Cobwebs and Gears | By : FlameWolf666 Category: +A through F > Five Nights at Freddys Views: 5433 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I don't own anything from Five Night at Freddy's with the exception of a few O.C. animatronics. I make no profit from this, this is just for fun. |
Author’s Note: Another intense chapter. I hope all you are enjoying so far.
Chapter Fourteen: Falling
Hissing soft swears under his breath, Fritz made his way to the security room; jumping at every little sound. After the third night, he was more than bit apprehensive about being here yet again. To his horror, he was helpless to stop coming. Something in him drove him to be here. It was almost like an addiction. He had even caught himself standing in front of the building during the day with no memory of how he had gotten there. Skittering into the rather open office, he took a seat and prepared for the nightly call.
~Right on schedule, the ancient phone began to ring while he swung his flashlight around the dark hall in front of him. “Hello? Hello? Uh, hey there, night four! I told you you'd get the hang of it!” came the far too cheerful recording, making him wince.
“Yeah… Real fucking easy job. If you ignore the high chance of horrible death,” he snarled, switching his focus to the Prize Corner. Already, the music box was ticking down; telling him he would be in for a very stressful night.
“Ok, so uh, just to update you, uh, there's been somewhat of an, uh, investigation going on. Uh, we may end up having to close for a few days... I don't know,” the ‘trainer’ informed, his words making the guard raise a brow slightly.
Investigation? This was the first he had heard of it. Maybe it had to do with the weird smell experienced that morning. Or maybe, it had to do with the rumors and all the disappearances of children. “I want to emphasize though that it's really just a precaution. Uh, Fazbear Entertainment denies any wrongdoing. These things happen sometimes. Um... It'll all get sorted out in a few days. Just keep an eye on things and I'll keep you posted,” came the4 next bit of information.
“Of course the company is denying anything happening. They’ve only been covering it up since the disappearances started to happen,” he grumbled, jumping when he heard faint, childish giggling.
Reaching for the mask, he placed the horrid thing over his head; trying hard not to breathe while wearing it. “Uh, just as a side note though, try to avoid eye contact with any of the animatronics tonight if you can. Someone may have tampered with their facial recognition systems, we're not sure,” the recording continued. It was at that point he heard the sound of static coming from down the hall.
“But the characters have been acting very unusual, almost aggressive towards the staff. They interact with the kids just fine, but when they encounter an adult, they just...stare,” it informed, drawing a laugh from the new hire as he cautiously removed the Freddy head.
“They finally noticed and they’re blaming it on us?! Fucking Hell, Roy know better than that after the fiasco this morning. What the fuck is going on here? Is he trying to pass the blame off on one of us?” he spat, rage overtaking the terror as he heard banging within the vents.
Swinging his flashlight over, he felt his breath catch in his throat when he saw the face of… a gold colored rabbit? This was an animatronic he didn’t recognize and he fumbled with the mask in his rush to get it back on. That was when another burst of static came from the hall to the front of him. Turning, he saw the horrible form of the thing called ‘The Mangle’. Both its heads almost seemed to glare at him, mouths yawning open to show sharp fangs. “Fuck,” hissed out of him, his gaze slowly moving to look at the gauge for the music box. Already, it had dropped to less than halfway.
Cursing more heavily, he reached for the button when he heard a loud bang from the vent the strange mascot had been in. Still pressing the prompt instinctually, he spun to see the rotting face of the rabbit far too close to him. The smell of death and burning oil poured from it like a miasma, making him gag behind the head he was wearing. Its mouth yawned open to reveal blunted teeth, faint giggling coming from within its guts. “Uh...Anyways, hang tight. It'll all pass. Good night!” the recording concluded, making him jump and turn away from the thing. When he turned back, it was gone.~
Feeling unsettled and on edge, Fritz slowly removed his disguise; heart racing in his chest. That was when he noticed a small, child shaped shadow in the corner of the room. Swinging his flashlight over, he felt his stomach drop when he saw Balloon Boy. With its permanent smile, the mascot opened its mouth; a red dot appearing and slowly getting bigger within the opening. As the guard watched, he came to realize it was a balloon. Popping out of the machines maw, the helium filled globe bobbed while the inner workings tied it off and attached a string. With jerky motions, it reached over with the hand holding a bunch of ready, floating, colorful bits of rubber and grabbed it.
Mouth completely dry, he backed away while keeping a peripheral eye on the music box. This all went beyond simple tampering. This was something otherworldly, supernatural. Especially given the fact most of the ones coming after him at the moment were ones not supposed to have mobility. As well as all the things he had seen and witnessed. There was also his unnatural attraction to the place despite the obvious danger. Despite his deep fear of this place, he was helpless to keep coming. Blinking, he was both relieved and horrified to see the thing gone when his eyes opened again.
The machines were definitely getting more aggressive, almost seeming impatient. Even now, it felt like they were circling around him like a pack of wolves. Pressing the button for the music box yet again, he became aware of a figure at the end of the hall. Just like the previous night. Without moving his flashlight, he got his only means of protection and slipped it over his head. Once in place, he flicked the light on and off until it disappeared. With how active they were, this was shaping up to be a very long night.
Rose glared up at her uncle, disbelief mixing with her rage. “You can’t be serious! You can’t blame all of this on a man that’s been dead for years! Besides, you and I both know what’s really happening,” she hissed, ignoring his weak attempts to shush her.
“Look, I ain’t buying this ghost bullshit or the fact Jeremy was responsible for… those things,” the overweight male spat while managing to look incensed and guilty at the same time.
Opening her mouth to protest, she closed it again to shake her head. If, after all he had seen, he still thought he could get away without any dirt on him; there was nothing she could say. The worst part was the fact he was involving Scott under threat of his job. “Now, I forbid you to go back to that place anymore,” he snarled out, the demand making her blood boil.
“You just don’t want me there because some parents finally called the police. I might have some inconvenient answers you don’t want them to hear,” she snarled, not surprised when she saw panic flash through his gaze.
Then he was moving, getting in her face while pointing a fat finger. “Rose, you will stay away from there,” he ordered, more than just fear for his franchise in his gaze. It almost seemed like he was scared for her. While she knew better, she couldn’t shake the feeling there was more to it.
“Roy… did something happen yesterday during the day shift?” she asked, not the least bit shocked when all the color drained from his face.
For the first time in her life, sympathy for the man filled her. He hadn’t wanted any of this when he bought the place from Mr. Bedian. All he had wanted was to make a popular franchise and get rich while doing it. While not the best motivations, they weren’t overtly evil. “Hey, you can tell me. I… I’ve seen my share of shit lately,” she encouraged, placing a hand on his upper arm. Looking up at her, she saw the fear behind the angry mask. The absolute terror.
“The machines… they’re alive. Alive and angry. Angry because of what my… because of what Jeremy did to those kids,” whispered out of him, gaze shifting as if afraid someone would hear.
“And… the smell. Its almost as if they have dead bodies inside them,” he continued a sheen of sweat coating his brow began to pace.
“That smell is why we’re being investigated. That smell is something I will never forget, even in my darkest nightmares,” he began to ramble while she watched.
“I tried to warn you. They’ve been alive since we bought the place. Even longer,” Rose snarled, feeling a small bit of vindication when he flinched away from her.
Scrubbing her face with her hands, she let out a long sigh. “None of this will stop if you try to ignore it or bury it. The only way to stop this is to lay the spirits of those children to rest or burn all of it to the ground. Even the sister location,” she whispered, feeling sick just suggesting the second option. It would mean killing the machines that meant so much to her. If such a thing happened, she would be very tempted to join them.
“Do you have any idea how much money I put into this?! How much I’ll lose if this all goes under? I won’t even be able to afford my bills,” came a protest she expected.
Shaking her head, she walked around him to exit the hospital room. Once at the doorway, she turned to look at him over her shoulder. “Roy, does money really matter when the souls of children are involved?” she whispered before exiting the room. With a nod to the receptionist, she made her way out of the hospital and toward her car. No matter what the man said, there was only one place she was going today. Revving her engine to life and buckling up, she drove toward the pizzeria.
Just staring up at this place, she could feel the waves of anger and sadness. Yet, her feet drove her forward and past the front doors. She didn’t even see the new guy at his desk, just moved past him and toward the maintenance room. As she got closer, the young woman began to feel a profound terror. A need to flee that she couldn’t heed even if she wanted to. Her body was beyond her control, moving through the door and into the claustrophobic room.
In front of her, Jasper slowly rose from the shadows; his eyes red dots behind his white mask of a face. Tilting its head, the horror floated toward her; more glowing eyes rising up behind it. “It is time now. Time to show all of them that we are still here,” hissed a voice that wasn’t his while the older version of Foxy jerkily moved forward. The pirate almost seemed to be in pain while he moved toward her, as if he was trying to stop himself. He was closely followed by Freddy, Bonnie, Chica and their toy versions. Even Mangle was among them, both sets of eyes glaring at her.
“You have to stop this! None of this will help any of you! You have to let go and try to move on,” she attempted to reason while she was slowly surrounded.
“We don’t want to stop! This whole franchise must die. This place is cursed,” Jasper snarled while the machines made a tight circle around her.
“The owner allowed this to happen. Allowed us to die. Even hid our deaths,” the thing continued while Rose winced, not flinching when the mascots began to close in slowly.
“I know but you’re letting your anger take over. If you keep going like this, you’ll be tied here for eternity,” she tried to reason, only to get a chorus of chilling laughter in response.
“Too late. Far too late. We have given up heaven to ensure this place dies,” the machine replied, a slightly sad expression in its eyes while it regarded her.
“We will give you one, last chance to leave here. To escape. To not be like us. Get out of here. Do not return,” came something close to a plea, tugging slightly on her heart.
For a few moments, she almost considered it. For just a fleeting second, she was tempted to abandon her ‘family’ to the darkness. Looking around, she was met with the mascots behind the angry souls. Then her gaze landed on Foxy. Her Foxy. The animatronic she had made by hand to replace Fritz. He almost seemed to be begging her for something. While knowing he was likely wanting her to escape from this dark fate, seeing that expression sealed her decision. “No, we were family before and I won’t leave them now. If you intend to take them with you, I will not be left out,” she hissed, meeting the angry eyes that didn’t belong to Jasper. The mannequin simply began to laugh, the animatronics slowly tightening their circle around her.
“As you wish,” came an ominous response.
The new hire glanced over toward the pile of machinery he was being forced to stand guard over. Even if it was a kids’ attraction, he couldn’t help but find the fucking thing creepy. Especially since the voice box seemed to be still active. Every now and again it would let out bursts of static that made the kids jump and giggle. Still, he was getting paid and he would do the job he was here to do. That was when he caught motion out of the corner of his eye. Turning his head toward the doorway, he caught a glimpse of a familiar, purple uniform.
Frowning slightly, he sped walked over to the door to peer down the hall. Once again, he just barely caught a glimpse of purple heading into the parts and maintenance room. Growing concerned and suspicious, he made a beeline for that room. As far as he knew, he was the only security on duty today and there should be nobody else here. If that was the case, he had to find out who this person was and how they got a uniform.
Opening the door, he only saw an empty room full of spare parts and some of the broken, past mascots. Unfortunately, he didn’t have the time to look since he heard a burst of excited yelling coming from the Mangle’s room. Exiting and heading back at a fast pace, he stopped when he saw what was standing on the long abandoned stage. There, in all his glory, was the original Foxy; waving to the children while his theme played from his voicebox. “What the…,” he muttered before walking toward the animatronic.
One of the things he had been told was that this one was dangerous and had been deactivated. What was it doing out here? Why was it doing its routine like it had never stopped? As much as he wanted answers, none of it mattered right now. What mattered was getting the thing deactivated and off the stage without causing a scene. So, putting on his best kid friendly persona, he gave the crowd a wide smile while he clambered onto the platform. What happened next, happened quickly.
In a split second, Foxy had his head in its jaws and was clamping down. Before any of the parents could move to help, it was over with a splash of blood. Several of the children at the front were coated in gore, the joyful screams quickly turning to ones of disgust and horror. Jaw yawning open, the mascot turned back to the crowd. With bits of brain and skull caught between its teeth, it began to sing and dance. The glimpses of a scalp and popped eye it its maw only making the scene more gruesome. Soon, parents were ferrying sobbing children outside while one moved toward the security office to use the phone.
Flashing red and blue flooded deserted halls while paramedics and police rushed into the former Cove. Even the most seasoned of them felt sick upon the scene they encountered. The prone, headless body. The blood. The brains. Most of all the singing and dancing machine. The thing still had half the man’s head in its mouth for fuck’s sake! “Turn off the thing!” the man in charge demanded, only to get all out refusal from those under him.
“Call the owner, get him down here. None of us want to get killed for a dead man,” one of them reasoned.
Within moments, someone was sent to do just that. Within nearly record time, the too pale man was there; eye fixed on the horrible scene in the room. “Jesus fuck… he was only eighteen,” he groaned before he was losing his lunch all over the floor.
“Can you turn the thing off so we can collect what’s left for his family,” the officer in charge bit out, rage clear on his face while the pudgy man nodded.
In a daze, he climbed onto the stage and moved to the back of the machine. Just as his hands reached the controls, the head turned backwards to face him. Letting out a startled yell, he hit the kill switch before jumping back. Even with it shut down, he couldn’t get off the stage fast enough. Moving into the hall, he could swear he caught a brief glimpse of purple and narrowed his eyes. Was Rose here? If she was, why wasn’t she with the police? Getting a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach, he could only watch while the cops wheeled out what was left of one of his employees.
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