The Gentle Side of Nemesis | By : Tazendra Category: +M through R > Resident Evil Views: 19044 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 1 |
Disclaimer: I do not own Resident Evil, nor any of the characters from it. I do not make any money from the writing of this story. |
Disclaimer: Clearly I don't own any of the characters in this fic. The characters and the story of Resident Evil belong to Capcom and the other makers of this excellent game franchise.
If anyone wants archive this story please email me first.*Author's Note* My very first fanfiction story ever. I'm happy to be making my debut here. It is a RE3 fic but that said, this story is not meant to be accurate to the events of the game. I didn't pay attention to specific weapon names and pretty much just changed stuff to fit to my story. I know most people don't care but I don't want any nitpicky emails. Feel free to tell me about any spelling/grammar errors. That is all, please enjoy.Chapter 1
Run. Run. Run. Breath. Run. Run. Run. Breath. This was all that went through Jill’s mind as she fled through the rundown streets of Raccoon city. It was the mantra she had developed to keep the paralyzing fear at bay. The fear that at any moment a zombie could pop out in front of her or overtake her from behind; that she would never escape from Raccoon city; that even if she did she might find the rest of the world was already infested with zombies. Jill shook off that last thought. As far as she knew the virus was contained in Raccoon city. She had to believe that. She had to believe that once she got out of the city she would be safe. It was the only hope she had left.Jill finally collapsed over a dumpster in an alley. She leaned heavily on it, her chest heaving and her breath coming in ragged gasps. She couldn’t run any farther. She would have to rest here. It was as good a place as any. It seemed quiet and when Jill had managed to catch her breath she scanned the area for potential dangers. At the moment there were none. She hoped it would stay that way. Jill slowly sat down, the fabric of her tube top catching a bit on the rough textured brick wall as she slid down with her back pressed against it. How had it come to this? How had her whole life been turned upside down in such a short time? It was supposed to be a simple mission. Just investigate the mysterious deaths of a few hikers. Instead, she and the rest of Alpha team were chased into a mansion filled with horrors. She had thought things would get better after the helicopter she had escaped in landed back at S.T.A.R.S. headquarters. She was wrong- it got worse.Still sitting in the alley, Jill contemplated the events of the last week. In the days following the mansion disaster the virus had spread like wildfire through the city. It all happened so quickly that it left Jill stunned. She was badly shaken by the events at the mansion and her sleep was constantly interrupted by horrible nightmares. Signs that the virus was spreading were all around her with newspapers and TV spots raving about ever more frequent monster sightings. This, combined with her lack of sleep, rapidly drove Jill into a state of paranoia. She envisioned zombies everywhere, saw undead monsters lurking in every shadow and was constantly turning to catch something she had seen in the corner of her eye only to find nothing there. No one in S.T.A.R.S. could talk any sense into her and she had fled from HQ alone with only the clothes on her back, a pistol in hand, her combat knife strapped to her hip, her wallet and her keys in her pocket. These last two items were useless in the chaotic hellhole that Raccoon city had become. There was no one left to buy anything from and even if Jill could make it back to her house, her car had probably been destroyed or stolen by the people of the city who had fled in panic from the hoards of undead. But Jill had taken them because she always took them wherever she went. Taking your wallet and keys with you was something everyone did and it gave Jill a small sense of normalcy amidst the unbridled chaos.As she was contemplating these events the energy drained out of her body. Her adrenalin rush was over and she was exhausted. She hadn’t slept well for days and couldn’t remember the last time she had eaten. How could you sleep when zombies were everywhere? Jill knew she could not stay here in this alley. It wasn’t safe, but her body couldn’t go any longer without sleep. Her eyes closed and the blackness overtook her.
She awoke with a start to the sound of shuffling feet and the blood chilling moaning of zombies. She grabbed the pistol that had fallen from her fingers as she slept and fired at the nearest one, her heart already pounding in her chest. But as she took in the scene she realized there were too many zombies and not enough bullets. There must have been at least a dozen of them. She jumped up and began running for her life. The zombies were sluggish but they would chase her until she collapsed from exhaustion and then it would all be over. She was turning to run down another street when she tripped on the ruble of a collapsed building and fell forward scraping her palms and knees on the asphalt. There was no time to recover the zombies were already on her. The stench of decay was overpowering. She heard a sound like a wet squish as one zombie flopped down to its knees and pressed a rotting hand into her back. Terrified, she closed her eyes and waited for the zombie to begin tearing the flesh from her bones-
-and was instead greeted with a sick, wet smacking noised as the zombie pinning her down was hit by an enormous fist and propelled through the air. It hit a wall and Jill could here the crunch and snap of breaking bones. She pushed herself up and twisted around, a weak sense of hope rising in her. But that hope drained away when she saw her ‘rescuer’. A huge creature was standing over her. She had seen it before several times. It had chased her through streets and buildings and it was only Jill’s S.T.A.R.S. training and a lot of luck that had enabled her to escape it so many times. It was much larger and faster than any other zombie she had encountered and had the most horrifying face she had ever seen. It had no lips, its yellow teeth constantly barred in a vicious snarl. Brown skin completely covered one side of its face where it was stapled shut over a bulging eye socket. Its other eye was glazed over with a grey film. Its nose was pulled so far up you could only see the nostrils, like two holes in the middle of its face. It looked like a facelift gone horribly wrong. A large purple tentacle looped out above one shoulder than tucked back into the skin of its arm before poking out again at its wrist. Its chest was bare but it wore heavy black leather pants and huge black combat boots. It had a gun, a rifle of some sort, strapped over one shoulder and hanging at its hip. Strangely though, it had never fired at Jill, only chased her relentlessly. From her multiple encounters with this grotesque beast she had found that it just wouldn’t die. No matter how much she shot at it, it just kept coming back. Hence, she named it Nemesis.This time, however, it was not focused on her. Instead it was ripping through the zombies with deadly efficiency. Punching them into walls and even picking one up and slamming it into the others. After a short time those zombies that were able turned and fled. Even zombies weren’t stupid enough to pick a fight with Nemesis. But Nemesis wouldn’t let them flee unmolested. It took hold of the gun that had hung at its waist and sprayed bullets into the back of the fleeing zombies. A few zombies managed to escape but Nemesis was satisfied that they would not return and it turned its attention to killing the zombies that were still alive in the street but had been too injured to run. Some of them tried to crawl away, but one by one Nemesis crushed their heads with his massive boot. With that task complete it finally turned toward Jill.She was still on the ground. The whole time she had been telling herself to get up and run but she was paralyzed with fear. She had managed to crawl toward her gun and had it in her hand now. Nemesis started walking towards her. What reason could it possibly have for saving her? What did it want from her? Jill was about to find out. She raised her gun to fire as Nemesis got close to her but its tentacle snapped out and grabbed her wrist, turning her arm so the gun faced away from it. A small yelp escaped Jill’s lips and she was sure she was going to die this time but Nemesis picked her up very gently and ran a hand over her hair in a strangely comforting manner. Jill heard its rifle clatter to the ground as Nemesis lifted the strap over its head and tossed the weapon away. The tentacle had released her wrist and slid back in place but Jill was too stunned by Nemesis’s actions to even think about using her gun now. Nemesis carried her towards a wall and leaned her against it, one arm under her legs to support her the other still petting her hair to calm her. But Jill was far from calm. She was breathing rapidly and her heart threatened to beat out of her chest.
“What do you want from me!” she screamed in despair.
“S.T.A.R.S.” The word came out as a dry rasp and a wave of hot, fetid breath hit Jill in the face.“I’m not S.T.A.R.S. any more! I quit! Let me go! Please!” She cried frantically. Tears streamed down her face as she lost her fragile control over her fear. Nemesis wiped a tear away from her cheek with a thumb then leaned closer and rasped: “No hurt. Pretty.”
Pretty? It though she was pretty? Her hair was a tangled mess. Her face was smeared with dirt and grime except where her tears had made clean tracks down her face. Her clothes were drenched with sweat and stained in some places with putrid zombie blood, but this creature called her pretty. Why was she even thinking about it? She should be trying to escape. But this thing had saved her and it wasn’t trying to kill her. Its hand had moved from petting her hair to stoking her arm and it was actually starting to relax her. She shivered. Night had fallen and brought chill air with it and she was only wearing a tube top and a mini skirt. Nemesis must have noticed her shiver because it shifted its grip and pressed her against its body. It- no he, she was pretty sure he was male- was very warm. Jill closed her eyes and rested her head against his strong chest. She was still tired from constantly running and mentally exhausted from being in a perpetual state of terror. But her eyes snapped open again and she tensed when Nemesis began rubbing her breast with one hand. What the hell was he doing? Nemesis leaned his head close to hers and made a low, yet soft, purring noise. He inhaled deeply so he could memorize her scent and then leaned Jill back up against the wall. He pulled her top down and tugged at her bra, supporting her with one knee while he used both hands to undo the clasp.Jill gasped as the cold air hit her exposed breasts then moaned when Nemesis dropped down to lick one of her erect nipples. When she finally grasped what was happening she started to push him away, then changed her mind and wrapped her arms around him. She wanted this, needed this. She had been terrified for so long and here was her savior, come to protect her from all of the menacing creatures of the night. She had never had sex before but her body was telling her that now was a perfect time to start. Nemesis straightened and raised his head to look at Jill. Even with his warped features the look of longing on his face was unmistakable. For a moment panic rose in Jill’s chest, but she let it fall away again and started to pull him towards her. Then she realized she still had her pistol in hand and tossed it away. She wouldn’t need it for this. She placed her now free hand on the back of Nemesis’s neck and pulled him towards her for a sensual kiss. In her state of arousal she managed to ignore the taste of death on his teeth and even enjoyed it when he parted her lips with his tongue and explored her mouth.“Just be gentle, it’s my first time you know.” Jill whispered when they finally paused for a breath. She wasn’t even sure that Nemesis could understand what she was saying and she was still trying to convince herself that she wasn’t crazy for wanting this. But soon all coherent thought flew from her head as Nemesis resumed licking her breasts and slid a hand under her mini skirt. She shivered as he brushed his fingers lightly against the inside of her thigh and moaned when he fondled her over her panties. Then Nemesis grabbed her skirt and panties and pulled them down in one smooth motion. Jill lifted her legs up to help him get them off and pulled her own top back up and over her head, tossing it aside. Nemesis licked and nipped at her neck, grunting while she fumbled with the zipper on his pants. When she finally got them off she saw, and felt, how big he was. Nemesis groaned when she grasped his length in one hand, feeling it as if to confirm that he really was that big. Jill let go of him and slid her hand up his well-muscled torso, She gasped when Nemesis slid a finger inside her, testing to see how wet she was. Satisfied, he held her against the wall with one hand and parted her legs with the other. Then he gently thrust inside her.It hurt. He was painfully large and she was a virgin. She could feel warm blood begin to flow down her thighs. But it was only a small amount and, as Nemesis continued his gentle thrusts, the pain was quickly replaced with pleasure.“Oh god YES!” Jill screamed. The heat that had risen in her neck and face was almost unbearable but she didn’t ever want to stop. Nemesis increased the force of his thrusts and Jill began moving her hips to meet him. He still had one hand gripping her leg and the other massaging her breasts as he leaned in to kiss her again. Jill wrapped her legs around him and squeezed as she fiercely kissed him back. Nemesis removed his hand from her leg and placed his arm behind her, putting a barrier between her back and the brick wall so that her delicate skin would not be torn as he slammed into her harder with each thrust. He used he other hand to brace himself against the wall so that he could plunge into her with his full force. Tears were streaming down Jill’s face again, but this time they were tears of joy. She bit her lip as she felt the pleasure build inside her then leaned her head back to scream when it exploded in a wave of contractions. Nemesis howled. Jill’s tightness felt good against him each time he drove into her and her contractions brought him to his own climax. Hot seed filled Jill and she had never felt so complete.Her orgasm had lasted only a few seconds but she already felt lightheaded and exhausted. Nemesis looked as if he could go for more but he pulled out and let Jill rest against him. He held her in one arm and pulled his pants back up. Then he collected his rifle and her scattered belongings (including the pistol) in his other. When he got to her wallet he opened it and studied it for a moment.
“Jill.” He whispered softly into her ear. Apparently he could read. She smiled and lay totally limp with her arms hanging around his neck and her head on his shoulder. She closed her eyes and began to drift to sleep. Her last waking thought as Nemesis carried her away was that for the first time in what seemed like forever, she felt completely safe.*Stay tuned. More to come.*While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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