Surprises | By : Kabraxal Category: +M through R > Mass Effect Views: 53631 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 2 |
Disclaimer: I do not own the copyright for Mass Effect or its associated characters. This story is simply for fun and I do not make any money from this work. |
Miranda blushed, swallowing hard at Kelly as she leaned back with a smirk, the toy proudly jutting from her naked waste. Kelly only nodded, not repeating the simple order before smiling at the waitress as she handed over another drink, eyes curiously flicking between the two naked women in almost awe. Kelly sat back on the bench and took a sip, waiting patiently then smirking again as Miranda sighed and slowly sauntered over, sliding her knees on either side of Kelly and nestling her pussy against the toy. “Mmmm... looks like you really want this.” Kelly glanced down at the biotic’s wet pussy, Miranda blushing at the obvious truth... she wanted it. And she wanted everyone to watch. If only because Kelly commanded it. She shivered at her complete surrender to the fiery red head before lowering herself onto the toy, pussy stretching around the much bigger dildo as a few catcalls rang out. Kelly smiled then leaned up to kiss her, hand caressing her back as Miranda set into a slow, forceful pace. Her eyes burned with lust down at Kelly as her own hands cupped Kelly’s cheeks then pulled her into a ferocious, hungry kiss. Kelly moaned and let her hands slip down to grab Miranda’s ass and squeeze. Then, with a coy smile, she broke the kiss to lean back, grabbing her drink to sip and watch the biotic fuck the large dildo, tits bouncing slightly. “You are very beautiful.” Kelly took a few sips, eyes caressing over the biotic’s body slick with sweat. Miranda moaned at the compliment and Kelly chuckled, downing her drink then waving the waitress back over. The Asari rushed over and held out the drink quickly, trying not to stare before Kelly chuckled and grabbed her arm gently. “Don’t you think she is beautiful?” The Asari waitress stammered then nodded, Miranda blushing deeper as she only continued to bounce as the Asari’s gaze swept over her body, lingering on her taut, erect nipples and wet, dripping pussy being stretched. Kelly bit back a laugh.
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