The Night of the Hawke | By : DarkWolves Category: +A through F > Dragon Age (all) > Dragon Age (all) Views: 20128 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Dragon Age and make no money by writing this. |
Chapter 6: The Hawke and the Tyrant
All around them the city carried the thin tension of looming conflict hanging thick in the air.
Hawke lead her group, Aveline, Merrill and Shadow, through the streets of the Lowtown market towards the city centre. Their leader walked with purpose and conviction, parting the way through the streets as people scampered left and right in their approach. Reaching the cusp of the marketplace they were met by the sight of two of the most powerful political figures of the city engaged in a war of the words.
“You have gone too far this time Meredith, we cannot stand foe this” Orsino said, a group of his most loyal acolytes standing at his back.
“It is my duty to root out all sources of treachery and disdain” Meredith responded, the steel of her Templars armour only sharpening her bladed tongue.
“You see treachery everywhere you look” Orisino’s regal bearing swiftly began to falter in the face of Meredith's unwavering accusations. “Is there nothing that will-”
“Meredith!” Hawkes voice pierced the conflict and drew the eyes of all those involved.
“Ah” Meredith cooed at Hawkes approach. “And so the Champion choose to grace us with her presence”
“Finally” Orsino said. “Perhaps you will be able to talk some sense-”
Hawke ignored him, her eyes glowing with blood red fury, pointing an accusing finger at Meredith. “The only thing stopping me from running my sword through you where you stand is that I know neither Bethany nor Merrill would wish that upon anyone. They are gentle souls, unlike you!”
Meredith dismissed the accusation with a shrug of her shoulders. “Whatever do you mean Champion?” Meredith feigned ignorance so casually Hawke suspected that the Knight Commander actually believed her own lies. The revelation sickened Hawke to the deepest pit of her stomach.
“The people of this city deserve to know what you have done Meredith, and the gravity of the sins you have committed”
Orsino was taken aback by the sudden turn of events. “What is she talking about, what have you done Meredith?”
The façade was broken. “What I have done is protect the people of this city” Meredith’s rage allowed her unfettered emotions to seep into her usually controlled voice. “What I have done is guarded these mages against corruption. What I have done is prevented the downfall of this city. You, Champion, have abused your power and made traitorous threats against the city and its people. It is you who should confess your sins before-”
A thunderous roar shattered the sky and parted the clouds with its fury. A beam of bright light suddenly emerged from within the Chantry walls rising into the sky only for the swell of energy to shatter the building in its wake. What remained was little more than a flurry of heat and smoke.
“Oh the Maker” all that Meredith could dare to whisper beneath her shaken breath.
“What have you done” Orsino said breathlessly.
Meredith’s shock quickly turned to anger. “You see” Meredith turned in a single motion to point an accusing finger at Serah Hawke with the tip of her drawn sword. Hawkes companions quickly readied their weapons in anticipation of a fight. “Serah Hawke threatened to destroy the Chantry and now she has dared to make good on her threats”
“Knight Commander you cannot mean” Orsino began to protest only to be silenced once more.
“Serah Hawke has wilfully abandoned her duty to consort with demons and blood mages” Meredith said.
“It is you who turned against the city Meredith, not I” Hawke responded. “It is you who held others against their will, forced them to submit to your twisted deviancy. You long to purge the world of vice and sin and yet you see corruption everywhere except within”
“The only sin I see is you, Hawke” Meredith spat. “You and the corrupted mages you claim to stand for and I cannot allow it to continue”
“Knight Commander, do not do anything rash-” Orsino pleaded for sanity.
“By the Order of the Knights Templar I enact the Right of Annulment” Meredith continued without question. “We cannot allow our city to fall to corruption; the Circle must be purged in fire!”
The mood of an entire city changed in a moment. The delicate balance of the looming threat of violence was shaken, each side charged headlong into the fray with little reason or regard other than knowing any who stood in their way deserved swift death at their hands.
Hawke and her companions quickly found themselves caught between two warring factions preparing to tear the city asunder. All around them Templar Knights drew their swords and began clashing with any mage that passed their gaze; many acolytes fell to their blades before they could raise any form of magical defence. The sacrifice of the first line of mages allowed their comrades the time necessary to prepare their intricate spells and launch a flurry of fire and ice crystals to consume the Templar Knights in their fury. As the Mages began to rally behind the banner of their Champion the Templar Knights began an organised retreat away from the contested marketplace.
“The Knight Commander has fled the battle” Merrill announced.
“She will have fled to the Gallows to rally the bulk of her Knights” Aveline wiped the fresh slick of blood from her sword but refused to sheath her weapon in looming dread of another ambush. “We need to get there before-”
“Sister!” a familiar voice broke the combined roar of a city at war. Hawke turned to see a single individual pressing her way through the assembled mass of the Mages, her raven black hair and deep golden eyes made her immediately indistinguishable from any other.
“Bethany!” Hawke ran forward to hold her sister in a close embrace, careful to avoid crushing her beneath the heavy bulk of her armour. “I’ve missed you so much”
The touching family reunion was brief however as her companions were quick to remind them both of the ever more dire situation they found themselves in as the city braced itself for all out conflict. Yet despite the ever growing danger Bethany insisted that she follow her sister in what could very well be the finest of their final hours together.
“Shadow” Hawke summoned her faithful Mabari Hound to her side, the noble beast ambling to her side on its stubby legs as she knelt down to greet him with a playful rub behind the ear. “Listen Shadow” the hounds ears perked in anticipation of new ways to please his master, such was the extent of his devotion and his loyalty. “I need you to go back to the estate and protect Orana and Uncle Gamlen. Can you do that?”
Shadow barked happily in acknowledgement. “Good boy” Hawkes fingers tickled under his chin, feeling the loose folds of skin flopping between her fingers. “You’re just a big Templar munching puppy aren’t you?” with a final eager bark Shadow quickly ran off in the direction of Hightown.
“That dog never ceases to amaze me” Bethany idly mused.
The war raged through the city, Mage and Templar clashing in the streets with the desperate people fleeing for their lives or barricading themselves indoors in hopes of allowing the looming threat to pass them by.
“I need to know” Bethany asked. “How did you know to be here?”
“It was your letter of course” Hawke replied. “You spoke of games we never played, people we never knew. We only worked for Athenril for a year to pay our way into the city, and since when did Uncle Gamlen live in the docks?”
“I wish I could have told you more but Meredith’s spies were watching me, I could not think of any other way to tell you of what was about to occur” Bethany said.
That had been her plan all along, to force Hawke through the threat and manipulation of her family, only to draw her in and ensnare her in a tangle of lies and deceit.
“Don’t blame yourself Bethany” Brianna reassured her sister. “It was your warning which brought me here, which may go a long way towards saving the city from total destruction”
Descending into the docks Hawke and her party were quick to requisition a ship to take them across the bay towards the city Gallows. Despite the power vacuum which had existed since the death of the Viscount the Knight Commander had shunned the Viscounts Seat in favour of securing a personal citadel for herself and her soldiers. It would prove a difficult fortress to conquer.
Hawke lingered on the deck of the ship staring out over the bay. She closed her eyes and listened to the slosh of the water against the hull of the ship, allowing her mind to empty and calm in anticipation of the looming battle to come.
She heard the clank of the metal as were prepared interlaced with the arcane prayers in preparation of enchantments and magic. Amongst the vibrant crescendo of noise Hawke heard the faint patter of feet across the deck of the ship, her elven lover emerging beside her. “I had a dream last night” Merrill said, leaning against the side of the ship. “You and I were flying over the peaks of Sundermount, free from danger and deception. We flew aloft in the clouds atop the crimson wings of a magnificent Griffon”
As she listened to Merrill’s recount of her dream Hawke could not help but smile as she leant forward to wrap her arms around her lover, each bathed in the silver moonlight washing down over them. “I called him Feathers” Merrill whispered.
They stormed into the open square with weapons drawn and ready to face whatever dared to confront them.
“And here we are Champion” Meredith stood alone at the steps of the Citadel. “In the place where this all began, a rather fitting end to have your final resting place be the place where you first dared to challenge my authority”
Hawke approached cautiously, stopping short of allowing their blades to clash. “It ends here, Meredith”
“You dare to make threats” Meredith growled. “You forget who holds your leash; you dare to go against the one whose chains bind you”
“No longer Meredith, through hardship, loyalty and love I gain strength, through strength my chains were broken”
“So the pup thinks that she is a battle bred Mabari?” Meredith sneered devilishly. “It does not matter, you will still die here today” Meredith raised her free hand in an elegant flourish.
The high walls suddenly reverberated with the thunderous roar of armour and weapons as Templar Knight after Knight poured into the square, one after another following in their wake. The soldiers formed up with military efficiency, encircling the intruders from all sides with an unbroken circle of snow white armour.
Meredith’s confidence bolstered by the presence of her soldiers Meredith declared her order. “Knights, arrest the Champion”
“Knight Commander I must protest” a single Knight stepped forward from amongst the assembled masses. Hawke recognised him as Knight Captain Cullen, Meredith’s second in command. Hawke knew that despite his position in the Order Cullen was a good man who wished only to do his duty in protecting the Circle of Magi.
“Silence” Meredith cast aside her subordinates’ objection. “She is a traitor and a demon conspirator who destroyed the Chantry-”
“No Meredith” a voice pierced the confrontation, Bethany pushing herself to the forefront of the group. “It was you who turned against the Chantry”
“Ah” a superior smile emerged on Meredith’s lips. “So, little Bethany has finally chosen to grace us with her presence”
“This had been your plan all along wasn’t it Meredith” Bethany accused. “The deception, the threats, and the evils you have committed. You whispered your schemes in my ear, you wished my sister to be disgraced before she died”
“Knight Commander, what is she talking about?” Knight Captain Cullen asked, the merest indication of insubordination a death sentence in the current state.
Meredith merely smiled. “I must thank you bringing us to this impasse. I admit that it was your letter that brought Hawke before the Chantry, without such a believable patsy I would not have be able to finally purge the Mages from this city”
“Knight Commander you cannot be serious” Cullen continued to protest, unable or unwilling to accept the revelation of the Knight Commanders corruption.
“You wished to see me dead, Meredith” Hawkes voice carried through the open square as she presented herself to her enemy, a single long sword in her hand. “But I will not die today” Hawke brandished the tip of the blade like an accusing finger. “I challenge you to single combat; let us see who shall ultimately prevail”
Meredith smiled devilishly, readying her weapon. “Very well, then let one remain standing before the Maker” Meredith thrust the blade of her sword at her opponent. “And may he guide my blade”
With fury burning in her eyes she charged forward like a rampaging lion eager for the kill she had long been denied. Meredith brought the fiery red blade of her sword down upon her opponent, Hawke dodged the swing and countered with the blade of her sword accompanied by the sharp screech of metal striking metal. Each fought to gain a foothold over the other, pure strength and will forced together as they tried to drive the combined weapons forward. Eventually the stalemate was broken as the bladed edges scrapped over each other with a resounding shriek and the two combatants separated to stare each other down at the tips of their swords.
“You’ve failed Meredith” Hawke said. “You focused so much on the big picture you forgot it was made up of smaller pictures; it becomes hard to see that picture from behind a mound of corpses”
“It matters not” Meredith was unwavering in her devotion. “The Right of Annulment has been invoked, the Circle must be purged. There can be no compromise”
Meredith charged forward once again, throwing all of her weight behind an overhead swing to bring the full force of her blade crashing down upon her opponent. The opening allowed Hawke the moment she needed to strike Meredith’s side; her thick armour absorbed the cut but transferred the blunt force of the impact. Meredith pressed forward, the bodies of their armour clashing in a scrape of metal against metal. Meredith kicked out, striking Hawke in the stomach and throwing her back several steps and forcing her onto the defensive.
Once more on the attack Meredith came forward to close the distance and swing high, Hawke brought her weapon up to deflect the attack. She realised only too late it was a feint as Meredith’s sword descended in a swooping arc to sweep her feet out from under her. Hawke jumped to avoid the unexpected attack but the moment she left the ground she had irreversibly committed herself to the speed and direction of her jump. The moment of weakness allowed Meredith the opening she had needed to throw herself forward, the full weight of her armour crashing into Hawke and sending her sprawling across the courtyard with the sheer force of the impact
As Hawke lay sprawled on the floor she desperately sought to regain her footing as Meredith crept ever closer, sure in her victory and eager to deliver a killing blow. Hawke could see the opening, in creating the Knight Commanders armour they had sacrificed protection for unhindered movement in the arm and leg joints. In her only motion she could muster Hawke lashed out with her sword; the blade caught the opening in the back of her enemies exposed knee.
The sudden wound forced Meredith to stumble backwards onto her other leg, allowing Hawke the freedom of movement necessary to pull herself back to her feet. Meredith regained her stance and attempted another brutal attack, in her slowed state Hawke managed to deliver another cut across her exposed arm. Meredith clutched at her wound in a desperate attempt to stem the tide of blood.
Meredith lashed out with one hand clutching her weapon, the sheer weight of her unsupported weapon slowed her and allowed Hawke to cut deeply into her thigh. The final wound swept her support from under her as she was cast her to the floor; forcing Meredith to her knee she braced her weight atop her blade. The battle was done.
“You have fallen, Meredith” Hawke said. “Your actions shall be cast into the void of history and your name shall carry no more”
“On the contrary” Meredith raised herself on shaking feet. “The Maker himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of him, and if children, then heirs, heirs of the Maker, provided we suffer that we may also be glorified with him. I shall be rewarded, in this life or the next”
“Stand down Meredith, do you really wish to sacrifice your life in vain?” Hawke pleaded for sanity.
“No servant that died in his name has ever died in vain” Meredith refused to falter. “There is only the Maker; he is our shield and protector” Meredith lifted her blade before her at arm’s length. “Knights, kill her!”
Her orders fell on deaf ears as her Templar Knights stood fast in the face of their Knight Commanders order. Only the Knight Captain Cullen dared step forward to address her. “I am afraid I cannot carry out that order” the Knight Captain unsheathed his sword. “By the authority of the Templar Order I am relieving you of Command”
As a single mass of armour the Templar Knights moved to surround their disgraced leader, swords drawn and shields raised in an impenetrable ring of steel.
“You see now that even your own soldiers will not bow to you, Meredith” Hawke said.
“No” Meredith coughed. “They are tainted by blood magic, they all are” her words seemed to reignite the flame within her brandished weapon from what was once dim in defeat, now crimson red. “I alone shall protect this city until my dying breath”
“But you need not die today. We can end this madness if only you would see the truth” Hawke once more tried to force her to see reason.
“To admit defeat is blasphemy against the maker, to die with my duty unfulfilled is heresy” Meredith brought the weight of her weapon to bear. “For there are those who stand in the face of the corruption, and do not falter!”
With pious determination Meredith charged forward in a final desperate attack. Hawke raised her sword in a vain effort to hold back her foe as the full fury of Meredith’s weapon down across Hawkes chest, the harsh crash of metal striking metal resonating through the open courtyard. The two combatants fought fiercely for domination until one blade finally found purchase and buried deeply into the assailant’s body. The two knights were held in a sombre embrace, each trapped in their final moment of conflict.
Meredith wheezed, blood trickling from the corner of her mouth. “Though my soldiers forsake me the Maker will welcome me with golden arms” Meredith’s sword slipped from her hand and struck the ground with a metallic clang. “Oh that I had wings of an angel” Meredith forced looked up into the sky. “Then I would fly away, and be at rest” her body collapsed to the ground, lifeless.
Hawke shakily forced herself to her feet, heaving her weapon in her hand she rose herself to her full bloodstained glory over the remains of her defeated enemy. But just at her seeming moment of triumph her strength suddenly left her, the once proud woman collapsing to her knees in the heart of the square.
Merrill and Bethany were quick to run to her side, both only concerned with ensuring the health of the one they cared for. Bethany’s hand pressed to her sisters chest, her finger tips returning a dark shade of crimson. “You’re covered in blood”
Hawke chuckled. “It’s ok” she said with a forced smile “It’s not mine”
“Come on, we need to get out of here” Bethany and Merrill reached down to lift their wounded leader between their shoulders for support.
Aveline, ever the warrior at heart, maintained her situational awareness in the eve of the battle and was the first to pre-warn them that the true danger had yet to pass. So when the Templar Knights stepped forward to encircle them, their weapons drawn and their shields rose, Aveline was prepared to stand a firm defence against the first sign of aggression.
From amongst the assembled Templar’s emerged Knight Captain Cullen. Though the man and his knights had defied the Knight Commanders rule the truth of what lay within his heart was still unknown.
“Go now Champion” Cullen raised his hand, his soldiers parting at his command, allowing them safe passage to the gates of the city. “We will explain the circumstances to the Order. You have my word; they will hunt you no longer”
Hawke shuffled forward towards the docks, the support of her lover and her sister keeping her on her feet while Aveline maintaining a watchful vigil of their backs in the wake of their retreat.
“Are you sure we should leave like this?” Bethany asked. “Shouldn’t the people not know the person who saved the city from its destruction, should they not know their hero?”
“Their hero can be anyone” Hawke winced through the pain. “Even a Knight who chose to stand and defy the masters of his Order”
The Knight Captain explained how Meredith had become corrupted by demonic essence and attempted to unjustly purge the Circle. He said that if it were not for the Champions swift intervention the entire city would have been lost. But when questioned of the Champions fate the Captain simply replied that it was the Makers will that she give her life to save the city and that she had now found her place by his side.
So to the entire world the Champion of Kirkwall was no more. It the end of a valiant tale, a bold adventure spanning both sides of the veil. But we both know that’s not true, realities few know and even fewer are willing to accept.
After that each of us parted and sought our own path in the world, expect Merrill of course. Despite all that had happened you just couldn’t keep those two apart. But who knows where they wander, they could be anywhere by now, for all we know they could be flying over the peak of Sundermount on the crimson wings of a golden Griffon. Daisy would have named him ‘Feathers’.
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