Riding Lessons | By : Sealink Category: +S through Z > World of Warcraft Views: 13214 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own World of Warcraft, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
AUTHOR’S NOTE: Obviously I have taken liberties
with the Durotar landscape, expanding it to something resembling a real-world
Jaera, you have a problem. Jaera stared at the wall,
her back to Zarang, listening to his breathing. It was deep and even, the
barest sound of a snore on the end of his intakes. She tried to count them, but
by the time she had gotten to fifty, the throb between her legs hadn’t
lessened, and might have even grown more insistent. She squirmed, tightening
her thighs together and trying to squeeze the feeling away, but it was merely
wishful thinking that such tactics might work. It only made things worse. She
relaxed her legs, shifting quietly to her back and running her hands through
her hair in frustration. The thrum of her heartbeat in her ears, deafening in
the desert night, beat out a lusty rhythm. She wondered if she could try to
soothe the fever herself, if she dared risk being caught. If you make it
quick and quiet, no one will ever know. She listened to Zarang’s half-snores
for a few moments more and she took a deep breath.
Her right hand drifted down between her legs, and she cupped
her hand over herself, shivering with anticipation. The thin panties she wore
under her nightshift infuriated her, but she couldn’t risk being caught with
them off; better, she decided, to simply slide her hand under the edge and
preserve some modesty if she were discovered. She moved her fingers along her
moistened folds, using the slick proof of her arousal to lubricate herself
before beginning to rub her clit. A pleading whimper threatened to escape, but
she clenched her teeth tightly, only a hiss of air making it through as she
began to work herself up to orgasm.
It was only as she touched herself, getting closer and
closer to her release, that she allowed herself to fantasize. In any other
situation, in any other fantasy, it was a faceless elf mechanically fucking her
until she got close enough to get herself off. But this time, her fantasy lover
came up behind her, wrapping strong arms around her waist, reaching between her
legs and setting her nerves sizzling with a practiced hand. He cradled her in
one arm when she felt her feet would no longer support her, and hooked one leg
over his other arm, continuing his slow, relentless torment of her slick vulva
until she felt she couldn’t stand it. Her skin prickled and her breathing
quickened as she imagined her shadowy seducer pushing her forward on her hands
and knees, fitting the huge head of his shaft against her cleft. When his hips pressed
fully against her, he leaned over, grazing her shoulder with his tusks and
biting her neck not-so-gently as he began to thrust into her.
Jaera realized with a start that her fantasy lover was a
broad-shouldered troll, but it stirred her lusts into a wild frenzy, and she
abandoned her brief hesitance. Under this assault of imagery, she got close,
teasing herself to near the precipice of her release, so much so that despite
her best efforts, a small moan of desire sounded low in her throat. She froze,
hoping beyond hope that it had fallen on sleeping, deaf ears.
Zarang could not believe what he was hearing. He knew what
those sounds were; the restless movement under blankets, the short breathing,
and the wet sounds of self-pleasure, though he was trying his damnedest to
ignore them. He couldn’t ignore that moan, though. Gods, just the thought that
she was doing that in his bed made him incredibly hard, and he struggled
to keep himself under control. It’s just sound. Just ignore it. She had
gone ominously quiet, and he almost held his breath, straining to hear her even
though he knew he shouldn’t. He heard her exhale slowly, and then she began
again, and it was only moments before he heard her gasp and then the tense
sound of her throat working, knowing that her mouth must be open in a soundless
scream of orgasm. Another gasp sank into his ears, and then a smaller one as
she came over the crest, and then her labored breathing as she descended off
the delirium of pleasure. Thank the gods. She’s done, Zarang sighed to
himself, ignoring his throbbing erection and switching to his side so that it
wouldn’t be immediately obvious if she got up.
Jaera froze again as Zarang shifted. Oh shit. Ohshitohshitohshit.
She prayed to every god and benevolent entity she could name that he had been
asleep for her little escapade. She thought she had been pretty quiet, though
she didn’t know if trolls slept lightly or heard things well regardless. He’s
been awake the whole time. He’s going to come over here and kick me out. Or
maybe he’ll come over here and offer to help. The prospect of the first
terrified her and the prospect of the second made her skin tingle. But minutes
passed and nothing happened, and Jaera slowly relaxed. As she settled into the
soft, sleepy afterglow of her orgasm, she yawned. If he asks, I will tell
him I had a bad dream.
The next morning could not come soon enough for Zarang.
Sleep eluded him, even after he had gone for a walk and spent his own lusts on
the sands that faced the Echo Isles. The chill night air was useless on his
heated skin and he spent too long a time watching the nighttime sea creatures
come up to fight, mate and feed.
The next morning dawned grey and overcast, thick with the
half-promise of rain. Zarang knew better, of course; rain was infrequent to
absent. Zarang opened one eye into the blue light of morning and frowned before
remembering that he had collapsed there in the wee hours. The memory of the
previous night came rushing back in a torrent of heated blood, and he groaned
softly, covering his eyes with his hand as he recalled the sounds of her
climax. He rolled to his side, sitting up and then becoming more alert as he
realized Jaera had left the hut.
There was a thin fog outside, but that would burn off
quickly with the sun. He saw Jaera over near the raptors; it was no troll that
was carrying buckets of water. The yoke looked comical on her, but as he got
near, he realized that she had almost completely filled the trough. “Good
morning,” she said brightly as he approached.
Her cheeriness after his tortuously long night irked him in
ways he couldn’t put words to. “Morning,” he responded shortly.
Jaera was cowed by his clipped response, and she eased the
yoke over her head, setting the buckets down. The sun was creeping over the
horizon, and the closest raptor, a violet male, lifted his head, blinking
sleepily. The diurnal raptors began to shake the sleep off, and the large green
female shifted to her feet, uttering a small call at Zarang’s approach. He
gentled her, rubbing her neck and she trilled, the rumbling squawk making the
troll smile in spite of his fatigue. A sharp whistle behind him made him
Jaera took her fingers out of her mouth as a large saber-toothed
panther approached. It wasn’t a breed that Zarang recognized, but he assumed it
was native to the forests around the Blood Elf homeland. It flicked long ears
forward at Jaera’s voice, its golden eyes wide and alert. The big cat butted
its head up under Jaera’s hand, a rough purr rising out of its throat as Jaera
stroked its sandy-colored neck and ears. She looked up at Zarang.
“We need to hunt for meat,” she said, picking up a bow,
obviously one she had brought with her when she left the hut.
“De raptors need meat as well,” Zarang thought aloud. Usually
he hunted on his own, with a raptor to pack the meat back to Sen’jin. But if
another hunter were around, he could get done faster, and without having to
worry about attending the raptor while he was hunting.
“Come with us. I’m sure there are enough boars for
everyone.” She was smiling, the end of her bow resting gently on the ground.
“We’ll be done before the hottest part of the day.”
“Soun’ like a good plan,” Zarang admitted. He began to untie
the large green raptor’s lead, pulling her forward and leading her down the
gentle slope to the open rock fields. “She like to kill her own,” he explained
as they started walking.
Jaera jogged to catch up with him, the ghostclaw keeping
close to her side, its large paws sending puffs of red dust into the air. It
settled into an easy lope next to them, shoulder blades bobbing as it walked.
It wasn’t long before they came upon a sounder of boar, clustered around a dry
lake bed. The animals were rooting in the cracked mud of the perennial lake,
but no water bubbled up to slake their thirst.
Zarang turned to loose the raptor’s lead and let her have
her head to hunt. She screeched and threw herself at the nearest boar, her
killing claw stabbing into the creature’s ribs and then eviscerating it as it
squealed. It tottered a few steps before collapsing, intestines strung out in
the dirt. The green raptor nosed into its belly, pulling out strips of meat and
wolfing them down. Zarang watched the grisly scene with something resembling a
father’s pride. She was a gorgeous animal, deadly as she was beautiful.
Jaera had not wasted any time while the raptor made her
kill; she was lethal with a bow, piercing one boar through the heart, and then
another. The panther took down one large male on its own, sabers piercing through
the throat as it closed its jaws to suffocate. Ambush was the panther’s
specialty, but it wielded surprising strength when directly challenged. In all,
they killed four boars, which was more than enough meat for the raptors and
then some. The ghostclaw ripped the side of its kill open, reddening its muzzle
with blood.
Zarang was newly impressed with Jaera’s skill. She had a
rapport with her pet that few hunters outside of the shamanistic orcs could
claim to possess. The knowledge eased his mind. The blood elves were not
necessarily known for their kindness to the natural world, and letting the
raptor go to her did not seem like such a bad idea after all.
Jaera looked up at Zarang from where she was field-dressing
the carcass of one of the two boars she’d killed. He was watching her, closely
following her movements with his keen eyes. She tried to blow her hair out of
her face, but the hunt and the climbing sun had forced her skin into a sweat
and the dark strands clung to her face stubbornly. She used her shoulder to
smudge it out of the way and then stepped over to the other boar, gutting it
and bleeding it out. Zarang walked over to the boar she was working on,
ignoring the blood that soaked the Durotar earth at his feet to tie the boar’s
hooves together with a bit of rope. Jaera stood up, rubbing her face with her
forearm again, panting.
“Almost done,” she said as Zarang stood up next to her. She
blew out of the corner of her mouth at her hair again, stilling as Zarang
reached up a blue finger to brush the hair out of her face. She shivered in the
heat, and a small thrill flared in the pit of Zarang’s stomach. She was so near
him, and the metallic stab of blood in his nose made him think of hunting and
pursuing, of chasing and catching, of claiming that which he wanted. Her lips
were slightly parted as she looked up at him.
“We should get going,” she croaked in a dry voice,
moistening her lips.
“We should,” Zarang murmured, though he didn’t move. His
right hand cupped her face, and he slid his thumb from the corner of her mouth
back along her jaw. She met his eyes again, and then her eyelids drifted
closed, dark lashes resting on her sweat dampened skin. Zarang considered the
invitation for only a moment before leaning in to kiss her, careful to keep his
tusks from raking her cheeks.
She was close-mouthed at first, but she soon opened to him,
swaying toward him as he wrapped his right hand around her skull and tilted her
back to deepen the kiss. His left arm curled around her waist, cautiously
pressing her closer. She responded to the pressure, stepping into his arms and
yielding even more to his presence. She came up for air, sucking in breaths
quick and fast. It was only this that saved them from the centaur that stalked
The Kolkar realized she had seen him when she pushed herself
away from Zarang in alarm. With a shout of rage, the centaur galloped toward
them murderously, meaning to smear their brains on the cudgel in his hands. Zarang
dodged out of the way, avoiding the rearing centaur’s hooves, looking for
something he could defend himself with. To his surprise, Jaera tossed him the shortsword
that she had been wearing around her hips.
“Kill him, there’s one more!” Her sharp eyes had caught
sight of another centaur that was hanging back. Zarang never got a chance to
use it; the green raptor leapt on top of the Kolkar, striking down with her
scythe-claw and leaving red rents along the centaur’s back and sides. The other
centaur screamed in fury and began to run away. Jaera grabbed her bow and nocked
an arrow to the string, but the centaur weaved and zigzagged and was soon out
of range.
“Damn!” She cursed, and then looked at the raptor. No
time like the present, Jaera.
She approached the raptor and slid her hand down the scaly
neck, swinging herself up on her back. The raptor shifted restlessly, but as Jaera
got settled and leaned forward, the raptor responded to the lightweight elf and
lunged after the retreating centaur, bounding over the rocky desert landscape
with ease. With Jaera’s tightened legs urging her forward, they caught up to
the Kolkar in no time; the long strides of the raptor easily outpaced the
clumsy four-legged humanoid. It was one of their wizards, a magician that used
elementary nature magics. Jaera leapt onto the centaur’s back and grabbed the
magician’s hooded head in both hands.
Ignoring the female centaur’s screams of indignation and the
wild swings of her staff, Jaera leeched the mana from her, draining her magic
energy completely. Within moments, the woman-horse collapsed to the ground
underneath the elf. The nature magic wasn’t as potent as arcane or fel energy,
but it set Jaera’s nerves sizzling. The need for mana hadn’t even been strong
yet, and this was something like euphoria coming so close on the heels of Zarang’s
Jaera touched her lips, still feeling the pressure of Zarang’s
mouth on hers, and a shock of nerve activity ran down her spine, making her
shiver again. Jaera looked down at the ashen-faced Kolkar, and then
thoughtfully pulled a dagger out of her boot and slit her throat before
starting the walk back with the raptor at her side.
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