Slaves of Cerberus | By : NakedOwlMan Category: +M through R > Mass Effect Views: 138252 -:- Recommendations : 1 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: Mass Effect and all the characters in it are owned by people that are not me. I have not made a cent off this work of fiction |
Goddamn, her head was pounding. Had she had another bender and fallen asleep on the floor of her office again? Fuck, Kahlee was going to have her ass for being a bad example to the students again.
"I think she's waking up," said a voice through her unconscious haze. Not Kahlee, and not one of her students. She felt somebody grab onto her shoulders, and tried to send out a light biotic pulse to swat them away.
But she felt a slight pain in her temples, and quickly realized that her biotics were being suppressed. And that was what finally made Jack come to her senses, blink her eyes open, and grab for the blurry shape in front of her and take them down to the floor.
"Who are you? Where the fuck are we?" she growled, as she twisted around and rested her weight on top of the other person. She reared a fist back and bared her teeth. "You better start answering questions, or I swear..."
"Jack, it's me!" said the woman, and as Jack's eyes focused on the terrified face below her, she felt a twinge of recognition. "Samantha Traynor! We both served with Commander Shepard!"
"Traynor," Jack said, racking her brain and finally remembering that party at Shepard's apartment. "Oh, yeah. The one with the hots for the robo-babe." Glancing downward, Jack frowned. "So, why the hell are you naked?"
Traynor let out a pained sigh. "Same reason you and your friend are, I suppose. I think our captors get a kick out of humiliating us like this."
After hearing the word "friend," Jack released her grip on Traynor and jumped to her feet. She scanned the room, recognizing it as one of the cargo decks on the Normandy, and spotted Jenny Madigan sitting against an empty weapons crate near the outer wall. The poor thing was shivering, naked like Traynor was, and as Jack felt cool air brush against her, she finally noticed that she had been stripped as well. The thought of those Cerberus bitches tearing off her clothes while she was unconscious made her even angrier than she already was.
Trying her best to suppress her rage for now, Jack left Traynor and knelt down in front of Jenny. "You okay, kid?" she said. "They didn't hurt you, did they?"
Jenny shook her head, eyes wide and terrified. "No, ma'am," she said. Even so, Jack noticed that Jenny's hands were clutching her lower torso.
"No need to play tough, kid, let me see," Jack said, reaching over to pry Jenny's hands away from her body.
Jenny fought against Jack's grip. "No, it's fine, really! I'm not hurt, I just..."
Jack finally managed to yank Jenny's hands away, revealing a darkened patch of flesh underneath. But it wasn't a bruise or gunshot wound. It was a tattoo. An omega symbol that looked almost identical to the one that Jack wore on her back.
For a moment, Jack was at a loss, as Jenny blushed beet red and averted her eyes. Finally, Jack gave her a wry chuckle. "Shoulda let me know you wanted to get some ink, kid," she said. "That one's pretty good, but I know a few guys who could have made it look a lot better."
The embarrassed teenager said nothing, and Jack stood up and gave Jenny her space. Dumb kid. It wasn't that Jack hadn't noticed the puppy dog glances the girl had been giving her, that wide goofy grin she'd get whenever Jack praised her. It just wasn't something she was used to dealing with.
Back in the old days, if some pretty young thing had been making eyes at her, Jack would have just told her to fuck off. Or, if she was in the mood, might have taken her up on it. But neither of those would have been an option with one of her students.
Going soft. She'd have never been in this position if she hadn't let Shepard be such a "good" influence on her. The old Jack would have kept fighting these fuckers until they had no choice but to kill her. Would have never let herself be taken captive like this, especially not by Cerberus. But when one of her students was in danger, that was when she got stupid. If she wasn't such a goddamn sap...
But what was done was done. Turning to Traynor, who had gotten back up on her feet from Jack's earlier attack, Jack decided she'd better get up to speed. "So what the fuck is going on here?" she asked. "That woman who nabbed us looked just like Shepard. But I know damn well that ain't her."
"I'm afraid I know about as much as you do," Traynor said, bashfully covering up her naked body now that she had "cellmates." "We saw the videos on the news, Shepard or someone claiming to be her saying she had rejoined Cerberus. And then out of nowhere, they came and took me and Kelly."
"Kelly? You mean you and Kelly Chambers?" Jack said, then shrugged. "Guess I ain't that surprised." Glancing around the cargo bay, Jack furrowed her brow. "Looks like the old Normandy shrink isn't stuck in her with us, though. Where'd they go with her? Shit, they didn't..." she mimed a pistol pointed to her temple.
Traynor shook her head. "The one claiming to be Shepard and the other one... Brooks, I think she's called, they're forcing Kelly to work for Cerberus. Don't know what she's doing or why they wanted her so bad, but I assume she's somewhere else on the Normandy."
"Fucking Cerberus," Jack spat. "Figures they'd have to put guns to some heads to get competent people working for them. Can't believe after all the shit they pulled back during the war, anybody with an ounce of sanity would sign up with those bastards willingly."
"I'm not entirely sure that a clean psych report is a prerequisite for admission into Cerberus these days," Traynor said. "The ones that I've seen so far have been..."
The door to the cargo bay suddenly slid open, and a short-haired, well-built woman stepped inside, flanked by two other women in Phantom armor. "Sorry to interrupt your conversation," she said in a low, raspy voice. "What is it you were going to say about me and the rest of the team?"
"Nothing," Traynor said, glancing down at the floor and putting her hands behind her back.
"Thought so," the Phantom turned to Jack, and gave her a grin that revealed yellow-tinted teeth. "Hey, there, guinea pig. You put up quite a fight on the shuttle ride back. Glad to see that bump on the head didn't put you out of commission for good. Hate to let a warm cunt go to waste."
"Funny, I was just thinking the same thing," Jack said, giving the Phantom a sneering grin. "So how about you step over here, cunt, and we make it a fair fight this time?"
The Cerberus soldier clucked her tongue. "Fair fights are for suckers," she said. "And as much fun as me and my girls here would have beating you senseless and taking your ass, right about now we're just looking to relax and unwind a little," the Phantom glanced over at the cowering Jenny and gave her a leering grin. "Honestly, I think we're in the mood for something a little more... innocent tonight." She gestured to the two Phantoms at her side. "Ladies, let's go introduce our young guest here to the rest of the team, what do you say?"
"Sure thing, Rena," one of the two Phantoms said, as they advanced on Jenny. The young student gave a terrified glance to Jack as the Phantoms yanked her by her arms up to her feet, and started dragging her towards the door.
"Wait, don't!" Jack exclaimed. "You don't want to do this!"
Jack watched as Jenny struggled against the cold metal grips of the Phantoms, staring at Jack as if waiting for her to come to the rescue. In her mind's eye, Jack saw herself, the young girl she had been on Pragia, screaming as she was dragged off to another set of barbaric experiments.
Maybe she was going soft. But there was no damn way she was going to let these psycho bitches fuck with one of her students. Not if there was another way... as fucking disgusting as the idea of it was to her.
Rena glared at Jack. "And why wouldn't I want to? Young, sweet little thing like that... bet she's still got her cherry, even."
Jack took a step towards Rena. "Exactly why you don't wanna do this. Look at her," Jack said, gesturing at the sobbing Jenny. "Young, innocent... you shove this little girl's face into your twat, she'd barely even know what she was doing. Probably be too busy bawling like a baby to even know the first thing about getting you off, you know?"
Rena put thumb and forefinger to her chin, contemplating this. "You're probably right," she said, then casually shrugged. "But hey, we all gotta learn sometime, right?"
"Yeah, but how long is that shit gonna take?" Jack said, moving to stand in the way of the two Phantoms trying to carry away Jenny. "On the other hand, you've got me," she gave her best sultry look to Rena. "Shit, I've forgotten more about making a woman cum than most people in the galaxy ever even learned. You take me instead of Miss Innocent over here, and I promise that you won't regret it."
Rena seemed dubious. "And why should I trust you? Not sure I want to put my bare snatch anywhere near a mouth that was screaming 'I'll murder every last one of you Cerberus fuckers' just before we knocked you out."
"Hey, that was when I thought you were taking me to get sliced up like the last time Cerberus had me," Jack said, running a finger down one of the long scars on her arm. "But if all you ladies are after is a good time and a hot fuck, then I'm down."
After a long pause to consider, Rena finally gestured to her comrades, who released Jenny and let her tumble to the floor. "Fine," she said. "But you pull any funny business, do anything other than what I tell you to do, and I'm gonna come back up here and see what those scars of yours would look like carved into this little morsel's flesh. Am I understood?"
"Completely," Jack said, forcing herself to smile in the face of this sick bitch, while inside she was cursing herself.
Soft. So damn soft. Willingly submitting to a bunch of Cerberus rapists just for some helpless little teenager. What the fuck happened to me?
As she started following Rena and the other two Phantoms out of the room, she felt a hand grab her arm from behind. "Jack, no!" she heard Jenny sob. "Please don't do this."
"Don't worry about me, Madigan," Jack said, turning around and laying a comforting hand on Jenny's bare shoulder. "Ain't nothing I haven't done before. Just sit tight, okay? I'll be back here before you know it."
But Jenny didn't seem reassured, and she still stared at Jack with desperate fear, her fingers clinging tightly to Jack's arm.
Dammit, I've put them off this time, Jack thought to herself. But I ain't gonna be able to keep them away from her forever.
"Time to go, Jack," Rena said, a hint of menace in her voice. "Unless maybe you've changed your mind."
Stepping forward, Traynor laid a hand on Jenny's shoulder. "Come on," she quietly said to Jenny, as she gently pulled her away and let her to the other side of the cargo bay. As she laid a comforting arm across Jenny, Traynor looked back over her shoulder and gave Jack a nod of reassurance.
"Alright, then," Jack said, turning away from her fellow captives. "Let's get this party started, huh?"
So fucking soft, she thought as she was led out of the room, feeling a pain in her chest as she heard Jenny sobbing behind her, just before the door slid shut.
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