Riding Lessons | By : Sealink Category: +S through Z > World of Warcraft Views: 13213 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own World of Warcraft, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Iquira stopped near Jin'nil, her basket of watergrass
balanced on her hip, the brackish water soaking her skirt. "Who dat
be?" she asked, motioning with her braided head to the skinny blood elf's
retreating form.
Jin'nil grinned, his tusks gleaming like fire in the dying
sunlight. "Dat dere is 'Jaera Sunwing', as she'll tell you if you don' run
‘way fast enough."
The troll woman returned his smile, shaking her head. "Elves,” she said,
and the shaman nodded; the word on its own spoke volumes.
Iquira and Jin'nil watched her continue her imperious walk through Sen'jin
Village, and finally Iquira turned back to the greying shaman. "So, what a
blood elf want in dis tiny village?"
"She say she come about a raptor. Come to get 'de finest one you got', she
say," and Jin'nil smirked, a breath of laughter ghosting his words as he
"An' den you sent her to Zarang, did ya?" Iquira began to smile
widely as she realized what the old shaman had done.
"I did dat indeed," Jin'nil grinned.
"You ought t’be easier on 'im," Iquira admonished with a twinkle in
her eye. "If de Shaman send him a prissy blood elf like dat, he gon' tink
you don' like him no more."
"I give him a good laugh to end his day on," Jin'nil replied.
"Den dis will be de best end of de day he ever had," Iquira laughed.
Zarang lifted his mighty head, watching the approaching
figure with half-interest. Blood Elves were not an uncommon sight anymore, ever
since the Earthen Ring had accepted their struggle with the Scourge in Quel'Thalas
as a matter worthy of the Horde's sympathy. Of course, Zarang didn't think in
terms of internal Horde politics. He was thinking that the Blood Elf that was
walking toward him looked like a heap of trouble with his name all over it.
Granted, he enjoyed entertaining the thoughts of what kind of trouble the
long-legged Blood Elf might bring; she had a muscular body, pleasingly thick
where she needed to be. Her large thighs spoke to him of hours spent crouching
in quiet ambush, and her strong arms and shoulders could nock an arrow and let it
fly effortlessly, a taut stomach told of self-deprivation and discipline. Perhaps
more pleasing were her dainty ankles, delicate wrists and high breasts, the
physical qualities that salt-of-the-earth troll women simply didn't have. For
only a moment, Zarang allowed himself a tiny fantasy of what she would look
like naked, but quashed it before he got too far; elves and trolls didn’t mix,
regardless of how delightful the thought of their joined bodies might be.
Zarang, who towered over most elves at seven and a half feet, had avoided most
non-troll contact with the Horde. To be honest, he knew he frightened many,
even the stout Orcs that had taken the Darkspears in after so many of them were
scattered. His height and size bordered on something dire, and he was treated
with kid gloves by any ambassadors that came to the village. As a raptor
trainer, he was rarely called upon to serve non-trolls, but the occasional
Horde champion would come and request one, and he gave them eagerly, happy that
his raptors would see the world outside the red stones of Durotar.
But this blood elf was trouble, he could see that right now. From the heft of
her purse at her waist, he knew she was coming for a raptor. Her face would
have been sweetly pretty, but it was vainly arrogant and masked in
self-importance. Zarang shook his head to himself. Nothing but trouble.
“Are you Zarang?”
“I am,” Zarang replied, his voice deep and quiet. She looked
at him, her face twisted in some sort of confusion, and then she sighed theatrically
and tossed her hair over her shoulder. Zarang smiled a little, though the elf
wouldn’t notice it around his tusks; he loved frustrating the over-spoken
elves, although it was never anything he did consciously. The trolls said only
what needed saying, and as he had answered her question, he didn’t feel
obligated to volunteer any more information. Probably better this way,
he thought. No matter how sexy she looked, she was still an elf, and no troll
could ever forget the way the elves had treated them.
“I guess that’ll make things easy, then,” she said, reaching
to her waist and hefting her purse. “I am here for a raptor,” she said, and her
face was slightly smug and expectant.
“Dat’s nice,” Zarang rumbled, not moving. “Who you be?”
“I am Jaera Sunwing,” the blood elf replied, and Zarang
thought he could visibly see her nose ratchet up a few notches.
“Is dat suppos’ta mean somethin’ to me, mon?” He had not
heard of her, but occasionally champions that did most of their work in the human-dominated
Eastern Kingdoms would come to see him and take a mount.
After a few moments, she snorted softly and reached in her
satchel for a small scroll, which held commendations for work done in the
service of the Darkspear trolls. At the bottom was a hurriedly scrawled
signature that he recognized with a small spark of surprise. Vol’jin himself
had signed this blood elf’s commendations. He rolled it back up and handed it
back to her.
“So, whatchu wan’?”
“I am here for a raptor.” Her voice was
strained with impatience.
Zarang shook his head slowly. “Sorry, but dat’s no good.”
Shock bloomed on the blood elf’s face, and when she spoke,
that self-aggrandizing tone was gone. In its place was an unsure young woman,
being denied something after which she had longed. “What? Why not?”
Zarang allowed himself a small congratulatory pause. Here
she is, the real woman. Her face stripped of condescension, she
really was beautiful, her slightly upturned nose giving her an impish look he
liked. Her body was truly fine, but he had already spent the better part of her
approach evaluating that. It was her dark hair that really captivated him, he
decided, because it was black-red, the color of damp Durotar earth, and fell in
straight silken lengths over her shoulders.
Be careful, mon, ‘cause she look like she’s gonna eat
your face, mind you say something to her. “Ain’t just de raptor dat need to
be trained,” he said, jerking his head toward the stables. “De rider, dey mus’
also be trained.” His deep voice held something else in it, regardless of how
carefully he tried to neutralize his words; there was a hint of desire there,
though he doubted she could detect it.
“Don’t be ridiculous!” The blood elf sputtered. “I can ride
as well as any one else, and training’s not free, I’m guessing!”
“De raptors, dey’re not horses,” Zarang chuckled darkly. “Dey’re
killers,” he said, his deep voice shaded with threat. “An’ I won’t be
responsible for de death of some fool elf.” He folded his thick arms over his
chest and straightened himself slowly, drawing up to his full height. Oh, she
was mad! Zarang struggled to keep a straight face as she fumed.
“You can’t do that!”
“I can, ‘cuz no one else tame raptors but me. An’ you’ll
never be ready to ride one.” The melodic lilt of his dialect was soothing and
inciting at the same time. Jaera wanted to punch him right between his tusks,
right in that smug smile of his. Her dark hair fairly crackled on her head as
she seethed at him. How dare he refuse her? She was one of the most renowned
blood elves in the Plaguelands, and she needed a swift, deadly mount to subdue
the vile Scourge that crawled over that land, to strike fear into their
diseased hearts, and quickly dominate all that opposed her. She didn’t want the
hawkstriders that her race favored; they were airheaded birds. Fast, yes, but
hardly threatening. Only the raptor would suit her, and her face fell as she
realized she wasn’t going to be able to get one from this troll.
By the Sunwell, he was tall! Even without the violent shock
of green hair that formed a crest on his head, he easily passed seven feet. He
had large, well-polished tusks that curved out.
His skin was bright blue, the color of springtime skies in Mulgore. One long
ear had a small truesilver ring punched through the cartilage at the end of it;
it glinted in the red sun as he looked at her with warm amber eyes. She
realized that he was a formidable force, had to be if he was training raptors,
and she wasn’t going to get anywhere with him.
Jaera clenched her hands in fists. She hadn’t come all this
way or slaughtered all those monsters for gold, or spent all that time running
errands for Vol’jin, only to leave empty handed, had she? The thought of all
her wasted time drained the anger out of her, and for a moment she felt close
to panicked tears. Take a couple deep breaths and get this under control, Jaera!
You can just keep doing what you’ve been doing. It wouldn’t take that much
longer… The sting of hot tears in the corners of her dusty eyes made her frown
and she blinked them away quickly, looking up at the raptor trainer, whose trollish
face was all but inscrutable to her.
“I haven’t enough to pay for the training as well as the
raptor,” she said slowly. “If Vol’jin’s commendations are not enough, then I
will have to come back.”
Zarang felt a stab in his heart as he watched the little
elf’s shoulders fall. Maybe he could…. no, absolutely not! Giving her a raptor without
the training would be worse than foolish, it would be dangerous. And yet, she
looked so disappointed as she turned away...
“Wait,” he said, reaching out a
three-fingered hand to her back. What are you doing? he thought
at himself.
“I don’ tink you’ll ever be ready to ride one,” he said
again. “But I’m also not beyond a little wager,” he said, rubbing his
forefinger and thumb together.
Jaera looked at him, her moist green eyes narrowing. A
deal? What kind of deal?
Zarang beckoned her over to the stables. “Which one you
wan’?” he said, looking at her and gesturing to the lined up raptors. Jaera was
not quite sure she trusted him, but the thrill of getting her mount took over quickly. She looked carefully at each one, noting their size,
color, the large claws that dug furrows in the rusty earth. Finally, she
settled on the biggest one, a beautiful green mount that was almost 20 hands
tall. “This one?”
“You soun’ like you not too sure,” Zarang replied smoothly,
the hint of a trap in his voice.
“This one.” Jaera made her voice as firm as possible, and
she met his twinkling eyes directly.
Zarang laughed. “If you can get dat raptor to bear you in
one week,” he said, holding up one thick forefinger in front of his toothy grin,
“Den I’ll give her t’you for free.” What had he just said? Look at the one she picked! She had chosen
the pack leader, the biggest, fiercest raptor he had, and just thinking of the gold
he’d spent on providing her the best food and tack money could afford made him
queasy. For free? Was he crazy?
The note of hope in her voice was endearing and it
galvanized his decision. Zalang found himself nodding.
”For true, mon.”
What he didn’t expect was an armful of elf as she jumped up
and hugged him, hooting her thanks. Her body crushed against his for a moment,
and he groaned inwardly at the press of her breasts, the weight of her arms
around his neck. You knew she was goin’ to be trouble, mon. He just
hoped the trouble was kept to something he could handle.
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