Yo-kai Specs | By : joekun626 Category: -Misc Video Games/RPGs > General Views: 3771 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Yo-kai Watch, nor the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Another beautiful morning in Springdale!
I assume the sun was shining on this fantastic day, but I couldn't tell at all; having your face buried between huge, supple purple boobs did that to one's vision. Insomni had decided to become my Yo-kai pillow this morning while I slept, and waking up buried in her bust was the best feeling in the world. I wanted to tell her "good morning," but all I could do was mutter with a muffled voice. I felt Insomni stroke the back of my head with her hand, running her fingers through my hair.
"Good morning, my little mortal love." She greeted me. "I hope you can breathe, but I don't think you'd mind either way. Am I right?" Insomni pushed on the back of my head, forcing me closer between her tits. I felt them press against the sides of my head a moment later, knowing she had used both hands to try and surround me with her boobs -- I had a little bit of a kink for breast smothering, and she loved to humor that. Part of me wondered if she would mind if I sufficated from it, just thinking I was trying to get off. It was a dangerous game, but I wouldn't dream of asking her to stop.
After a few moments without a single breath, I tapped a hand on her stomach. She released her hold on my head and I quickly sat up on my knees, breathing heavily. Insomni leaned up on the bed, watching me as my breathing returned to normal. I looked at her with my face red, but not from my lack of air; whenever Insomni tried to start the day with sex, I usually always obliged.
Unfortunately, I couldn't this morning. Just as I reached down to remove my boxers (which Insomni had argued about me wearing to start with,) my cell phone's loud ring snapped me out of my trance from Insomni's dress slowly moving down her stomach. Insomni pouted as I reached for my phone on the nightstand, pulling her dress back up in frustration as if the caller could see her.
"Hello?" I answered.
"Good morning to you too." It was Hanako-san. I looked around my room, seeing that my laptop didn't have her looming over it; I was so focused on Insomni's tits that I hadn't noticed. "I'm in the Yo-kai World for the day, discussing business with a fashion magazine. Don't forget that you have an eye exam today, I put the time and address in the Yo-kai Pad for you." Hanako seemed more motherly to me than just my friend. "Don't you even think of skipping this one." She demanded. "If I don't see new, pretty glasses on you when I get home, I'll just test my next Yo-kai aid by myself."
That was one of her best threats, right next to forcing me to spend the night in a locked bathroom without her in it. I nodded, even though she couldn't see me.
"I'll see you two tonight. Have a good day, you crazy kids." With that, Hanako hung up. I heard a dial tone as I sat there with the phone to my ear, watching Insomni float towards the TV stand and grab the Yo-kai Pad from it, returning back to hand it to me. I took the tablet from her and ended the call, setting my phone aside as I booted up the Yo-kai Pad. As Hanako-san had told me, a reminder popped up on the screen: "Special eye test, 9 AM." Underneath was an address that wasn't familiar to me, and certainly wasn't the usual doctor I would visit for vision tests.
While I sat on the bed, now moved to the side with my legs dangling, I failed to notice Insomni had started to work my boxers down. When I felt a very nice sensation, I looked down seeing that she was already in mid-blowjob, and it had finally started to get to me. I let out a quiet moan and leaned back as she kept bobbing her head, all while I kept trying to figure out our day from the Yo-kai Pad. Eventually I started to thrust into Insomni's mouth while looking up the address on an online map -- I heard Insomni giggle with my cock still in her mouth. I was surprised that she wasn't annoyed from lack of my attention, but I didn't care at the moment.
Just as I had a picture of where we were headed, my first orgasm of the day hit like a ton of bricks. I let out a loud moan without even thinking, feeling my cock throb and pump out load after load of hot cum into Insomni's mouth. I heard her gulping it down as my hips gently bucked towards her face. Once I finally stopped filling up her mouth, she floated up to face me and opened her mouth, showing me her clean tongue. I blushed and grinned at her -- she always swallowed, and always felt like bragging about it like I'd be unimpressed otherwise.
"Thanks for the wake-up." I said with a stupid-looking grin on my face. "We should get going soon, we have ... five minutes. Oh shit." Insomni nodded and floated towards the door, watching as I dressed as fast as I could. Grabbing a thick hat to cover my ears from the cold morning, the two of us rushed away from our apartment building and down the street. We were headed to Blossom Heights, an area that I didn't usually venture to. The mall (and, embarrasingly, the toy store,) were downtown, so I had no real reason to go anywhere else. We turned down into Flower Road; being so early in the morning, it was mostly deserted. We made a mad dash through, but not fast enough that I didn't try to window shop at the bookstore.
"Come on! Later!" Insomni swatted me on the back of the head. I nodded and we continued our run, heading up a flight of stairs and into Blossom Heights. After an uneventful run, we arrived, both out of breath, in front of our destination: a place I had never been to called 'Timers & More.' It certainly didn't look like an optometrist's office, but I knew better than to question Hanako-san's instructions.
When we walked inside, I wasn't sure what to make of the place; it looked like both a pawn shop and a jewerly store. The man behind the counter, clearly very old, greeted me with a warm smile. No matter what the inside of the shop looked like, what came next surprised me: Insomni floated towards the counter with a big smile on her face.
"Goodsight, darling! How have you been?" Insomni asked him. The man chuckled and nodded at her.
"Oh, just fine, miss Insomni. How's the afterlife treating you?" Goodsight asked. Insomni chuckled and turned her head, looking at me.
"I've found my very own human." She replied. "We're partners now, so I finally have the one I'm going to spend the rest of his days with!" I wasn't sure whether to be happy at those words or begin to worry. Did she know how many days I have left? She floated behind me and wrapped her arms around my shoulders, kissing my cheek. I blushed at someone else seeing her affection, but it took me a moment to realize what was happening: another human could see a Yo-kai besides me. What the hell is going on here?
"I'm sorry to interrupt, but ..." I looked at Goodsight, whose smile hadn't changed. When he saw the look on my face, he quietly laughed.
"Miss Insomni, if you would?" He asked her. Insomni nodded and floated around to face me.
"Mr. Goodsight is also a Yo-kai!" Insomni explained. "He's more like Hanako; humans can see him without needing a Yo-kai light or any other help. He's the man in town who does repair work on the Yo-kai Watch."
"Yes, yes ..." Mr. Goodsight nodded. "Although for some reason, Yo-kai have always said that I invented the watch itself. That honor goes to a great man named Keizo, bless his late soul." He wiped a tear forming in his eye. "But that's in the past. How may I help you, young man?"
"Well, I was told that I needed to come here for an eye exam." I explained. "Am I in the right place?"
"An eye exam, hmm?" Mr. Goodsight leaned over the counter and looked me right in the eyes. After a few moments, he smiled. "A-ha, so you're the one who ended up with the Yo-kai specs, are you? I wondered what would become of those things."
"Why do I have these?" I asked. "Am I some kind of special person or something?"
"Just an accident." Mr. Goodsight shrugged. I wanted to curl up in a corner. "But regardless, welcome to the world of Yo-kai. I had one heck of a time getting that lens to work, I don't mind telling you!"
"Do tell." I nodded. Finally, some kind of answers.
"Well, inbetween working on watches, I had wondered if any other items that people wear could also allow them to see us Yo-kai." Goodsight explained. "I tried everything -- Yo-kai socks, Yo-kai shoes, and my personal achievement, Yo-kai undies!" He reached down and pulled up his slacks. Insomni and I both looked a little uncomfortable and she held a hand to her mouth to muffle a gag. "Anywho, I figured out that the same light bulb that the Yo-kai light uses could also be used for eyeglass lens."
"But isn't that the wrong kind of glass?" I asked. "This doesn't make much sense."
"Young man, you get to live with HER." He pointed to Insomni, who struck a little pose with one hand behind her head and another on her hip. "Are you really going to complain about logic?"
"No sir, no." I answered quickly. "But it seems a little funny that I have to hold my glasses in place to focus on a Yo-kai. Why can't both lens work?"
"Because I ran out of time to make the other one!" Mr. Goodsight laughed loudly. "By the time I had finished the one, it had up and disappeared!" He said. "I had no idea what had happened to it, but I figured I'd see it again eventually. I suppose it made its way to some glasses-makin' fellows and then to you. Just think, something I tinkered with in my spare time actually worked out pretty well!"
"That's great, and thank you for it," I started, "but is there anything you can do to make it work a little bit easier? I feel silly just holding the right side of my glasses in place."
"Hmmm ..." Mr. Goodsight put a hand to his chin, looking me up and down. After he studied me for a few moments, his eyes lit up. "I've got it! Just hand 'em over and take a seat over there!" He pointed to a small couch across the room. I took my glasses off and did as he asked, and he quickly headed into a back room behind the counter. I wandered over to the couch and sat down, with Insomni floating down next to me.
"So ..." She rubbed against me with a grin. "You wanna--"
"We're in public." I interrupted. "No way. Even if he is a Yo-kai."
"Hmph." Insomni pouted and crossed her arms. After a moment of being bratty, her eye lit up and she smiled. "Hey, switch watches. Right now."
"No. I don't need to." I rejected her. "Seriously, quit it. I don't want kicked out of her and not be able to see."
"Killjoy." Insomni crossed her arms in a huff and turned away from me. I had half a mind to bend her over the couch for a quickie just to humor her, but I didn't want to get banished from the one place that could answer many questions I've had about my new life.
In what seemed like mere seconds later, Mr. Goodsight returned to the counter with my glasses in hand. I stood up and wandered over to the counter, hoping I didn't fall on top of Insomni and she think I wanted to get busy in a pawn shop. When I reached the counter, I took my eyewear from the Yo-kai man and put them back on, finally getting clear vision once again. Nothing seemed different about them; the right lens was still a very, very faint purple from the outside, but normal when wearing.
"There's a little button there." Mr. Goodsight said. I pulled my glasses off and looked at them, seeing a small black button on the front next to the right lens. "If ya push it, a little Yo-kai detector will pop up. That way you don't have to fumble around stayin' in place."
I put my glasses back on and tapped the button -- my clear lens turned my vision purple. I looked around, but the only thing special I could see was a purple aura around Insomni and Mr. Goodsight. It was nice to not have to try and hold my glasses in place and instead be able to just look. I tapped the button once more and my vision turned normal once again.
"I got that idea from an old detective show I used ta watch!" Goodsight said. "One about a guy who got turned into a kid and ... and ... somethin' happened, I'm sure." He trailed off. "It's probably long ended by now."
"Thanks for the help." I said. "This should make things way easier."
"Sure should! You'll be able to see more Yo-kai than before, too! Come back later and I can upgrade it again for ya!" Mr. Goodsight gave me and a smile, and with that, returned to the back room. Insomni and I left the shop, all the while Insomni staring at my glasses.
"I don't see anything different." She said. "Not even a new color."
"Nope, same black." I replied. "Not much of an eye exam, was it?"
"I think it's how Hanako thought she was tricking you into going." Insomni said. "Anyway, should we go home?"
"That sounds good, I'm hungry." I replied. Insomni smiled at me and we started to walk (and float, in her case.)
An unfamiliar female's voice shouted behind us. I slapped my hands over my ears from the pain-inducing volume. The two of us turned around, but saw nothing. Insomni and I looked at each other, and I shrugged.
"Now's a good time to try those Yo-kai specs out." Insomni suggested. I nodded and tapped the new button on my glasses, watching as my vision soon had a tint of purple. A glowing aura appeared in front of us, and slowly formed into a new Yo-kai as I kept staring. After a few moments, one of the most unusual Yo-kai I had ever seen appeared before us; it looked like a ghost with a huge head of a dog; it had three eyes and wore an orange robe. It's face was completely red from blushing, and the Yo-kai refused to look at us.
"Do you know who that is?" I asked. Insomni reached into her cleavage and pulled out the Yo-kai Pad; I paused at seeing this, but shook my head. It wasn't unlike her, I suppose. I watched as her finger swiped the screen incredibly fast, looking increasingly frustrated as she couldn't find the answer -- I assumed, anyway.
"That's the Yo-kai Espy!" Insomni replied, pointing at the female dog ghost-looking Yo-kai. "She can read the minds of others!"
"Yes, and your mind is filthy!" Espy pointed at Insomni with a trembling hand. "You need to be locked up like a Yo-criminal!"
"A Yo-criminal? The Yo-kai World is that unoriginal?" I groaned. Insomni shrugged and shoved the tablet down between her boobs. "What the hell are you thinking about now?" I asked. Insomni didn't even blush; we didn't have much in the way of embarrassment between one another anymore.
"She's thinking about ... incredibly b-bad things!" Espy answered me before Insomni could. Espy's face turned a brighter shade of red, while Insomni had a sly grin on her face. She looked at me and licked her lips -- this made Espy cover her own face in her hands, looking away from us again. "How do you live with that p-perverted beast?!" Espy asked me.
"I couldn't imagine living without her now, she's my best friend." I replied casually. "Whatever she's thinking about can't be that unusual." Insomni hugged my arm and nuzzled against me. I smiled and patted her head.
"Maybe you're better ..." Espy said and looked at me -- her top third eye started to glow. I wasn't sure what Insomni had in mind, but I knew I wanted to just fuck with this new Yo-kai; her reaction was too fun. I thought about being back at the Timers shop, bending Insomni over the red couch and roughly smacking her ass as "punishment" for trying to do something in public. Insomni moaned out with each slap from my hand and begged me for another. Espy's face turned the brighest shade of red I had seen and she started trembling from my thoughts. I smiled a little, but she couldn't see.
"It's so ... so ... JUST TAKE THIS AND STOP IT!" Espy reached into a little pocket on her robe and threw something small at me -- it smacked me in the forehead and fell to the ground. I looked down, seeing ... a Yo-kai medal! It was a gray one, but a medal regardless! I quickly picked it up and examined it -- Espy had a smile on her face and her arms were stretched out as if she was trying to posess someone. I dropped the medal into my pocket and Insomni and I exchanged a smile. Espy wasn't happy in the slightest; she had started to float away from us, but I could hear her muttering. "Spanking ... what a terrible thought ..."
"You were thinking about spanking me?" Insomni asked with a smirk. "You naughty boy."
"I was just curious how long it would take her to snap." I said. "Hey, we got her medal ... for some reason. If we ever need someone to intrude on other peoples' business, we're set. What were you thinking about, anyway?"
"Let me show you." Insomni licked her lips and grabbed my shirt collar, shoving me in an alley between two shops. I watched her quickly unfasten my pants and yank them down, doing the same with my boxers -- within seconds, I was leaning against the brick wall behind me with my eyes closed while Insomni went down on my cock, bobbing her head much faster than she had this morning. Her tongue moved all over it like she'd never be able to taste me again, and her lips pursed around the head when she pulled back to the top. Every few minutes she would pull her head back to the tip of my cock and roughly suck, swirling her tongue around and bobbing her head ever so slightly, not even reaching halfway down. If she was trying to make me stay on the edge of orgasm, she was doing a fine job of it.
When I started to get into the fantastic-as-usual blowjob from my partner, I heard an unusual noise. I quickly looked up and saw something that snapped me right out of my relaxation.
I quickly realized we weren't between two shops. Instead, we were between two houses. The window in front of us that I had somehow failed to notice had its blinds slightly open, and I could see two eyes peeking out at me and my erect cock that must have seemed out for no reason besides me getting a thrill out of flashing people.
"We should, uh, go. Before I get arrested for indecent exposure." I muttered. I tried to push Insomni's head away, but she took this as a challenge and tried to take more of my cock in her mouth.
"Wuffor?" She asked with a full mouth. "Nah gud 'nuf fo' you?"
"Don't talk with your mouth full." I said. "There's someone watching us." I forcefully pushed her away and covered myself. The peeping eyes disappeared behind the now-closed blind, and I wasn't going to let them try again. Insomni floated behind me as I ran off, pouting loud enough for me to hear.
"You're not attracted to me anymore, are you?!" She asked when we finally stopped. "What do I have to do now?!" She grabbed the top of her dress and yanked it down; her big, purple tits bounced in my face when she floated closer to me. "Is that better? You like my boobs, right?" She pressed her breasts in my face -- as much as I wanted to stay perfectly still and enjoy every second, I had a misunderstanding to fix.
"First off, I'll always be attracted to you. You're the sexiest woman I've ever met." I muttered through her bosom. Insomni pulled away from me and had red cheeks, smiling at me. "I'm sorry you got worried. I didn't want to get in trouble for flashing some person. People can't see you, and even if they could, it wouldn't look any better."
"That makes sense." Insomni nodded. She pulled her dress back up, much to my disappointment.
I thought for a few minutes; I wanted to make this up to her, but doing it public would be too risky. Home would be quite the walk too. Where could we go that would be deserted on a Saturday?
The school! There shouldn't be anyone there besides maybe a janitor, and fuck it, he can watch.
The journey to the school was rather uneventful, besides Insomni trying to act sexy and get me horny on the way there, pushing her breasts together, licking her lips, floating in front of me and shoving her ass in my face -- the usual.
Once we stepped into the building, I was surprised by the lack of Yo-kai running around; did they take weekends off from school too? It was a quick trip to the third floor bathroom, the very same that I had met Hanako-san in some time ago. It felt like I had been with the girls for years, but I had honestly lost track of the time. It's not like it mattered anyway.
"A bathroom isn't the most romantic place I can think of." Insomni commented as we headed inside. "Why in the world are we in here?"
"Because I ..." I blushed and looked at the floor. "I used to have a fantasy of bending a teacher of mine over the bathroom sink ... or anything else." Insomni's loud laughter wasn't what I expected, and it certainly wasn't appreciated.
"That's so cute! You're such a dork sometimes!" Insomni teased, holding her stomach from laugher. "I haven't laughed that hard since I was alive, thank you!" She wiped a tear from her eye and smiled at me. When she saw the frown on my face and the disappointed look in my eyes, she seemed to change instantly. She floated close to me and kissed my lips, pulling away with a smile. "I'm sorry, my love. Show Ms. Insomni what kind of obedient teacher she should be for her favorite student."
Insomni asked me to close my eyes, assuring me she had a surprise for me. I did so, and was quite glad I listened: the sight before me was jaw-dropping.
We had the perfect set up -- or I thought we did. Insomni, through some kind of unusual Yo-kai magic, was now dressed in a very sexy teacher's attire: a white, button-up shirt that looked like it would burst from the size of her breasts, a short black skirt that rode up her hips and ghostly tail - which, thinking on it, didn't really make much sense - and glasses with a single lens. She looked like the perfect "extra credit" teacher you'd find in any common porn video.
I ignored the fact that she had a little leaf on her head while she referred to as a "Yo-kai Leaf" and claimed it was her "ultimate roleplay accessory." My eyes weren't focused on the top of her head to begin with, instead wondering how much longer that tight, tight shirt would last with the force of those gigantic purple ghost boobs pushing against it.
The sexy grin on Insomni's face kept turning into a look of disgust. As much as I hoped it wasn't me that caused it, whatever it was kept bugging her. After a few minutes of trying to keep up her seductive appeal, Insomni finally sighed in frustration.
"Honey, as romantic as the smell of these toilets are, I think you've made a bad call."
Insomni's voice snapped me out of my staring at her. She looked skeptical.
"I don't mind playing along, but I don't think a bathroom is the best place for you to fuck me. You'll hurt yourself, I'm sure." She said. "Doesn't the nurse's office have a bed? Wouldn't that be a lot more comfortable?"
"Yeah, you're right." I nodded in agreement. "It would probably smell nicer, too. If this is Hanako's bathroom, it certainly hasn't had much upkeep since she left."
"That's not her fault; janitors are lazy." Insomni corrected me. She floated towards me, and as I held out my hand to take hers, what she did was nothing like what I expected -- she grabbed me by the ear and forcefully started to pull, leading me out of the bathroom. She had forgotten that I couldn't go through doors, and slammed me face-first against it a few times until she realized I wasn't behind her. "Oh, sorry!" Insomni floated back through the door and opened it. She had an embarrassed look on her face. "Teacher messed up!" She giggled.
While I tried to regain my balance from being smacked against the door, I noticed something unusual: a giant crack in the wall. I walked closer to it and tried to peek inside, seeing nothing but darkness -- for a moment, anyway. I reached up and clicked the button on my glasses, watching the darkness; within a few seconds, a small red book appeared in front of me. Absentmindedly, I reached for it -- my hand seemed to go through the crack in the wall with no problem, as if that part of the wall was just a transparent piece to fool anyone else. I pulled the book out and held it in both hands, looking at the cover -- it was blank, save for a few yellow flowers on the bottom-right corner. Insomni looked over my shoulder.
"What'd you find there?" She asked. "I've never seen a book that needed a Yo-kai light before."
"Me neither." I replied. Well, duh -- but I wasn't thinking when I said that. Of course I've never seen an invisible book before now. "I wonder if Hanako knows it's here. I'll have to show her later."
"Oh, I can use it!" Insomni swiped it from me and held it against her chest. "Ms. Insomni needs a book to teach her favorite student!" She smiled at me, licking her lips. "I think it's time for class, don't you, young man?"
"Yes ma'am." I replied, once more gawking at her tits. I followed her outside, but I'd forgotten what she wanted to do; she grabbed my ear again and yanked it, pulling me down the hall. Luckily the nurse's office wasn't too far away, but it felt like my ear would fall off whenever we finally got inside.
"You whined the entire way!" Insomni said, crossing her arms.
"Because that hurt!" I complained, rubbing my ear, now red from the pressure and pain. "Why did you--whoa."
Insomni had pulled open her shirt, baring her large breasts to me. In a swift move that I couldn't keep track of, Insomni floated close to me and before I knew it, one of her pink, erect nipples was in my mouth and I started sucking on it. It took me a good few seconds to process what had happened so quickly.
"If you're going to whine like a child, nurse like one." Insomni commanded. I felt her fingers run through my hair as I sucked on her nipple, hearing her quietly sigh in pleasure as I did so. With her other hand, she opened the red book and started to look through it. "Let's see, while you're getting your fill down there ... lesson one is 'Insomni is becoming insufferable.'"
I paused in my sucking. Only for a moment, mind -- I didn't care what else was going on. Insomni's nipple in my mouth took priority over everything else in life.
"I'm worried about my next line ... I hope he likes my next lotion ... I need to clean his filthy bathroom ..." Insomni read from the book. Her voice sounded more and more confused with each line. "I think this is Hanako's diary."
"'Ou on't' say." I muttered with her nipple in my mouth. She smacked my head with her right hand, and pushed me away. "Hey!" I protested.
"Be quiet." Insomni commanded me. "We need to figure this out." Insomni buttoned her white shirt back up, much to my disappointment. She pointed at her cleavage, then looked down to the Classic Watch on my wrist. "Come on, in here."
"You want me to call her? Now?" I asked. "Couldn't this wait until home?"
"I'm NOT insufferable!" Insomni complained, shouting at me. "If you want that dick in my mouth ever again, shove your hand between my boobs!"
My hand and wrist dove into her warm cleavage. Insomni, being herself, moaned at my touch regardless of her mood. Her breasts glowed with a bright light, and moments later the Type Zero Yo-kai Watch was on my wrist. I reached into my pocket, digging out Hanako's Yo-kai medal. I shoved the green medal into the watch's slot, and turned the dial to the "1" on the right. The robotic voice came from it as usual.
"Please assume your summoning pose." It instructed. I still didn't have one.
"Do something cool!" Insomni shouted at me. "Standing there looks bad on your teacher!"
"You're joking." I said. Insomni rolled her eye and opened her shirt, flashing me. Her tits bounced whenever she moved. "Okay, you're not joking. Also that's become your weapon, hasn't it?" I groaned.
"You make it too easy, my love." Insomni teased, sticking out her tongue.
"Fine." I sighed. "Uh ... we need you here, Hanako-san." I muttered.
Very spooky music started to come from the watch; an 'eerie'-sounding song, as usual. A bright light shot up from the watch's face and turned into a rainbow-colored path.
As the path formed, Hanako-san appeared. She did a cute spin, and saluted me as she traveled down the rainbow. At the very end, she turned around and smiled, looking at me. I turned the watch's dial to "2," and a "success" tone played.
"Summoning an Eerie." The watch said with a blunt, emotionless tone. The bright rainbow disappeared, and Hanako-san was soon floating in the air.
"Hanako-san!" She announced. She looked around, seeing Insomni and myself. "Is something wrong, you two?" She asked. "It's kind of unusual to be in the school today. Did you get to your eye exam?" She looked at me with her arms crossed. "I didn't schedule it for nothing, you know."
"Yeah, I did, but that's for later." I said. "We found something that we wanted to ask you about-"
"HOW AM I INSUFFERABLE?!" Insomni interrupted me and shoved the red book into Hanako's face. "I AM PERFECT IN EVERY WAY!"
"What in the world are you going on about? What is that-" I could hear a gasp come from Hanako as she realized what she was looking at. Her hands at her sides clenched into fists, and her entire body started shaking, I would assume from anger. I'd rarely seen Hanako angry, but she was definitely fuming. "Why are you two invading my privacy?!" She snatched the book from Insomni and hugged it to her chest. Her entire face was red.
"We didn't know it was yours, I promise!" I protested. "Well, not until Insomni read it." Insomni floated in front of me, as if to block me from the conversation.
"Why would you hide a book in this smelly, disgusting bathroom?!" Insomni asked. Hanako glared at her.
"Do NOT insult my bathroom." Hanako said. "You can insult me, you can insult him," she pointed at me. I gave her an annoyed look. "but you do NOT insult my bathroom. This was once my home, and I just kept a few things here." She explained quietly, mumbling her speech. Just as soon as she muttered, though, her voice turned to a yell. "This is my personal diary, and I'll thank you not to read it! I kept this here so you WOULDN'T find it!"
Hanako continued to shout at us and looked past Insomni, directly at me. A few stray black hairs started to stand on end on her head - a small change, but it was something unusual that I noticed. As her anger grew, more strands of hair started to stand up and curl. Her body had a purple aura around it, but nothing like a normal Yo-kai's -- this was dark. This was an aura of sheer rage.
Her eyes stared daggers into my own; I couldn't look away. I could feel the color draining from my face when I saw tears building up in her eyes. Not only did I see Hanako-san truly angry, I saw her truly sad. The worst part of all was that it was my fault.
Without a word, Hanako disappeared in a puff of smoke with her diary in her hands. Insomni and I looked at each other, and after a moment, Insomni's anger seemed to fade. She floated towards me and started to rub my shoulders.
"Are you okay?" Insomni asked, continuing my shoulder massage. "She kind of exploded on us, huh?"
"I think we should go home before it gets late. I want to make sure she's okay." I said. Insomni sighed and reached for her shirt, but I stopped her. "Let's wait."
Insomni crossed her arms in a huff and nodded. We left the school and headed for home. The betrayed look in Hanako's eyes haunted me the entire way. Neither I nor Insomni spoke a word the entire time, but something in addition to Hanako's yelling and face went through my mind:
That diary seems to have a bigger connection to Hanako-san than just a place to vent in privacy. I'm not sure if I want to find out just what that is.
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