Adventures of Illuminatus: Highmaul | By : RotSeele Category: +S through Z > World of Warcraft Views: 1618 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own World of Warcraft. I do not make any money from this story. |
Imperator Mar’gok
Written to Everybody Wants to Rule the World by Lorde
Together they followed the others up the hallway, and stared out into a courtyard full of ogres and pale. The group paused in the doorway and watched a pale rush in, only to stop a few feet from them before it exploded into pieces without actually doing anything to them.“Well.” started Jaycie.
“That was anti-climatic, huh?” said Digitz.
“Come on.” Xallion moved through the doorway, slipping around the corner. “We can make it t’rough wit’out catchin’ dere attention.”
In an almost single-file line, the group managed to slip around the corner into the giant courtyard and hurried toward the leftmost tower. Inside was another ogre, but other than him the small room was completely empty. There was no where else to go inside the tower, save for heading back the way they had come. Which was counter-productive to what they actually wanted to do, which was to go forward.
“Derkka, Lowko, ya spam polymorph on dat bastard, got it?” Xallion said, gesturing to the ogre standing before them. The two mages nodded and as soon as the ogre turned his attention to Greymoon and Xandyr, he suddenly became a pig, then an ogre, then a pig again. It went on in this pattern for a few minutes before the ogre finally lay dead on the floor. With his death, a portal slowly swirled into existence, no doubt leading deeper into Highmaul.
Sabaak went through the portal laughing. “Come on, guys!” he said when others gave him strange looks. “You can’t say that listening to that guy squeal every time we hit him wasn’t funny.”
“I worry about you sometimes, Sabaak.” Kalahandra said after a minute. Sabaak just grinned at her.
The room they had appeared in was guarded by a handful of ogres that seemed not to notice the smaller creatures, or if they did, didn’t consider them threats right away. The only way out of the room was a long hallway that led to what had to be the royal chambers, where they would find Imperator Mar’gok. Killing him would end their time in Highmaul, and bring them closer to their real goal of defeating the Iron Horde. It was a thought that was in the back of everyone’s mind, along with the thought that once they were finished here, they were going to head back to their garrisons and have a long, hot bath and down a few pints of beer, perhaps not exactly in that order.
It took only a handful of minutes to defeat the ogres standing guard in the room they were in, especially when some had been polymorphed into pigs or sheep or hexed into frogs or frozen by hunter traps. The enemies standing guard at the end of the hall were a little tougher - two ogres and two ogron that caused Xallion to use blood lust in order to take the four enemies down a little faster.
With their deaths, the door to the central, and final, chamber opened. Standing there were five ogres, all facing the north wall, and kneeling in deference. On the north wall was a throne, set high off the floor and recessed a little into the wall. Sitting on it was Imperator Mar’gok, a massive ogre who looked at the intruding team without much feeling. It was a look they were used to getting from their enemies, especially ones who decided the warriors of Illuminatus weren’t much to sniff at because of some over-inflated sense of ego, or something of that nature.
The advisors, the five ogres standing in a semi-circle around the throne, finally turned to regard the warriors of Illuminatus, their expressions a mix of contempt, hatred, even fear.
Greymoon charged at one, followed by the melee. The casters and hunters hung back a little bit, adding their power to the power of those fighting up close and personal with their enemy. One by one, the advisors fell under the onslaught of sword and spell and arrow, collapsing in heaps on the floor. When the last advisor fell, the group gathered in the center of the room, looking up at Mar’gok, who continued to stare at them contemptuously from on high.
“So how is this going to go?” Nph asked.
“Melee is gonna stand here, in de middle, wit de tanks.” Xallion said. “Everyone else, we gonna stack up over dere, left o’ de t’rone. Julip, Badlanguage, you guys gonna stand behind us a little bit. Dere’s a spell we gonna get, it need ta be given ta one o’ ya an’ taken away. Deterrence will keep ya safe. Dere’s also gonna be a trap dat comes out. We gotta move or we die.”
“Sounds simple enough.” Helpfuldeath said, scratching at his chin.
“Everything sounds simple until we actually do it.” Mooses said lowly.
“This is a positive thinking zone.” Jaycie grinned when the Tauren priest looked at her. “Negativity is not allowed.”
“Guys, focus.” With a sigh, Xallion continued, “It’s gonna repeat like dis, and t’ings are gonna only gonna get rougher as he gets weaker. He also gonna activate d’ose stones we see above us. We won’t be able ta attack ‘im while he’s up dere, so we gotta deal wit de help he calls.”
“Anything else we need to know?” asked Helpfuldeath.
Xallion nodded. “We gonna wait til he calls out for de second round o’ help ta use blood lust. We focus down de big guy, den de mages he calls. Dey gotta come down fast.”
“Doesn’t sound so hard.”
“Right? So let’s do dis.”
They split up, heading to their assigned places. They stood loosely stacked, well out of range of each other’s weaponry but close enough not to have things go awry. Greymoon waited until everyone gave the signal to show they were ready to get started on the last battle they would have in Highmaul.
Mar’gok came down fast. The sorcerer king laughed as he simply appeared in front of Greymoon and the others, shouting, “I will show you why I am king, and you are nothing more than peasants!”
It was a flurry of chaos in the center of the room as the melee had to stay aware of each other and of where Mar’gok was. Those at range seemed to have it slightly easier, since they were casters or hunters or healers, whose spells and arrows were less hazardous to their health and more hazardous to Mar’gok. The hunters’ pets, the warlocks’ demons, and the mages’ elementals gathered behind the Imperator, biting at his heels or cutting at his legs, adding their power to their masters’ own and aiding the melee fighters in trying to bring down their enemy.
“Move!” yelled Schio, quickly stepping left as a glowing circle formed around her group of ranged fighters. Webehuntin was the last to escape the circle before it activated, and the troll hunter let out a soft string of curses as he felt the slight sting of magic against his skin, almost like an electrical shock had run through him. The circle, though, remained unbroken.
“Gotta be faster, man.” Badlanguage called, her bowstring twanging as she unleashed arrow after arrow in quick succession. Webehuntin flipped her off in response and raised his own bow again. The next time he heard Schio’s cry, he was quicker in his footwork, keeping up with the ranged group.
“Add!” Schio cried out, a chaos bolt springing from her hand, only to split in two as it soared in for the Imperator and the aberration he had summoned. The aberration didn’t last long under the sudden onslaught from the melee, and soon Schio called for the ranged group to move once again. Their next obstacle was the sudden appearance of a white ring of energy that radiated out from the Imperator in an ever-increasing circle. Some ran through it, others jumped over it. Compared to the heaviness of Mar’gok’s other attacks, the ring seemed inconsequential.
Suddenly, Mar’gok was no longer in the center of the room. He appeared before the ranged group, rising into the air where it was harder for the melee to reach him. The sorcerer king hurriedly activated the first of the stones, taking for himself the power contained inside it. When he hit the ground, there was something decidedly different about him.
“He’s gonna have a knock-back this time!” Schio yelled, near screaming to make sure the melee heard her. “Watch out for the ring and the traps!”
The second round was much like the first, with the ranged scooting to the left in order to avoid traps that now grew in size when they activated. The melee were forced to adjust their position as well, as the aberration that spawned this time threw them all backwards when it expired. The ring of energy too pushed back anyone who touched it, and the druids of the group used their stampeding roar to get the group through the ring as quickly as possible. The constant spell Mar’gok threw onto the ranged became a little more difficult to manage as well, though those who had it were able to get close enough to those assigned to take it away from the main group. Of course, that wasn’t without some trial and error, as those who had the damaging spell quickly learned a ring formed around them, whose boundary, if crossed, teleported them back into the group.
The ranged group had nearly made it to the very north side of the room before Mar’gok teleported himself away from the melee and to the second of the stones. As he rose into the air, the fighters were able to get a few more attacks in before they finally had to disengage from Mar’gok and sprint across the room to the first of two ogre mages that appeared in the wings. The only ones who remained behind were Greymoon, Xandyr, and Azmodax, as the three of them had to keep control of the small enemies that appeared, and who, upon exploding, dealt a breathtaking amount of damage to the entire group.
“Get out of the group if you get targeted.” Nph called, calling upon the Light to heal a few of the more serious wounds on Cosmodru, who’d been unfortunate enough to catch Mar’gok’s heavier blows on his side.
The first of the mages fell within a minute or two, lessening the damage the group was taking by half. They focused on the second mage, barely killing him with a few seconds to spare before Mar’gok came down from on high for the second time. This time, the melee raced to group back up with Greymoon and Xandyr while the ranged hurried to gather in the center of the room, close enough to hit Mar’gok with their spells and arrows, but far enough to avoid getting a trap in range of the melee.
“He’s gonna do three rings this time!” Schio called out. “Be ready!”
This time, the ranged moved right to avoid the trap, and the melee mirrored them, as Xandyr was forced to pull Mar’gok away from Greymoon. The Tauren guardian druid had grown to twice his normal size, and was trying to get as far away from the others as possible before the spell affecting him engaged. Between dealing with that new aspect of the fight, the traps, the spell, and the three rings of power, things were starting to become a little more hectic. It became a challenge to keep eyes on both Mar’gok and the traps, to watch where one put his or her feet. At the same time, whoever had the focus of Mar’gok, whether it was Greymoon or Xandyr, constantly pulled the Imperator in a circle along the outside of the room as needed.
They were nearly to the southwest corner of the room when Mar’gok teleported himself away from them. He reappeared by the third stone, raising his arms and slowly rising off the ground. Those who were closest to him were able to get a few more shots off before Mar’gok became immune to their attacks and the mages appeared. Just like before, the group turned to the closest of the mages, and began to whittle it down. In the seconds it took to fire an arrow or cast a spell, the doors to the throne room opened, admitting a giant ogre that looked more like a warrior than a mage. That ogre focused on Greymoon and Xandyr, who had once more remained behind with Azmodax to deal with the smaller enemies, and he charged them.
“Focus him down!” yelled Xallion, pointing to the giant ogre.
Thanatoss whipped around at Xallion’s yell and charged in, bellowing his own war cry. He felt the power of the blood lust fill him, allowing his blows to become heavier and faster. He was joined by the other melee, and above his head he saw black arrows flying in. Beneath his feet, he saw green flames snaking in, joined by dark bolts and nature spells. The giant ogre lasted only a handful of minutes, his body falling heavily on the floor. Even before it thundered down, everyone was refocusing on the ogre mage they had been attacking before, trying to bring it down before Mar’gok re-engaged them. It fell just as the blood lust wore off, and in the spare seconds, the ranged fighters targeted the second ogre mage even as some of the melee started toward it.
“Mar’gok’s down!” Schio cried, once more using her havoc spell to split her chaos bolts in two.
“What do we do?” asked Julip, looking at Xallion for guidance.
“Ignore da mage!” he yelled back. “Focus Mar’gok! Stay spread out, an’ if ya get targeted, try an’ stay away from others! Keep avoidin’ da traps an’ de wave! We gotta survive just a little longer!”
If things had been crazy before, it was simply chaotic now. There wasn’t much room to “spread out” in the circular, enclosed throne room, but somehow, everyone found a place to stand. Even over the din of the fighting, Schio’s voice called for them to watch their feet, allowing them to avoid the traps, and warning them when a wave was coming. Greymoon, too, bellowed out a warning to get away from him as he raced away from Mar’gok to the opposite side of the room. People were forced to move to get clear of him, and it was a good thing they did, and a good thing they stayed separated from others, because balls of pure energy exploded out from the bear’s body, flying in all directions.
Personal shielding spells were used as they came off cool-down, everyone throwing all their energy into using their most powerful of attacks and simply trying to stay alive. Those who were unlucky enough to fall were quickly brought back from death by either Schio or Kalahandra, whoever happened to be closer, and they resumed the fight against the Imperator, knowing that if they fell again they weren’t going to get back up until the fight was over.
Mar’gok finally stumbled. His knees buckled and though he tried to catch himself, it was too late. The sorcerer king’s weakness was seized upon by Cosmodru, and the feline-shaped druid leaped upon the Imperator’s shoulder, sinking his teeth into the unprotected flesh of the sorcerer king’s neck. The weight of the druid forced Mar’gok to lean to one side, where he was vulnerable to the flashing blades of Thanatoss, Digitz, Sabaak, Griddlecake, Martyrdom, Level, and the other melee who were close enough to land devastating blows to Mar’gok’s upper body. Those who weren’t took the more obvious targets, such as the Imperator’s buckling legs, trying to drive those weakening knees to bend enough that the ogre fell heavily to the floor.
The Imperator’s knees finally buckled, sending the ogre crashing to the floor. A quick and heavy blow from Digitz and Griddlecake on either ankle severed Mar’gok’s tendons. Sabaak’s heavy, two handed blow to the back of the Imperator’s left knee ensured the sorcerer king wasn’t going to get back up any time soon.
Mar’gok stared up into the eyes of the warriors he called peasants and took his last breath.
Cosmodru released the Imperator’s throat and spat out the blood that had filled his mouth as he bit into the back of the Imperator’s neck, crushing his spine. The cat-shaped druid leaped to the ground and spent a few minutes pawing at his tongue.
“I’m not doing that again.” he said, coughing hard to make sure he had spat out every last droplet. He changed back to his natural form and accepted the waterskin Kalahandra handed him to wash out his mouth.
“Why would you even do that in the first place?” Sabaak asked. “I mean, you know ogres don’t bathe. Didn’t you learn anything in Outland?”
Cos gave the paladin a sour look and Sabaak just grinned. “You don’t look that much better, you know.”
“We are all hot, sweaty, mana-deprived, and covered in blood and other unmentionable things.” Schio said, gathering up her cloak to brush what looked like bone shavings from it. “But we won.”
There were a couple of amused smiles and a few chuckles, but the moment of good humor didn’t last long. They all knew what the next step in their journey to defeat the Iron Horde would be, and it was going to be sooner rather than later. With Highmaul all but empty, their focus was now in Gorgrond, the Pit, and the Blackrock Foundry that lay within.
“It’s gonna get harder from here,” Xallion said quietly. He met their gazes evenly, looking each one of his friends in the eye. “We stick together, we succeed. Ya wanna go?”
One by one, the warriors of Illuminatus nodded.
They had come this far together. They were going to see it through to the end, together.
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