned to make it permanent, he didn't give a damn what it took, he was never going to leave Inaba if he could ever help it. He didn't give a shit about what laws, authority, or "logic" that his parents, the "authorities", the courts, or even the relatives that he was staying with (in this instance just his uncle) would say or do. He simply didn't care. He would kill anyone who so much as bothered him with this dream of his short of Nanako since he cared for her and she couldn't possibly do anything anyway. He was staying in Inaba forever and nothing would stop that from happening. He didn't even give a damn if it escalated to police officers with guns or reporters with cameras, he would never ever leave. He had powers to make sure of that. He knew, of course, that he couldn't let it come to that, his deep seeded hate for his parents didn't blind him to try and purposely creating the situation that would make him completely disadvantaged. He had the perfect plan to make sure his parents wanted nothing to do with him. They didn't really put much thought into him anyway, they merely desired to keep him so that he may somehow take care of them when they were older, and otherwise they would have ditched him years ago. In retrospect, he could just have Bloody Izanagi kill them if nothing else worked but then he could be considered a suspect of murder and the paranoia of Inaba might cause 'misplacement' of blame upon him with strange conspiracy theories. Souji mulled over doing that anyway since his parents never gave a damn about his wellbeing as he grew-up and hadn't thought of him much beyond being a potential way to be taken care of in the future. In Souji's opinion, his parents were nothing more than uncaring jackasses. The flap of his tent opened up as Yukiko came in and re-zipped the tent once she had entered. Getting past Morooka hadn't been difficult at all once Souji had asked Bloody Izanagi to take him out. Mooroka wasn't dead. He was simply knocked out and too drunken into a stupor to wake-up anytime soon. Souji had discovered how laughably easy it was to get Yukiko passed the only teacher on duty of watching the students. The only truly difficult part had been knocking out Chie with those sleeping pills he had her place in Chie's food. Chie wouldn't know or potentially make a fuss over Yukiko's sudden disappearance from their tent and Mooroka could very well lose his job once students and other faculty on the trip discovered the state he was in the middle of the tent grounds. "Take those stupid sleeping garments off." said Souji, not bothering to move from his relaxed position. Yukiko began taking her pajamas off. They were the typical set of pajamas, plain pink, long sleeved, and made of cotton. Souji couldn't very well have her walking outside stark naked in case someone did see her. "Lay next to me on your sides, facing me." Noting the serious tone, Yukiko quickly did as told. Since Souji had the tent to himself he had made the futon spacious enough for two people for the specific purpose of having Yukiko lay to his right. He would amend the fact she was still wearing her bra and panties soon enough. Yukiko laid her body at her sides facing him. She had grown accustomed to being ordered around in such degrading situations, she began adjusting to the orders in an almost automatic response. If Souji told her to jump then she would jump, there was never a question of how high she was supposed to jump. Such hardened conditioning had been forced on her and she had learned to endure by becoming both emotionally numb and expectant of it all. She wasn't immune to its effects completely but she had realized soon that crying and misery wouldn't even do her any good. She couldn't even afford to express sadness outwardly when she was away from Souji lest her parents or the inn staff found out and that would jeopardize their safety due to Souji's Persona power. Her parents were very protective of her since she was an only daughter, they would immediately jump the gun and her father or mother could very well try to attack Souji in an open setting, possibly with her Inn staff, who thought of her as their own family. She simply couldn't allow that. She couldn't bare her family hurt which was why she turned a blind-eye to what had happened to Kanji. It was safer for her and her family if she didn't try to get too involved. Yukiko could never live with herself if everyone she cared for was killed because she simply didn't want to humiliate herself even if it went so far into being sexually abused. She had grown hardened to the treatment and expected these abuses with Souji to possibly last her whole lifetime. Yukiko had promised herself she would do everything she could to keep it a secret so her family wasn't potentially hurt. Yukiko even felt she deserved all of it for wanting to abandon her family and live on her own. Her body reacted to Souji's sexual advances after all and she knew it was true that she would have been little more than a continued failure had Souji not come along and give her a goal in life, even if it was in the worst way possible for her. In Yukiko's mind, she thought of herself as truly unable to be anything more than what Souji told her she was. Being routinely humiliated and violated, feeling his penetration of the inside of her buttocks was a constant testament to that. She was his. If she made him happy then she wasn't a total failure and she could achieve her best only if he gave her the approval she needed from him. "I want to make sure I remember this day for the rest of my life..." spoke Souji, still in his ever-so content position, "And I want to make sure you remember it for the rest of yours. I want this to be the day we find the best possible way for you to introduce me to your family and to make you understand better..." Souji sounded thoughtful. A devilish smile was on his face as his eyes moved to look at her. Yukiko said nothing. He hadn't told her to speak after all. Souji moved his right arm away from the back of his head for a flimsy hand gesture signifying she was allowed to ask questions before entangling his fingers behind his head again. He had made it a point to train her to act the way he wanted during the time of their sexual encounters before he got to fucking her up the ass. His own natural demeanor in those moments had also helped her training as Souji's pet. "W-what do you mean, Souji-kun?" asked Yukiko, slowly and carefully. She felt a feeling of foreboding overtake her and she prayed it meant nothing bad for her parents. While she had become his sex toy under the threat of her loved ones being hurt, that didn't mean he wouldn't try to hurt them. In truth, he could physically overpower her anytime and do whatever he wanted. This deal just made it easier and her more willing. If Souji started picking off her Inn staff there would be little she could, or rather would, do or say unless he made a move to directly harm her parents. Yukiko realized that while she may have thought she loved them like family and had grown up with them since she was an infant... they were, ultimately, secondary priorities when it came down to the possibility of a real danger effecting her parents, whom she loved much more. "Nothing bad to any of them, of course." said Souji, giving Yukiko a wave of relief despite his smile. Souji turned his body to face her and looked at her more directly. He adjusted his arms to suit his new position. His left hand, now completely free of entanglement with his right hand, began stroking around Yukiko's belly. "That would be counterproductive... what I really want is for an impressionable way for me to introduce myself to them." "I told my parents what you wanted me to tell them about you, Souji-kun..." said Yukiko, making sure to tread carefully, allowing her to ask questions didn't mean she could freely ask what she wanted. It was only a game to stroke Souji's ego. It made her feel helplessly in the dark about what he was planning. "Word spread around so fast, since it's a small place in Inaba, but they were impressed with what I said about you during dinner, the day when you told me to accept you as my boyfriend at school in front of everyone." Yukiko was speaking of the students within the classroom who had witnessed their acting within the classroom stage to garner publicity and establish Souji's position within the small community. Souji's roaming left hand went inside Yukiko's underwear as he pinched her ass to make her squeak like a good girl before continuing to roam her front body. "Yes, but that was only short-term, and its relevance has dried-up with everyone since then." replied Souji, curtly, he didn't think much of it anymore. Yukiko frowned slightly in fear. What did this mean? "You've... performed brilliantly as my bitch, Yukiko-chan." Yukiko heard the hint of approval and felt ashamed over the pride that she had felt over those words. She wasn't a failure to everyone now though. She was someone important now and it was all because Souji had pushed her. She knew she couldn't have become a good manager of the Amagi Inn's affairs if not for his demands. She had worked hard because of it and her parents were now prepared to give her full control of the inn, even to go so far as transfer the legal custody of it solely to her. Officially she was the Amagi Inn's co-supervisor (with her mother) and general manager. Her parents wanted to give her full custody though, she was 16 and of legal age to. All that was really the problem... was that she needed to drop out of school so she could manage the Amagi Inn's affairs with her full attention and authority. Unlike most parents, Yukiko's parents didn't care if she dropped out of school so long as it was for the purpose of running her family inn. They expected good grades from her in school because she was giving her full time to school and spending her lifetime going their but if she were to drop out to join the family inn? Her family would be delighted that she had taken up the family mantle to run their family's pride. Yukiko had realized that Souji had also been right and that she had made a bigger fuss over her own problems than what it really had been. Her parents had asked her if she had wanted to try running the Amagi Inn back during Mayumi Yamano incident and she had agreed without any complaint. She had then made a big deal within herself about being forced into it when it hadn't been true and she felt like a failure due to her own stupid confusion. Once Souji ran her life for her it had all changed and, as much as she wished it wasn't true sometimes, it had changed for the better. Her family was happy, her Inn staff was happy, and while she herself wasn't happy it didn't change the fact that her own tendency to make any problem more problematic than it really had been was what set off everything that happened to her. Yukiko felt that it truly was all her fault for failing to see reality due to her own biased and narrow perception at the time. When she realized this after Souji had broken her, she had come to believe that Souji had a right to do what he had been doing to her as punishment for her failure to see reality because of her being so incredibly stupid in the first place. In Yukiko's mind, due to this realization combined with Souji having taken control of her life with the demoralizing atmosphere he always presented, such as the constant taunts to her psyche, Yukiko herself felt she was nothing more than a pathetic piece of shit dependant solely on Souji for any merit in her own worth. The other aspect of these feelings, however, had been Yukiko's own guilt. Yukiko felt completely guilty over having deluded her problems and thus felt it was her duty to make sure her family was as safe as possible. By appeasing to Souji's every whim, it could guarantee that her own stupidity wouldn't hurt her family. Yukiko had become increasingly dependent on making Souji happy because of this and had even come to believe that, as a result of her loved ones feeling proud of her accomplishments, that being Souji's property was the only way to make her parents proud of her. It was working well so far, right? "You're really good at it, you know. I always thought it was the right place in life for you. You could call our encounter in that other world destiny itself... the proof is your performance. You did exactly as I told you without much resistance when we first met, you succeeded in getting rid of that doctor as I had wanted, you broke your friendship with Chie as I asked, you only refer to me in the 'kun' suffix now ever since I punished you, and you succeeded in drugging Chie." "I..." Yukiko didn't know how to properly respond. On one hand, she felt acknowledged for doing things she was told to successfully... and on the other hand it had hurt to have thrown away the ability to make her own choices in her life and her friendship. She had done them though and would do anything he asked. She wanted to make her parents proud, to keep them safe, and part of her, as much as she hated to admit it sometimes, felt a sense of happiness from Souji's words. The fact she could do something right for everyone who gave her any amount of worth... all she had to do was what Souji told her to do. It was simple. "Tell me, what do you think I meant when I told you that you would be mine 'now and forever' back when we were at the hospital?" asked Souji, Yukiko was treading carefully and had never usually been told to speak openly much. Souji enjoyed watching her little mental struggle while he groped her with his left hand. It made it all the more difficult for her to concentrate because she was being aroused. Yukiko couldn't help but make a few grunts of pleasure as Souji's hand traveled to her bare thighs and around the waistline beneath her panties. "Doing what you say... always... a-and," Yukiko stuttered trying to focus as Souji rubbed in between her waistline, escalating the pleasure rapidly, "And... m-making sure to keep it a secret." Souji chuckled a little which mounted fear within Yukiko despite the pleasurable menstruations he continued to give her. Souji shook his head slightly. "Not quite." said Souji, the fear in Yukiko increased. "Those are really just the responsibilities, some of them temporary, for what you are for me." He didn't say to me, he had said for me to solidify the fact she was nothing more than his property in even the most basic of speech so that the idea would be re-affirmed to her on a subconscious level as well. "Yukiko-chan... I have a plan for you and for me so that we can stay together forever. A brilliant plan." said Souji, speaking of it serenely. There was a hint of happiness in his voice. The fear within Yukiko had lessened but only due to the increased confusion over Souji's constant cryptic words and the pleasure she was experiencing. While she feared what it was, she honestly thought it was best if she knew of it beforehand to possibly minimize the emotional impact of what he had planned. She wanted to continue to numb her own emotional pain. "It'll assure that you and I can come together and meet more often." Yukiko was already dredging what he was going to reveal but it was like a bitter pill, it had to be swallowed so one could become better. She needed to know what was going to happen to her now to prepare. What was he going to do with her? She wanted to make sure it didn't impact her family negatively and he already told her it was so he could keep himself in Inaba but what was it? "I guess I should stop alluding to it and simply tell you." said Souji, looking at her more seriously. Yukiko nodded in response at his expectant non-verbal demands for a response. Yukiko was thankful for this because it was difficult for her to concentrate with his left hand feeling her up. Souji then broke into a happy smile. "Out of kindness you get one guess on what it is, Yukiko-chan." Yukiko was momentarily stunned by the change in behavior with a kinder tone of voice. Her body was bogged by arousal from his touch. She quickly began composing herself and started playing his game like a good pet. What could it be? She had been wondering the entire time she was here and even before that. Money wasn't an issue, neither was a room at the Inn, or her performance. She was his open secret now and forever...? Yukiko felt bile rise-up as she came to the dreaded conclusion. 'No, it's for the best to make everyone safe...' thought Yukiko, she felt she was finally accepting the truth and thinking logically, 'I'm his tool. So that must be it. This was all just... preparation. I'm his, that's how it will always be and it's the only thing making me a better person.' "We-we're getting married?" asked Yukiko, tentatively, still not being able to speak properly due to Souji's exploring hand. "I... I mean, are we getting married, Souji-kun?" Souji put his hand underneath the back of her underwear and pinched her ass hard for her slight slip-up. Yukiko forced herself not to cry out in pain as he increased the pressure before letting go and slowly moving his fingers around the part of the area to give sensitive physical comfort. "Good, nice to see you accept your discipline without fucking crying every damn second now, bitch." spoke Souji, this time, ineloquently changing his mannerisms to surprise Yukiko. Souji had recently come to love his talent of playing the actor better than others could. Everyone projected their act upon the stages of home life, work life, and public life differently. Everyone played a specific part in those specific conditions and everyone acted accordingly. People always acted differently at home, at school, at work, and even out in the public. Only those who were stupid would not conform and wear the masks of socialism that was taught in all societies such as democratic ones. People who often didn't adhere to this strictness that was learned in society were better off not existing in most people's minds or so Souji believed. After all, if you didn't act like the same as everybody else then you had to be wrong. "But no, we are not getting married." said Souji, answering her question. Yukiko was now more confused and agitated than ever due to his hurtful pinching of her left butt cheek. Her ass took abuse from Souji on almost a weekly basis so it hurt her even more. "For your excellent dedication to the responsibilities I've bestowed upon you and now that you're in a position to take full control of your family inn. I've decided to graciously reward you." Souji stopped speaking and moved his left hand behind her back as he moved his right hand in between her armpit and the futon, causing her to move her raise her body a few inches instinctively. Souji unclasped her bra and threw it as far it could go behind him. He hadn't even bothered to look where it landed or turned his head away from Yukiko's nude body. Why would he? He just got a bigger boner than when he had been touching Yukiko. Yukiko was sexy after all even if she wasn't aware of it herself because she was such an idiot. "Take your panties off and give them to me." said Souji, in a strict and angry tone of voice. One she had not heard since the day in the castle within TV land or the hospital. Yukiko immediately complied. Yukiko handed it to Souji. Souji then threw the panties over with his left arm like he did with her bra. Souji made himself more comfortable and began fondling Yukiko's bare body. He incited pleasurable grunts and moans from her by doing so. He messaged Yukiko's breasts, pinched her nipples, and slowly moved his left hand down her naked body near her womanhood. Yukiko couldn't help but gasp over all the pleasurable sensations. Souji's boner hardened. He stopped fondling Yukiko's breasts with his right hand and moved them up to her face and firmly but gently held her chin in place by having his fingers wrapped around the left side of her chin with the his thumb on the opposite side. "Yukiko-chan," began Souji, speaking gently and eloquently once more, looking at her directly in the eyes. "Your reward is having the honor of being the mother of my child." 'I'm going to fuck this bitch's brains out.' thought Souji, gleefully, thinking over just how pleasurable this experience was going to be for both the physical reasons and for his status in Inaba. 'I always get a warm, fuzzy feeling when a great plan turns out so well. I haven't felt this much joy since cutting holes on that asshole, Tatsumi.' Yukiko was stunned. Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open agape. The shock within her stopped what reaction she would have immediately given. How do you react to such a statement? What could you say or do? Slowly, once it had sunk in, Yukiko closed her mouth and tried to think as Souji let go of her chin. 'Did he plan this from the start?' thought Yukiko, shame once again overtaking her for her mistakes. 'When he told me now and forever he had actually meant this? He... wasn't planning on being some dark secret that I would have to protect my family from for the rest of my life.' 'He had me do those things and wanted me to take ownership of the inn so that I could have enough revenue to support us both and... a child without him needing a job. The sexual abuse too... it was to prepare me for this.' Yukiko's body began to shake subconsciously. She couldn't help it... despite all the abuse and having her freedom taken from her in such a way, she had never thought it would come to this. Yukiko's self-loathing increased. She was so stupid wasn't she? Always too naïve to see what was really happening until it was spelled out for her! Souji had attempted to do this once before but her sniveling had won out that time and she had thought it a spur of the moment. Souji was truly the only thing that made her a better person. She was simply incapable of anything without him. Soft tears started to slowly trickle down her face as she started crying. She didn't sob though but the tears didn't stop. Yukiko had been conditioned to become numb to exactly what was going to happen now. Souji was going to take her virginity and Yukiko couldn't do anything about it. She had already quickly run the possibilities in her head and knew that if she tried to deny him in any possible way then he would most likely kill her and make it look like someone else did it. He already had Mooroka as a possible scapegoat just outside. Nothing could then stop him from killing her family and that was what she had worked so hard to try to prevent. It was even worse than that too. Even if she refused, he could force her into it anyway and if he decided to just kill her then he could go to her tent and rape Chie who was currently knocked out on sleeping pills that Yukiko herself duped her with. Yukiko couldn't ever live with either guilt and regardless of all that she was worthless without Souji anyway so becoming pregnant for him made sense. Despite everything though, Yukiko decided to beg for a request. Souji was being generous due to his eagerness in getting started. He didn't hurt her for the shaking, which had now stopped, or the crying. He was annoyed when Yukiko clasped her hands together again in a quasi-praying, quasi-begging motion. Souji never did mind that motion though because to Souji it signified that Yukiko subconsciously thought he had god qualities and that suited Souji just fine. If she was going to beg for him not to, however, then he was just going to fucking kill her after violating her. "Please," begged Yukiko, in a desperate tone of voice, her tears continuing as she almost sobbed, "Please, Souji-kun, be gentle to me." She used the suffix so he would be less inclined to harm her and made this request because she truly was inexperienced in this. She was begging him not to go rough and hurt her. Souji stopped to consider that for a moment before giving her a reply. "...Fine." said Souji, in an annoyed tone of voice, "Now shut up, lay on your back, and spread your legs." As always, Yukiko did as she was told. 'Finally' thought Souji, in glee over what he was about to do. He got up and stood in front of her wide legs as he began taking his own sleepwear off. 'I've waited so long to mount this bitch.' Reminiscent of their first encounter, Souji stared down at her fully nude body in dominance. He took off his sleeping shirt allowing Yukiko full view of his well-endowed physique that he had gained in TV land. In his eagerness to get it started he took his sleeping pants and underpants off at the same time. He tossed the clothes toward the direction he tossed Yukiko's clothes previously. Yukiko stared in wide-eyed shock over just how good Souji looked before recovering quickly once Souji got to his knees and positioned himself for entrance of her womanhood. Yukiko felt a shudder at the thought of just how much her life was going to change from herein. She didn't make a move to stop him though. She was already resolved over what she believed was the best decision regarding what would happen. Souji faced her at eye level once he began the penetration. Yukiko gasped silently as Souji entered her slowly. He had already made sure to make her body relatively sexually active with his prodding hands before he had begun but a little more work was needed to get Yukiko fully aroused. It was too bad Souji had lost his patience now that he was finally going to get what he wanted after so long. Souji pinned her arms to her sides as he started thrusting into her more fiercely and moved his mouth over her breasts to start sucking her left tit. "Ahhhaaa! AHHH!" Yukiko cried out, feeling the influx of both pleasure and pain. Souji stopped his suckling to order her to wrap her legs around his waist. Yukiko complied with his demand and began feeling greater force with every thrust from Souji thereafter. Souji wasn't yet completely satisfied, however, so he moved his arms away from hers and moved them behind her back. He moved his left hand around the back of her waist and his right hand around her neck and the lower part of her head. "Bitch!" hollered Souji, wanting to explore her more, "Tighter!" Yukiko wrapped her legs more tightly around Souji's waist allowing him to penetrate her further. He hoisted her up off the floor and began slamming into her even more. He began to thrust into her harder and faster than he had ever before. He began sucking her right tit as he pushed her closer to him. "Aaaaaah AH! AH! AHHH!" Yukiko screamed at the rapid and forceful invasion of her body feeling ashamed at the pleasure and horrified by the pain that was emitting within her body thanks to Souji. Yukiko could not think straight. Her body was suffering from a multitude of emotions but the most prominent of all was eventually the inner swelling of complete disgust and loathing toward herself. Souji kept pushing in move rapidly. Harder and harder, faster and faster, he wanted his head to explore her entrance more. The thrill of the exploration, the feeling he achieved in what he did, combined with the success of what he had accomplished, and the sexual pleasure all made him want to do it over and over, each time pushing in faster and harder than the last. He wanted more..., Souji stopped sucking Yukiko's right tit and moved her arms to make her hold onto him as he pushed her breasts together and began sucking both at the same time and increased his penetration of her. In and out, harder, harder, harder! More pleasure, more ecstasy, and listening to his fucking bitch cry out over the experience she was getting from him. Souji stopped sucking her tits and instead chose to try and see if he could push even more rapidly than what he was already doing. "OH-hhh fuck.." said Souji, in a quiet tone, loving the experience all the way through as he finally climaxed, he closed his eyes in blissful happiness. "Ahhhh... yeah... fuck yeah..." "AHHHHHHHH!" shouted Yukiko, at the top of her lungs, as Souji and her finally climaxed. She cried then. She cried with her eyes, with her voice, and within her heart. Why? Why her? Her life was forever Souji's now. She knew there was no way she wouldn't become pregnant after this. Souji would be in her life for however long she lived and she would be doing these disgusting acts of pleasure for him for the remainder of her life. Souji promptly fell on top of her as they both fell to the floor. They were both tired out from the experience the difference was Souji couldn't help but smile at the fact he had finally done it and could do it anytime he wanted and Yukiko couldn't stop the tears within her from leaking out while trying to suppress the revulsion within her at what just happened. Souji could just do it again after all. She still felt him inside her and felt utter disgust with the prospect. The whole idea of preparedness seemed like another naïve philosophy she no longer believed in. Souji simply lay on her for a long while, enjoying the sense of pleasure he got from being inside her. He loved this feeling, he really did, and he wanted to continue to have this feeling... why stop at only having one child? He would have to make sure she could afford it but if she could then he was definitely doing this to her again or make her take pregnancy pills, whichever. Souji moved her legs apart and got out of her. He ignored the blood that was coming out of her womanhood since he had finally made his greatest achievement by breaking her hymen. He laid down to her left and relaxed for a moment to take time to consider his next move. He needed Yukiko out by sun rise... but it was still enough time before then... "Move your body the other way, bitch." Souji said, ignoring the fact she had begun sniveling over what had happened. He was sure she was under great mental torture over what he had just done to her despite being prepared. After all, even with all the preparation he had given her, it didn't stop the fact he had been so rough after the initial entrance or the fact he tried to maximize the pleasure in rather unusual erotic ways even if they were having unprotected sex. Even without all that it would have been a traumatic experience. Souji didn't care, he enjoyed it and that's all that mattered. Yukiko moved to lay on her side facing her right, the opposite of Souji. Souji moved behind her and entered her ass. She gasped in surprise but quickly suppressed it. Souji slowly began fucking her up the ass. Eventually she cried out again. Satisfied, he laid there and went to sleep, pulling Yukiko closer to him. Yukiko felt the intrusion and was disgusted with having felt pleasure over being fucked up the ass when she had just been mentally broken down by being forced into giving up her virginity to him. She felt nausea, shame, and disgust. She had been crying and screaming despite trying to control it because it had pained her physically in such a degree she had never experienced before. She had considered, briefly, of running out after that due to the humiliation and feeling of having her own body manhandled in such a way. She had decided not to do such a thing even before the sodomy, he would obviously kill her and just rape Chie after all, but it was serving as a reminder... He had the power to do this. He held the power to influence and control her like this. He always would have this power and she would always be at his beck and call, ready to perform to any of his whims. Power was everything. Souji's whims... were everything.Approximately within 3 Months after Souji's attack
"WHAT?" cried Kanji, having just recovered from his injuries, "What do you mean my ma's dead?" The doctors had just finished taking off the bandages and escorted him to the front lobby on the bottom floor. He had been angry over his stay at the hospital. Once he had woken he had become aware that his mother hadn't come to see him. Though Kanji hid it well, he was torn apart by his mother's cold indifference to his well-being during his stay in the hospital. The shock of having lost his right arm had also made the blow that much worse and he had directed his anger at his mother. He had thought she cared... that she had always cared... WHY THE FUCK WASN'T SHE HERE, DAMN IT? The police had come to question him during his stay but he had only given angry curses as replies. Eventually they had given up as they couldn't try coercing the boy by intimidation with the state he had been in. Kanji had been in pain for days from the various stab wounds in his body. The hospital couldn't keep him on painkillers to ease it forever lest he become addicted so Kanji had spent his days in pain, too unfocused to pay attention to the mindless shit on TV. He stopped trying to pay attention and listen to it after the first few days of asking the nurses to turn it on. After some time, the doctors and nurses denied his request for TV and told him it was better he focused on resting. All Kanji could focus on was the pain. His hope over his own mother coming to visit him had died quickly and all that was left was a boiling rage running through his blood from the physical pain he felt and the emotional pain in his heart. He felt stab wounds both outside his body and within his very heart. When he had finally recovered after months of treatment the doctor who had been treating him had escorted him to the lobby by the front entrance on the first floor. Once at the lobby he had been informed by a social service worker and the same doctor that his mother had died in a unfortunate accident months ago, that no one at the hospital had told him because he was already in pain (something Kanji bitterly detested), and that he needed to come with social services for foster care. "SCREW THAT!" hollered Kanji, brashly, "I ain't goin' with you stinkin' punks!" Before the social worker could say his piece, Kanji pushed passed them and ran for his mother's textile shop. He wasn't thinking straight... he couldn't think straight. He knew they had no reason to lie but he had to see it for himself. HIS MOTHER COULDN'T BE FUCKING DEAD, HE'D HAVE NOBODY LEFT! "You're just letting him go?" asked the Doctor in surprise, the boy had made as well enough of a recovery as one could make from those injuries, and the missing appendage but it was clear his emotional state was unstable. "I'd rather he calmed down first," answered the social worker, "Tatsumi-san has a history of intimidation, fear, and attacks on local biker gangs in the area. He's been sent to the precinct on more than one occasion. Its best we take our time and let him calm down a little. We've exposed him to a great deal of shock so suddenly so I believe it's better if we take a different approach with him then our usual foster children." "If I approach him too directly I'm not sure if he may react violently or not and I'd rather not involve the police in this matter after what the poor boy has suffered. " The doctor nodded in acceptance at that. He still didn't think it was a good idea to let an emotionally distraught Kanji Tatsumi run wild in Inaba however, but he could see the logic behind the social worker's words. Kanji panted just outside of the textile shop and as he approached he stopped. Surveying the surroundings he noted a few things. He hesitated to go with his plans to break into the boarded doors of the textile shop because on the ground was an impression of his mother on the dirt floor. It had been left untouched by the fear of danger the people of the town had superstitiously believed because of the tragic accident. Kanji had been ignorant of this however since he had been albeit kept out of the loop of what happened until this day. Despite the impression, Kanji persevered and clung to the hopeless belief that his mother was somewhere inside. Kanji broke through the doors. Even with one arm and having spent months in the hospital he was still strong enough to break open a barred door. He fell to the floor on his knees panting from the strength he just used-up. His heart sank even further as he surveyed the area and noticed clear signs that the place hadn't been used in awhile. He looked at the floor, not wanting to look up. Not wanting to look at the truth. Slowly, tears began to fall from Kanji's face as he realized the truth of what he had tried to futilely deny. He began crying on his only remaining hand as he slowly picked himself up. 'There's... no one who cares about me anymore...' thought Kanji, despite his tough demeanor and rashness he had never been alone. He had always felt he could depend on his mother, which was why he had always worked to make her happy in his own way such as getting rid of the biker idiots. 'There's only one thing to do...' Kanji walked to his room slowly, sniffling all the way, picking up the essentials he would need. ...He left the suicide note on his bed, the social worker found it upon arrival at the scene next to the dead body on the noose. The police and EMT's called on the scene could only give an estimated time of death.While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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