Tales of the Europan War | By : JPR Category: +S through Z > Valkyria Chronicles Views: 19773 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: This a non-profit erotic fan parody, I do not own Valkyria Chronicles. All rights to Valkyria Chronicles are owned by SEGA and its corresponding subsidiaries. |
Well... Here you go. Part 2 includes a couple of sexy instances in the middle and at the end and is told in a new experimental way to help introduce the way the characters we're familiar with interact with each other in battle.
Remember, Full notes are found here.
April 14, 1935 [C-Day] - 2154 Hours, Vasel City
After the battle Welkin was assured by Largo and the squad that they would willingly obey his orders as he come up with them after he proved to be quite exceptional in military leadership. Varrot had confronted Largo about the depth of Welkin's plan and had scolded him for trying to pull the same shit he did back in the First Europan War in front of a lot of the officers of 3rd Regiment and he apologized to his old friend explaining that he hadn't actually wanted to take Welkin's position but at the same time unable to tell her a blowjob was what convinced him to do it. What didn't happen after the battle however was assurance that Rosie and the other members of his squad with distaste towards Darcsens would cooperate with them on the field. Something like that could be managed though with some careful picking of who does what while Welkin can choose, but the field of battle was never that easy and contingencies had to be planned. And so Welkin planned whenever he could find time, but unfortunately there wasn't a lot of it.
It was almost ten o'clock and the rain from earlier was still falling albeit a lot lighter than It was when it started, but the amount of gunfire that was going on was still about the same as it was when everything started. This was the result of two fresh units trying to battle it out in the confines of a city, the density of the troops was too high for any tranquil areas to form inside the city, and instead it was a continuous hailstorm of bullets and a seemingly endless supply of fresh crates full of bullets to replenish the spent rounds. Earlier in the day there were also artillery barrages and mortar support to halt the advance from both sides and the squad was split up between four or five buildings with the Edelweiss sitting in the middle of them trying to provide any close range support when necessary. By this time in the night everyone in the squad knew they were going to be up all night and try to stay alive until the sun came up.
Right now next to the Edelweiss was a jeep filled with ammunition and food and runners from each building were here trying to gather as much supplies as they could to bring back as well as food. No one had eaten since before the operation early this morning. Since they were up all night the night before Cloudburst began that would mean this is their second night without sleep. Everyone was tired, dirty, hungry and wet. Welkin was atop the Edelweiss eating out of a canned ration trying to keep it dry, but if nothing else at least the rain was lukewarm and not chilly, at least when there wasn't a breeze.
"Did you scold her yet?!"
"Huh?" Welkin looked down to see an angry Edy pouting next to the Edelweiss after sending Homer to run food and supplies to both his and her squad. "Scold who?"
"That sleazy Crew Chief of mine!" Welkin put his canned ration down next to him to get wet after understanding where this was going, "She was the one behind all this you know. She deserves a punishment! Yell at her, spank her, take advantage of her for all I care!"
That last one caught Welkin a little off guard. Edy was no exception to looking like she had taken a shower with her uniform on.
"You mean Rosie?" Welkin asked just to clarify. "I have her word that she'll take my orders from now on."
"That's all?! If I was you I'd make sure of it by making her do something crazy. Otherwise something like this will happen again."
"What's your beef with her again?"
"That's none of your business! Besides it's you that should have beef with her, she did just try to usurp you of your authority." Edy crossed her arms to assert her point.
"You won't try to usurp me if I do nothing, will you?"
"Who knows? I will remind you that I'm the most respected person here after you though. So don't let your guard down."
"In that case I'll think of something crazy to make her do."
"Mhmm! Don’t wait too long now. I'm not a patient woman." Edy gave Welkin an approving nod and began to walk away ordering Homer to move faster after finding out he had not finished running supplies to her squad.
Welkin merely grabbed his now soupy ration and finished it while musing over Edy's delusions.
"Welks," Isara popped her head out from the hatch of the Edelweiss and addressed her brother, "I adjusted the tank's sight just like you asked. Should we head out now?"
"Thanks, Is. Let's wait another fifteen minutes to let the squad eat though. I have a feeling it's going to be another all-nighter."
"All right. I'll check the other vital components of the tank in the meantime then."
Welkin got up to enter the tank with his sister to avoid some of the rain like the rest of his squad was doing inside the buildings around him then he tried to relax for the next fifteen minutes before moving out again, but the gunfire outside kept him on edge the whole time. Yep, He thought, definitely going to be another all-nighter.
April 16, 1935 [C-Day +2] - 0126 Hours, Vasel City
The rain had continued to persist throughout the river valley, but luckily for Squad 7 and everyone else fighting in Vasel it was finally calm enough for at least some units to get a half a night's rest in whatever raggedy building they could find. It proved that the imperials they were fighting were human too and needed sleep just as much as the exhausted 3rd Regiment and its Squadrons. Catherine's crew were in the middle of sleeping in the basement of a building they found unoccupied and claimed as their own for the night upon Catherine's advice. After pulling straws it was decided that Cezary and Nadine get the first guard much to the displeasure of Cezary. Nadine however was trying to conjure the courage to thank him for saving her life on the first day of the operation, but his threatening gaze was keeping her from actually doing so, at least until their two hour watch was supposed to end, then she told herself she had to do it before missing this opportunity.
"Umm..." Nadine tried her luck with a quick mutter remembering that Cezary didn't want her to talk unless spoken to. He didn't react right away because he had started to doze off slightly and Nadine mistakenly took it as an okay to talk. "I... wanted to thank you for saving me the other day."
The dozing Cezary had finally caught on to what was going on and he quickly became angry at the notion of her misunderstanding. He had never imagined she would assume he was the one that saved her life and as a result didn't confront her about it immediately.
"The hell did you just say?" He got up from his improvised seat and kicked the sitting Darcsen onto the ground and leaned over to grab her roughly by the collar, but he didn't yell, he spoke in a loud whisper to prevent spreading the misunderstanding, "Get that thought out of your head. Ya hear me? And don't go around telling people I saved a pig like you."
The whimpering Nadine had taken Cezary's comment as him admitting to saving her, not only that but she had "seen" him do it. It made sense to Nadine that he would feel embarrassed about saving her when he maintained the facade of hating Darcsens whenever anyone else was around. She was thinking about these things when he finally let go of her collar and started walking away.
"Let's go! Our shift is over. And for the Valkyrurs sake get a Gallian Rifle. You wouldn't want me to mistake you as an Imperial, would you?" He grabbed his rifle and went downstairs to the basement and Nadine grabbed her ZM Kar and followed suit like a duckling to its mother.
April 20, 1935 [C-day +6] - 0415 Hours, Vasel City
Oscar, Jane and Hannes had all gotten separated from their respective crews and ended up finding each other on the top floor of a five story building trying to fight their way down four Imperial occupied stories over the course of the night. They were currently on the third story, which meant two more to go, but fighting throughout the night just to gain an extra flight of stairs after a few hours of fighting for each had finally tired them out as well as the imperials trying to figure out how to rid of them. The top two floors had been blown off from some sort of stray artillery round and the three found themselves in a luxury apartment that had two bathtubs inside the master bedroom bath. They opted to rest inside the steel bathtubs since the imperials below shot at whatever sound they thought might be the Gallians from down below without causing the ceiling to collapse on them. Hannes was in his own tub because of his sheer size and Oscar and Jane shared one. It had been cloudy the last couple of hours, but no rain had fallen since then, they took the opportunity to let their clothes hang out the window since it was finally dry so they were naked save for their underwear. Jane didn't wear bras though.
Oscar was trying to uncomfortably hide his erection which was difficult for him to wish away since he'd never been this intimate with a woman before. The head of his penis was pressed against her back as they laid in the tub hoping the imps they had kept up most of the night were tired as well. Like clockwork though it seemed the unofficially designated time to rest set by both sides was from four to six, so it had been relatively quiet for the last fifteen minutes. Thinking she had fallen asleep Oscar decided to relax and perhaps a little too aggressively pressed his erect member against the ass of the older woman. She sighed and it caused him to jump a little.
"Relax, kid. It isn't my first dick." Since he pushed himself back against the walls of the tub she pushed her ass against his dick, "Besides it's warm, I ain't complaining. Hannes, pass me your cigarettes."
"Here." The burly man tossed the packet of Unicorn Wides to the other tub, they were a favorite after Largo introduced them to his whole crew. Jane took two out and tossed the pack back.
"You want one, kid?"
"Uh... I don't smoke."
"You haven't live long enough." Jane put the extra cigarette she pulled into her boot just over the tub.
"It's not a habit I want to pick up with my brother's illness is all."
"Asthmatic?" Hannes asked.
"No. We don't know what it is. Just that he was born with it."
"That sucks, kid." Jane lit the cigarette and took a big hit before the smell of tobacco started to fill the room.
"It's Oscar."
"All right. Why did you decide to fight Oscar? It looks like you had to lie about your age to get in."
"I did it to protect my brother. If I had waited any longer it's likely the Empire would already be at the sanitarium he stays in. Plus I don't mind killing a filthy Imp."
"That's sweet. You're not gay for him are you?"
"No! I mean obviously not!" He trusted his still erect penis deeper into the crack of Jane's ass through her black boxers to prove his point before she burned him with the tip of her cigarette. "Ow!"
"Watch yourself, shithead. It was a joke." She relit the cigarette with another match after dabbing the cherry on Oscar's thigh.
"What about you, Hannes? You just get drafted or did you stand in line like all the other muscular retards?"
"Stood in line. When I got word that my hometown was to be razed by the hands of the Imperial Army I couldn't sit still. I went to the nearest enlistment office and came here. Now I make a living of killing the assholes that razed my hometown."
"So they still got to it? That sucks." Jane took another big hit and it sounded like Hannes decided to light a cigarette of his own after thinking about his hometown. There was a long silence before Oscar had the nerve to ask mostly nude woman he was spooning with why she had decided to fight. Then there was another long silence.
"I come from the same town as the commander and I used to be a florist."
"No shit?" Hannes expressed his surprise.
"Yeah, crazy right? It was about a week after the evacuation and the town fell, like the others who decided to stay behind we tried to live on normally. But one night a squad had crashed the local pub and drank what was left of the booze. They came to my shop and started wrecking the place..."
March 22, 1935 – 2346 Hours, Jane's Flower Shop
Jane stood defenseless and crying while a squad of Imperials came into her shop in the middle of the night and started sacking the place and using her beloved flowers as target practice. She was upstairs sleeping when she heard the commotion and came down to see what was happening only to be devastated by the condition of her shop and the eight imperials inside adding to the destruction of her beautiful work. After standing motionless for a few minutes she ran to try and stop them from destroying her shop completely only be struck in her gut by the butt of a rifle.
"Know your place Gallian scum!" The squad erupted into laughter as Jane fell on the floor embracing her stomach and trying to catch her breath after having the wind knocked out of her as saliva involuntarily dripped from her mouth. "How does anyone make a living from a shithole like this anyway!?"
"Well just look at her boss!" One of the privates motioned to Jane who was wearing a lovely spring dress with floral patterns, but her state of distress had revealed some leg it got the war weary imperials going. "I bet she gives a free fuck to whoever buys her flowers."
"Gallian whore! We ought to burn this wretched place to the ground!" Shouted a corporal still holding a bottle of whiskey.
"No! Please! Anything but that, I'll do anything!"
"Anything, eh?" The squad leader grabbed Jane by the hair and forced her up before bending her over on the reception desk of the shop and pulling up the skirt of her dress. "How 'bout showing us a little more skin?"
"NooOoo! Please! Just leave this shop alone! Leave me alone!"
"Well which is it, sweetheart?!" Said an imperial that held her against the reception desk while the squad leader ripped off her panties and shoved two fingers into her dry cunt.
"Listen to her scream! She's totally digging this."
"I'm not! Stop!" Jane was sobbing while the squad leader continued his assault on her gradually moistening pussy with his forefingers.
"That's not what your body is saying!" The squad leader could feel the involuntary wetness of her pussy and pulled out his fingers to show the rest of his squad. "The bitch lies!"
The squad cheered pointlessly at their squad leaders declaration.
"Let's fuck her brains out!" The Squad leader pulled Jane off the reception desk and pushed her on the floor.
Jane tried resisting by kicking and punching the Imperial away but to no avail since she had yet to develop the tone body training with the Militia had earned her. The squad leader was able to stop her resistance as if she was nothing but a tantrum child all while undoing the trousers of his uniform and pulling his dick out. Jane's screaming and sobbing came back in full force as she knew what the inevitable was. The squad leader placed his dick against the lips of her snatch and without warning thrust the entirety of his member inside her semiarid cunt in one complete motion.
"Is she a virgin boss?"
"What whore do you know that's a virgin, son?" He began to piston his schlong into Jane's unwilling cunt and moaned at the tightness of her walls squeezing down on his invading member. "She's tight as hell though."
The squad leader rolled over onto his back and forced Jane to roll with him while he continued to fuck her and exposed her ass by lifting her skirt up to her waist.
"Now someone take her ass!"
"No! Not there..." Jane was cut off by one of the imperials shoving his dick into her mouth forcing her to shut up.
"That's enough talking out of you sweetie." Then he put a pistol to her head and reminded her, "Don't bite!" After asserting his dominance he fucked Jane's throat to the point where she was gagging with each thrust of his solid dick.
It wasn't long before another imperial had rid himself of his trousers and rammed his cock into her ass, but her ass was so tight he couldn't get it in all in one go. She screamed on the imperials dick that was throat fucking her and squeezed her ass to prevent the invading appendage from going any further much to the delight of the soldier trying to fuck her third hole.
"Yes! Squeeze down just like that!" He forced his cock deeper into her ass until it was sheathed to the hilt and took a moment to enjoy the sensation before forcing Jane to endure a series of hard thrust to completely break her ass in. He grabbed her by the hips for more leverage in order to make sure he was the one fucking her the hardest and into her only virgin hole.
Jane was now being raped in all of her orifices at once and this got the squad leader going even faster into her now juicy cunt as he saw all the members of his squad trying to get off from the same girl that he got to fuck first. He increased his pace as fast as he could while the private fucking her ass was sure to keep well timed hard thrust trying to make each one painful. The squad leader wanted one more thing out of this sexual conquest, and that was to be the first to cum inside this Gallian whore's fertile pussy. He began to groan ferociously and Jane felt his cock get bigger inside her pussy and she tried to force herself off him but he grabbed her by the ass cheeks and forced her down to the hilt of his cock as he released a torrent of his seed into her womb. Wave after wave of the imperials sperm filled her up and after he was done her forced up quickly.
"Plug her back up!" The private fucking her ass left her back door alone and shoved his dick into the now available pussy of the florist.
He too quickened his pace inside her previously soiled flower and was preparing to cum deep inside and make bets about who would get her pregnant. He found a good rhythm and stuck with it until he could feel his own orgasm coming and released his own cum inside of her mixing his seed with his squad leader's as their genes battled it out in Jane's womb.
"My turn!" The imperial that was fucking her throat left her gasping for air as he went around to get his turn at Jane's leaking snatch and he did so by forcing her head down to the floor with all the weight of his body to prevent any more leakage and forced his own cock into the gaping baby maker before him.
"Shit. That feels good." He said over the audible slaps the contact of their bodies made as he fucked her slippery cunt.
Jane was still crying but the screams had stopped. She had screamed her throat raw and the invasion of the imperial's cock fucking it made it impossible for her to beg for mercy anymore. She knew in the recesses of her mind that she had to ride this out before anything could be done. The imperial that as currently fucking her sped up in anticipation of his own release inside the florist's cunt and was keen on making sure none of his seed spilled out as he buried his cock and came deeper and more than the last two into Jane's fertile regions.
"Ah- fuck..." Was all he had to say as he came for the first time since he was enlisted to fight for the Empire.
Jane started to lift her body up on wobbly arms when the boot of an imperial forced her back down after stepping on her head.
"You're not going anywhere until the rest of us are done." Three members of the squad had their go, but that still left five more with cocks out ready to fuck the helpless florist, Jane Turner.
It was four in the morning when every member of the squad had fucked her at least three times and she was covered and filled with the cum of invaders. She had shit herself from the rawness of her ass after others had a go at it and then they dragged her out of her shop and she watched as they set it on fire and left her on the streets of Bruhl in a soiled state. She didn't hesitate to do what had to be done though and at that early hour she went back into the ashes of her shop and cut her hair short with scissors she used to use to manage the rose bushes out back with and snuck into the quarters of the squad that raped her. The sun had yet to rise and in their post drunken state she fed them a special concoction in their sleep that would comatose them for a little more than an hour.
After that she castrated each individual in the squad with the scissors she grabbed from her shop. She wouldn't say what she did with the remains of the castration though.
April 20, 1935 [C-day +6] - 0435 Hours, Vasel City
After Jane finished her story there was another long silence, at least until the blast of grenade went off a few blocks away from their location and they listened to see if it awoke the imps beneath them, but there wasn't a sound. Jane had felt Oscar jump a little from the sound of the grenade and remembered that when they first got into the tub he did the same from the rumble of thunder from the passing storm. There was a rare smile that formed on Jane's face despite the recalling of the events that led her to the Militia, luckily for her though, there was no one to see it.
"Seems you have more of a reason to hate the imps than the two of us." Hannes was the first to break the silence.
"Maybe, but you guys hate Imps, and I can respect that."
"Hmph! Damn straight!" Moments afterwards Hannes started snoring.
Oscar felt it was his turn to break the silence.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know." Oscar was apologizing for his ill-mannered joke when he thrust his erect penis into Jane to prove he wasn't gay. Like at the start of them resting in the tubs he tried to uncomfortably hide his erect member from Jane by hugging his back as closely as he could to the tubs wall.
"Don't be sorry. I like you, Oscar." And just like earlier Jane intentionally pressed back on his hard dick with her ass. Burning Oscar with her cigarette earlier kind of got her going. "Now let's get rid of this so you can sleep."
The head of Oscar's penis was sticking out the top of his boxers and was making direct contact with Jane's back when she began to stroke his dick with her own boxer covered ass. The sudden movement was too much for Oscar and he found himself grasping her breasts with his hands as his throbbing teenage cock felt the sensation of an older woman's ass caressing it for the first time. Oscar's heart was excited beyond comprehension and his heart was ready to burst from his chest as the warm feeling of a woman and her breasts overwhelmed his senses beyond the point of no return and not even a minute had passed when he reached his climax. Waves of Oscar's cum bathed the bareback of Jane and his abdomen.
"That was quick." Jane teased the young man after she felt at least six waves of cum splatter between her back and his torso as the sticky residue warmed her up. "I see you can keep going though." Jane motioned to his still erect cock with a twerk of her ass.
"-Yeah." Was all Oscar could manage to say as he took a deep breath.
"If you need to keep going you do the work, but no funny business."
It was all Oscar needed to hear before he began dry humping her through his and her boxers trying to stuff his dick as deep into her ass cheeks as he could manage while playing with her breasts. His exuberant member came thrice in the next five minutes with gratuitous volumes of cum bathing the skin-ship between her back and his torso before the young boy finally had his fill and passed out from the much needed release of his sexual urges.
With both men asleep Jane kept guard until the first signs of fighting and light began to take form under the cloudy sky. After that they got dressed and let the next day's rainstorm wash off the sperm of the previous night. Jane and Oscar haven't talked about it since. Jane because she didn't care anymore and found more pleasure in killing imperials and Oscar because he couldn't believe he came so easily multiple times in just five minutes. Regardless, the three of them were good friends from that point on and before the day was over they managed to fight their way out of the building and find their squad a few days later.
April 21, 1935 [C-day +7] - 1026 Hours, Vasel City
"Dammit, kid! Didn't I tell you to keep your feet dry?!" Largo was pissed and his anger was directed at Freesia.
Hannes was MIA but the rest of his crew was still together and waited patiently while Claudia was digging in her bag for extra socks that were dry. Freesia was experiencing some early stages of trench foot from the rain that had hammered the river valley since the start of Cloudburst. An entire week had gone by and usually when a soldier is left to their own devices while in battle the last thing that they would think to worry about was something as low key as changing socks. Freesia had been wearing the same pair that got wet when the Squad beached on the Eastern shore of the river and Gina was applying a ragnite based ointment to slow down the progression of the symptoms.
"I said was sorry! Growing up in the desert though excess water was never a bad thing!" Freesia was trying to defend her position.
"That's no excuse. I kept my feet dry." Her fellow desert dweller and crewmate Walter was polishing his lance as he said so.
"Thanks for the backup." Freesia regarded him in a snarky tone and Walther shrugged.
"Fuck the desert for a minute. You are the only scout in this crew and a damn good one at that, don't you understand the responsibility you have to the crew to keep yourself healthy?!"
"Y-yeah... Don't remind me." The word responsibility always left a bad taste in Freesia's mouth. All Largo could do was just sigh at her lack of concern.
"How's she looking, Doc?" Gina applied a little bit more ointment before closing the container and turned to the distressed crew chief.
"If it were up to me I'd tell you to take her back to HQ for better treatment, but something tells me you're going to order me to keep her moving anyways." She put her ointment container back into her med pack. "Luckily for you the stages are still early and changing socks every couple of hours, a little massage each time and more ointment treatments might keep her going."
"Found them!" Claudia had effectively removed everything from her bag just to find a pair of fresh dry socks which was becoming more of a rarity these days.
The regulation socks worn by the females of the Militia that didn't opt for the skirt variant of the combat uniform were more akin to stockings than traditional socks as they hugged the entirety of the leg and went well into their shorts. Many women wore a pantyhose version with the combat uniform to prevent any point docks during inspection from slippage as that was what got most women docked points. That being said the currently bare legged Freesia was the only skin the hunks of Largo's crew had seen for a while and she didn't mind showing them, at least until what the medic said finally settled with her.
"Every couple hours?!"
"If I didn't know socks were scarce right now it would be more often than that. What made you think not to pack more than three?" Gina was unusually serious even though she was seen to be as big a flirt as Freesia.
"Again; never been a problem before!"
"It's a problem now!"
"When you're dying of thirst in the desert don't come to me then."
"You're welcome to come to me, Doc. I wouldn't mind sharing spit." Walter spit on his lance while polishing it to emphasize his point, but the arguing girls just ignored him.
They were interrupted though when Karl Landzaat from Catherine's crew came running through a window with some imperial bullets following him. Coby got up to fire some rounds back out the window to deter any further shots.
"What's up!" Karl was panting and trying to stop his heart from leaping out of his chest after his daring excursion from his building to this one. "Why aren't you guys answering?"
Largo's crew looked at Claudia who was responsible for carrying the short range radio, but due to her concentration in looking for clean socks she had removed the cumbersome radio from her back and she nervously chuckled from the attention. Her usual shut-in nature was not used to this kind of spotlight and decided to play a little joke. She grabbed the phone piece from the radio pack and pretended to answer.
"Um... Hello?"
Karl just shook his head.
"Whatever." He stood up as he prepared to leave the building again and hopefully make it back to his crew, "Three tanks coming down the road get ready to hit 'em." With that he leapt out the window and Coby gave him some covering fire this time.
The squad jumped into action as the three burly lancers primed their anti-tank weapons and Freesia slapped the socks Claudia was holding out of her hand and hastily put them on. As Freesia was putting on her boots the sound of tanks coming up the road shook the building so she opted to keep her knee armor off and grabbed her rifle since Largo was rushing her.
"Walter, Jann; you guys need to cross the street and get to that building over there, the second floor should be a great vantage point. Shoot 'em when they're close. Take Freesia with you." The three did as ordered and sprinted across the street under some fire while the rest of the crew was giving them covering fire from their starting position. It seemed like the other crews of Squad 7 had also caught on the situation from their buildings and were providing covering fire as well.
Freesia was much faster than the boys and she went on ahead creating quite a distance between her and her comrades before jumping through a window with her feet first and crashed into the building. She did a quick three-sixty with her rifle ready to see if anyone was inside, but it looked empty and she opened the door for her incoming crewmates. They happened upon a mostly preserved home that was three stories and obviously the home of some wealthy merchant. When Walter and Jann entered the home they went immediately to the second floor with Freesia still leading the way towards the agreed vantage point for taking out the incoming tanks. When they found the room that lead to their destination they discovered it was locked and the two husky men got to work at breaking it down. It took them a few tries to crash through the strong oak door and when they did Freesia was the first inside to clear the room. Inside she swung her gun towards the corner of the room where she spotted a maid and a child.
"We won't be long." Freesia said trying to calm the startled faces, but when Walter and Jann stormed in the maid and the child ran out to look for another room to hole up in. "You guys scared them!"
"They're safer elsewhere." Walter broke a window with his lance and watched as the tanks approached.
"He's right, Honey!" Jann broke the second window of the room and waited for Largo to shoot first in the other building before letting loose their rocket propelled munitions.
"Tanks without infantry support. I thought the Imps were smarter than this" It wasn't long before all their munitions were spent, which was bad because one tank still remained. "Shit! Freesia, get down!"
The entire room exploded from a 40mm HE round. Debris flew everywhere and it hammered the body of Freesia before some invisible force launched her back out the door that they had broken through not moments before. She slid some ways across the floor before coming to a stop and found that Walter and Jann was the force that launched her from the room, they both defended her with their blast armor from the HE shell. All three of them were stained with burn marks and the trousers on Walter's uniform were ripped to shreds on the right side.
"Holy shit... that's one for the books." All three of them were coughing from the smoke but Walter found himself with a big chunk of metal stuck in his thigh where his trousers were ripped.
"Oh my god. Miss Medic!" Jann pulled out a ragnaid syringe and injected it into Walter near the wound. At the same time an explosion of small arms fire erupted meaning that Gina was probably already on her way.
"Watch him. I'll take care of this." Freesia ran back toward the room they were at and it now housed a completely obliterated wall.
"Wait! Freesia, come back!" Jann yelled for her to return but she was already set in what she was going to do.
Freesia strapped her rifle behind her back and jumped out of the second floor room onto one of the busted tanks down below. She had to roll to break her fall and by doing so dropped down at the other side of the tank and hit her knee and the hard pavement below. She cursed herself for choosing now of all times to opt out of her knee armor and now the fresh pair of socks that Claudia had given her had a big gaping hole in one of them. She shook off the pain and came up behind the tank that made it through their line of defense and stuck a grenade inside the radiator before pulling the pin. A few seconds later the blast of the grenade immobilized the tank, but not the gun.
"-Fuck." Freesia watched as the turret began to turn towards her as she searched frantically for cover. With nothing but a public bench to reach in time she knew it wasn't going to be enough stop the 7.62mm rounds from the Uranus MG on the turret. As she prepared for her death she heard one round go off before the blast of a tank cannon blew up the light tank behind her. The Edelweiss had returned from its supply escort mission and saved Freesia, but not before the only MG round shot from the tank barely pierced her hip armor and into her side. The stinging pain was enough for her to fall to her side.
"Way to go. Now you've gone and done it." Freesia was speaking to herself knowing she was going to get another lecture from Largo.
"How's she looking, Doc?" Largo stood over Gina as she pulled out the bullet from Freesia's side while Walter was being put on a stretcher to return to HQ. The rain had picked up again and Largo's crew was using the safety of the Edelweiss' rear to sort things out.
"It's just a flesh wound luckily, but she's going to need stitches."
"Can she keep fighting?"
"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Freesia was beginning to wonder just how much she needed to be hit before she was considered out of commission. Gina continued on to answer Largo.
"I suppose it's up to Freesia at this point." Gina looked at Freesia as did the rest of her crew.
Freesia thought that a couple days away from the front line sounded amazing and was beginning to wonder if she was just cannon fodder to Largo, but then she realized that it wasn't the case at all. Most of her squad was made up of burly men and the reason he pushed her was because he likely considered her one of the guys. She didn't mind that one bit and stood up despite her pain and was ready to go. If you were going to play with the big boys, you had play like them too.
"What the hell. I can still dance."
"Look out, kid. If you say anymore you'll be more of a badass than Gramps over there!" Largo motioned his head towards Coby.
"Heh- Yeah, she wishes. And who started this 'Gramps', thing?" The crew shared a quick laugh, even Walter who was on the stretcher.
"It's good to see you on your feet kid, but you’re going back to HQ for a little while." Largo forced the decision on her.
"What! Why?" Freesia was just wondering why she was even questioning it.
"Because we're out of socks. Plus you'll probably only be there a couple of days, and we need cigarettes too. Pick some up while you're out."
"There's also Walter, Hon! He could use the company."
"Anything else to add to the grocery list?" Freesia's sarcasm was in good fun.
"No. Now get the hell out of here. You have a responsibility to the crew to stay healthy."
"Don't remind me." Freesia got in the passenger seat of the medevac jeep that held Walter and his stretcher realizing that now was a good time to evade Largo's next lecture. Gina walked up to her to give some more of that foot ointment, but not before getting another word in.
"Try not to sleep with the doctors while you're over there."
"No promises." The jeep drove away at that and Largo's crew watched as their crewmates disappeared of in the distant rain.
April 24, 1935 [C-day +10] - 1537 Hours, Vasel City
All she heard was a deafening ring and everything was blurry.
What happened? These were Juno's thought's exactly as she tried to make sense of her current predicament, what was I doing? All she could remember was doing something that Welkin requested and a bright light that knocked the wind out of her. Now she couldn't tell where she was at or what was happening as a result. Welkin... I... She thought she was speaking out loud but she couldn't hear herself, just that obnoxious ring that was killing her ears. I can go further! Yes, that's what she was telling Welkin just before the light. He had told her she'd gone far enough, but she didn't want to disappoint him and now she was pretty sure she was dying, or already dead.
She could still feel something though. It was like clogs of mud were falling atop her body and they were raining down as hard as the water from the clouds themselves. It was a sensation that she had become all too familiar with after ten or so days of fighting nonstop, it was the sensation of near misses as bullets were trying their best to hit her. The mud that splattered on her was them hitting the ground and making a splash from the soft dirt of the devastated and cratered street. It seemed she was hit hard enough by whatever got her to lose her hearing and sight. She rolled over from her back to standing on her arms and legs searching the muddy crater for the rifle that was issued to her in vain. In her efforts to find her firearm she decided it was not going to happen and pulled the bayonet from behind her belt and circled around aimlessly as bullets rained down on her. The ringing continued to persist and her environment was silent, but she could tell there was an explosion not too far from her because she felt the shockwave and saw blurry bits of mud and rock flying everywhere.
Finally a blurry figure appeared in the distance, she could tell it was one of her comrades from the blue of his uniform. It wasn't until he was very close that she saw it was Welkin and she dropped her bayonet and embraced him. If he was trying to say something she couldn't hear and he grabbed her hand pulled her towards the Edelweiss from which he valiantly emerged to get to her. Isara must have been manning the turret as the MG was laying down suppressing fire and as Juno ran with Welkin towards the sight she marveled at the image of a silent machine gun. When they got to the Edelweiss he picked her up and helped her on the steel giant as shouted in his mouthpiece while climbing on and the Edelweiss went into reverse and behind a building.
Juno sat against the side of the turret trying to hear the words coming from him but the best she could do was try to read his lips and it was especially hard with nothing but that blasted ring. He seemed to be asking her something and pointed at her chest. Juno looked at her own chest to see a stain of blood on her uniform, but it was definitely not hers. Unsuspectingly Welkin ripped open the jacket of her uniform and began to feel her chest through the turtleneck shirt underneath for signs of fresh blood making Juno blush uncontrollably. After Welkin discovered the blood was not hers he sighed in relief and asked her another question and still Juno was unable to pick it up by just reading his lips.
"I can't hear anything." She thought she said that anyways, even her own voice was drowned out by the annoying ring in her ears. After that she got the sudden urge to sleep, cursing her ears for not being able to hear Welkin's handsome voice and her eyes for blurring his handsome figure. After that Juno couldn't remember anything before waking up on a makeshift bed in a building that was unfamiliar. The ringing was still present but she could sort of hear now.
"W-what! Where!" She was panicking thinking she had somehow gotten captured by the enemy or something of the sorts. Some nurses rushed to her.
"It's okay! It's okay now! This is the Vasel City Hospital. You were brought here by your squad mates after you were hit." One of the nurses grabbed a clipboard by her and asked her questions. "Your hearing should be better now. How is it?"
"I still hear ringing, but it's much better."
"That's good. You suffered from a temporary threshold shift after being too close to a mortar blast it seems. There was shrapnel in your leg and it's been removed. You're expected to make a full recovery."
"What about my sight? I think I lost that too." Juno could still only make out the nurse reading her file in a blur and could make out a confused expression from her until she read the file some more and the confusion was overwhelmed by a look of realization.
"It seems you lost your glasses in the blast. We'll try and find a pair with your prescription laying around." The nurse put down the file and left to do as she said.
"Oh..." Juno was a little embarrassed that she had been so thrown off by the blast that she never thought the blurred vision was the result of her losing her glasses. She felt for them on her face just to confirm and just like the nurse said they weren't there.
She plopped back down on her uncomfortable bed and took a deep breath. She was dry for the first time in forever and she thought it best to get some rest. After all she didn't want Welkin's heroic actions to be put in vain and told herself to get better soon as she did her best to remember her hand in his when he pulled her from that hailstorm of bullets. Juno's shy nature would deny it, but she also tried to remember his hand on her bosom as she faded back to sleep.
April 28, 1935 [C-Day +14] - 2321 Hours, Vasel City
Alicia had gotten the worst of Cloudburst because there was never a moment's rest for her as she found herself running from crew to crew and from squad to squad as well as being the medium at which communication went through for joint operations with the Gallian Army. She was tired, and probably more tired than anyone save for Welkin who had her convinced he hadn't slept a single second since the day that the squad was about to kill each other over his pretense leadership and Darcsens. A conversation with a worried Isara didn't help with the idea that he hadn't slept either, but she was more worried about when she was going to be able to sleep.
Alicia was on her way to see Faldio whom she had made an effort to vent out to every day since the start of the Operation. She told herself if she could at least skip this part of the day she might actually have been able to get more shut eye, but her mind told her she needed otherwise she would lose it with Welkin's shenanigans and managing the squad. Was this the life of a unit's NCO? She made a note to ask Faldio's NCO in charge if he'd been going through the same issues as her just to make sure. It was late and no lights were on except for a full moon over the city of Vasel. It was a miracle that after all this time the sky was clear and the stars were out. Alicia finally reached her destination of a couple of Gallian Tanks sitting idle and shut off along a stretch of road and she put her rifle on one and began to climb up. As usual Faldio sat against the turret and was dry for once just like everyone who had been going at this for so long.
Alicia sat next to him and leaned in to cuddle as the both of them looked at the stars without greeting each other. It could've even been called romantic if there wasn't gunfire and explosions in the distance or if Faldio or Alicia cared about that in their relationship. It was indeed a relationship though. After so much shit from Cloudburst being stretched this long it was hardly her concern to end up with Welkin anymore when she had a suitable man with his own tank, albeit a little smaller. Faldio finally put an arm around Alicia when he broke the silence.
"Come to report your squad’s status again?"
"Officially, yes. But I'm comfortable here and I don't want to think about it right now." Alicia was trying to hold on to this moment of mind numbing cuddling.
"Who does? Thirty-six people I marched into this hell hole with and only twenty-seven are going to walk out if the rumors are true." Faldio had often vented out to Alicia about his loses, it was a conversation she had yet to have with Welkin since no fatalities had occurred.
"What rumors?" Alicia was curious.
"You didn't hear?" Alicia shook her head without taking it off Faldio, "Across the river there was apparently another meeting with the upper brass, and when General Chevrette gave that Damon bastard another successful report Damon decided he didn't need our help anymore. 'If they're so good then I'll assign them a special mission with the Southern Forces.' We're expecting orders to pull back tomorrow morning and regroup our forces. Why else are we getting a calm night for once?" Faldio's impression of General Damon made Alicia smile.
"Does that mean we can finally take showers?"
"What? You mean the rain wasn't enough for you?" They both giggled at the poor humor. They'd probably be fucking by now if not for their mutual exhaustion. Like classic Faldio though he didn't keep the mood happy for long, "Did Squad 7 lose anyone else?"
"Nothing serious happened since Juno was hit. I think Homer from the same crew was also hit but his radio equipment stopped the bullet from reaching him.”
"Must be hard on Welkin to know a good friend of his is still recovering across the river." Somehow what Faldio said didn't sound sincere, "Even harder on me who's lost nine men so far." Of course Faldio had been increasingly more frustrated with Welkin's name and his perfect record much to his own discontent. The seventh member he lost was a suicide and was the bravest man he'd ever met; the man ended it by putting a grenade in his mouth and pulling the pin. Never again would Faldio think of suicide as a coward's way out after that tragedy.
"I do hope Juno is okay." Faldio added that last bit to hide his bitter jealousy.
"The medics told me she would be."
Another silence ensued and Faldio let Alicia fall asleep in his arms for a half hour before he was forced to get his squad moving again.
April 29, 1935 [C-Day +15] - 1620 Hours, Gallian Army Transport Truck Heading down Randgriz Blvd.
It was a very gloomy ride for the majority of Squad 7, as the first moments of peace for the better half of a month had nowhere else for their minds to wander except the gruesome aspects of war that had transpired during Vasel’s rain spell. Those who didn’t already hate the imperials were beginning to remember the lives they had taken in the defense of their homeland but even then it was hard, especially for members like Susie and less so for the more veteran members of the squad. The bodies of countless men and women in both Gallian and Imperial uniforms were littered in their thoughts and so too was the blood that got washed up by the rain and into large puddles around the more combative sections of the city. That was all behind them now and a convoy of trucks carrying 2nd Armored Division was heading towards Vasel Bridge. Despite this moment of unanimous silence by the rest of the Squad there were still a lively couple of souls that sat at the last of the trucks carrying 3rd Regiment and the rest of 2nd Armored back home. Vyse was eating out of a canned ration with what looked like dog food inside while the rest of his squad just sat in silence.
“If you would’ve asked me the day we crossed the river I probably would’ve told you that these rations were pretty good, but now I can’t stand the taste of them!” Vyse said this as he vigorously scrapped the last contents of the ration from the can’s bottom and even licked the spoon.
“If you hadn’t said anything at all I would think you still love them.” Aika was there to talk to her friend as always.
The rest of Catherine’s crew just sat silently as the two spoke nonsense as they usually did. Nadine still carried her ZM Kar as faithfully as she had when she took it from a downed Imperial while the snipers of the crew donned emotionless expression as they usually did. Karl looked more exhausted than anything else and his bobbed with the motion of the truck as if he had a hard time keeping it up. This was understandable considering the lack of sleep the squad had gotten since taking to the front line. This respite had not come too soon as many of the squad just before getting the orders to pack up was beginning to get ever more frustrated.
“You know what I can’t wait for is another great meal from the Mess Hall down at Amatriain!” Vyse was still talking about food, while the rest of the crew tried to fight any noise from their bowels as he did. “You think we’ll get a chance to eat there before we lay down for the night?”
“One can only hope.” Aika too was starting to drool from the thought.
“My sister Mina said she overheard something from the Commander about the Mess Hall Giving us a meal before checking in our weapons at Amatriain today.” Fina who was trying to help her new friends rejoice got the attention of the entire crew. Not wanting to disappoint her crewmates she continued.
“Something that’s really carb and protein heavy. Personally I’m hoping for something along the lines of Spaghetti.”
“Or chicken fried steak, jambalaya, and gumbo!*” This time the crew turned their heads to Vyse, wondering what just came out of mouth.
*//Not hating on any of these foods, in fact I love them. I’m just hungry.
“I don’t think they know what that is here, Vyse.” Aika got the hint as she came to his defense, “He’s talking about foods we’ve encountered during are travels.”
“Chicken fried steak? It certainly sounds like something I could enjoy.” Fina imagined the dish from the words provided.
“You’re alright, Fina; you’re alright.” Vyse was the first to show his approval.
“Some Choucoute garnie would be fantastic.” Catherine and her signature accent came to bear on the ears of the crew.
“Would they actually serve something like that at the mess hall?” Karl was curious because it also sounded good to him.
“Of course not, I was just saying.”
“Whoa! What is that?!” Vyse got up from his seat in the back of the truck and leaned out of the transport truck to get a better look. The crew followed his gaze towards the much closer Great Vasel Bridge and a couple of large Gallian tanks guarding it.
“A Gallian Tank Destroyer operated by the Gallian Royal Guard, Her Highness’s personal troop.” Catherine nonchalantly enlightened Vyse. “It’s certainly clear you’re not from here.”
“Why don’t we have one of those?!” Vyse was still captivated by the monstrous mobile anti-tank gun and the size of the men and women in the Royal Guard Uniform.
“The Hardened Ragnite armor that they’re built from is difficult to manufacture, even more so now that key production facilities in the North are occupied by Imperial forces. Ragnite is unique in the sense that its properties are easy to manipulate, when put under enormous amounts of pressure the Ragnite and steel starts to develop the properties of a very dense light-weight metal and this is called Ragnite Alloy. Continuing this pressurization process multiple times and rolling the Ragnite Alloy in between each step causes the Ragnite to crystalize like diamond inside the Alloy while still maintaining a chemical bond with the steel. When more than fifty percent of the Ragnite is crystalized it is referred to as Hardened Ragnite.” Karl was the owner of a famous Ironworks plant he inherited outside of Fouzen before the war forced him to flee. His knowledge on this matter was impressive.
After the brief encounter with the Royal Guard the convoy crossed the Great Vasel Bridge and fro the first time in half a month a lot of them were back on the west bank of the river. The convoy stopped in the areas surrounding the City Hall where a couple of Gallian Warships and a transport ship were anchored just outside on the river. All of 2nd Armored was then forced to leave the trucks and fall into formation. Delta Battery, which was composed of Squadron 7 and 8 made their formation in the park just in front of City Hall with a good view of the warships. Welkin and Alicia talked for a little while a few familiar faces emerged from a separate convoy that drove the wounded in from the Vasel City Hospital.
Juno had a blanket over her shoulders and her jacket and rifle in her right hand. Theold and Walter meanwhile came in on crutches as a lot of the members from their crews broke formation to go greet them. Susie ran up to Juno and embraced the young Crew Chief before crying into her shoulder. And Welkin went to go see how she was doing as well.
“How’s your hearing?” Welkin wasn’t sure where to start, but he knew the last time he saw her she couldn’t hear a single thing from his or on the battlefield.
“It’s a lot better now, Welkin. Thank you for saving me. I-“ Juno was keen on saying more but a call from afar caught the attention of both Welkin and Juno.
“Heyyy! There’s Gallia’s new hero.” Ellet took a photo of him while she ran up.
“Hey, Ellet. What do you mean by that?” Welkin was sure she had a different tone then he expected when she said the words ‘Gallia’s new hero’.
“You haven’t read? Just a couple of weeks ago my story made the front page and I mentioned you by name. Must be great to be a celebrity, eh? The info you gave me got me a national scoop!”
“You did what?”
“I may have also suggestively mentioned the size of your more hidden aspects. Regardless I was sure to save you a copy.” Ellet pulled a rolled up section of a newspaper with Welkin Gunther in the title. Welkin grabbed the copy and skimmed its contents before Vyse grabbed the paper himself and announced the news to the rest of the Squad. Everyone swarmed him to see if they were mentioned as well, particularly Cherry, Edy and a few others.
“I don’t think this was the exact terms of any deal we made.” Welkin put his hand to his face to hide some embarrassment.
“I know! I’m generous aren’t I?” She pulled out a notebook and pen and already began to ask more questions. “So anything occur on the other side of the river besides just gunfire and occasional explosion?”
“You mean that’s not news?”
“No, silly. That’s noise. Also that spare paper will be a thousand ducats.” She shot him a bright smile to his utter weariness. Even Juno who was the center of his attention only to have it robbed tried to stifle a giggle.
Welkin was genuinely trying to think about what may have happened on the other side of the river that may have been considered newsworthy enough to relay to Ellet, but nothing was particularly stunning. It rained a lot. Today was a bright sunny day though and that was relief as if the upper brass purposely waited for the weather to improve before pulling them out. Despite that sunny weather though, as Ellet awaited a response, a persistent blue light from the far side of the river shone brightly throughout the city.
“Well, there’s that.” Welkin said to Ellet as the members of Delta Battery and no doubt the entire city looked towards the source of the blue flame.
“Shit! Is that a new imperial weapon of sorts? Excuse me; I’m going to sneak a ride across the river.” Ellet departed at that.
“What is that? A Ragnite explosion?” Rosie was the first to inquire.
“I don’t know but it’s like crazy beautiful!”
“Whatever it is; its got the Navy’s attention.” Largo motioned to the rest of Squad 7 as the large 8 and 12 inch guns of the two Gallian warships took aim from the river preparing to release a full salvo from their broadside.
“I’ve never seen the Navy in action before.” Homer said while captivated by the awesome size of the gun turrets. Coby just laughed at the young kid’s comment before responding.
“Then watch your footing, son! Because your heart’s about to skip a few beats!” Coby wasn’t lying. Just moments later the shot from the two warships rang throughout the river valley and large waves that were merely ripples to the warships began to consume the river’s surface.
It was shortly after the awe at witnessing this extreme fire power that Delta Battery, and what sounded like the entire west bank of the river, began cheering their sea fairing brothers on as the blue light started to wane before salvo after salvo was fired. Each blast from the warships’ guns drowning out the cheering of the armor division and with each salvo the blue light waned further. The only silence came from Alicia, who was getting bad vibes and nausea from the light that was eventually exterminated by the large naval guns.
April 29, 1935 – 2145 Hours, Squad 7 Barracks
Welkin escorted his squad to their barracks after a disappointing meal at the Mess Hall and getting every single member to check their arms in at the armory. By the end of it they were all exhausted. It was as if the two or so weeks of urban combat had finally caught up to them and consuming every bit of food they could manage at the mess hall only left them with full stomachs that were screaming for them to get some sleep. As a result each member of Squad 7 as if they were raised from the dead ripped off their dirty uniforms and plopped down on their bunks. Already in the bunks was a couple of new faces that would be reporting in tomorrow in Welkin’s office, that was something that could wait though, and Alicia went into her own separate room and no doubt got ready for bed. Welkin found it amusing that despite their talk of wanting to take a shower right away many of them didn’t find the energy for it. All but a few anyways. Ramona and Homer in particular were keen on getting the soiled uniforms off and a shower in before bed despite their fatigue, and because Homer was about so was Edy.
Edy was giving Welkin the stink eye and a look that said, “Why haven’t you done what I asked yet!” Welkin took a deep breath and sighed loudly upon realizing that he was going to sacrifice sleep himself doing this. It was odd; as long as Rosie wasn’t involved Edy was a chipper young lady with a contagious sense of optimism. Welkin decided to at least do something about it like he had promised and walked further into the barracks towards Rosie’s bunk. Edy gave an approving nod and walked into the changing room that led to the latrines which generously housed showers. As welkin approached Rosie was sitting on her bunk trying to get her boots off until she noticed him and stopped to see if he had business with her.
“What do you want?” Asked Rosie casually; she was obviously unaware of Welkin’s intentions.
“Yes. Sorry to ask this now, but there’s something I need to talk to you about in my office. Should be done quickly.”
“It’s fine. It’s not like I’m tired or anything.” She got up from her bunk and followed him out of the barracks. It was mostly a silent trip but as they got closer to the Junior Officers Quarters she decided to bring light to whatever Welkin wanted to speak about. “What was this about?”
“The paperwork is on my desk.” Welkin opened the door to his quarters to let Rosie in and offered his best smile to the older redhead.
“Alright, but that doesn’t answer my question.” Welkin followed behind her and shut the door.
“Are you aware of certain members of your crew having a passionate hatred towards you?” Welkin decided to open up with that and walked around his desk to have a seat while Rosie did the same in an available chair in front.
“With the nonsense they pull regularly I’d say the entire crew feels that way. Except maybe Cherry, she’s a little clingy.” Rosie pondered deeply about the members of her squad.
“Then let me put it this way instead. A day before Operation Cloudburst began we had a dispute that was settled with a bet between Largo and me. It was decided that if I won, the deal was for you to take my orders while you continue to hate whoever you want, but unfortunately this did not remain between us. Someone in your crew has filed an official report on your treasonous actions and demanded that consequences for said actions be carried out. What I have here is paperwork concerning this dispute.”
“Wait a minute!” Rosie shot up from her seat and slammed her hands on his desk after understanding the seriousness of the situation, “I acted out of concern for my own safety and the safety of the squad!”
“You acted without cause to the squad’s endangerment, and several members have confirmed to physical violence between you and those you sought to get rid of. No matter how you look at it it’s a matter of prejudice and this isn’t supposed to be tolerated in military units and certainly not a Militia established by the Crown.”
Rosie’s face contorted to one of vexation but eventually she just sat back down in her seat with her arms crossed.
“So what? You’re going to court martial me now?”
“…No.” Welkin grabbed the paperwork and ripped it. “I don’t want that trouble and I don’t think you want that on your record.” Rosie was surprised by his brash action.
“S-So… Am I free to go?”
“No. The person who made a complaint didn’t specify what consequences you should face. So instead of getting lawyers involved I figured you just do me a few favors. Also you should refer to me as ‘Sir’ or ‘Commander’ instead of refusing to refer to me at all.”
“Did you have any favors in mind… Sir?” It more of an effect than Welkin had anticipated. He really didn’t make anyone call him sir unless he happened to be around upper brass.
“I want you to strip.” He decided to test the waters first. Rosie wasn’t exactly an easy mark.
“You can’t be fuckin’ serious.” Rosie was beginning to think that all she was good for was getting her male comrades turned on to the point they felt it was necessary to blackmail her, and the thought wasn’t all that bad to her and just increased her already high level of arrogance.
“Yes. I am.” Welkin stood up to begin removing his jacket and promptly put the dirty uniform on a hanger. “I know you’ll do it too after agreeing to follow my orders whether you liked them or not at Vasel. Also you’re forgetting something.”
After days of constant combat since that time it had in fact seemed like forever to Rosie since she’d said she would follow the young officer’s orders, but she wasn’t about to end up in a court or jail on the account of her plan. She boiled for a minute while thinking that if Largo had just stuck to her plan in the first place none of this would be happening. Now there was someone in her squad that had it in for her enough to actually make sure disciplinary actions were taken. After considering her options she realized that she had none and as Welkin started casually undoing the buttons of his shirt underneath she too began removing her uniform after sighing to calm her down.
“That’s a good girl.” There was something infuriating to Rosie behind his contemptuous voice and a younger man calling him a girl, but as she threw her bloody rainwater smelling uniform on his office floor she made it a goal to get him to respect her after tonight.
As the stripping continued though she found herself less interested in contemplating her plans and more interested in the surprisingly built tank commander. Her more honest feelings began to sink in at the fact that she had somehow managed to score by trying to eliminate such a fine man, so much so that she was removing her clothes much slower and watched the squad leader until he was just in his boxers. He turned to look at her nude form and smiled. Rosie wasn’t innocent enough to blush and instead flaunted herself to the obviously captivated young man. She might as well make the best of it, especially since her position and future were at stake if he did sign for court martial.
“You like what you see, sir?” She approached Welkin and wrapped her arms around his neck but stopped short of giving him a kiss.
“I do, but it’s not a punishment of you enjoy it, Miss Stark.” Rosie wanted to smile from the instant respect but instead feigned a frown to please her captive squad leader. “That’s better. Well follow me then. Time to fulfill some of those favors.”
“What did you have I mind, sir?” Rosie followed Welkin through a doorway that lead to his sleeping quarters and personal bathroom.
“I’m tired; you’re going to help me wash.”
That’s it? Rosie was suddenly very disappointed after thinking that he was totally going to make her do something more sexual. Perhaps that was part of his disciplinary actions though, to get her going and then end it prematurely. She didn’t want that to happen though, she was going to get laid and relieve the stress of Vasel out on something besides finding time to masturbate in a shared shower. So when the water started running she seductively as possible got to cleaning the war soiled Lieutenant and paid extra attention to his cock which was as impressive as Largo’s. Only difference was that it looked even bigger on Welkin because he was a smaller man.
Varrot was walking her way to the Junior Officer’s quarters with a manila file in hand about a recent operation that was thrown on her prized Squadron 7 on the account of them angering General von Damon and his will to not give them any rest before sending them out to Kloden. Just moments prior Varrot was in the office of Major General Alain Chevrette, the commanding officer of the 2nd Armored Division. He was an older man, but ever since she had seen Welkin take Ellet on his desk at Vasel sex had been on her mind, and she was sure that if he ever wanted to try something with her she wouldn’t fight it seeing as how he was one of the few upper brasses that she deeply respected. She shook the thought from her head and decided to think back to what they talked about.
“I’m sorry to throw this on you, but I’m under direct orders to see that this mission is assigned to your Squadron 7 after they’re extraordinary success at Vasel. It seems they’re low casualty rate and recent popularity in Gallian news outlets have angered a specific someone.” The General curled his white moustache and by doing so somehow looked leagues more experienced than the mistake that was Damon.
“I understand, sir.” Varrot was at attention and perhaps was trying to pronounce her breast a little too much in front of the General, but her renewal in the topic of her womanhood was bothering more than she let out. “What is the mission concerning?”
“You may have noticed that the welcoming meal the Mess Hall prepared was a little subpar, it seems that the Empire’s failure to keep Vasel Bridge has convinced them to try and starve us out.”
“Very well, sir. 3rd Regiment will get on it right away.”
“Well that’s the catch, Captain. This mission is for Squad 7 and Lieutenant Gunther to do alone.”
As Varrot though back to the meeting she was contemplating on telling Welkin and interrupting his no doubt much needed sleep after the weeks spent fighting at Vasel. This wasn’t a report to just simply drop into his mail box, but to give to him directly. She stood outside the door to his office and knocked, but there was no response. It was just as she had suspected it seemed, Welkin was already asleep, as he should be. She opened the door regardless and thought to wake him up and discuss the matter in detail, and it didn’t strike her right away but she eventually stopped herself on her way to his bedroom door and saw the clothes thrown on the floor. They were a women’s uniform, and a skirt variant at that. From the cracked open doorway that led to his room was the sound of a bed shaking and creaking from rusty springs.
Varrot wasn’t naïve and she began to breathe hard as her heart started racing. The drought on her body since her lover Fredric died was definitely having its toll on her and since this war began she was realizing that more and more. This was the second time she had found Welkin with a woman, but it made her wonder with how rarely she saw him if this wasn’t just a nightly thing. She stood frozen in the dark office as she reasoned with herself what to do, and reason said that she should leave the young squad leader alone. So naturally she quietly snuck to the crack of the bedroom door and watched Welkin take another woman. Varrot had never considered herself a voyeur until recently and she reached into her uniform appease the moistening region between her legs.
Welkin and Rosie were both on the bed. Welkin was in an upright position sitting in the middle of the bed in an Indian style fashion while Rosie rode his cock and tried to force every last inch of his member in an effort to make his tip tickle her womb. They kissed each other on their necks furiously as they did so and were breathing loud enough for Varrot to hear. Occasionally Rosie would let out a loud moan when Welkin grabbed her shoulders and forced her further down on his impaling member. Eventually this pulling down motion persisted and he was using his own hips to thrust hard into Rosie’s experienced cunt.
“I-It’s coming… I’m cumming.” Rosie shouted at the top of her lungs and shook uncontrollably atop Welkin’s ceaseless assault.
Varrot who was playing with herself couldn’t hold out either and put down the manila folder she was holding to cover her mouth to prevent her own lustful groans from being heard. The juices of Varrot and Rosie both flowed down with Varrot wetting her uniform and Rosie wetting the sheets. Varrot had seen Welkin in action before and knew that he wasn’t finished yet, so she invaded her own snatch with her fingers and observed as the athletically built man lunged forward and got Rosie on her back and forced her legs down to the sides of her body with the weight of his own as he relentlessly dove his dick in and out of her still contracting pussy. Now Rosie had no choice but to moan as Welkin wouldn’t let her down from her orgasm high. Varrot was trying to match his pace with her own hand and hoping the juices of her cunt weren’t somehow being heard from inside the room.
“Holy… shit… Who knew - you had it in you?” Rosie’s breathy voice was having a hard time escaping her mouth since her body was in a state of sexual bliss that she hadn’t experienced since her early days as a bartender. This was exactly the kind of “punishment” she was hoping for.
Varrot could only imagine what the lucky redhead was feeling and was biting her lip from just imagining the pleasure. Welkin flipped Rosie over after a couple of minutes and hot kisses later forcing her head down into the sheets before proceeding with ramming her from behind. The new angle was inducing a more powerful wave of pleasure throughout Rosie’s nether regions as the sizable cock miraculously found its way even deeper into her pussy much to the surprise of the redheaded vixen. The waves of pleasure were starting to get to Welkin as well; it was as if Rosie’s pussy was trying to milk his own juices into her fertile womb. It was becoming too much for him so he started to pull her hair back effectively lifting her upper body from the sheets and holding her up as he pounded ever more deeply inside the redhead before pushing back down and releasing torrents of cum onto her back.
The cum from Welkin’s member was splashing as far as her neck and puddled into the recesses caused by her spine after a shower of the substance had grown substantially enough to dribble down despite its viscosity. Taking deep breaths after both of them had finally reached their climax Welkin rolled over and lay beside Rosie on his bed who seemed to be enjoying the sensation of cum on her back. Varrot was also breathing heavily outside of the room after her second orgasm trying to compose herself with many vain attempts, but she was set on not getting caught. She left the manila folder on Welkin’s desk deciding now was not a good time to tell him about the news and wrote a quick note of where to meet. She then promptly but quietly left the Lieutenant’s office.
Author's Note:
That's it! Phew, that was a lot of typing. Chronologically the report called Largo's Passion comes next and since I feel I didn't give you guys enough of the more kinky material this chapter I will try to load the next couple of chapters with it.
As always, thanks for reading.
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