Giantess Lammy X Parappa: Big-StepSisterly Fuckery | By : xandermartin98 Category: -Misc Video Games/RPGs > Threesomes/Moresomes Views: 1707 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: This story is purely a fanfic and I don't make any money from it; I don't own Lammy or the Parappa The Rapper series, nor do I want or intend to. |
"Hmm, I sure do wonder what THIS button does?" Parappa smirked maliciously and sarcastically thought to himself as he smugly flicked his left hand over to the CONTEXT-SENSITIVE CATCHPHRASE button on Lammy's control panel and pressed it with his middled finger while Lammy was busy fervently, lovingly sucking on Paul's muscular, juicy man-tits right on the stage of the main auditorium of a very well-known public concert building...with the former drunkenly, nakedly sprawled out atop the latter's equally drunken and naked body, of course. (Meanwhile, Katy was also doing the exact same thing to Fleaswallow, FYI.)
"Well, I suppose it's all well and good that you're pleasuring my glorious supple mounds right now, but I simply cannot help but imagine how incredibly NICE and convenient it would be if you had yourself a payniss...wait, what are you doing?!" Paul blushingly moaned in pleasured embarrassment as Lammy teasingly bit his soft, plump, rosy-pink nipples with her teeth...then suddenly, entirely without warning, jumped down into the front-row seating area to go and grab herself a strap-on...which, by the way, was something that Katy was already wearing, as you could very clearly see from the way that the currently submissively-bent-over-on-his-hands-and-knees Fleaswallow was ecstatically moaning and yelling "OH YEAH, COME ON MAN, DEAR LORD THAT FEELS SO ORGASMICALLY GOOD" and various related phrases in pleasure as the cat lady rammed her impressively long and erect yet incredibly rubbery and floppy fake penis into the tightly clenched depths of his asshole while he violently, ass-tearingly pooped and farted all over it with glee, with Katy lovingly and cattishly allowing him to slavishly lick up the digusting blood-cum-and-shit mixture that was now being splattered and smeared all over her dildo all the while.
"DOJO! CASINO! IT IS ALL IN THE MIND!" Parappa chanted melodramatically into Lammy's subconscious through her voice-recording microphone while the poor already-batshit-insane nervous wreck of a girl got down on all fours and began frantically digging through a multitude of strap-ons before finally locating the distinctly guitar-shaped one that she wanted.
"Yeah, THAT'S right; my guitar's in my MINNND!" Lammy laughed psychotically as she eagerly, already-rather-overexcitedly fastened her strap-on right on, causing her clinically-insane mind to somehow perceptionally transform it into a literal guitar as she hopped right back up onto the stage and (much to her immense sadistic delight) found Paul eagerly squatted down on his hands and knees with brightly blushing ass cheeks and an even more brightly blushing face!
"Um...I beg your pardon, young lass, but I thought this was supposed to be about making me orgasm like a rented mule, if I'm not mistaken..." Paul humiliatedly, nervously reminded her.
"Oh...well, in that case, LEAVE IT TO...LAMMMYYYYYY!" Lammy yelled obnoxiously high-pitchedly and amazingly effeminately at the tops of her ever-loving lungs, performing a massive joyful backflip into the air and posing dramatically (and by dramatically, I mean masturbatorially) as she eagerly readied herself to violently drill Paul's asshole a new one!
"OHH, sweet face-fucking Lucifer, I ain't been drilled this hard since the last time I went to Vietnam...and yes, I DO, in fact, mean that both ways!" Paul moaned and cried with pleasure as Lammy excitedly positioned herself right in-between his deliciously plump and juicy butt cheeks (squeezing and massaging them with her lovely little hands just to provide added erotic pleasure) and ramming her massive strap-on so deeply and so flesh-tearing forcefully into his arse that for once in about the past week or so of his sad and miserable joke of an existence, it actually caused him to loudly scream and cry like a demonically tortured little baby...and he loved it.
"Oh, and by the way, BIG BOY...did I forget to mention that these babies also have SYNTHETIC EJACULATION FEATURES?" Lammy teasingly reminded Paul with her eyes erotically half-shut as she continued thrusting her fake-but-incredibly-massive schlong into his asshole.
"Uh...what does THAT me- OHHHHHH, YEAHHH, that REALLY hits my G-spot if I do say so myself!" Paul moaned orgasmically with delight as Lammy shredded a lovely power-metal solo into his lower intestine with her phallic guitar, then immediately pulled it out to show him.
"GET TO FUCKING WORK, DOUCHENOZZLE! ALSO, NEED I MENTION, THIS SHIT RIGHT HERE IS EXACTLY WHAT YOU FUCKING GET FOR TRYING TO VIOLENTLY RAPE ME IN A PUBLIC STORE, JUST SO YOU KNOW!" Lammy dominantly laughed, pulling a spare whip out of her pocket and abusively whipping Paul (who, of course, was still on his hands and knees) with it while the poor bastard began lovingly, humiliatedly sucking her moist, slimy, dripping, twelve-inch-long, completely-soaked-in-pure-concentrated-love-juice-from-top-to-bottom dildo.
"AHH...what's next, master?" Paul finally retracted his still-passionately-drooling-and-cum-dripping mouth from Lammy's delicious rubber schlong and began panting like a desperately starving dog (and even squatting down on all fours like one) while Lammy began pointing suggestively at her tits, fluttering her gorgeous eyelashes and erotically raising her eyebrows at him in response.
"FOR FUCK'S SAKE, FIGURE IT OUT ON YOUR OWN, DOOFUS!" Lammy laughed uproariously as she grabbed Paul's head and forcefully jammed his brightly blushing face right into her boob area, in which he immediately began sucking her lovely, lovely nipples like a baby sucks on a milk bottle.
"AHH...OHH YEAH, COME ON, KEEP ON SERVICING YOUR MOMMY LIKE YOU MEAN IT!" Lammy threw her head back and screamed loudly with delight as her tits squirted literally a full metric cup's worth of white, creamy goodness into Paul's ravenous, yellow-toothed mouth.
"Well? Are you feeling the agony of de-FEET yet? HMM?" Lammy slyly teased Paul as she outstretched her legs directly into his face and wiggled her pretty little toes at him every bit as teasingly as could be as his penis began hardening even more noticeably in response (to the point where it was actually physically hurting him to the point of jerking several MORE tears from his eyes) as he began lovingly servicing (in other words, salivating all over) Lammy's lovely, dextrous little feet, licking her soles like a dog and sucking her toes like a hamster.
"Yeah, come on, grab that dick and start jerking it like you MEAN it!" Lammy laughed spitefully and crossed her legs, slathering scrumptiously vanilla-ice-cream-flavored lotion all over her beautiful, ladylike, sweaty and OHH-so-wonderfully stinky feet and making a painfully obvious masturbation gesture with her tightly clenched right hand while Paul licked the little beauties up and down from the heels to the toes and back again, masturbating furiously as he took in their orgasmically pungent silky-smooth gorgeousness and their irresistibly mesmerizing, heavenly taste.
"Um, excuse me, sir; did I ever, at ANY point, permit you to stop stroking?!" Lammy sneered lividly at Paul as she clasped her wondrous, sweat-drenched, saliva-dripping feet around Paul's...ahem...violently pulsating and throbbing pelvic log and gave him the footjob of a lifetime, finishing it off with a forceful, full-body thrust right into her own baby-maker!
"OHH, SWEET KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN ON A SATURDAY MORNING, THAT FELT SO ORGASMIC!" Paul moaned and shrieked at the tops of his Mickey Mouse lungs as his phallic volcano fiercely erupted at least a full cup-and-a-half's worth of semen into Lammy's vagina.
"Come on now, clean up after yourself like a good boy! You don't want to disappoint MOMMY, do you?!" Lammy sluttily teased Paul as he reluctantly licked his lips, lowered his head right in-between her gorgeously long and slender legs and began gluttonously eating her right out.
"SPEAKING OF WHICH...HEY, WHAT IN THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE LOOKING AT?" Parappa blushed and stammered humiliatedly and embarrassedly, glaring seductively at the audience as he took the gooey, sticky semen that the immediately preceding events between Paul and Lammy had already caused him to violently ejaculate all over his adorably chubby little face and teasingly slathered it all over his naked 16-year-old puppy body with his bare, sweaty hands, clearly setting the stage for the events that were (mostly) predictably to come if anything!
"Sweet jumping PINTO beans, man, it's almost as if we were literally MADE for each other!" Fleaswallow moaned and ribbited with pleasure as Katy began erotically grinding her strap-on against his beautifully, handsomely toned chest muscles like a slab of juicy medium-rare steak.
"You MEOWN each oth-PURR!" Katy meowed and purred with delight, wagging her tail lovingly as her strap-on ejaculated gloriously into Fleaswallow's eagerly awaiting mouth while the two of both awkwardly blushed, giggled and smiled adorably shyly and dorkily at each other.
"OHH...I daresay we literally go together like penis butter and TESTICLE JELLY!" Fleaswallow laughed uproariously as he and Katy curled themselves together into 69 position and passionately, lovingly, droolingly sucked each other's dicks, licking their lips and moaning ecstatically in the process.
"OH, YOU CHEEKY LITTLE BOY, YOU!" Katy laughed teasingly, swinging her hand down like...well, like a cat paw while Fleaswallow ticklishly teased over her womanly nipples with his long, dextrous tongue and then promptly began drinking and sucking the milk from her feline titties while Katy lovingly pressed his face up against them and stroked him on the back of the head as if he were an adorable little puppy dog that she was keeping as her housepet.
"OHH, I can feel my mind literally EXPLODING at the seams with seminally erotic stimulation as we speak!" Parappa overexcitedly yelled directly to the audience with an incredibly dorky helmet that looked like a pasta strainer over his head, shaking and bouncing violently in his chair and jerking his dick furiously as he parasitically downloaded at least three entire gigs' worth of Lammy X Katy porn directly from Lammy's memory banks into his own, laughing maniacally all the while.
"MMM...AHH...I LOVE YOU LIKE I LOVE WATCHING PEOPLE GET VIOLENTLY EATEN ALIVE ON THE INTERNET...WAIT, WHAT THE FUCK?" Katy and Fleaswallow tightly hugged each other and erotically whispered to each other as they warmly, moistly, drippingly caressed each other's tongues with each other's tongues, once again throwing their heads back and moaning loudly with pleasure.
"SHH, SHH...DON'T WORRY, BABY, I'LL ALWAYS BE THERE FOR YOU, AS FLYPAPER IS ALWAYS THERE FOR ALL OF THOSE PESKY LITTLE FLIES THAT CONSTANTLY BUZZ AROUND MY FILTHY, DINGY OLD HOUSE..." Fleaswallow continued whispering (and flicking his profoundly long tongue) erotically into Katy's ear canals, licking both of her eardrums with delight as he lovingly wrapped his arms around Katy and powerfully thrusted his mole-riddled, saggy penis into her vagina until his hairy, wrinkly, drooping testicles finally gave in and blew the deliciously creamy load of a lifetime into her...well, her pussy; what else am I supposed to freaking describe it as?
"MMM...I CAN SEE THAT WORDS CLEARLY AREN'T THE ONLY THING YOU HAVE A WAY WITH, ARE THEY?" Katy put her hand over her mouth in surprise and purred teasingly as Fleaswallow inserted his moist, dripping chameleon tongue all the way into her uterus and began cleaning out her vagina so hard that it caused her to have yet another orgasm all over his adorably ugly and putrid face, prompting them to also dutifully clean up THAT hot mess in the exact same manner.
"COME ON, BAD BOY, LET'S SEE WHICH ONE OF US HAS SEXIER FEET THAN THE OTHER, SHALL WE?" Katy playfully teased Fleaswallow, once again swinging her hand downward like a cat paw as she and him lovingly and ever-so-excitedly wrapped their deliciously long, stinky and sweaty little toes around each other's penises and began the footjob orgy of a lifetime.
"OH...OHHHH...OHHHHHH MY GODDDDDD! Okay, it's official; you win..." Katy embarrassedly, meekly blushed and sighed, glancing off to the side and scratching the back of her head as she secretly admired the sheer amount of cum that her magical dildo had just violently squirted and sprayed all over Fleaswallow's ever-so-sweet-and-sweaty-and-sexy Jamaican frog soles.
"Would you care to do the HONORS, princess?" Fleaswallow smugly teased Katy, crossing his arms over his chest and winking inquisitively at her as she flopped down onto her chest and began passionately, romantically licking and sucking his feet and toes like lollipops.
"OHH, you'd better believe that I've literally NEVER been happier to do another man's honors at any other preceding point in my entire stinking LIFE, sweet prince..." Katy moaned and blushed intensely with pleasure as her seductive feline tongue teased its way all around Fleaswallow's lovely heels, through his scenic arches, up and over the glorious balls of his feet, all over his mesmerizing toes, and even in-between said mesmerizing toes, licking up a full cup's worth of her own girl-cum right off of a dirty and unwashed Jamaican frog's bare soles whilst doing so.
"Oh boy, THIS oughta be REAL fun..." Parappa snickered mischievously to himself, pulling out the Amalgamate Remote Signal Device that Alphys had also accidentally left just idly lying about in the Parappa universe after migrating back to the Undertale one and using it to call in the Amalgamates (which, naturally, had the power to freely jump between fictional universes due to being freakish eldritch monstrosities that the normal laws of the universe simply did not apply to the way that they did with normal beings) onto the scene, making a face that was literally the spitting image of the Grinch's infamous "wonderful, awful idea" face in the process!
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