Dominance | By : athenandartagnan Category: +S through Z > Suikoden Views: 2417 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Suikoden, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Authors' Notes: This is a rapefic, children. More specifically, a rapefic involving Yuber and Luc ravaging Albert's virgin ass. It's pretty violent, so if you can't stomach that kind of thing, please make use of the "back" button. Thank you and please enjoy should you choose to proceed. In other news, we don't own Suikoden or these three hot young (?) men.
Started: February 17, 2004
Finished: March 14, 2004
The sun was beginning to set as Albert Silverberg climbed the stairs of the decrepit inn, and he paused to stare out the grimy window with a slight frown. Although his eyes were focused out beyond the window, his mind churned with battle strategies and calculations for the next steps towards Luc’s foolish goals. He had planned out everything as well as he could, but Luc’s decision to leave his position as a Harmonian bishop certainly presented him with a challenge. Since the True Rune bearer’s admission to that fact, he had been busy thinking about altee wae ways to manipulate Harmonia into appearing as Luc’s support. Sarah’s illusions came to mind, but he would have to find ways to still keep Sasarai’s trust throughout the entire ordeal.
He shook his head wearily, turning from the window and approaching his room. Unlocking the scratched and scarred door, he gazed over his small, temporary dwelling with disdain. Although relatively clean and well-kept, the room was far below his standards for living space. Due to their current need for inconspicuousness though, he was forced to deal with the inn of shabby repute for a few more days.
Sighing, he went to sit on the bed, beginning to loosen the scarf around his neck. The mattress underneath him was bumpy, the hay used to stuff if scratching him even through the bedsheets and his clothes. He knew it would be a long, relatively sleepless night, though his awareness of that fact didn't make him feel any better about it. He dared not complain to Master Luc, but he missed sleeping in a real bed in a real inn.
He pulled the scarf off, setting it aside, and went to work on the buttons of his coat, not bothering to stifle a yawn. He cursed when, in his weariness, his fingers slipped once or twice, but he managed to struggle out of the garment, folding it neatly and setting it aside. From the satchel hpt apt at the foot of his bed he took a clean, though thin, nightshirt, which he pulled over his head, struggling to get his arms into the sleeves. Once that was accomplished, he stood, unbuttoning and pulling off his pants, simply kicking them aside once he was divested of them.
Prepared for bed, Albert swept his eyes across the room once more before pulling back the thin coverlet and bedsheets. He crawled under the blankets with a hint of a grimace appearing on his face, the straw both uncomfortable and noisy as he shifted in an attempt to get relax. The pillow cushioning his head was almost flat, forcing him to tuck an arm underneath the pillow to at least make his neck and head comfortable. He slept on one side, away from the lone window in the room, sighing as he finally shut his eyes. Despite his discomfort, the young Silverberg was able to fall into a restless slumber.
The first stars were beginning to appear in the night sky when magic disturbed the silence of Albert’s room. Pulsing, golden light flooded the room, shining eerily over the sparse furnishing and playing along the sleeping redhead’s features. Two men appeared from the portal, rising up out of the flooring and striding towards the bed on either side. As the light from the teleportation magic faded away, two pairs of eyes gazed down upon the slumbering young man.
The taller man grinned, his white teeth glinting in the pale light of the moon as he looked up at his smaller companion. "Asleep already. Impressive."
"Indeed," said the other, frowning. "I half expected him to be sitting up, working into the wee hours of the morning… But I suppose he is just a mortal, after all." He smiled unpleasantly, loosening the collar of his shirt. "Well, then Yuber… shall we get on with what we came here to do?"
Yuber nodded, his gloved hands gripping the edge of Albert's bedsheets. Sneering down at the strategist's sleeping face, he wrenched the covers completely from the bed and flung them aside, smirking when the lightly-clothed redhead curled up on top of the mattress, shivering slightly from the sudden cold. His eyes swept over Albert's body, finally coming to rest on the swell of his petite ass under the thin fabric of his nightclothes.
Shrugging off his coat, the youthful-appearing rune bearer settled on the edge of the stripped bed, gazing down at his colleague contemptuously. He slipped the leather glove off his left hand, leaning over the redhead and caressing his cheek with deceptive gentleness. “Wake up, Silverberg,” he said coolly, his eyes narrowing. Not waiting for the redhead to respond, he drew back his hand and slapped the younger man across the face, effectively startling oth other awake.
Disoriented green eyes snapped open, and Albert blinked tiredly even as one hand reached up to touch his reddened cheek. “… Master Luc?” he managed, looking between Luc and Yuber with wary confusion.
Luc stared coldly back at his strategist, his order sharp. “Strip him, Yuber.”
A feral smile appeared on the blonde’s face, and he gripped the young man’s shoulders roughly. “With great pleasure.”
"What…?" Albert began breathlessly, comprehension beginning to dawn on him.
The demon's gloved hands slid down to Albert's chest, deftly pinning the protesting redhead against the bed as his hands gripped the collar of the nightshirt. In one smooth, quick action, he ripped the garment down the middle, sending buttons flying off and pinging against the floor. Ignoring the arms that struggled to push him away, Yuber pushed the ends of the ruined clothing aside, exposing the porcelain length of Albert's body.
"How I will enjoy hearing his flesh tear," Yuber said, smirking as Albert recoiled. "What think you, Luc?"
"Stop it!" Albert interrupted shrilly, struggling to sit up despite Yuber's iron grip. "You don't have the right to do this to me!"
"You're right, Silverberg," Yuber said harshly, pinching one nipple hard between his thumb and knuckle, twisting slowly. Albert winced in pain, but bit his lip to keep from crying out. "But that's what makes it so entertaining, you see. The more you struggle, the more we'll enjoy it."
Luc watched the demon effortlessly pin down the young Silverberg, one lip curling slightly as he reached to rest a hand upon Albert’s thick, red hair. Grabbing hold of a generous amount of hair, the former bishop pulled unsympathetically and jerked the younger man’s head up. “I’ve been hearing nasty rumors that the Harmonians are still receiving information on our plans. There are only so many people that could possibly know what we’re planning … and who better to betray us than the one planning our next steps?”
“Y-- you accuse me of selling informa-- aaaah!!” Albert was cut off as Yuber cruelly bit into his shoulder, his entire arm tensing as Yuber’s teeth tore at his skin and drew blood. “Dammit, get off of me, Yuber!!”
“Yuber is merely following my instructions,” Luc replied calmly, watching the strategist’s futile movements and frowning. “I’m not accusing you of selling information, Silverberg... I know you tried to sabotage my plans. This is retribution, as well as punishment, for that.” He released Albert from his grip, removing his other glove and staring at his accursed True Rune for a long moment. “Don’t worry, Silverberg -- I have no intention of killing you.” The True Wind Rune glowed faintly as he summoned its power, a blade of wind slicing Albert’s ribcage and drawing blood.
The redhead moaned in pain, grimacing as he felt Yuber's tongue lapping at the blood on his torso, the wound stinging as the demon's saliva seeped into it. "W-what will you do with me?"
His question went ignored. Luc began to fumble with the fly of his pants as he watched the black knight on top of his strategist, feeling himself becoming aroused. Panting, he slipped his hand inside his pants, stroking his fingertips along the hard length he found there before drawing himself fully out of his trousers.
"Yuber… put him on his hands and knees," Luc instructed.
The black knight grinned and wrapped his arm around Albert's waist, holding both his wrists with one hand as he flipped the mortal onto his stomach. Albert cried out in protest, trying to squirm away when the blonde ripped the remains of his clothes off his back, but the hand on his back would not yield.
“You can’t be serious...” Albert shook his head as his body was bared, wincing as Yuber gripped his still tender scalp and pulled his face up to lick along his jawline. The redhead gritted his teeth and shut his eyes, denial shaking his nerves.
Luc took it upon himself to take hold of Albert’s white thighs, brushing the smooth skin appreciatively as he pushed the young man to his knees. “I take everything quite seriously, Silverberg...” He smirked lightly at the sight of Albert’s pert rear raised off the sheets, knowing quite well that the strategist did not take well to criticism or humiliation. With that knowledge in mind, he cupped one buttock and pinched it teasingly.
If anything, the intimate pinch caused the redhead’s eyes to widen further in alarm. “M-- Master Luc, what could I possibly gain from--” He struggled and gasped as Yuber abruptly grabbed hold of his jaw, the blonde forcing his lips apart with a devilish leer.
“You talk far too much, boy.” Yuber chuckled and bit down on his ear, the fingers on Albert’s back raking cruelly down the white expanse and leaving trails of irritated red in their wake.
When Luc's hands began to spread his buttocks, Albert groaned in fear, squeezing shut his eyes and trying to ignore the scratching fingers and biting mouth, willing his trembling body to be still as it reacted negely ely to what his mind knew was to come. He bit his lip when he felt the head of Luc's cock, oily and slick with precome, pulsing gently against the sensitive flesh of his entrance.
"Now you know who has power over you, Silverberg," Luc taunted, his fingers digging into the hollows of Albert's hips. "You probably thought you were so clever, using us like that, didn't you? But, you see, Silverberg… we can use you, too. And oh, we will."
As if to emphasize his words, Luc thrust hay iny into Albert, without warning or preparation, laughing cruelly when the redhead screamed into the hand holding his face. Yuber growled, his free hand going to the front of his pants. He made short work of the buttons, wrenching the strategist's head up as Luc began to pump into him, hard and fast and without mercy, grinning when he felt red redhead's skin split around him.
"Shut him up, Yuber," he ordered, grunting as his nails cut crescents into Albert's hips. "He'll wake the whole inn."
Yuber leered, forcing himself into Albert's open mouth.
Albert tried to his shake his head as he was invaded from both ends, his jaw slack in a futile attempt to keep Yuber’s length from touching his lips. One of the demon’s hands ran through his hair almost soothingly, applying only enough force to keep the young man from pulling away – a harsh contrast to Luc and his violent thrusts, which forced blood down his thighs in thin rivulets.
“Come on now, Silverberg, don’t be afraid to suck,” jeered the blonde, petting Albert’s hair as he took hold of the strategist’s jaw. “I’d hate to have to tear up that pretty face just because you don’t want to be fucked in the mouth.”
Trying to pull away from Yuber resulted in hard, damaging penetration from Luc; the reverse resulted in taking more of the demon’s erection into his unwilling mouth. Tears began to leak from the corners of his eyes as Luc parted his thighs further, driving himself more forcefully into his bleeding tract.
Whimpering brokenly, he let his lips close around Yuber's cock, his eyes sliding shut as the tipthe the engorged member touched the back of his throat. Above him, the demon hissed, gripping his hair tightly, though he made no move to inch more of himself into the redhead's mouth. Albert let out a choked sob, his tongue sliding against Yuber's salty, bitter length.
"Nnnn…" Luc groaned, grinding his hips in a slow circle. "Damn… virgin, are you, Silverberg? Too fucking prudish to give your body up once in awhile, eh?"
This last was accentuated by a sharp, deep thrust, jarring Albert's face forward into Yuber's groin. There was a strangled sound from Albert as he was shoved, his arms almost giving out underneath him as the tip of Yuber’s erection was forced down his throat. He gagged and shut his eyes tightly, his body trying to reject the length and unable to, much to his dismay. Above the suffering redhead, Yuber tilted his head back in ecstasy, beginning to pump slowly into the young man. Pushed by two different rhythms, Albert could only weep silently as the two older men continued to take pleasure from his unwilling body.
“Almost there... If I could only say one honest thing about ySilvSilverberg ... it’d be that you have one tight ass.” The former bishop adjusted his grip to squeeze the strategist’s flushed rear, groaning loudly as he reached orgasm and released his seed within the bloody orifice.
Albert trembled violently as he felt Luc tense up behind him, spasms wracking his lower body as the man pulled out of him without remorse. Luc looked down in disgust at the blood coating his softening length, shaking his head as he tucked himself back of sof sight and watched Yuber continue to grip Albert’s hair. He smirked as a content groan escaped the blonde.
“You look as if you were born to suck cock, Silverberg.” He looked to Yuber, fixing the front of his pants. "Do what you will with him, but don't let him come out of this unscathed. I'm going to bed."
With a last glance and a smirk at the two, he disappeared through the doorway. Yuber pulled roughly out of Albert's mouth, his hand still gripping the redhead's hair as he wrenched the younger man's head back. He bent down, his lips roughly covering the smaller man's mouth, his tongue plunging and teeth biting down hard enough to draw blood. Albert whimpered, trying to pull away from the demon.
"You'll move only when I tell you to," Yuber growled, hitting the strategist cruelly across the face.
A pained gasp escaped the young man as he was struck, tears and blood stainhis his aching face as he stared at the demon. “S-- stop...” He groaned and shut his eyes as best as he could as Yuber bit down on one eyebrow, gritting his teeth together as the bite drew more blood. A ribbon of blood trickled towards Albert’s eye, forcing the young man to keep one eyelid shut as he cried.
“Stop? But I’m having so much fun, mortal...” Yuber licked at the blood at the redhead’s brow, smirking at the mingling taste of blood, sweat, and t.
“I-- if you don’t ... I’ll give in.” He knew it was a risk. However, considering his position, he could not find any other way to ease the pain he was being exposed to. The aching from every inch of his body pushed him to making a gamble against the demon.
“... What was that?” The blonde drew away, brows knitting together as he glared at the injured young man on his knees before him.
“I’ll give in... I know you’d hate that.” He tried to manage a fierce look, but the beginning of the bruise on his face and the tears still clinging to his cheeks ruined the effect.
Yuber laughed, leaning back on his haunches as he licked Albert's blood off his lips. "You and I both know that you're too arrogant to just give in, Silverberg. You would never submit yourself willingly to a demon and a clone, and I'm sure you'll still be proud even after I've fucked your ass raw." He gripped Albert's hair tightly, wrenching his head up to whisper in his ear. "But I'll have you screaming for me yet. I'll make sure you're broken and bleeding by the time I'm done with you."
His hand slid down the side of Albert's face, his fingers digging into the soft flesh of his cheeks. The redhead winced, instinctively leaning away from the source of his pain, though his actions only resulted in the piercing of his flesh by Yuber's nails. He whimpered despite himself, closing his eyes when the demon's tongue ran along his lower lip, hot and hungry and seeking.
When he resisted, the demon's teeth bit down on his lip once more, on the same spot as before, drawing blood again. Albert whimpered as the blonde pulled him up onto his knees, his free hand moving between the redhead's legs, grasping and squeezing the smaller man's balls hard.
The action caused Albert to scream in agony, but his cries were muffled as Yuber captured his lips in a bruising kiss. He squirmed and sobbed, tears overflowing as one hand immediately reached to remove the invading hand from his genitals. Yuber’s hand lifted from Albert’s scrotum to grip the younger man’s flaccid length, earning him a desperate punch in the jaw from the redhead. Snarling as he drew away from kissing Albert, Yuber tightened his grip on his victim’s penis.
“N-- no!!” Albert managed before the blonde silenced him again, his free hand caught and pressed against his heaving chest awkwardly. He tried to pull away again, jerking his hips back and forth in a futile attempt to escape the torturous hold.
Yuber smirked as he looked down at the strategist’s struggling body, pressing himself against the smaller man and whispering darkly in his ear. “Look at you, thrusting into my hand and begging for more... I never thought you were such a whore, Silverberg.”
Albert whimpered, closing his eyes tightly as Yuber began to stroke him hard and fast, forcing a moan of pleasure from Albert's throat when his thumb slid over the head of the mortal's penis. The demon grinned and sank his teeth into the redhead's shoulder, squeezing his cock sharply when he cried out in protest and squirmed half-heartedly in an attempt to escape Yuber's grasp.
Slowly, the blonde pushed Albert down on the bed, spreading his legs on either side of him while using his free hand to pin the redhead's wrists above his head. Releasing Albert's length, Yuber shoved his knee between the mortal's legs, holding them open, his mouth moving down to Albert's chest. His teeth found one half-hardened nipple, biting down fiercely upon it and drawing a pained cry from the redhead. "Stop!" begged the strategist, writhing, tears slipping unrestrained down his cheeks, under the older man. Yuber only bit down harder on the pinkish nub in retaliation, tasting blood on his tongue, while Albehimphimpered in fear, struggling to free his arms. "S-stop!!!"
“You might as well stop yelling that,” chuckled the demon, licking his lips and pressing against Albert’s trapped wrists. “I have no intention of stopping, and there’s no way you’re going to change my mind.” He gazed down and Albert’s shivering, bruised, and bleeding body, scratching at the long slice Luc had created with earlier on. Albert shook his head weakly, his struggles losing strength after having been hurt and manhandled continuously. “I’m going to release your wrists. If you move, I’ll make you wish you were never born.”
“T-- that’s not much of a threat anymore...” Albert shut his eyes wearily and swallowed as he felt his wrists released.
There was shifting on the bed as Yuber began to remove his clothing, and Albert opened tear-bleared eyes to gaze towards the door. He looked over at the demon as he removed his p, th, then back at his only exit. Summoning what little strength he had left in him, the young man flipped onto his stomach and, ignoring the complaints of his aching body, propelled himself off the bed and towards the door. He had not even made it halfway across the room before he felt Yuber’s vice-like grip enclose his left wrist, dragging him down to his knees on the hard floor.
Nothing in the world could have stopped Albert from bursting into tears right then and there.
Yuber's hands grabbed him roughly under the arms, dragging him over to and flinging him down upon the bed. Albert opened his mouth to scream, but was interrupted by a punch to his face, which sent him reeling against the pillows as the demon crawled over him, his knees digging into the redhead's sides. This was followed by another, cracking sharply against his jaw.
"Stupid boy," Yuber hissed, grabbing a fistful of Albert's hair. "If you had just lain there and taken it like the little slut you are, this pretty face of yours would have remained unscathed."
Yuber's hand slid down between the crying man's legs, forcing them open as he crawled between them. He pinned down the redhead's wrists on either side of his head, dragging his hips across Albert's, settling down on top of him so that their erections were crushed together. Yuber smirked, rolling his hips sligh
"See? I can tell you wahis,his," he murmured, running his tongue along Albert's cheek.
“N-- no... Please...” Albert shook his head and shied away from Yuber’s tongue, shutting his eyes as the other man ground his hips against his own. Yuber captured his lips again, this time biting down on his upper lip while dragging the redhead’s arms down and gathering his wrists together on his stomach.
“Please?” jeered the blonde as he released Albert’s bruised lips, licking at the blood and tears mingling on Albert’s cheeks. “Now the slut shows itself once again, begging for more.” Yuber lifted himself off the trembling mortal, shoving Albert’s thighs apart once more and settling between his spread legs. He used his knees to lift the redhead’s hips off the mattress, watching Albert squirm as the straw scratched at his back.
- do- don’t! Please don’t!” He was begging desperately now, his still sore rear lifted and exposed. A strangled, hoarse cry escaped him as Yuber’s fingers prodded at the raw tears along his entrance, and he tried to lift his upper torso up off the bed.
“Don’t? Please don’t stop, you say?” Smirking nastily, Yuber plu a f a finger into the abused tract, listening to Albert’s hoarse screams. He laughed softly as Albert kicked his legs out, his position between the younger man’s legs keeping him from being hit by the wild kicks. “You little whore.”
He mercilessly plunged another finger into the redhead's passage, grinning wickedly when he arched off the makeshift bed, his face twisting in pain. The demon felt Albert's blood on his fingers, slick and sticky as he thrust them into the torn orifice, the liquid working as a grisly lubricant. But he did not let his fingers touch the mortal's prostate, depriving the young man of what little pleasure he might have gained.
"So how hard would you like to be fucked, Silverberg?" the blonde asked tauntingly, emphasizing his words with a cruel thrust of his fingers. Albert whimpered weakly, squeezing shut his eyes and tossing his head against the pillow. "How about nice and hard, and so deep your screams will wake everyone in this inn? Yes, that sounds lovely, don't you think?"
A dry sob escaped Albert as his mind processed the demon's words, his body tensing as he anticipated the coming violation. He shuddered violently when he felt the blonde's hardened cock pressed firmly against his ass, though he was too weak to try to voice another complaint.
There was nothing he could do to save himself from the inevitable penetration of demon, an agonized cry erupting from his throat as Yuber’s large length tore through his abused passage. Albert threw back his head and cried wretchedly, feeling as if he was being torn in two by the invasion that was even worse than Luc’s. He tried to plead for the blonde to stop, to be gentler ... but the demon would not heed any of his words.
With one hand keeping Albert’s wrists immobile on his own stomach, Yuber took his bloodstained hand and spread one of the young man’s legs further. He grunted as the redhead’s damaged muscles flexed and fluttered around his erection, smirking at the blood spilling onto his lap as he took Albert in deep, slow thrusts.
“P-- please...! S-- stop!!” Yuber’s hold on his wrists made it difficult to breathe, and his arms and stomach both trembled as he tried to struggle away weakly. “Yu-- Yuber--” He was cut off by a vicious strike to his prostate, his cries escalating for a moment before dying back into weak moans.
Removing his hand from Albert’s leg, Yuber lightly lifted the redhead’s back and shoved the man up against the headboard. Albert jerked and rasped loudly at the sudden change of angle, his shoulders and neck pressed uncomfortably against the hard wood as Yuber’s plunges became more forceful against his abused rear. The redhead shois his head as the blonde’s hands came to encircle his wrists, parting them and sliding them down towards his own crotch.
“N-- no…” Albert sobbed as his trembling fingers were forced apart, the demon curling them along the standing gender between his spread legs. “I-- I... Don’t do this to me...”
Yuber laughed wildly as he looked down at the tortured strategist, cupping the younger man’s hands tightly and forcing the young man to pump his own erection. “Look at you, so shameless and crying with need... Touching yourself while I’m watching you... Silverberg, you’re such a slut.” He grinned darkly as he felt the shaking fingers curl at little more around the straining erection, knowing the young man would fall victim to the need for pleasure even through the haze of pain.
Albert cried out, gritting his teeth and straining against the headboard, a wave of nausea and self-disgust hitting him as he felt his own arousal in his hands and the demon moving inside his ravaged passage. Yuber's breath was hot on his face as he laughed maliciously, and Albert looked away, not wanting to see the eyes that taunted him.
"I suppose it was a bit obvious," the demon sneered, pounding harshly into the smaller man, "that a person like you could be such a whore. You just needed a good, hard fuck to loosen you up a bit, didn't you?" His grip tightened around Albert's, squeezing the redhead's cock roughly between two sets of hands. Albert whimpered, tears slig oug out from under his closed eyes. "Listen to you… begging for more…"
One hand moved to scratch down his chest, drawing five thin lines of blood on the otherwise pale flesh. A fingernail caught on his nipple, tearing an anguished cry from the redhead. Yuber grinned, moaning softly when the smaller man's muscles twitched around him.
The horrible, wet sounds of Albert’s rape filled the dark room as Yuber continued to violate him. Albert’s objections and screams died into weak sobs as he grew more faint, the smells of sex and blood invading his senses just as badly as the actual act upon his abused body. His eyes were glazed as Yuber pushed him against the headboard, bleeding face tinged further red by his forced arousal. Yuber’s blood-caked hands wrapped around his clasped fingers more firmly, the demon’s mismatched eyes on Albert’s tormented face as he pumped his manhood. p> “p> “Still fighting me, even now... Admirable, Silverberg,” smirked the demon, groaning as he approached orgasm. He leaned over the younger man, his breaths coming more rapidly as he thrust into Albert in a frenzy. By the time Yuber had reached climax, Albert was no longer verbally objecting, his throat hurting far too much from the continuous crying and screaming. Yuber released the young man’s wrist to drop his hands to Albert’s hips, fingernails digging into the bruised flesh and drawing more blood.
When the demon pulled out of the battered body, the strategist jerked violently as blood poured from the torn orifice. He shivered and lay against the headboard as Yuber shifted, slowly removing his hand from his standing erection. Yuber looked over his handiwork with a satiated grin, stroking Albert’s cheek with two bloody fingers and watching the young man shy away.
"Don't be frightened, Silverberg," the demon cooed mockingly, grabbing the redhead's chin and forcing him to look up. "You gave me my pleasure; now it's time for me to give you yours. Of course…" The demon grinned malignantly, his hand trailing down the strategist's chest. "I won't give it to you easily. Tell me you want to come, Silverberg, and I'll make sure you do."
The younger man looked stubbornly away, a red flush creeping up his neck as he crossed his arms over his chest. Yuber growled and wrapped his hand around the redhead's cock once more, squeezing it sharply in reprimand.
"You will answer me," he snarled, thumbing the tip of the strategist's member. "Or you will feel pain such as you have never felt before."
"I've already felt that sort of pain," Albert shot back, his voice trembling, avoiding the blonde's gaze. "Just let me go, Yuber. You've had your fun with me. What more do you want?"
"I want you to beg," Yuber said, sneering as he squeezed the base of Albert's length. "And I certainly wouldn't object to more screaming. But you see, Silverberg, if you don't submit to me, I will ensure that you never speak again."
"You can't kill me. You need me to plan your strategies."
"Oh, I wasn't insinuating that I would kill you," said Yuber smugly, nibbling along Albert's jaw.
“You can’t force anything else out of me,” Albert growled, regaining enough strength to resist once again. “You’ve already taken everything... Just stop, Yuber.”
The demon laughed darkly, his teeth moving lower to graze the young man’s neck. “There’s still more pleasure to be squeezed from your nubile flesh, boy,” he whispered sensually, changing his tactics fluidly to catch the redhead off-guard. His nibbles turned into deliberate licks, tickling the white column of Albert’s neck while the young man shut his eyes tightly.
Albert’s entire body was tense as he felt the demon’s hands on him. He tensed every time he felt one of Yuber’s palms against his flesh, fearing another blow or scratch to add to the myriad of wounds already on his trembling form. The strategist nearly froze as he felt a warm, wet tongue over his neck, lifting his hands to push the demon away. He was surprised with Yuber backed away slightly, eyes fluttering open to stare in bewilderment.
A slight smirk appeared on the blonde’s face as he looked at the confused strategist, raising a hand to caress strands of sweaty hair that stuck to the young man’s forehead. He could feel Albert tense again as he leaned over him, kissing the redhead’s flushed face and moving his hands down to stream gently over bloody cuts and bruised skin.
Just you wait, Silverberg. I’ll have you begging for it, and you won’t know what’s hit you until it’s already happened.
His mouth moved down to the redhead's collarbone, nibbling gently on the white skin stretched taut over it. Albert made a small noise, as if biting back a gasp, his hands gripping the demon's arms tightly, though he made no move to pull him closer or push him away. Yuber's mouth closed over one erect nipple, his tongue sliding easily over the rough bit of flesh.
The redhead whimpered, his body reacting against his will to Yuber's attentions. The blonde's hands went to his upper arms, pinning them down as he suckled, his fingers squeezing the strategist gently in contrast with the rough handling he had been subjected to just moments before. Yuber's long hair fell against his chest and neck, tickling him.
"Well, Silverberg?" the demon whispered as he drew back, pushing himself up to look down at the redhead. Albert turned his head away, glaring at the wall, refusing to meet the blonde's eyes. "Still too proud to admit you want it?"
“Just leave me alone.” His voice was still hoarse, but he managed a stony look as Yuber tilted his hto lto look him in the face. Albert shut his eyes as the blonde lifted a hand to stroke his face, moving his face away without another word. Yuber followed with kisses along his jawline, paying attention to the placement of his hands as to not scare the young man away.
Albert shivered lightly as Yuber’s lips skimmed down his neck and chest again, resisting the urge to bite down on his damaged lower lip as kisses were pressed against his taut and aching muscles. He grasped Yuber’s arms as the blonde began to move lower, swallowing and meeting the demon’s gaze to stare at him for a long moment.
“Please stop.” The young man looked almost timid in his request, his face darkened with bruises from the punches Yuber had dealt earlier.
“Relax and you’ll see that there’s something good that can come out of this.” Yuber brought one hand down to Albert’s crotch, ignoring the redhead’s immediate thrashing to cup the tortured sex gently. He placed tender kisses over the young Silverberg’s flushed face, beginning to stroke and coax a verbal reaction of approval from the smaller man.
Albert tensed under the demon's touch, his hands fisting into the blankets at his side as he forced himself to remain still despite Yuber's gentle handling of his genitals. The blonde's fingers brushed against his balls, then moved to curl around his hardened length again and resumed stroking.
"See? It isn't so bad, is it?" Yuber brushed his lips against Albert's jaw, smirking to himself as he watched the struggle on the redhead's faceJustJust give in to the pleasure, Silverberg. I know you like it."
The strategist whimpered, shifting his hips as the demon began to stroke him faster, trying to push himself up to stop the blonde, ashamed because he knew that Yuber's words were somewhat true. But one strong hand pressed against his chest, shoving him down and pinninm asm as the other hand pumped him more insistently, until the redhead could only cry out and writhe underneath the older man.
Yuber sneered. "That's right, Silverberg, moan like the little whore you are."
He tried to suppress his groans as Yuber continued to work his sex, his breaths becoming more ragged with each additional pump. Albert released the blankets to grab hold of Yuber’s shoulders, trying to shake the blonde into releasing him. Thondeonde simply leaned forward and pressed his lips against Albert’s, alternating between stroking and pumping the mortal’s length as he kissed him.
As Yuber pulled away, he took notice of the red flush on Albert’s face that had grown stronger with the kiss. Resisting the urge to laugh in amusement, Yuber lifted his hand from Albert’s chest and moved it underneath the lithe strategist. Ignoring the weak squirming from the young mortal, the swordsman pulled Albert against his chest and continued to stroke his arousal. “Just listening to you now… The way you’re breathing, and moving, and reacting… Ah, I can tell you want this.”
Albert sank against the warm form behind him, his aching body still reacting to the caresses despite his fatigue. He shook his head, soft mewls escaping him as he bucked against Yuber’s grip. Yuber smirked and felt the fine shivers that enveloped the redhead, rubbing Albert’s heaving chest as he fondled the mortal’s sex. Short cries, almost pleading in tone and pitch, filled the room as the battered strategist pushed insistently against the fingers that touched him so carefully and intimately.
The young man began to cry again as the movements stopped, grasping Yuber’s thighs and thrusting against the hand that had stopped pumping him. Nearly delirious in his state, Albert’s body ignored the remaining threads of resistance in his mind and asked for the last drive to orgasm.
Yuber sensed this change in the young man, stroking the mortal’s stomach soothingly. “Beg for me, Silverberg. You’re almost there, aren’t you?” He paused, grinning at the trembling mewl that answered him. “I want you to say you want this. Say you want my touch, and I’ll give you what you want.”
Albert whimpered, pushing against Yuber's hand, his mouth opening in a desperate plea. "Please… I want it…" He reached up and angrily brushed the tears off his face, knowing, but not really caring, that he was giving in to his rapist and begging for the release that Yuber would probably use to shame him further.
The demon smiled against his ear, his hand grasping Albert's penis tightly and beginning to stroke again. The mortal squirmed and arched against Yuber, gripping the demon's thighs as he was pleasured, concentrating on the friction created by the blonde's quick, sure strokes. He let his head fall back against Yuber's shoulder, his mouth opening as he felt himself coming.
His seed spilled into Yuber's hand, hot and sticky. Albert sank weakly against the older man, closing his eyes as they brimmed with tears again, unable to look at the hand that was filled with his own essences. He felt the blonde shift behind him, then the blanket move underneath him as Yuber wiped Albert's seed off onto it.
Albert trembled as he was pulled against the blonde’s hot body, his head bowed and face etched with pain and shame. He flinched away from the nuzzling against his neck, tensing as Yuber’s lips met his earlobe. “I was right all along,” mused Yuber coolly, his voice mocking. “You’re such a little slut, Silverberg.”
The redhead could only groan as he was shoved off Yuber’s lap, shaking fingers clutching at the soiled beddings. He sobbed brokenly as he felt Yuber shift and rise from the bed, knowing the demon had succeeded in everything that Luc had asked him to do. Albert slowly curled in on himself, going rigid when he felt Yuber’s hands stroking his shoulder. “Go away... Just go away...”
“I’m a living nightmare for you, Silverberg,” the blonde chuckled, licking a bloodstained cheek and tipping the young man’s chin. “Open your eyes. Open your eyes or I will fuck you again, you whore.” Albert did as he was told, warily looking at the demon that loomed over him. He gasped as Yuber grasped his waist and nearly dragged him off the edge of the bed. “You still have a job to do, little one. If I find you still in bed by the time Luc calls for us, I’ll take that as a sign you wanted to be fucked all over again. And I’m sure you realize I wouldn’t mind taking more pleasure from your squirming, tight body. Do you understand me, Silverberg?”
Yuber released the smaller man and stepped back, stooping to retrieve his clothes from the floor. He began to get dressed in silence, his eyes glued to the broken form lying across the bloodied white sheets, not bothering to hide the satisfied grin that had crept up his face.
"Don't sleep too long, my pet," the demon warned, letting his hands fall to his sides without doing up the top few buttons of his shirt. "That is, if you know what's good for you. Unless, of course, you want me to take you again, which I don't doubt, considering how hard you came."
Albert closed his eyes and turned away from the blonde, drawing the covers over himself and curling up under them. He knew his sleep would be restless tonight. He also knew that what little sleep he got would be plagued by nightmares, as would his waking hours. Yuber laughed softly behind him, then his footsteps retreated to the door. He heard the soft click of it shutting behind the demon, and it was only then that he allowed another tear to slip down his cheek.
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