Accidental Infatuation | By : crymsonpassion Category: Kingdom Hearts > Slash/Yaoi - Male/Male Views: 10498 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Chapter Thirty Two
The air at the clinic after learning about Riku's impending surgery is definitely heavier. No one really ever brings it up, though we all know that it will be happening soon. It's not like we are all acting like it isn't going to happen, because we know it has to. It's just that we can all tell that Riku is reluctant to talk about it. I know that he doesn't want to be reminded of it, but eventually, we really are going to have to talk about it. With the actual date still undecided, I'll let it go on for a little while longer. I think that is the hardest thing, not knowing when the surgery is actually going to take place. We are working through it one day at a time like always, and that's all we really can do. At least Riku doesn't spend his time brooding about it, like he did when Sephiroth was first sent away. I think that may have been my biggest fear after he found out what was going on. I worried that he would withdraw once again, shutting me and everyone else out.
Right now, we are just hanging out, me, Roxy, Axel and Riku, all in the common room, joking and carrying on like we always do, trying to make life at least a little bit normal. I think the normalness of everything going on around him helps Riku more than anything. It lets him know that this surgery isn't the end of the world. I only hope that I am able to convince my boyfriend of that before it happens. I really don't know what I would do if anything were to happen to Riku. I'm beginning to think that the bond between my boyfriend and me is getting strong enough to rival the one that I share with my brother. That thought frightens me a little. I know that I depend too much on others and being do dependant on them is not a good thing. "…so, then Reno decides that he wants to know what happens if you poke it with a stick, Needless to say, he spent the rest of the day being chased by a very upset goat." We all burst out laughing as Axel tells us yet another tale of stupid things that Reno has done. He always seems to have so many of them, and I have to wonder if some of the stories are about another redhead troublemaker from that family. Not that my brother's boyfriend would ever admit to something so incriminating. "Guys! Guys! You've got to come and see this!" Demyx's shrill cry breaks our attention as we all turn to see the blond entering the common room as fast as he can in his own wheelchair, which is actually pretty fast. He has a huge grin on his face that has an air of mischief behind it. "What is it, Dem? I really don't feel like moving," Riku says in a very nonchalant manner from his position stretched out on the couch with his head on my lap. I have to admit, I'm quite comfortable like this as well. Especially because I can feel the pressure of my boyfriend's head on my thighs now, a completely different sensation for me. Since that day two and a half weeks ago when I took my first step since the accident, I have been working harder than ever in order to regain my mobility. It's not like I am trying to shorten my time here at the clinic – and with Riku – but I just know that it shouldn't be too long before I can take more than that single step. And I know that there are still several months of recovery ahead of me, so I'm not that worried. "Trust me, this is so worth moving! Come on before they are finished!" Demyx urges, obviously getting frustrated because none of us seem to be moving anywhere anytime soon. "Why can't you just tell us and we'll be the judge of if it is worth it getting up for or not?" my twin says with a grin from where he is curled up on Axel's lap in the armchair. "That's right. I'm going through severe Roxy-cuddle withdraw right now. It will be hard to pull me away from this," adds Axel as he buries his face into my brother's neck, saying or doing something that makes Roxy laugh lightly. And it's not a normal laugh either… "Three man rule!" Riku, Demyx and I all cry at once, causing Roxy and Axel to break apart, scowls on their faces. "I wasn't gunna start anything," grumbles my brother's boyfriend with a pout. "Weren't you?" I ask with a laugh as my twin says "You weren't?" in a tone that is dejected that it's hilarious. We all start laughing again, unable to start. "Wait!" Demyx cries suddenly. Dang, I was kind of hoping that he would have forgotten about why he came here. After all, it has worked before. "We've got to go watch this!" Without waiting for any of us to answer, he rolls himself over to Riku and begins tugging harshly on my boyfriend's arm. "Tell us what we have to watch and maybe we will consider it," Roxy says with a grin as he snuggles further into Axel, possibly trying to hide right in his boyfriend. I have such a weird brother. "Kairi and Nami have been discharged but are refusing to go so Xigbar is in there trying to convince them to go and get them out but he and Kairi are fighting!" Demyx says in an exasperated tone without breathing, his hands thrown up into the air. I feel my eyes go wide as my jaw drops in disbelief. Did he just ramble what I think he just rambled? "Kairi and Naminé have been what?" Riku exclaims as he sits up straight in shock. "That's what I just said!" huffs Demyx. "Dad just told me. Now Xigbar is at their room trying to get them moving, buy they refuse to budge. Come on! Kairi is putting up quite the fight." We all jump up as fast as humanly possible, wanting to see this. We have all witnessed Kairi's wrath and temper in the past couple of months, Axel more than others, but to our knowledge, the rage has never hit the clinic's staff or therapists, though Xigbar has definitely come close a time or two. This should be entertaining to say the least. I'm not sure how many pairs of hands are used to lift me unexpectedly into my chair, and I can't help but yelp at the sensation. I know that time is probably of the essence here, but they could have at least been gentle. And I'm pretty sure that it wasn't my boyfriend who gave my butt that little pinch. "Hold on!" Axel exclaims he takes a hold of the handles on my chair. Wait, Axel? Gripping on to the arms of my chair for dear life, I feel my stomach jump into my throat as the redhead pushes me recklessly through the hallway. Why the hell is he the one pushing me? After one too many times of being crashed into a wall, we have forbidden the redhead from pushing my chair, or so I thought. I know that we aren't going anywhere but Kairi's room, but I can hear my mind screaming to force him to stop, especially when we take a corner on two wheels. Never releasing my death grip from the arms of my chair, it is all I can do to see that Demyx is getting the same treatment in his chair from my brother, except Demyx seems to be thoroughly enjoying the ride. Freak. I'm pretty sure that I left my stomach back in the common room. Riku is running along beside us, no doubt following the sounds of my screaming as a guide to follow. As we come around another corner far too fast, we stop almost instantly and I can't be sure that I'm not going to be sick. "I hate you," I whisper, directing the comment to my brother's boyfriend with a growl as I try and make the world stop spinning. "No you don't," he smirks confidently, "And if you do, like I care." My own boyfriend hears the comment, coming over to me and wrapping his arms around me from behind, placing his chin on my shoulder so that I can feel his grin. "Did you survive the trip alright?" Riku whispers with a laugh, his lips against my ear. I feel my normal blush take over my cheeks as I lean into his heated breath. "I did, but not willingly. I think I left half my internal organs scattered through the hallways," I say with a light chuckle of my own. Before any of us get the chance to say anything else, a long string of curses is heard coming from behind the closed door with the number '5' on it, drawing all of our attention to the door and what could possibly be going on behind it. "I don't care if the fucking tooth fairy was the one to tell you, you one eyed jerk off asshole! We are not leaving!" the unmistakable voice of my best friend can be heard through the door. "Your recovery is as far along as it can be done here! It's time for you to go home, Peach!" Xigbar exclaims in a voice that is a cross between a growl and exasperated. "Like hell am I leaving yet! You'll have to carry me out of this room in chains before I go willingly!" "That can be arranged, you know!" "Just fucking try, you fucking douche turd! You try and I'll have you charged with assault!" As Kairi screams that, there is a loud thud against the door, causing our eyes to go wide with curiosity. "Watch it girly! You could have hit me with those! And they were hardcover!" growls Xigbar, the comment earning a chuckle from all of us spectators. "Then I missed, didn't I? I don't care how you arrange it, but I am not being fucking discharged yet!" "That's not for you to decide, Peach! Dr. V says that you and your sister are recovered enough to go home to your parents. Don't you want that?" "Do I have to castrate you with my own fucking bare hands and shove your miniscule little dick down your throat to get my point across? I. Am. Not. Leaving!" None of us are able to contain our laughter or amusement any longer. There is nothing quite like listening to Kairi when she gets this upset. It is the most entertaining thing ever. The five of us just continue to wait outside in the hall, laughing so hard that there are tears streaming down all of our cheeks. At that moment, a crash against the door causes all of us to fall silent and our eyes to grow wide. That was far too big to be books. "God fucking damn it, Peach! Are you trying to fucking kill me!" "If it means that I won't be discharged, then yes!" she growls loudly, making us wonder exactly what it was that she threw at him. Before we can discuss it, a second crash sounds and renews all of our laughter. Man, I'm so glad that I am not in there right now. I doubt that there is anyone, or anything that would be able to quell her anger right now. "Oi! Stop that! How do you think I lost my eye!" cries Xigbar. "That's it! I'm calling security, Peach!" "You just try that, you ass hat! See where that gets you, huh, you fucking coward!" Unfortunately with her yelling, we aren't able to hear if he does call security or not. Especially because we aren't sure how much good calling security will do, with Lexaeus being the security around here. There is no time to think on it before we see the gorilla himself running down the hall in his pale green scrubs. One thing is for sure, he is no less imposing and frightening as he was to me all those months ago when I first checked in here. "Be careful in there, Lexy," Demyx says in an encouraging voice. Lexaeus nods to him before opening the door and entering the room. I don't know if it is for our safety or what, but he makes sure to close the door behind him, not allowing any of us to get a glimpse of what is going on in there. Though I don't think I'm exactly upset about that. After all, if we could see in, it would mean that Kairi would be able to see out, and knowing her, she would probably pull us into her rage. I think that my thoughts echo everyone else's in thinking that we are content in just being spectators in this. "Oi, Tank, you've got to do something about her! This is getting out of hand!" Xigbar growls as Lexaeus gives him a very non-committal grunt. "Hey! That's not what I meant!" We then hear Kairi begin to laugh hysterically. The door opens once again, Lexaeus appearing, Naminé held in his arms with a huge grin on her face as the door swings closed behind them. "Hey guys, enjoying the show?" she questions when she notices us. She obviously seems to be in no rush to be put down as we all see her snuggle in closer to her boyfriend's chest. "You stupid ape man!" Xigbar yells, "You removed the wrong bloody girl! You've left me with the one who's trying to kill me!" "Kill you? I would never let it end that simply! We are staying her in this room until you agree to hold off our release!" "Do we dare ask as to what is causing all of this?" Roxy questions from his position of sitting on the hallway floor. He had been standing for the longest time, but apparently laughing so much had made him fall to the floor. Axel had done the same, probably more for the reason of wrapping his arms around my brother more than for his laughter. Riku is still standing behind me, using the back of my chair as a support for his laughing fits. Naminé just giggles, placing a soft kiss on Lexaeus' cheek. They might be an odd couple, but I have to admit, they seem like they are good for one another. "You want to know why Kairi is being so adamant about delaying our release?" "Yeah, because I thought she wanted to get out of this place as soon as possible so that she could go be with Tidus," Demyx says, leaning back in his chair. We can still hear Kairi screaming at the top of her lungs at Xigbar, his crude and crass remarks always followed by the sound of something hitting the wall. "And what on earth were those really loud bangs caused by?" Axel questions, an oddly mischievous glint to his eyes. I don't think I really want to know or find out what he is planning. I already get the feeling I'm not going to like it. "Oh, you mean the ones from just before Lex was called? Oh, that was our walkers. She's also thrown all of the books we had," she grins just as another odd crash comes from the closed door, "and that sounds like our crutches." We all look back and forth between the closed door and the blonde girl, none of us quite sure if we should be amused our slightly scared. But amusement is clearly winning. "And I thought that my twin could be scary sometimes," I laugh at exactly the same time as my own twin, causing Roxy and I to burst out laughing. The others all hear us and all of a sudden, all of us are laughing hard enough for tears once again. "Um, Dem," Naminé says, a little unsteady as we continue to listen to Xigbar and Kairi flinging insults and curses back and forth. "Any chance your crutches are close? Mine are being used as ammo along with my walker right now, and I still can't stand unassisted. I'm sure I'm getting a little heavy for even Lex to keep holding me." She sounds slightly nervous and I don't know why. I doubt that Lexaeus would ever drop her, dating or not. "No," Demyx frowns. But instantly a huge smile overtakes the frown. "I can get Zexy to bring them up! Means I get to sneak a kiss from him! Axel, help me!" Rolling his eyes, my brother's boyfriend pulls away from necking my twin, standing up, glaring when Riku barks at him. Everyone else laughs as the redhead goes over and holds out his arms for Demyx to hold on to while standing. It really surprises me that even after all these years Demyx is still unable to stand without some sort of assistance. Makes my problems seem to not be as bad. None of us say anything while the two blonds trade places, Demyx using Axel's assistance to move to stand behind his wheelchair, grabbing hold of the handles to support himself. Once he is balanced, he pulls out a cellphone from his pocket. None of us say anything for quite some time, the only sound filling the hallway is the continuing argument between Kairi and Xigbar. A few minutes later, the ever elusive Zexion appears, still in his lab coat, carrying a set of crutches. When Demyx decides to thank his boyfriend for bringing them up here for him with a kiss, it sends a message to all of us to do the same thing. I can't help my smile as Riku leans down, placing his dry lips against mine. I have been waiting for this kiss all afternoon. I love the feel of his somewhat dry lips along mine, massaging them with a skill that amazes me. The moment is then broken by a loud cry of "You cock eyed, ass breathed little shit faced douche hole! How many times do I have to say no?" "Give. It. Up. Peach!" At the yelling, all of us start laughing again, except of course Lexaeus and Zexion. We have learned so much about and from Zexion since coming here. It's hard to believe that he is only a couple of years older than us. And the fact that only a couple of months ago, we wondered if the slate haired man even existed is hilarious now. We see him regularly in the hallways or out and about on the property with Demyx now. He's never very talkative, but that's just who he is. He's never rude to us, and always is willing to explain things if we have questions about anything. He even does a class or two of our tutoring, which is really the only time we hear him speak at length. He's really passionate about literature. It doesn't really surprise me how smart he is, but it does leave me questioning exactly how he and Demyx ended up together. One of the great mysteries of life, I guess. "Dr. Vexen said that he needs you to get room 15 ready for the new occupant today," Zexion says with a nod to Lexaeus. That's another relationship that I find kind of odd, Zexion and Lexaeus being best friends. I bet it's not a very talkative friendship. To each their own though. Lexaeus just offers a grunt of acknowledgement as Zexion begins to walk away. The gorilla then leans down to whisper something in Naminé's ear, making me look away from them. "Bye Zexy! I'll come find you later!" Demyx cries, balancing on his crutches. Riku then decides that he needs some more affection at the moment as well, leaning down from behind me, wrapping his arms around my chest and pulling me in close. I can feel his hot breath on my neck and I can't help but lean into it. It's been a couple of days since Riku and I have had any amount of alone time and it feels like it has been an eternity. It's not like we have had the want or desire, it's just that Riku has been going in for a lot of extra tests right now, and Xigbar is increasing my therapy sessions in order to get me walking sooner. When soft lips press gently against the sensitive skin just behind my ear, it is the only thing I can do to not moan out at the sensation. Do I really care why Kairi is fighting tooth and nail against her release? Not if it means that Riku is going to stop what he is doing. I allow my eyes to slide closed as my head falls backwards, Riku's lips moving down along my neck. Good god that feels good. "Three man rule!" the words cause Riku and I to break apart, glares plastered on our faces as we look at my brother, his boyfriend and the blond on crutches. Why are we friends with these guys again? "Why did you stop them?" Naminé exclaims, and for once I actually agree with the over obsessed fangirl. I notice that while Riku and I were lost in our world, Lexaeus has left as well. "I'm sure that they would have gone a lot further if you'd have let them." I groan, burying my face in my hands. Too bad leaving right now would raise too many eyebrows. Why couldn't they leave me and Riku alone to our own devices? "What will it take, you snivelling fucktard to get you to realize that I'm not leaving!" A loud crash follows the protest again, and it sounds suspiciously like Kairi may have just thrown a lamp at Xigbar. "Oh right! Back to this!" Demyx exclaims, "What is causing such a fight between Xigbar and Kairi? Why doesn't she want to go home?" Naminé just giggles, her gaze fixated on me and my boyfriend. Man, I hope she isn't going to demand visual boys love action as payment for letting us know. I wouldn't put it passed her honestly. Before she responds though, the look on her face goes slightly somber. "It's because of you two," she says, pointing over at me and Riku. "Us? Why us?" I question, feeling Riku's hand slip inside mine, squeezing tightly. "With Riku's surgery coming up sooner or later, you are both going to need as much support as possible. We know that we should be here for you both. I don't think that Xigbar is aware of just how close all of us have become here over the past few months. There is no way that we are going to abandon you guys when you are going to need us the most." Her words leave us all speechless. I had never expected something like that to be the reason for Kairi's rage. To know that the two of them care so much about us that they would put off their release is almost overwhelming. "I don't know what to say…" I whisper, feeling Riku squeeze my hand tightly. He doesn't say anything and I can tell that he is once again reminded of his impending surgery. As often as possible, he tries to push it as far back in his mind as possible. When he is reminded about it though, like now, he goes silent and will usually take several hours to start talking about again. But he never goes off on his own, which was the most frustrating thing before. He stays with me, and that means more than I think I will ever know. "Riku." The voice sounds from behind all of us, making my blood go cold. I don't need to turn around to know that it is Sephiroth standing there, probably looking as imposing as ever. I have still yet to interact with him at all since that day that I told him off, and honestly, I'm okay with that. Now however, I really don't know how I can avoid him. I feel my boyfriend squeeze my hand even tighter, on the verge of hurting me, but I would never tell him that. "Come with me." I can almost bear the collective breath being drawn by everyone. At least I know that if anything happens, there are witnesses. "Alright," Riku answers, his head lowered solemnly. It almost seems as if he had been expecting this summons. I wonder what's going on. I expect Riku to lean down and give me a kiss before leaving, but much to my surprise, my boyfriend begins to push my chair towards his brother. Holy poo, what's going on? He knows that I still have nightmares about being hunted down by Sephiroth. This definitely isn't going to help that. Suddenly I feel my boyfriend's heated breath on my cheeks. "I need you with me for this, alright Sor?" he whispers, almost as if he can read my thoughts. "O-o-okay," I reply, trying to find my courage. It's still being elusive though. Why does my boyfriend's brother have to be so scary? Then again, I'm not one to talk about scary brothers when I have Cloud. "Get the fuck out of my room you useless fuck hole or else I will file a complaint that you assaulted me, and then where would you be, you perverted fuck!" Kairi's voice cries out, causing Sephiroth to look over at the closed door with a raised eyebrow. "Who's assaulting who here?" bellows Xigbar. Maybe Sephiroth will go in and try and save Xigbar, and forget about us. I would hate to be Kairi then, but that doesn't seem to be the case. The tall man just turns and continues down the hallway expecting his brother to follow. We continue along behind him at a small distance, neither of the silver haired men saying anything, and honestly, I'm too frightened to say anything. Eventually, we round the corner into the office hall and it surprises me to see Dr. Vexen standing there, waiting for us. "Ah, Riku, come into my office with me and your brother," the blond doctor says, holding the door open for my boyfriend. "Sora…" Riku trails off with a look of desperation plastered on his face. "I'm afraid you will have to wait outside for now, Sora," the doctor tells me. I'm sort of worried as Riku just does as instructed without fighting it, parking my chair right outside the office door. "I'll be out as soon as I can be," Riku whispers, leaning in and giving me a soft kiss. "Alright," I say, trying to keep my voice steady as I muster up a light smile. "Love you." "Love you too." With that said, he follows his brother into the office, the door closing behind him. I just sit there awkwardly, unable to hear anything that is going on inside the office. What I wouldn't give to be a fly on the wall in there. I really wish I knew what they were discussing, or that I could be in there for support for Riku. It's really hard to be sitting out here while who knows what is going on in there. If I had been able to, I would be pacing right now, trying to figure out what they are talking about. Is Riku in trouble? Did he do something that he wasn't supposed to? I know that in the past he has been able to get away with anything at the clinic, are they finally saying something about all those times he should have gotten in trouble but didn't? It was almost cruel of my boyfriend to bring me here if I was just going to be put out here anyway. I curse silently to myself knowing that Riku wouldn't do that to me. He had been expecting for me to come into the office with him, but Dr. Vexen had told him no. I wonder what it is that I couldn't be there for. It seems like an eternity before the door opens, but it really was only five or ten minutes. I startle, watching as Riku walks out, his head hung low. Uh-oh, this really can't be good. "Riku?" I ask quietly, letting him know that I haven't moved from where he parked my chair. With a sigh, he walks right over to me and wraps his arms around me tightly. It's all I can do to return the embrace before several silent sobs begin to rack his body. It seems as if he is doing that a lot lately, but I let him do it. I don't say anything; I just continue to rub his back. It's an oddly similar position as to when we first found out that he was going to need surgery. It's then that it finally hits me. That's why they called him in. They have set a date for his surgery. I feel my own tears begin to fall and I just keep holding him until all the emotions pass, never saying anything. "When?" I whisper after the quiet sobs stop. A deep breath leaves him and I can't help but take in my own breath of anticipation, trying to prepare myself for the answer. "Next week. In 10 days. I can't believe it's so soon," he whispers, his voice cracking. The answer evokes more tears from us and we continue to just stay there, allowing our emotions to flow freely as we try and cope with this new information. Above all, there is a single thought of mine that refuses to leave me alone, and it is my biggest fear about all this. I'm not ready to say goodbye.This chapter was written in a grand total of like 2 and a half hours. Probably because I had so much fun writing Kairi and Xigbar's fight, lol. You gotta watch out for the redheads, they're the feisty ones. And Xigbar. I heart him. Still hard to believe that there are only 3 chapters left to this bad boy. Sigh. But it's time. I've come to terms with that. Means I can get on with the next massively long story that I have had planned out for nearly 3 years now. Exciting!
As always, thanks so much to everyone for your continued support for this story, its because of all of you that it has gotten as large as this. I keep laughing when I see that I thought that this was only going to be 15 chapters at the beginning. I was so wrong about that, lol. To Pahoyhoy, you remain to this day my muse, my inspiration, my love. And your L'il Hoy is so perfect, just like her mama. I love you so much. For the next chapter, as I promised, I'm writing a chapter between each one shot right now, so the next one shouldn't be too far off, I'm going to say within the next month. But if I'm late, please don't hold it against me! Thanks as always, and until next time!While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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