Accidental Infatuation | By : crymsonpassion Category: Kingdom Hearts > Slash/Yaoi - Male/Male Views: 10504 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Accidental Infatuation
Chapter Thirty Three
Ten days isn't as much time as it seems. A week and a half. That's all that it is. And though sometimes it seems to drag on forever, other times it is over in an instant. Unfortunately I have been experiencing more of the latter lately. It seems almost as if it was only yesterday that we were told about the date of Riku's surgery. Now it's completely unbelievable that it's here. I'm not sure if people are more worried about me or Riku though. After all, I don't exactly have the best track record of reactions when I have loved ones going in for surgery.
All week, everyone has been almost cautious around both me and Riku, giving us much as space as possible. Even Roxy has kind of backed off, except for when Riku and I go lay down. Just to make sure that we get to spend as much time together as possible, Roxy has offered to stay in Axel's room with him for the past week, allowing me and Riku to have out room to ourselves. And our friends are also being sure to not let us be interrupted by rotating a guard between Axel, Roxy and Demyx. Even Kairi and Naminé tried to get in on it, but that would have been just too embarrassing, especially because knowing the two of them, they would be more likely to open the door and watch. Not that they would have seen much or walked in on anything. All Riku and I have done while alone since finding about the actual date of the surgery is lay together, just talking. Though, it is never about the future. It's not that we don't want to think about it, but we just want to get through this before discussing that. Most nights our talks end with one of us crying, or both. This is the hardest thing I've ever had to deal with. Right now, I am sitting in the waiting room, waiting for Riku to be allowed his final visitations before being taken to the prep room. Me, Roxy, Axel, Demyx, Naminé, Kairi, Lexaeus and Zexion are all in this waiting room, waiting to go in and see him. It makes me so relieved to know that my boyfriend, and in a way me, has all this support to get us through this. Though it had taken another hour of arguing and an eventual intervention by Dr. Vexen, Kairi finally was able to convince everyone that it would be a bad idea to release her and Naminé before this surgery. Though she was a lot calmer and much less…vulgar when it came to explaining her stance to Dr. Vexen. I have to admit though that I'm really glad that they are staying here for us. I think the most surprising thing about today however, is seeing Sephiroth of all people sitting off all alone over in the far corner of the waiting room. I know that the two of them have had their fair share of fights and are still on shaky grounds, but I'm pleased to see that Sephiroth is here. He is keeping his distance from all of us and isn't making any sort of contact, but his presence here is still pleasing to see. I'm pretty sure that Riku needs his brother more than either of them would ever admit. The only person that Sephiroth has acknowledged at all while he's been here has been Luxord. The blond man is not actually going to be preforming any of the surgery, but has been acting as a consultant for it. As always, there are no exchanges or indications that the two men are involved, and if I didn't know otherwise, I never would believe it to be true. Luxord isn't even sitting down next to my boyfriend's brother; he's been coming in and out of the room where I know that Riku is, occasionally showing Sephiroth things on a chart or something. For some reason, I can't take my eyes off of the two of them as my mind wanders and all the different outcomes of today jumble through my head and imagination. I know the doctors are assuring me that the procedure is fairly routine, but I can't help it if my brain automatically jumps to the worse case scenario. At this moment, the door to Riku's room is opened and Dr. Vexen walks out slowly. I take in a deep breath, willing the tears that have been threatening to fall for the past hour to hold off for just a little while longer. Roxy must sense this and I feel his hand reach over and take mine, giving it a tight squeeze and not letting it go. "Okay, you guys can start going in, no more than three at a time," Dr. Vexen tells us and I can see the stress that is plaguing him as well. Then again, the blond doctor has known Riku for so long now that I'm sure that he sees my boyfriend as a second son. That's probably also the reason why he isn't involved in Riku's surgery either. Without another word, Demyx's father then goes over and sits next to Sephiroth, speaking with the silver haired man in hushed tones. Though I am curious as to what they may be saying, I am more focused on Kairi, Naminé and Lexaeus getting up off the couch where they had been sitting, the girls on either side of the gorilla. We had already decided on who would go in with whom and in what order, but it doesn't seem to ease my nerves at all. "Sora?" Roxy whispers, using his thumb to rub over my knuckles gently. "Hmm?" I hum, not trusting my voice to produce words right now. "You know everything is going to turn out fine, right?" my brother then offers me a small smile. It's amazing how much I've been I've been leaning on my brother for support this past week, but I know that I would do the same if our positions were reversed. And I don't think that Roxy would ever not be there for me. I don't know what I would do if he wasn't here for me, I know for sure that I wouldn't be able to be sitting here like I am. I let out a sigh, squeezing his hand tighter. Thank heavens I have his good hand or else this probably wouldn't be good. "I know, but I can't help but be worried." "Duh, that's because you care about the little bastard," Axel says with a smirk from the other side of my twin. "Listen, Sora. We all know that you're worried about Riku. Hell, we all are. But you've got to be strong, for him. So when you go in there, show him that strength and support. It will be the best way to show him that you love him, alright?" At the redhead's words, Roxy, Demyx Zexion and I all look over at Axel with wide eyes and slack jaws. Did those amazing words of wisdom actually come from my brother's boyfriend? "Wow! Axel, that was so, so…" Demyx smiles before faltering off and trying to think of what he should say, looking over at his boyfriend for a word. "Profound?" Zexion supplies with a shrug. "Yeah! Thanks Zexy, profound. But he's right Sora. You need to show him the strength." Demyx still has the soft smile on his face as he snuggles down further into the slate haired man's shoulder. Roxy then leans down and places his head on my shoulder. "And don't forget, while you're supporting him, we'll be here to support you," he whispers and it's in those words that I am able to hear the fear that is lacing my brother's words. Crap. I didn't realize that he would be quite this worried about me. Then again, with what happened the last time that someone I care about went in for surgery, I can understand why he is feeling like this. I just wish that I knew how to tell him in ways louder than words that I will never leave him alone. I wrap my arm around his shoulder and hold him close. I don't notice anything else going on around us until the door to Riku's room opens once again and Kairi and Naminé emerge, Lexaeus only a few steps behind them, obviously holding the door open for them to make it through with their walkers. I can see the sadness on all of their faces and it sends a pang through my heart. Almost instantly, Roxy squeezes my hand tighter, not wanting to make me think about that quite yet. Instead, I try and focus my thoughts on the fact that Kairi and Naminé are walking so much easier than ever. I am slightly jealous, but at the same time, I'm not. I'm proud of them. They both have worked really hard at getting this far. I feel kind of bad though that I am the reason why they haven't returned to their family and Destiny Islands yet. Soon though. I am going to miss them both so much. Luckily we have discovered that we only live a short drive and ferry ride apart, so once I make it home, we will still be close by. But I'm sure that we will see the two of them regularly before we are released anyway, with Naminé probably wanting to come up and visit Lexaeus. The silence continues after they sit down and Dem and Zexion make their way into Riku's room. Without a word, Axel pats the seat next to him which Kairi takes instantly, my brother's boyfriend wrapping and arm around her shoulders as we watch Naminé be helped back down onto her couch by Lexaeus. I feel so bad for Kairi; she's the only one whose boyfriend isn't here at the clinic. But it's like she said, she has more than enough friends and surrogate brothers who are able to help her through the times between Tidus' visits. I'm really glad that we've all gotten this close as well. I think the worse part of being released will be leaving the friends that I've made. Axel is already planning on moving out of the clinic, much to his family's dismay, when Roxy and I are released. They want him to stay at the clinic, but he has already decided to move to Destiny Islands and enroll in University there. And even though everyone is so worried about what will happen when his attacks hits, Axel just replies that he will have to learn to live with them sooner or later because he doesn't plan on spending his entire life here at the clinic. I know that Roxy is almost beside himself with happiness since learning of this. I am broken out of my thoughts when Demyx and Zexion return to the waiting room and suddenly I feel a pain in my chest. I'm not ready for this. When they sit down, I feel Roxas squeeze my hand tightly before standing up, my hold on his hand falling so easily. It almost feels as if my consciousness has escaped my body, everything happening just doesn't feel like it's real. Axel suddenly comes to stand in front of me, saying something but I can't make out the words. "Sora!" Roxy's voice says, snapping me back to reality. I look up at my brother who has a worried look on his face. I know that he is worried that I am about to go into an unprovoked panic attack. Or that what happened during his surgery is going to happen again. Frankly, I know that either of those things could happen, so I can completely understand his worry. Though there really isn't much I am able to do about it. "I'm sorry," I whisper, reaching up to wipe away the few tears that have begun dripping from the corner of my eyes. My twin only gives me a gentle smile that had concern in his eyes. "It's okay. Come on, let's go in," he tells me before stepping behind my chair and grabbing the handles. Axel tags along beside us and I can't help but feel slightly relieved that they are coming in with me. Chances are, I would have ended up sitting outside the door, unable to bring myself to enter into my boyfriend's room if I had been made to go on my own. After Axel and Roxy are done wishing him luck, they are going to leave me alone with Riku before he is taken away to the prep room. Just before we make it to the door, Axel pauses, leaning down and kneeling in front of me, one hand placing on my shoulder. "Sora, just remember that you need to show Riku that strength okay? It's the best way you can prove that you love him," he says to me, "We know that you'll cry. Honestly, we all will, but that's alright. Just be strong for him." I nod in response, unable to think of words to reply. It's still kind of weird that Axel is being so deep about all this. "Okay then, runt. Let's go in," with that said, Axel stands back up, offering my twin a soft and sincere smile. It's really amazing how their relationship has evolved from the simple sexual one that it started out as to what they are now. I know that Roxy has never been happier, and it's such a relief that the feelings between them are mutual. I never could have imagined someone better suited to my brother than the redhead. Axel pushes the door open to my boyfriend's room open, Roxy pushing my chair in. My first sight is of Riku laying on his bed in a standard blue hospital gown, leaning back against his pillows with one arm resting over his face. I can't tell what kind of emotions are running through him right now, but I can sure feel everything that is going through me. "Riku?" I whisper, taking over moving my chair from my brother, rolling myself over so that I am next to his bed. Roxy and Axel choose to stand together over at the door for the moment, something that I'm thankful for. "Sora," he says, a small smile playing on his lips and relief lacing his words. And suddenly, a lot of the anxiety in my body evaporates. Maybe it is just from seeing him smile despite what is going on, but it fills me with so many emotions: faith, love, hope, and the like. As soon as I am next to the bed, our hands come together, fingers entwining. "Apparently we aren't wanted, Rox. He didn't even notice us," Axel says, causing me to laugh a little. "When have you ever been wanted?" my boyfriend grins. "Does this mean that we can go have a quickie in the supply closet?" smirks my brother, earning a groan from me. "As long as I don't need to bear witness," I tell them, trying to hold in a moan at the feel of Riku's other hand coming to rest on my cheek. Even if we really haven't been doing anything over the past ten days, it doesn't means that we haven't been sharing little touches and caresses, and every time he touches me, I am not ashamed to admit that it sends a chill up and down my spine, like now. "How are you feeling right now, Riku?" My brother asks, being the first to bring us back to the reality of why we are here. My boyfriend shrugs a little, "Not too sure, actually." "Everything is going to turn out fine." It takes me a moment to figure out who said that, but it startles me when I figure out that it's me. "They know what they are doing." I squeeze his hand in support, finding my voice oddly steady. A small breath of air leaves Riku as he returns the touch. "You know, as many times as I've heard that today, this is the first time that I think that I might actually believe it." I just smile back at him, glad that I was able to show him the strength that everyone told me to. We sit there, talking about the most mundane things for a few minutes, laughing and joking as if we aren't sitting in a hospital room, like we are back in the common room at the clinic, and the time passes quickly before Roxas is suddenly standing right behind me, one hand resting on my shoulder. "We'll leave you two alone for a few minutes, alright?" "Thanks guys," Riku says and I can hear the shake to his voice, causing me to just squeeze his hand even tighter. "See you later then, alright?" Axel says, looking over at my boyfriend with a soft, yet concerned look on his face. "Well, I'm kind of hoping that they'll hit something while they are in there that will cause me to forget all about you," my boyfriend smirks, causing us all to laugh a little. But it's hollow, as strong as we are all being for him, there is always that worry hovering right below the surface. "Sora's right though, Riku, everything will be alright. Besides, the thought of having your brother hunt them down has probably got the doctors going to be even more careful," my twin tells Riku with a grin before he and Axel get final nods from my boyfriend, leaving the room and pulling the door closed behind them. The moment that I hear the click of the lock on the door, I lift myself out of my chair, pulling myself onto the bed next to my boyfriend. Our arms instantly wrap around one another, pulling us together as close as possible. I can feel the tremors that are starting to wrack his body and it's all I can do to hold him tighter as the sobs flow through him. As much as I want to break down and join him in his tears, surprisingly enough, the tears don't come as I rub one hand soothingly over his back, whispering little nothings and words of love into his ear. "I'm scared," the words are whispered into my ear and I know that this is the first time that he has admitted to his fear. I know that it has taken a lot for him to admit that. "I know, Ku, I am too," I tell him as I begin to rock us back and forth. My fingers tangle in his long silver hair and a fleeting thought makes me wonder how much of his hair is going to need to be cut before this. I pray that it's not going to be too much, but I will understand if it does. After all, I'd rather him be healthy with short hair than have this continue. "But you will make it through fine." "How can you be so sure?" Riku continues, holding desperately onto the back of my shirt, never moving his head up from where he has it buried into my throat. I can feel the moisture that is falling from his eyes gathering on my neck, but I do absolutely nothing to try and get rid of them. I take in a deep breath as I try and squeeze him tighter in a sign of support. "You've got to trust the doctors, Ku. They know what they are doing. Just think of how much better you're going to feel after this is all over and done with." My boyfriend then takes in a deep breath, the warm air tickling the side of my neck. "I love you so much, Sora." At his words, I can feel my resolve beginning to crumble. Shit. I've got to stay strong for him. "I love you too, Riku," I reply, trying to mask the fear and trembling in my voice. "You're going to make it through this. I can't get better without you to guide me." His hand then comes up in a familiar manner, ghosting over my face in the now familiar task of looking at me using his fingertips. "I promise not to leave you." At the final word, my eyes slowly slide closed and I lean in, our lips coming together. I try and savour every moment of this, our lips pressed softly together like this. The moment that I feel tears streaming down our cheeks, I feel my own finally beginning to spill over our eyelids. The hand that had been gently touching every inch of my face finally moves back in order to cup my cheek, one thumb moving up to attempt to wipe away the puddle of tears, or at least to get them away from my eyes. There is a sort of desperation fueling our kiss, forcing me to deepen the joining. I don't know how long we continue to be locked in our embrace, but no matter what, it still seems to be over in a heartbeat. Why does it seem like there is not nearly enough time for this? I finally pull away, reaching my hand up to first wipe the wet streaks away from my cheeks and then Riku's. As soon as my hand touches his normally pale cheek, his fingers wrap firmly around my wrist, holding my hand in place as he nuzzles into it. "Promise me you'll be in there when I wake up?" Though I know that will mean probably being in the same room as Sephiroth. I think I can handle it. In fact, I know that I can. I have no choice. I want to be there for my boyfriend, and if that means having to sit in the same room as his insane brother, then so be it. Riku is far more important to me than the little bit of fear regarding Sephiroth. "I promise. Just promise me this. You'll stay positive and come back to me." Riku just offers me a soft grin before slide my hand down so that he can press his lips to my knuckles. "I promise. We'll have many things to celebrate when this is finished." Reluctantly, we untangle from one another, and my boyfriend helps me move back into my chair, the last place I actually want to be. I lean up for one final lingering kiss before making my way over to the door, unable to look away from my boyfriend. I continue to give him the small smile, hoping to show him the support that I know he needs. I wish that I was able to go into the surgery with him and hold his hand throughout it, but I know that that is just not possible. So I will show him that I love him this way and hope and pray that our next meeting will be soon and not a sad meeting. I know that it has only been barely six months since I met him, but I need Riku. More than I have ever needed anyone before. "I love you," I whisper one last time, Riku smiling and replying that he loves me too. I give him a final air kiss before rolling out back into the waiting room, knowing that if I didn't leave now, I wouldn't be able to tear myself away from him. Hearing the door clicking close behind me, I sigh a shaky breath, no longer able to hold up this façade of being strong for him. I finally allow all my tears to fall, and as the sobs begin to take over my body. I bury my face in my palms and begin to cry. All this emotion is too much for me to handle. I can feel my entire body trembling as I sit there, letting it all out. I shut the word around me out as all my worries and fears fall in fat droplets from my eyes. Warmth suddenly encompasses me, rocking me back and forth as he whispers words that I don't even hear to try and calm me down. I know just from the touch that it is Roxy. I am lucky that he is here with me. I don't think that I could make it through this without him to support me. Eventually the sobs subside and before I can register what is happening, a tissue is running under my eyes and nose, wiping up all the stray liquid. "You done?" my twin asks, pulling away and looking me directly in my eyes, allowing me to see the tear tracks that are staining his own flushed cheeks. I realize then that the combination of having to keep me from entering a panic attack and knowing that a close friend is going in for brain surgery is hard on my twin. Luckily, I also notice a hand on his shoulder, and I don't need to follow it up to know that it belongs to Axel. Thank heavens that my twin has his redhead boyfriend to help him out. I don't know what either me or my brother would do if we lost our boyfriends. I hope that we never find that out either. I nod and look around the room, surprised to see that besides the three of us, the room is empty. Even Sephiroth is missing. "Where did everyone go?" I ask, wincing at how thick and scratchy my voice sounds. "Down getting some food, giving us a moment to get you calmed down before having to deal with them again," Axel responds, reaching up and ruffling my spikes in a fond and familiar manner. Something in that touch helps me re-gather my composure and I feel almost ready to handle them again. Almost. "You just remember that I'm here for you, okay?" Roxy whispers, placing a soft kiss on my forehead. "Thanks," I nod, looking over to the couch that had previously held Zexion and Demyx. Laying down may help calm my nerves I hope. My twin catches on to my thoughts and steps out of the way as I wheel myself over to it. Just as I get ready to lift myself out of my chair, there is a sound like Riku's door closing once again and I can feel some tension in my stomach, originating from my brother. Worried, I spin around only to see Sephiroth standing imposingly right outside Riku's door. The tension passes from my brother to me as the tall man's gaze focuses on me and me alone. "Sora, a word," he says in that commanding tone of his, sending nervous shivers through my entire body. I know what happened last time he and I were alone in a room together. "Whatever you have to say to Sora, you can say it in front of me and Axel," Roxy says, his voice a lot stronger than the knot in my stomach tells me he is feeling. I look up at the tall man, and suddenly the fear evaporates a little from me. I can sense the concern that is hidden in Sephiroth's body after all, even though he doesn't openly say much about it, his little brother – his only living immediate family remaining – is going in for surgery. And though Sephiroth isn't nearly as open with his feeling as others, I know that he is worried about Riku. And for that reason, and no other, I trust that I will be okay if I am left alone with the single man who is able to scare me absolutely shitless. At least for a few moments anyway. "Um, Roxy, can you give us just a few moments?" I ask, scaring both Axel and Roxy. Probably because they both also know what exactly happened as well. "You sure?" my twin questions skeptically, so much more worry and concern evident to me through our bond that what is showing in his voice. I nod, silently telling him that it won't be long, adding that if it's more than fifteen minutes to come in and rescue me. Silently, my brother then takes his boyfriend's hand and pulls him towards the door, Axel protesting all the way, but trusting Roxy's judgement and our bond. Silence falls over us as I am left alone with the man that I have been avoiding for the past couple of weeks. There is something not so frightening about him sitting in dark blue jeans and a button down black shirt that's left untucked. I still am scared, but at the same time, I can relate to all the apprehension that he must be feeling with Riku's surgery so close. I don't attempt to say anything, even as he sits in the chair closest to me. I figure that he was the one who wanted this meeting, so it means he probably something to say. It takes nearly ten minutes before he does speak, and what he does eventually say surprises me more than anything. "Do you truly love Riku?" I am stunned, but still manage to find the strength, and my voice to answer. "I do, more than anyone or anything." Sephiroth nods, looking off somewhere before rising from his chair and walking out of the room without another word. I can only stare after him, wondering what all that was about. My thoughts are cut short however as Roxy enters back into the waiting room and my nerves take hold of me once again. There will be time to decipher Sephiroth's odd behaviour after I know that Riku has made it through all of this without any problems. I just pray that I am not left waiting long.
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