The Night of the Hawke | By : DarkWolves Category: +A through F > Dragon Age (all) > Dragon Age (all) Views: 20128 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Age and make no money by writing this. |
Chapter 3: The Hawke and the Mages
That was how it had come to pass. The Champion of Kirkwall being drafted as the personal lapdog of the Templar Knight Commander Meredith, tasked with apprehending three dangerous ‘Blood Mages’ who had escaped the custody of the Chantry and even now continued to elude pursuit by their Templar handlers. So far the investigation had yielded mixed results, the first target being a true Elven blood mage who had sacrificed the life of his own wife in a final desperate bid to escape recapture. The second target on the other hand had emerged to be an Orlesian man-child who had fled the Circle with the sole intention of bedding a bar wench and had spent the entirety of the time since his escape drinking and attempting to impress women by intentionally marking himself as a dangerous blood mage. Now Hawke and her party were hot on the trail of the final fugitive, the mother of two adoptive sons who also carried a dark essence within her.
After a lengthy investigation Hawke had tracked the final apostate to the intricate network of sewer tunnels snaking beneath Darktown. Once more Hawke found herself entering into the bowels of hell and so she had endeavoured to bring the people she trusted most at her side when she plunged headfirst into the darkness lying beneath the city. That was why when she entered the dark network of sewer tunnels beneath Darktown Aveline, Varric and Merrill followed her close behind. Having navigated their way through the intricate network of tunnels honeycombing the city slums they finally drew close to their objective.
“Is it just me” Merrill asked, her eyes quizzically scanning her surroundings as she walked in the centre of the pack. “Or do all of these tunnels look like the ones we have been through before?”
“It’s the colour scheme, Daisy” Varric hefted his crossbow, Bianca, in his thick hands as he brought up the rear-guard, providing long range support to the two warriors leading the group and keeping their elven mage guarded from all angles. “It’s the same shade of brown and grey they use in all the tunnels, makes whoever lives down here feel like home wherever they are”
“Mostly bandits, smugglers and slavers” Aveline lead the group alongside Hawke, hefting her sword and shield ready to face whatever dared emerge to face them while Hawke hefted her heavy Greatsword with the practiced ease as one would carry a loaf back from market. “They use these tunnels like their own personal passageways anywhere in the lower reaches of the city and beyond. If I had the manpower I would have cleared out these tunnels long ago, swept the bandits and evils of this city back into the void they spawned themselves from”
“Shhh” Hawke whispered, silencing her companions and opening her ears to the world around them. “I hear something” Hawke pointed ahead of her, cautiously leading her team out into the next dark chamber.
When they finally encountered the final mage it became clear that she could not be dissuaded from her destructive path. Seeing enemies even in the children she had once spared from the streets there was only one way that she could see forwards, she had to fight at any cost.
Hawke and Aveline charged ahead to meet demonic claw with polished steel. With their brave knights keeping the corrupted entity at bay Varric and Merrill fought from range, firing a barrage of arrows and magic fireballs towards the creature. Aveline deflected a left strike with the face of her shield only to suffer the full brunt of a surprise right hook as she attempted to capitalise upon the opening and plunge the sword into the creatures’ chest. Avelines sacrifice left the monster exposed to the full bite of Hawke’s Greatsword as the blade came down with sufficient force to slice through the demons tough skin with little resistance. The beast let out an agonised howl as the blade buried itself deep in its flesh only to have the pain increase tenfold as the sword was swiftly, and violently, torn from its body, the sheer overwhelming force of the pain throwing the creature to its knees at Hawke’s feet. Hawke stepped back as she saw her Elven mage preparing a grand Firestorm, the small flickers of embers dancing between her fingers. Merrill suddenly thrust her arms out straight, the tiny flickers suddenly ballooning outwards into a column of flame which enveloped the demon standing before her. The creature fell to the ground in a burning chaos of thrashing limbs and melting skin as it attempted to smother the flames.
The fires eventually starved themselves of their own accord, with no magical influence to sustain them they soon flickered from existence, the charred remnants of an ashen corpse crumpled on the floor. Hawke dared to take several cautious steps towards the remains, as she drew closer a gentle breeze emerged to carry away much of the discarded ash and reveal what truly lay beneath the dust. The body of a woman, untouched by the flames and swords which had killed the demon, suddenly stirred to life before their eyes, it seemed they had shattered the magical influence which surrounded her. Hawke kneeled over her and saw the frantic fear prevalent in her eyes for herself. “What, where am I?” Evelina stared up at her as though she had just been returned to the physical world, as if she truly held no memory of the monster she had become. “Who are you?”
Hawke parted her lips to give her answer but her voice was swiftly stifled by the sound of another. “Nobody move!”
Everyone turned instinctively at the sound of the voice to see a full squad of over half a dozen Templar Knights emerging from the shadows of the surrounding tunnels, their weapons drawn but not raised in anticipation of battle. Varric and Merrill held their respective weapons ready, but the Templars simply passed them without acknowledgement. The one Hawke anticipated being their leader approached, Hawke rose to greet him.
“Thank you Serah Hawke” the Templar leader motioned his men forward. “We shall take it from here”
On his command two of the Templars stepped forward, kneeling next to her they began checking her for signs of life. When the first Templar was satisfied that she yet lived the second knight produced ties of rope and began by binding the womans hands and wrists, as if she was in any fit state to resist.
“What’s going on Templar?” Aveline stepped forward to address the Templar leader.
“Templar business, I am afraid I cannot say” the Knight refused to turn and acknowledge her beyond the offhanded comment, instead continuing to oversee the work of the Templars binding their prisoner.
“What do you mean ‘cannot say’?” Aveline snapped in response.
“Direct orders from Knight Commander Meredith” the Templar gave the name as if he hoped the mere mention of the name would cause his opponent to reconsider their position, however Aveline refused to falter.
“I don’t care who your orders came from” Aveline interjected. “I am Kirkwall’s Captain of the City Guard-”
“To which the Templar Order does not answer to any more than the Courtesans Guild, Guard Captain” the Templar was clearly at the end of his patience. “Now stand down”
“Templar” Hawke stepped between them, hoping to end the conflict before it could escalate into something greater. “You may not be aware that I report to Knight Commander Meredith directly, and I am under orders to deal with this Mage as I see fit”
“I was not made aware of this, Serah” the Templar admitted, but did not falter in his position. “I was tasked to ensure that the escaped apostate ‘Evelina’ was captured in a living but otherwise unspecified condition. I am afraid that I am carrying out my orders as they are given, Serah. If you wish you may discuss it with the Knight Commander yourself”
“Rest assured Templar” Brianna replied. “I will”
Hawke placed the finishing touches on another letter to her sister Bethany, laying it down at the corner of her desk with the rest of the letters to be delivered with tomorrows morning post. With her letters complete she had a free moment to attempt to decipher some sense from what had transpired in the tunnels, she had until tomorrow morning to make sense of it before she addressed the Knight Commander.
‘Why would Meredith dispatch another Templar unit after she had already been tasked to track the apostate? Why would the leader of the Templar order be concerned whether an apostate lived or died?’ Brianna knew she would have to bring the topic up with the Knight Commander during their next-
“Mistress?” the voice of Orana, Hawkes Elven attendant roused her from her silent contemplation.
Hawke looked up to face her. “Yes, Orana?”
“You have received a letter” Orana held out a letter between her outstretched hands for her mistress to accept.
Hawke accepted the offering. “Thank you Orana”
“It is my pleasure mistress” Orana bowed respectfully, silently leaving her mistress to read her letter in private. Hawke unfurled the paper in her hands to read it.
I wish to discuss a matter of great importance with you. Come to my estate in Hightown tonight so that we may speak in private.
Knight Commander Meredith
Hawke reread the short note several times before finally placing the letter down onto the desk beside her. She knew that such vague summons from the Knight Commander could not be a good omen; however it seemed that once more she held little choice in the matter.
Hawke secured the belt of her light leather armour around her waist, the light attire sufficiently flexible as not to impede agility while the layered sheets of steel armour laced into the fabric offered protection against most common attackers. Hawke secured her short blade and her coin purse at her belt, while she usually found the bulk and weight of her armour and her Greatsword a lingering comfort it could not be considered the proper dress for a private meeting with the cities leader. Hawke continued her routine, checking the straps and buckles of her armour before-
Hawke suddenly felt a weight falling upon her shoulders, the soft breeze of light breaths wafting past her right ear. Hawke hadn’t even heard her approach; she could be unsettlingly quiet when she wished to be. “You’re leaving again aren’t you?” Merrill’s long arms wrapped loosely around her partners’ waist, her fingers interlocking at the base of her stomach.
Hawke placed her hands over Merrill’s, hoping to offer some small comfort to her troubled lover. “It’s just a meeting with the Knight Commander”
“Oh, you mean the lady with the big sword who shouts a lot” once again Merrill succeeded in offering a rather simple and yet accurate summary of another, and it quickly brought a smile to Hawke’s lips.
“Yes that’s her” she giggled. “I’m afraid I have to go”
“Aww, but I wanted you to stay here with me. I was thinking we could go into our room” Merrill let out a soft giggle escape her lips. “I just love calling it that, OUR room. Yes, I was thinking you could take me into OUR room and you could completely ravage me, my little dove” Merrill ensured to include her affectionate pet name with her request.
“I won’t be gone long” Hawke turned to face her elven lover, Merrill’s arms remaining wrapped loosely around her waist. “I shall return to you safely having met with the Knight Commander and by sunrise I shall have ravaged you to your heart’s desire. I promise” Hawke planted a single farewell kiss on her lover’s lips and departed towards the door without another word.
Merrill lingered in hushed silence. “Don’t make an elf a promise” Merrill spoke beneath her breath, watching as Hawke closed the door behind her. “If you know you can’t keep it”
Hawke finally arrived at the step of the Knight Commanders residence deep within the heart of Hightown. From the outside the structure blended seamlessly with the rest of Hightown elite, it was only when she ventured inside that Brianna felt like she had drifted into another world entirely. Where most nobles had fine arts and family portraits decorating their interior these walls were adorned with a variety of weapons, animal trophies and maps of the city and the terrain surrounding it. She almost did not hear when a voice called her name.
“Serah Hawke” Brianna turned to be greeted by Knight Commander Meredith’s tranquil assistant Elsa. “It is good that you appear well” Elsa indicated one of the doors leading off from the main entrance hall. “Knight Commander Meredith will see you now”
Elsa lead Hawke through the vast network of corridors throughout the interior of the Knight Commanders home, leading her into the library of the estate. The walls were stacked high with shelves upon shelves of books on every subject imaginable rising up to caress the ceiling. On the far side of the room sat a roaring fire enshrined within a decorative fireplace flanked on either side by high wing-backed chairs separated by a low serving table. The chair to right hand side was already occupied by the Knight Commander herself.
“Please” Meredith looked up to greet her guest; she offered the seat across from her with a wave of her hand. “Sit down”
Hawke accepted the offered seat, sitting across the table from the Knight Commander. Meredith had chosen to dress in the same loose fitting Chantry robes as her assistant Elsa, the main difference between their outfits appeared to be that Meredith’s robes were subtly lined with slips of leather beneath the fabric, it seemed that even in her personal time the Templar leader wished to feel secure and ready prepared to fight. Meredith’s long flowing hair was allowed to flow down her back to pool in the hood of her robes, her fringe contained by a shimmering golden hair band.
“I wished to thank you personally for dealing with the fugitives” Meredith smiled, dispensing with any anticipated pleasantries and turning swiftly to the matter of business. “The city may rest safely knowing that three such dangerous abominations either lay dead or are once again beneath the watchful eye of the Chantry” Elsa suddenly emerged between them, carrying a tray of drinks held between her hands. Hawke was slightly unnerved that she had allowed herself to be ambushed for a second time tonight. Meredith accepted the offering. “You already know my assistant Elsa” Elsa offered the drink to Hawke, although she rarely drank Hawke accepted the offering, though she never lost sight of the fact that dealing with the Knight Commander would require a clear and level head. Meredith tasted the bright red drink, seeming satisfied with its taste and texture. “Elsa, I think a celebration is in order. Go and prepare yourself, Serah Hawke will be joining us tonight”
“As you wish Mistress” Elsa gave her a gentle bow before she departed, having interpreted whatever true meaning lay beneath the rather vague request.
“Knight Commander Meredith” Hawke was eager to return the topic to business before she found herself consumed by more of the Knight Commanders ‘hospitality’. “There is something I must ask-”
“Please, Hawke” Meredith said. “There is no need for such formalities; here we are merely Meredith and Brianna”
“Meredith” Brianna forced the name past her lips, the word tasting bitter in her mouth. “After pursuing the latest fugitive into the tunnels beneath Darktown, I had her disarmed and yielding-”
“I would expect nothing less of your abilities” Meredith complimented. “I anticipate a swift and final strike would have likely followed?”
“I was then ambushed by Templars who then took her into custody” Hawke was careful in her phrasing of her next statement. “They claimed to be under your direct orders to capture the fugitive alive”
Meredith idly caressed the tip of her finger across the rim of the wineglass, pondering Hawkes words, clearly attempting to feign ignorance as to the true fate of the fugitive. “I am afraid that was my fault for neglecting to dispatch a messenger. I did not wish to interfere in your pursuit of the fugitives but I had something of a revelation that I could ill afford not to act upon”
Hawke sipped her drink, tasting some of the finest wine usually reserved for nobles of the city, though she would have to keep her wits about her if she were to deal with Meredith. “Be that as it may I would have appreciated it if you had informed me of your sudden ‘revelation’” the way she had said it lead Hawke to wonder just how sudden this revelation had truly been. “My companions were none too happy to be taken by surprise in such a manner”
“We are powerful women, Brianna” Meredith leant forward to emphasise her point. “We must support each other in everything we do” Meredith searched for power and strength in every aspect of her life. In a moment of perverse weakness Meredith had nearly succumbed to the tainted yearning to capture one of the Qunari for her own personal designs, despite their crude brutality they were indeed excellent physical specimens by the standards of any species. “I have spent my political career in search of influence and power, now that I have such influence I feel it is mine to wield as I see fit”
“And yet you still have not answered my question as to why you suddenly took such a keen interest in this particular mage” Hawke attempted to steer the woman towards a straight answer.
Meredith took another sip of her drink. “I determined that whilst all unsanctioned mages within the city must be cleansed in the name of the Maker this particular apostate could yet serve a greater purpose to the city as a whole”
“And that is?” Brianna asked, hoping that she finally found herself on the brink of an answer.
“Ah, Elsa has returned” Meredith welcomed her assistant with a raised hand, once again discarding the question entirely. Elsa stepped forward, standing between them demurely, something had changed in her face. Though the tranquil serenity remained there was something lying deeper within her. “Have you prepared yourself?”
“Yes mistress” Elsa replied.
Meredith nodded with acknowledgement. “You may begin Elsa”
“As you wish Mistress” Elsa’s hands reached up to release the clasp of her Chantry robes, unfurling the loose robes across her thin frame to pool at her feet. Discarding her Chantry robes revealed the fine lace bodice she wore beneath, the delicate garment clearly made to her form and the spitting image of those seen adorning only the finest fashion boutiques of Hightown. The delicate black material formed seamlessly around her well formed torso appearing to have been tailored specifically to her elegant figure, leaving both of her voluptuous breasts and her tight pussy exposed.
Hawke was taken aback by the sudden revelation, she nearly leapt from her seat as she would if a Rage Demon had spawned into the room, instead her hands merely tightened around the arms of the chair. “What is this?” were the only words which escaped her lips.
“It is merely a way for us to relax, Brianna” Meredith attempted in vain to settle her fears. “To bask in the glow of another victory won in the defence of the city. You really must try her, Brianna” Meredith reached her free hand over to run the tips of her fingers across Elsa’s exposed arm. “She truly is an angel among mere mortals; her skin is velvet soft and her opening remains virgin tight, I should know, I sample most of her pleasures as often as my tiring duties permit. Sometimes she may even spontaneously crawl beneath my desk and decide to pleasure me whilst I conduct my business, isn’t that correct Elsa?”
The young girl’s eyes remained vacantly cold. “Yes mistress” she replied flatly.
“So” Meredith smiled devilishly. “Why not show her what I mean Elsa?”
Elsa nodded submissively. “As you wish Mistress”
Elsa seemed to move as though she glided seamlessly across the carpeted floor, her form completely bewitching to the point where Hawke did not notice her presence until she felt hands softly caressing her shoulders. The woman’s elegant fingers moved seamlessly across the smooth leather shoulder guards of Briannas armour, the gentle caresses feeling as though the barrier were nonexistent. Hawke felt the elegant fingers drifting further down her front, trailing soft lines across the elegant curves of her breastplate.
Hawke dared to protest. “Wait I-”
“Please my lady” Elsa’s creamy smooth voice was almost mystical. “I exist only to serve” Hawke felt like she could do naught to resist her advances.
“You see” Meredith’s voice seemed to carry like a soft breeze across the room. “While her mind may be cursed her body is the finest gift of the Maker”
Elsa’s agile fingers effortlessly released the clasps of Hawkes armour, allowing the smooth leather to slip from her shoulders, revealing the simple black bra beneath. The newly unveiled skin brought a delectable smile to Meredith’s lips. “You truly are a fine athletic specimen of humanity” Meredith inhaled another snifter of wine. “Now that you are a little more, comfortable, I hope you won’t mind if I partake of some of Elsa’s more intimate talents first”
Elsa removed her hands from Hawkes shoulders, allowing the woman to slowly drift back into reality. “As you wish Mistress” Elsa slipped around Hawkes chair to stand before her mistress in looming silence. Meredith spread her legs in anticipation, her attendant fell to her knees before her. Meredith parted her Chantry robes, allowing Hawke a glimpse of creamy white skin beneath, indicating that the ‘chased’ Knight Commander wore little underneath. Elsa buried herself between her masters’ thighs with the same animal enthusiasm Hawke had seen of her faithful Mabari war hound Shadow as he plunged his stunted snout into yet another wild rabbit hole. Elsa’s lips pressed against Meredith’s slit, sending shivers cascading down her spine. Meredith held Elsa’s head with her left hand, her fingers entangled in the young girls golden hair as her right hand took another sip of wine. “This is one of the few true pleasures left in this world, a fine wine and a youthful tongue” Meredith appeared to be within the throes of ecstasy, the two earthly pleasures of desire and alcohol clearly having a marked effect on the woman. “That’s enough” Meredith forced the command past lips quivering through a combination of ecstasy induced incomprehensibility and a mouth full of fine Orlesian red.
However Elsa did as her mistress commanded, kneeling submissively before her, her lips still wet with her mistresses desire.
“Very well done my pet” Meredith ruffled the girls’ hair as you would a Mabari pup that had learned to roll over. “Now I believe Mistress Hawke would enjoy sampling a taste of your abilities”
Hawke had to object. “But, I’m with Merrill”
The remark brought a keen smile to Meredith’s lips as though the very thought of such a union was the universes eternal joke. “You truly consider an elven blood mage a worthy mate for someone of your stature?”
“We’re in love” Hawke pleaded, as though saying it aloud were the key to its defence against those who questioned it. “It would not be right”
“Brianna, this is nothing about being right. This is simply a matter of pleasure” Meredith acknowledged her assistant with a wave of her hand. “Elsa, demonstrate what I mean”
“Yes Mistress” Elsa stepped forward, falling to her knees before Hawke, once more prepared to do her duty with quiet efficiency and fortitude. Elsa held the tie of Hawkes belt, releasing the intricate restraints with a single agile flick of her wrist. Hooking her fingers beneath the lip of Hawkes thick leather trousers Elsa began to remove the redundant article of attire until she felt a hand clasp tightly around her wrist. “No, wait-”
“Shoosh” Elsa stared up at Hawke, her eyes big and round, in a vain attempt to calm her. “Calm, I only wish to make you feel good, my little dove”
The name stunned Hawke for the shortest of moments. ‘How did she know that name?’ by the time Hawke’s had mind had returned to the physical realm she found that Elsa had already managed to pull her trousers and undergarments around her ankles and had her lips buried between her thighs. Now Hawke could feel her body growing weak and her mind beginning to drift.
“She is good is she not?” Meredith asked. Hawke could only allow a soft moan to escape her lips. Meredith idly caressed herself, her agile fingers having enjoyed her many years of maturity to seek out her abundance of sweet spots.
Elsa massaged Hawkes thighs while she licked and fingered her Champion, the pleasure of the act seeming to spread and intensify the feeling across her entire lower body. Hawke began to wonder whether some lingering magical essence had survived the rite of tranquillity. However no matter how much she despised herself for enjoying the act the simple fact remained that whatever Elsa was doing was swiftly driving her towards her inevitable climax.
“Enough” at Meredith’s command Elsa knelt back, resting her buttocks on the heel of her feet, she sat before Brianna, her hands spread across her lap as she stared into Hawkes quivering eyes, sweat cascading down her brow. Hawke slumped unceremoniously into her seat, clasping the chairs arms for support in a desperate effort to maintain her composure. “I believe it is time that we continued onto the celebration”
Elsa rose to her feet and bowed respectfully to her master. “As you wish mistress” and silently departed the room once again.
“That...” Hawke panted in gasps of air in a desperate attempt to regain her composure. “That wasn’t the celebration?”
“Of course not” Meredith admitted. “That was merely a warming exercise designed to whet your appetite” a devilish smile formed upon Meredith’s lips. “The true pleasure is only now about to begin”
As if on some unspoken command Elsa suddenly re-emerged into the room, remaining in her undressed state and bearing a tray held between her hands covered by a thick black cloth. Hawke looked past Elsa to see another figure lingering in the shadows, emerging from the darkness Hawke could make out the long brown locks the fugitive mage Evelina. Though she was dressed in the same worn clothing she been wearing at the time of her capture she had been allowed some basic cleansing before she had been brought before the Knight Commander. Evelina stepped forward and fell to her knees before the Knight Commander, despite her submission her eyes appeared to glow with the same fiery defiance and determination Hawke had seen her draw upon in battle, she had not been made tranquil.
“Is she willing?” Meredith asked coldly.
“Yes mistress” Elsa stepped forward to place the cloth covered tray on the table between them. “And I have brought all that you requested” Elsa gently pulled back the cover over the tray to reveal several items crafted from soft leather, fine smooth wood or even polished silver. Hawke recognised each of them as something she would have expected to find in the room of a fine Courtesan or even concealed beneath the beds of perturbed Hightown noble women whose husbands had yet to discover their sensitive spots.
Meredith leant forward, pondering the tray that had been laid before her. “Which one shall we use first?” Meredith asked the question to no one in particular. “Hawke” Meredith looked to her companion. “Would you like to do the honours and be the first to deflower her?”
Hawke stared at the items before her, wondering whether she really could bring herself to use this on someone who earlier today had been throwing fireballs at her and her companions.
“Though perhaps...” Meredith leant forward, running her fingers across the smooth surface of the leather dildo. “I should save this particular plaything for another, an elven blood mage perhaps?”
Hawke could sense the sinister intent beneath the thinly veiled threat; she knew what she had to do. Hawke reluctantly accepted the tainted offering with a quivering hand. Brianna rose from her seat and stood before her prisoner, the woman stared up at Hawke with fire burning in her eyes. ‘I’m sorry’ Hawke mouthed the words beneath her breath, pressing the toy to Evelinas mouth she attempted to force the item past her closed lips. But Evelina refused, her lips remaining tightly closed.
“I knew you were just like her” Evelina indicated Meredith with a nod of her head. “Templar oppressor” the bold statement only brought a chuckling smile to Meredith’s lips. Hawke forced the unwanted intruder past Evelinas lips, her defences faltering as the shaft of the dildo entered her unaccommodating mouth.
“Excellent Hawke” Meredith interjected, sitting in her chair, her fingers idly caressing across her slit. Having been with her for the entirety of her sexual maturity Meredith’s fingers knew exactly how to reach every one of her sensitive spots. “Though I suspect that we could put her mouth to better use”
Meredith rose from her seat, her flowing robes cascading over her body like a cascade of fabric to pool at her feet. The removal of the robes revealed that instead of wearing little beneath her robe the Knight Commander was in fact entirely naked beneath. Hawke stepped aside as the Knight Commander approached to stand before her captive kneeling at her feet. Meredith placed her slit to Evelinas mouth, anticipating the younger woman to wilfully submit to the unspoken demand, Evelina however remained firmly defiant. Meredith responded by clutching the back of Evelinas head and smothering the young mage between her creamy thighs. Evelina lashed out in a daring act of defiance, forcing her mouth forward and clamping her teeth around the softest part of the Knight Commanders anatomy she could sink her teeth into.
Meredith smacked the open palm of her hand across Evelinas cheek, breaking the contact and throwing the young girl harshly to the floor in a painful heap. Elsa remained unphased by the sudden act of violence whilst Hawke fought to suppress the compulsion to react and defend the victim who could not defend herself. ‘Think of Merrill’ she repeated to herself, a desperate effort to maintain her composure.
Meredith stood over her victim, ready to deliver another blow against the one who had dared to defy her. However something stayed her hand, a devious thought entered her mind, a sinister smile forming across her lips. Softening her hand Meredith pointed towards the tray on the table. “Elsa, get me that one”
“As you wish mistress” Elsa stepped over to retrieve the requested item. Kneeling at her mistresses’ feet, assisting her as Meredith stepped into the leather straps, Elsa drawing them up her sculpted legs to secure the strap-on around Meredith’s waist. Meredith passed the tip of her fingers along the length of the smooth wooden surface of the long toy.
Meredith glanced at Elsa. “Prepare her” Meredith said sternly.
“As you wish Mistress” Elsa stepped forward to stand over Evelina, grabbing her beneath her arms she roughly dragged the mage to her feet and pulled her across the room, unceremoniously throwing her down onto the table with little care or consideration in her actions. Elsa stepped in front of Evelina, her bare buttocks presented to the heat of the flames still burning wildly in the fireplace, offering a sinister vision to Hawke still silently watching the as events unfolded from the shadows. Elsa pressed Evelina down onto the table, reaching across her back she grabbed a handful of Evelinas skirt and pulled it up, exposing her well rounded ass and quivering slit to Meredith’s hawk like gaze.
Meredith stepped forward, her hips swaying in a seductive manner as she approached, touching the very tip of the dildo to Evelinas wet slit, feeling the tremors of fear resonating through the inanimate object to transfer to Meredith’s own vagina. “This is to send a message to the Mages of Kirkwall” Meredith pressed the tip against her outer folds. “So they may know who controls the city” the façade had been shattered, now Hawke was finally allowed a glimpse at the true face of the Templars master. “And with it their lives” Meredith thrust her hips forward with as much strength as she could muster, the extension of her body scything through whatever obstructions and resistances it met to penetrate deeply into Evelinas unprepared snatch. Meredith drew back only to quickly plunge back in at an even greater pace, gaining less than a few millimetres of penetration. “She really is tight as a drum” Meredith growled, focusing all of her energy on her vain attempts to drive herself up to the hilt into the girl.
“Elsa” Meredith called for her attendant, grabbing at Evelinas shoulders, her sides, anything she could grasp to gain some additional leverage. “Do what you can to make our guest a touch more ‘yielding’”
“Of course mistress” Elsa reached forward to clasp the seams of Evelinas shirt in her hands, gently drawing the two sides apart Evelina shivered as the cool night air cascaded across her bare front. Elsa clasped her fingers around Evelinas engorged nipples, sending waves of unwilling pleasure cascading through her body, her lips moaning with unwanted pleasure.
Elsa pressed the lips of her slit against Evelinas gapping mouth, with a sex toy buried deeply inside of her dripping pussy lips Evelina could do little to resist the forceful nature of Elsa’s forceful advances. Through sheer exhaustion Evelina felt her body submit to her desires, her tongue slashing vaguely across Elsa’s lips in a half hearted attempt to pleasure her. “It seems the witch has some talent licking cunt” Meredith remarked with a snide smile, the devious pleasure of the revelation spurring her to more ferocious acts of pleasure.
Hawke watched the display unfolding before her with forced interest, if only so as to avoid arousing the suspicions of the Knight Commander still continuing to watch her like an eagle eyed its prey. However as the act drew onwards, and Meredith’s roughness and desires only grew, Hawke could feel something rumbling within her. Hawke could sense a warm feeling rising up from her stomach to burn inside of her chest, unconsciously she could feel her hand trailing down her stomach to tease her outer lips.
“Enjoying yourself, Hawke?” Meredith’s voice shattered her fragile trance. Hawkes cheeks instinctively flushed with the same red hue as if her mother had caught her idly trailing in the middle of her chores to watch the local boy’s military training across the field. “You can join in you know” Hawke was stunned at the bold offering.
While Hawkes frenzied mind attempted to draw some form of response together Meredith withdrew herself from Evelina, the discarded and exhausted woman allowed to collapse down onto the table, lacking the energy necessary to support her. Meredith released the clasps which secured the strap-on firmly around her waist, holding the toy loosely in her free hand.
Before Hawke could realize it Meredith was already lingering in her shadow she suddenly wrapped the stained toy around Hawkes waist and began retightening the straps to secure it in place. “Wait, I shouldn’t-” Hawke began to protest, only to find her mind would not carry her words past her lips.
“Shhh” Meredith’s soft breath carried in waves past her ear, Hawke felt the warmth of her body pressed against her back. “It’s ok” Meredith secured the final strap, the smooth leather fitting snugly around Hawkes waist as though it had been created with her mind. “Here” Meredith placed her hands to Hawkes hips, slowly guiding her forwards with Brianna seemingly lacking the will to resist. “She’s nicely warmed up for you”
The very tip of Hawkes faux penis touched against Evelinas outer lips, sending a cold shiver cascading down her spine. Hawke thrust her hips forwards, her fake member driving deeply into Evelinas dripping pussy, Hawke feeling her lips resisting her advance only to begin to yield as Hawke delivered another valiant blow.
“Good” Meredith purred beneath her breath, controlling her thrusts with her hands clasped tightly across Brianna’s thighs, gently guiding Briannas rhythmic thrusts Brianna could feel the echo of her impacts resonating through her entire body. Meredith’s hands firmly slowed Briannas advance to a calm rumble. “Now” Meredith pulled Hawkes thighs back, Briannas strap on penis slipping free with a wet pop. “Why don’t you try the one just a bit higher up?”
Evelina, once a shrinking violet, suddenly reawakened with a violent stir. “What, no!” Evelina fought with a new burning fire in her heart, resisting Hawkes attempts with whatever little energy remained within her. Seeing the rebellion Elsa held her down by her shoulders to keep her pinned to the table, silencing the protest before it could grow.
“Oh how I love mages, so ageless and superior” Meredith guided Hawke to touch the very tip of her false dildo to Evelinas puckered ass cheeks. “Then you stick them in the ass and they squeal like a trapped Mabari” Hawke felt herself being pushed forward, her fake penis pressing deeply into Evelinas moist pussy lips. Meredith was deep in throes of ecstasy at the depravity of the act she was inflicting as she watched the Champion of Kirkwall butt fucking the will from a young mage girl one gallant thrust at a time, a beautiful metaphor of what Meredith had intended for the rest of mages within the city. All in good time, for tonight was solely about pleasure.
“I need more” Meredith growled. “Hawke, do me now!”
The strange request drew Hawkes attention away from their captive mage, allowing the young girl to once again collapse down onto the table beneath her, her body unwilling to respond to her mind. Hawke turned to find Meredith draped over her high back chair, her knees buried into the moulded seat while her hands were spread across the top of the high back for support, her legs spread wide in anticipation. “Fucking take me as hard and rough as you want, let me be your fucking slut cock slave!”
Hawke truly thought that the woman had descended into the realms of insanity, that the pressure of maintaining a city teetering on the outbreak of civil war had shattered her mind into a thousand tiny fragments. Once more suppressing her almost overwhelming urge to react Hawke approached her and pressed the tip of her fake manhood to Meredith’s dripping cunt. Hawke felt Meredith’s muscle convulsions cascading downwards to wash over her body in an electrified wave. Meredith growled beneath her ravaged breaths as Hawke plunged into her.
“Elsa” Meredith called out the name of her attendant, beckoning the girl to her master’s side. “Here” Elsa stepped beside Meredith’s chair, her dripping pussy mere centimetres from Meredith’s gapping mouth. Meredith reached out to clasp Elsa's firm buttocks in her hands, pressing her wet pussy lips to Meredith’s mouth. Meredith lapped at Elsa's dripping snatch, the young girls juices seeming to invigour her mistress to even greater depths of primal ecstasy.
“I bet you do this to your little elven cunt” Meredith purred, now completely lost in the sin of the acts she was committing. “I bet you fucking screw her like the elven slave dog she is and I bet she loves every second of it and comes grovelling to you on her hands and knees for more, begging to taken when her urges cannot be sated by demons and heretics”
Hawke could feel the anger boiling within her. Despite the prestige and power Meredith wielded among the city in Hawkes eyes the Knight Commander had been stripped of that title the moment she cast her Chantry robes to the floor. All that Hawke saw now was a mortal woman of flesh and blood, and she was fucking her wildly in the ass. Meredith’s body convulsed beneath Hawkes touch, Hawkes hands apprehensively clasped to Meredith’s sides for support. Hawke could feel her hips thrusting backwards and forwards with ever increasing speed born through the fires of anger, Meredith eagerly matching the movements.
“Now, in my ass!” Meredith ordered, Hawke swiftly obeyed. “Oh yes you Ferelden bitch, fuck me wild. Screw the master of the Templars, touch me where no man’s fingers may ever tread” Meredith reached back to take Hawkes hands in hers, bringing them forward to clasp Meredith’s ample breasts in her hands. Meredith guided Hawkes fingers to tweak and pull at her engorged nipples, only further exciting the Templar leader.
The pleasure reached its inevitable peak, Meredith’s orgasm thrusting her down into the embrace of the chair beneath her. Hawke knew Meredith had let slip the advantage. While she may have been a prime physical specimen of the human race the bodily exertion of their perverted union had clearly exhausted her and so now the powerful Knight Commander was swiftly reduced to a panting and moaning mass too eclipsed within primal bliss to be aware of the world around her.
Hawke knew she now stood at a precipice, the opportunity was laid before her, the very woman who threatened the safety of the city as a whole as well as those she cared for lay at her feet, too inebriated to offer any resistance. Hawke knew there was only one solution.
Hawke shambled weakly through the entrance of the Hawke family estate, a fresh burden weighing heavily upon her shoulders. The entire household was deafly silent at this late hour, as she entered the main living room she found her faithful Mabari War Hound Shadow basking in the warmth of the smouldering embers in the fireplace as he did every night. Hawke slowly tiptoed around her dependable dog, eager to evade rousing the rest of the house as well as avoiding a wet slobbering of greeting from her loyal hound.
Hawke was simply too exhausted even to remove her armour, the stain of her physical sweat as well as her moral failure a constant irritant against her skin. However she could not bring herself to remove the burden, it would serve as an appropriate punishment for her failings.
Hawke dragged herself unceremoniously into her room like a wounded man limping from the site of his armies defeat, she found her Elven companion curled up in their shared bed. Merrill was dressed in the fine flowing sky blue nightgown Hawke had bought for her the day they had been walking through the Hightown Market as something of a memento of their special night. The affectionate gift swiftly led to them eagerly recreating the memorable night that same evening. She looked so beautiful when she slept, like an elven goddess.
Hawke reluctantly slipped into bed beside her lover, careful not to disturb the slumbering beauty, she hoped that sleep would come swiftly to her and that the world would return to normality once the dawn rose. But even here there was little to be found that was usual, two people from far flung worlds forced to take up arms and mature before their time as they were thrust into a world until now they dreamt had merely existed in their nightmares only to find comfort in the warm embrace of eachothers arms.
She knew she could have ended the madness there and then; she could have sought retribution against the one who had threatened her lover, the woman whose hands were coated red with the blood of so many other innocents now laid dead. But she could not bring herself to do it, she could not lash out in anger, so she had left the estate without another word.
Seeming to respond unconsciously to her presence Merrill reached over to wrap her arm loosely around her partners’ body. Hawke responded by nuzzling herself into Merrills cheek, her warmth and her sweet scent wafting over her a dark reminder of her betrayal. ‘I loved her; I never wanted to hurt her. But I knew what I had to do, to keep my promise, my Elven Princess’
Finally got around to proof-reading the third chapter and so far the response from here and other sites has been surprisingly positive and it seems that (As my better judgement told me) my warnings of content seemed rather moot.Readers will be glad to know I have already made a start on the fourth chapter which will see the return of characters previously featured as well as one other new addition of whom I shall only say that they have been mentioned previously in the story in some manner (And no, it’s not that one). I am also considering advancing the story to a fifth and final chapter which will lead the narrative to an even darker overtone, not much greater than those I previously warned of but there you go I’ve once more laid out the disclaimer for you.
Admittedly I have never really written anything with a particularly dark setting to it and have no real inclination towards the subject matter. However I feel that the story and the series lend itself quite well to this sinister undercurrent of fear, abuse and control so I feel compelled to continue.
Considering I had originally only intended for this to be a quick one-off detailing a brief scene between Merrill and Hawke as shown in the game I’m glad that I’ve managed to make it into something more and look forward to seeing what line I can cross next in my sudden descent in the darkness.
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