Accidental Infatuation | By : crymsonpassion Category: Kingdom Hearts > Slash/Yaoi - Male/Male Views: 10501 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Accidental Infatuation
Chapter Thirty One
Authors Note: This chapter is dedicated to my beautiful Pahoyhoy who earlier this week delievered a beautiful and healthy baby girl. Congratulations my love, you did amazing and you're going to be the world's best mama. I know it.
Sephiroth didn't kill me. He didn't even come after me that day, and even now, a little over a month later, I'm still alive. Surprised, but still alive. As for the relationship between Riku and his brother, I think that it might actually be getting better. I'm not saying that it had anything to do with me saying all that stuff to Sephiroth, but I'd like to think that I at least helped a little. There aren't any major breakthroughs between the two of them, but at least they are starting to acknowledge one another's existence once again and possibly talking. I probably have Riku to thank for stopping his brother from killing me, but you never know. Especially because Riku and I have never actually talked about what all I said to Sephiroth that day. Though I am still avoiding Sephiroth like the plague for the time being.
Though I may have been spared by Sephiroth, that doesn't mean that I'm off the hook completely. While I'm not longer worried about dying by his hands, I forgot that he isn't the only therapist here with a sadistic streak. At least Xigbar isn't quite as menacing as Sephiroth and only tries only to kill me during sessions. It seems that over the past couple of weeks, he is working me harder than ever. Maybe it has something to do with both Kairi and Naminé both using walkers well now, but I swear; he is going to be the death of me. "Come on, Roxas," Xigbar says and I don't even react to being called my brother's name. I'm far too focused on standing upright to be bothered with being called the right name or not. I'm currently being held up by the walking bars, my feet planted firmly on the floor between them. I can already feel the strain on my arms from placing most of my weight on them, but I know that my legs must be helping hold me up, if only a little. "Sora, come on, just one step," my twin whispers encouragingly. He's standing at the end of the bars, a soft smile on his face. His arm is finally out of the sling, though I know that it is still wrapped around the shoulder. Over the past five weeks since my encounter with Riku's brother, Roxy refuses to let me go to session alone just in case Sephiroth tries to corner me again. But according to Dr. Vexen, this is what he wanted to start happening anyway. Due to our deep bonding, our Doctor thought that if we started to take our therapy sessions together, it just might help speed along our recoveries a little. I have to admit though, they may be right. With deep gasping breaths, I attempt to try and push one foot off the ground. Over the last three sessions, Xigbar has really been pushing me towards that milestone of my first unaided step. He is convinced that I have come alone enough in my recovery that I should be able to take that first step soon. I can feel the flush on my face due to exertion, but it doesn't stop me from trying my hardest. "I'm trying." "Just put all those motions that we have been practicing this past week into a single move. You know that you can do this," the therapist tells me, reaching down, but not touching my knee. That was the deal I made with him. I'd attempt to do this today as long as I could do it myself. It wouldn't mean anything if I wasn't able to make the movement myself. Over the past few weeks, my line of sensation had dropped considerably. We have no reason why I have spontaneously begun to recover at a more rapid pace, though both Axel and Kairi are convinced that it is due to the fact that I finally grew a backbone when I told Sephiroth off. I don't know what it is about the two of them and their shared love of picking on me, but it might just be the fact that they are both redheads. With my line of sensation falling to my upper thighs now, Xigbar assure me that it will be short time before the rest of the sensation returns, and that, combined with what I have recovered already, a few steps are not far off. He also informed me that I will still have to stay at the clinic for another couple of months so that I am able to regain the ability to walk properly again. That came as a relief for me after he had been on insisting on me trying to take a step. I had begun to worry that my recovery would cut down on the time I had left in the clinic – and with Riku. "Push, Sor. I know you can do this," Roxy says, holding his good hand out towards me. I stop trying to move for a moment, taking in a deep breath. I need to focus for this. Closing my eyes, I try and visualize something at the end of these walking bars that I want to walk towards. The first thing that pops into my mind obviously is Riku. It is so easy to picture him standing there with that amazing and gentle smile of his on his lips, arms spread wide to welcome me. With that image burning into my mind, I then focus all my thoughts into concentration on doing the movements that I had been practicing for the better part of a week in therapy. I can easily feel the tension in my upper thighs, a sensation that feels slightly new again to me. I guess it had been so long since I had last felt it that I wasn't used to it anymore. "That's it! You got it, little dude. Keep moving like that," Xigbar says encouragingly. Even every breath feels like a strain to me, and the tingling sensation is constantly running through my thighs as I try and work muscles that haven't been used in so long. I feel a surge of happiness that could only have come from my twin, lacing with pure euphoria and excitement. "A little more, Sora! Just a little more! You're almost there!" As suddenly as all the tingling and pressure started, it all stops. I freeze, my eyes still shut tightly as I feel my body relax. I have no idea what the outcome is, except the fact that the exertion has finally caught up to me, tiredness flooding through my veins. I'm truly frightened to open my eyes to see what the result is. "Did I…?" I trail off, hoping that my voice sounds a little steadier than I think it does. "Open your eyes and find out," my therapist says in a monotone voice, not trying to give anything away, something that actually is working. Damn emotionless one eyed bastard. I can tell from the position of his voice that he is standing upright again, which doesn't help me discover my answer at all. Slowly, I pry one eye open, the other following. The first thing I see is my twin, a bright smile on his face. Encouraged a little more by that sight, I quickly turn my gaze downwards, only to see that my left foot is a good six inches in front of my right one. "I did it?" "You did it. Good job, short stuff," Xigbar says with an actual smile and not just his typical smirk. I can't help but beam a wide smile back up at him before I turn and face my twin again. "I did it, Roxy!" Without replying to me, my brother suddenly launches himself at me. Before I know what is going on, I find myself tackled to the ground, my twin's arms, both of them, wrapped around me in a tight hug. The entire time we were falling, we were laughing like the maniacal idiots I know we are. "That was awesome! You did it, Sor!" I just laugh harder as we lay there, still in complete disbelief. "You know, I'm starting to get all the feeling back in my butt, so that kind of hurt." That just causes my brother to laugh harder as his hand instinctively goes up to touch where I know the bandaging is hidden under his shirt. Most of his therapy now is to help get his full movement and motor skills back in that arm and hand. Though, there are a lot of times where he pushes himself too hard and his shoulder will start to throb with pain so much that I feel it. It still amazes me how far we've come along in such a short amount of time. "Wait until you and Riku go all the way, then your butt will really hurt," my twin tells me with a smirk that causes me to blush fiercely. "Hey now, Tiger. Keep the therapy sessions G-rated," Xigbar says, causing both of us to raise an eyebrow before turning towards him. "Since when?" We ask in unison, laughter in our voices. The one eyed therapist just waves a hand in our direction. "Since I decided that listening to you two talking about sex make me feel like a pedophile and should be arrested." I just grin as Roxy and I move into side by side sitting positions. "But Xigbar, you ARE a pedophile." He just smirks at me. "Am not. I refuse to sleep with any chick that isn't of age. It's too much paperwork to deal with when she decides that she can't handle all of this anymore. And I've had to dispose of too many as it is." This time it is my brother's turn to smirk, but instead he sends in my way instead of up at Xigbar. "Notice he said chicks and didn't say anything about what age range he likes his little boys in." "Probably as young as he can get them. I bet even we are two old for him," I continue, unable to keep the laughter out of my words. "Hey! This dick is for chick's use only," Xigbar laughs as he smacks both of us lightly upside the head. "Lay off me for a bit and think of the only real pedophile here. Shouldn't you be more concerned with where Flamesilocks has been touching you? You should try and remember them so that you can point it out on the court doll because he's probably going to get arrested with some of the things I've caught him doing to you. You two really should remember to lock the doors behind your perverted little pedo love fests." I'm just about killing myself with laughter, and though I see a slight blush of embarrassment on my twins cheeks, his grin just grows wider than ever and I can just sense that I'm not going to enjoy what he's about to say. "You may think that Axel is a pedophile, but let's face it, he's getting some a hell of a lot more than you are, you creepy old bastard." Xigbar just scoffs. "As if, loser." With that said, the dark haired man obviously is done with the session and our harassment, and flicks us both in the middle of our foreheads before walking right out of the room without another word. Roxy and I can barely turn to look at each other before we break into uncontrollable laughter. There is no way that we can stop, every time that we look at each other, a new wave overcoming us. After a while, I finally catch my breath and lean back on my hands. "Am I the only one who finds the thought of Xigbar having sex very nauseating?" I ask when I finally have enough air to form words. My twin just shakes his head no as he continues to take in deep breaths. "No, you're right. It actually is quite disturbing," he confirms with a grin. "Good, glad to know that I'm not the only one." Without saying anything else, we begin to pick ourselves up off the floor, my brother moving over to get my wheelchair. "You know, I'm so proud of you, Sor," Roxy says as we get me into my chair, a task that is almost second nature to us now. "It's hard to believe that we've only been here at the clinic for five and half months, and you're already starting to walk." "So much had happened since that night hasn't it, Roxy?" "We both still have so far to go, but now I actually think that we may actually be able to get there," he whispers. I nod in agreement as I realize that my time here at the clinic is already more than half over. It's so hard to believe that it already has been a little more than six months – more than half a year- since Roxy and I were in the accident. With everything that happened to us because of that, it really does surprise me. To think that when I first came here, I was afraid that I would never be able to stand, let alone walk again, let alone having a new best friend who happens to also be female, and a second female friend almost as close. And then there is the fact that I have found my first love. And Roxy. I came to this place without him at first, and I thought he would never be able to use his arm properly again. It almost seems as if this has all been a dream. "Hey!" I say suddenly as we make our way out into the hallway. "Hey what?" my brother answers with a laugh. Though I know that he can't see it from his position behind my chair, I stick my tongue out. "I just realized that you and Axel have been together for just over five months now. And if I'm not mistaken, and I know that I'm not, it qualifies as being your longest relationship ever." As soon as I say the words, we stop. Though we both know that I no longer need any assistance in pushing myself; for some reason, Roxy still likes to push my chair. I understand why Riku does it, but my twin has another reason, something that he has yet to share with me. "Shit, has it really been that long?" his voice is slightly airy as he tries to process the information. I knew that he probably wouldn't have thought about the actual amount of time that has passed and connected it with how long he and Axel have been together. I take the opportunity to spin my chair around so that we are facing each other once again. I am completely shocked to see that Roxy's eyes are wide and he has a look of utter surprise plastered on his face. "Roxy?" I whisper, reaching one hand out and taking his right hand. There is something wild going on inside of his head, but even I am unable to unscramble the insane whirlwind of everything that is spiralling around in there. I know that there is nothing wrong, it's just something that is overwhelming to him and it's something that he has to work out on his own. "Sora…Remember that day that Sephiroth attacked Riku?" he questions, his eyes veiled in something that I can't identify and he refuses to make direct eye contact with me to let me see. I almost snort at the question that I know he can't be serious about. He knows very well that I still can picture the way that Riku looked that afternoon. "Of course I do. How could I ever forget?" I respond, trying to figure out where he is going with this, because I still can't seem to make anything of his erratic thoughts. He takes in a deep breath as he finally looks down at me, our eyes finally locking, but still not revealing everything to me quite yet. "That day you asked me if I had ever been in love because you thought that you were. I never actually answered you. That's because I never really had been in love before. It was always lust and deep like. But now…I don't think that that's true anymore…" he trails off an suddenly the maelstrom of thoughts inside his head clears up and I am left with his thoughts of one man and one man only, all surrounded by a bright gold and red aura which just confirms that his feelings are true and he's no longer struggling with them. My brother is finally admitting that he's in love with his boyfriend. Despite the overwhelming urge to start singing 'Roxy and Axel, sitting in a tree', I just grin widely. I can feel the love he feels for his redhead boyfriend, feelings that are identical to my feelings for my own boyfriend. It makes me so happy that he finally is admitting how much he cares for Axel, even outside all of the sex. I know that that is a major part of their feelings for one another, but it is nice to know that there is something deeper beyond all of that. "It's about time," I chuckle, watching as his face breaks into a grin. "Yeah, it was. I cannot believe that all of this has happened since we came here," he laughs before leaning down and giving me a hug. Instantly I notice that he isn't squeezing tightly with his left arm, a sign that it is getting tired and he's probably pushed it too far. Though he doesn't need to wear his sling all the time any more, once Roxy has been using his arm too much or it's just been a long day, his arm loses all its strength until he puts on the sling and lets it rest. Obviously he has already reached the point that it's tired. "Where's your sling?" I ask the moment he releases me. I just receive a soft smile as he reaches under my chair, pulling his sling out from somewhere under there. Of course. First he can't seem to remember his own inhaler, now I get to be his official sling carrier too. I swear, he'd forget his head if it wasn't attached. I can only laugh and roll my eyes as I reach up and help my twin get the thing on properly. "So, what do you want to do now that your session is over?" Roxy questions when we finally start moving down the hall again. I am supposed to be meeting Riku in the cafeteria a little later tonight for a private dinner and a date, but that still isn't until later on. Ahh, the perks of your boyfriend's brother being in such a high position here. Even if he is a prick, Riku uses Sephiroth's influence around here to his advantage sometimes, and it allows us to have quite dates without ever leaving the clinic. But if I recall correctly, he has appointments all afternoon with Dr. Vexen and his brother. He is supposed to be getting back the results of most of the CT scans and blood work that he's had done lately after the last severe attack that he had. I've been avoiding thinking about it all day. I'm so worried about what we might find out about what has been causing them. Riku was pretty nervous himself this morning, but that is to be expected. I take a brief glance down at my watch, realizing that it must soon be time for him to find out the results. "I think I'm going to go see if I can sit outside Dr. Vexen's office and wait for Riku. Then I can find out his results instead of waiting for tonight. I'm really worried about what Dr. Vexen is going to tell him." "He'll be alright, Sor." My twin whispers, placing a hand on my shoulder and I reach up to squeeze it in support. "You'll be able to tell him you took that step too." I nod, smiling nervously, my euphoria from my therapy session now dissolved into the worry that I'm feeling for my boyfriend. "I know. But I'm still worried." Surprisingly enough, I'm able to keep my voice steady and calm. "It still means that I want to go find him as soon as possible. What are you going to go do?" I receive a smirk from my twin at that. "I think I'm going to go find Axel, have a quickie, tell him how I feel, then probably have celebration sex afterwards." I just groan at the typical answer that I should have expected from him. I don't know why I ever think that he will give me a clean answer when I ask him a question like that. He's always been so perv-minded, and since he got with Axel, it has just gotten worse. "Go then," I tell him, trying not to laugh too much, pointing in the direction of Axel's room. "Maybe because I know that that's what you've gone to do, it won't affect me that much." My brother then smirks, shrugging. We both know that my statement is completely false; I'm still going to be able to feel everything. "I'll catch you later then, Sor. And I really am proud that you took that first step today." Without another word, my twin waves before rushing off down the hall, eager to go find his boyfriend. Heaven forbid they go more than a couple of hours without some sort of sexual contact. Then again, I really am not that much better. Even if Riku and I haven't gone quite as far as Roxy and Axel have, I know that I crave my boyfriend's touch after going any amount of time without it. Without thinking, I begin to roll myself towards Dr. Vexen's office, hoping that Riku may still be in there. I am very anxious to see what Riku learns about the possible causes for those stupid headaches that he has been experiencing. I think that at this point, we all just wanting to find out what it is, to put a name and reason on it. We're all just sick of the mysteries. As I enter the hallway that holds Dr. Vexen's office, I am slightly surprised to see Riku sitting on the floor outside the office, leaning up against the wall, his head cradled in his hands. My first thought is that he's having another attack. "Riku!" I gasp, quickly rolling over towards him. As soon as he hears me approaching him, his head shoots up, looking in my direction. That's when I notice that his sightless aqua eyes are rimmed with red. Shit. If he's been crying, the diagnosis must have been much worse than we feared. I barely make it over to his position before launching myself out of my wheelchair, landing next to him. Instantly I wrap my arms around him, astounded that I have not begun to break down myself yet. But seeing my normally strong boyfriend like this is causing something inside me to become the support that he needs from me right now. "Sora…"he trails off, his voice hoarse and thick with emotion, sending a chill through me. Pulling him closer, I begin to rock him gently whole whispering soft nonsense in his ear in hopes of calming him down a little. Though I know that no matter what he will say, I won't like, I know that I will need to hear it eventually, and I won't be able to listen until he is no longer hysterical. Shit. Why? Why did this have to happen to Riku of all people? When I feel him beginning to sob against my shoulder, I just let him. All I can do is let him cry himself out as I continue to stroke his smooth silver hair and hold him tight. I have no idea how long we sit there like that, no one registers to my mind if they have walked by us, and I don't even know when I joined my boyfriend in his tears. It could have been minutes, or it could have been hours later, but after some time, Riku sobs finally stop and he just continues to sit there in my arms. "Ku?" I speak as softly as I can, hoping not to frighten him. I also don't want to push him into speaking before he is ready to. I have nothing else to do except sit here with him to comfort him. My mind is racing with the possibilities of all the different things that he might tell me, but the only thing I know is that it cannot be good news. But to what extent is it? "Sora…"repeats my boyfriend, still leaning into my touch. Before he can say anything else, I feel him begin to cry once again. My own tears are beginning to fall more freely now, and I know that the strong front I have been presenting is crumbling, and crumbling fast. I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to hold out without breaking down completely. "Take your time, Ku. Tell me only when you're ready." "It's not good," he finally says after another good length pause. Though this time his voice is a little steadier. Not normal, just steadier. I think that it just means that he has cried himself out at the moment. "What did they say?" I whisper as I continue to stroke his hair gently, wanting to give him all the comfort I can at the moment. Letting out a deep sigh, he lays his head on my shoulder and I just hold him tighter. "The CT scan results show that I have two ruptured aneurysms in my brain, that's what happened that day in the pool and the day Seph came back, that was when they actually ruptured. They have to go in and surgically clamp them." I can't move, breathe or think. I am overwhelmed by what he's just told me. I just sit there, holding him, ignoring the shakes of both myself and my boyfriend. "Brain surgery?" I whisper when I finally am able to use my voice again. Riku just nods against my neck, but surprisingly enough, he doesn't break down again. Instead he continues on, "But they also found out that there are at least three blood clots in my brain that have apparently been there since I got hit by that fucking blitz ball. And if all that isn't fucking enough, they can't fucking do the fucking surgery until they fucking figure out more about these stupid clots! They don't know where they are effecting and what will happen if they do the fucking operation. We've got to do more fucking tests…" he trails off into sobs once more, and this time I can't hold back my own sorrow, and we sit there like that, crying together. "It'll be okay, Ku. We'll get through this," I whisper, holding him close as we let our emotions out together. I just hope that I believe that words I'm telling him.Poor Riku :( the poor boy just can't seem to get a break, can he? I just want to take out my magic wand, tap him on the head and make it all better. But then there wouldn't be much of a story here and that wouldn't be as fun. So I'll just settle for keeping my Riku dolls near me at all times so I can spontaneously give them pity hugs. Cause I'm a nerd like that XD
Its hard to believe that we are in the home stretch with this story. I'm not sure if I'll be able to stick to my plan of only four more chapters, but if I don't, it will be very close. As always, Thank you so much to everyone for all your support for this story, hopefully I will be able to give you an ending worthy of the comments and praise that has kept me going this far on the story. I've made myself promise that for the rest of this year, I'm not allowed to write more than two oneshots between chapters of this story, so hopefully I'll be able to stick to that. That means I should have another chapter out by the end of next month. The only way I won't do that is if I write on this more often. I'm anxious to see this through to the end now, especially since I have a pretty clear picture of everything that should happen between now and then. Thanks again and until next time!While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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