Happiness | By : inhisxeyes Category: +M through R > MagiStream Views: 912 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: Red and Nikko belong solely to me; the.. plot? Okay, it's not really a plot, but it's mine too. The world of MagiStream is copyrighted to Tristan and Damien, and since it belongs to them, I'm clearly not making any money from it. |
"Do what makes yourself happy, honey." Her mother's words echoed in her head. "To do what makes me happy," Red repeated. She sipped at her ale, enjoying the minor buzz she was experiencing. As she contemplated her mother's words, she listened to the raucous noises coming from Nikko's bedroom. He and Loryn had, by some miracle, managed to get Raistlin to drink. The poor Naga was not used to drinking, and became intoxicated at a truly unprecedented rate. She had never seen her friends this drunk before, but as amusing as it was, Red still slunk off to her own room in the drafty Shoal Keep. Decorated in green and gold and black, it was large and welcoming. Red lounged on her enormous bed, mulling things over. Do what makes you happy. "But. It's a who," she mumbled to herself. She twirled her hair around her index finger. Before she could pass another thought through her head, Nikko opened the door to her room, a grin on his face. "You have got to see where Raistlin passed out," he said. Despite the amount of alcohol he'd imbibed, his words did not slur and he was sure-footed. "Poor Raistlin. What did you do to him?" Red asked, standing from her bed and walking toward Nikko. "Not what I did, it was all Loryn," he said. As Red approached him, he slung his arm around her. "It was funny, and at his expense, but I've never seen Raistlin look so happy.." Red stopped walking abruptly, setting her stein down on her dresser. She stared straight ahead, not moving. Do what makes me happy. Do it. She reached out in front of her and pulled the door shut. "Red, what-" But the sorcerer didn't get to finish his question, because Red pushed him against her door and pressed her lips against his. She held him by his shirt and her fingertips slipped under the fabric to caress his skin. When she pulled back to look up at him, she saw that his eyes were cloudy. "-are you doing?" he muttered. "What makes me happy," she whispered against him. She felt his hands come to rest on her waist. At first, she feared he might push her away, but he simply held her there. "Me?" the sorcerer squeaked. "I.. make you happy?" Red pressed herself against Nikko and ran her lips over his ear. "I have to do what makes me happy. Mother's orders." Red could feel his fingers tightening on her waist, could hear his every breath becoming laboured. "Don't bring your mother into this, love," he growled. Red couldn't remember when NIkko's hands left her waist or when they ended up in her hair, but suddenly her head was tilted backward and his mouth covered hers. She gave a pleased little cry and allowed her eyelids to flutter shut. His body moved against hers, creating a volcanic friction that she had once thought impossible to feel with Nikko. He pushed her back toward the bed, tugging on her shirt. Red's hands glided down his chest and began to work on his belt buckle. His shirt was already untucked, and so it hung in her way. Frustrated, she grabbed his shirt and tugged it over his head, tossing it off to the side. Red had no care as to where it landed; Nikko's bare chest was displayed before her, and she was sure that this was the entire world. She spidered her fingers up his chest and captured his lips once more. She didn't know when they'd gotten so far, but when Red felt the bed hit the back of her legs, she sat back on the bed and scooted up toward her pillows. A coy, inviting smile played on her lips as she rose to her knees and pulled at her shirt. She felt the bed depress under Nikko's weight, and when she tossed her shirt away, the sorcerer's face was right there, painted with a mad grin. He pulled her face to his and kissed her again, more tenderly this time. With a small, nearly inaudible sigh, Red returned the kiss, pressing their bodies together. Her palms explored his back. She could feel his had muscles, his soft skin. His body was like a boulder that someone had decorated with the softest of silks. "What's gotten into you, love?" he whispered, trailing kisses down her jawline. "You, soon enough," she breathed. Nikko's head came up so fast, he collided with the side of Red's face. She laughed, rubbing her temple. "Surprised, Moonreaper?" "A little," he admitted. "But pleased." "Hm, not yet, you're not. You're about to be, though," she said. Her iniquitous hands fell back down to his belt, unbuckling it deftly. She slowly worked his trousers down and with a few awkward motions, the sorcerer kicked them to the side. Kissing him again, a wicked smirk on her lips, she pressed him back until he was lying down, trapped under her. Red kissed, licked, and nipped her way down his porcelain body. Her hands roamed up his muscular thighs, over his narrow hips to tickle at his sides. He squirmed under her touch, his breath hitching in his throat. As Red moved down his body, she could feel coils of heat vibrating throughout her own as she approached his manhood. She'd avoided looking at it until now, and she was not disappointed. She understood now why he was so popular amongst women. Favoured by the gods, indeed, she thought. He was an excellent physical example of the human race; it was little wonder why women flocked to him, why he invited them in. Pushing all thoughts of other women out of her mind (not that he'd ever be with any of them after this), she grasped his erect member and took its head into her mouth. Nikko made a sound he'd never made before, his blue eyes rolling back into his head. He forgot how to breathe after every breath he took. He fought his body to keep himself from bucking into her mouth. For a reason he wouldn't be able to recall in the future, he tried to string a sentence together, but it only came out as a strangled moan. Red tried to chuckle around him, but she only managed to hum, sending fiery vibrations along his length. Nikko made that noise again (he would eventually discover that he could not reproduce this noise on his own, and only Red could cause it) and he threaded his fingers into Red's namesake hair, putting the slightest pressure on the back of her head. Red allowed him to do this. She licked down to the base of his erection and began her retreat, sucking hard. As she sucked, she brought her other hand up and gently cupped his balls, rolling them in her palm just enough to make him cry out. Satisfied with his reaction, she teased his head with her teeth while still fondling him. And then she withdrew herself from him, crawling back up his body like the jungle cats she so adored. She straddled him and silenced his oncoming protest with a finger over his swollen lips. "You'll finish when I allow you to," she told him. Nikko was not used to being ordered around in bed, but somehow he couldn't imagine it being any other way with Red involved. She reached behind her and grasped the bindings that hid her breasts from his view. He licked his lips as he watched the cloth fall away, revealing, finally, her breasts to him. To say that he hadn't imagined them would have been an outright lie. He'd thought about this from day one in that tiny desert inn. He reached up to cup them. They were not big, but they were perfectly shaped and fit so snugly into his palms. Red hissed and arched her back, pressing herself into him. Nikko let his hands trail down her body, memorizing every curve and freckle. With incredible strength, he lefted her up and pulled his legs out from under her. He settled Red in his lap, enjoying the feel of her heat (oh could he ever feel it through her trousers) pressed against his bare erection. He suppressed a groan as she squirmed in his lap, trying to get comfortable. He reached down and untied her trousers, slipping his hand down inside. He could feel a small clump of coarse hair that he knew would match the vibrant curls on her head. He slipped passed this and his finger glided right into her slit. Red gasped, digging her hands into his silky white hair. Nikko slipped a finger inside of her. She was hot and wet and felt like his own personal paradise. He withdrew the digit and when he pushed it back in, he added a second finger. Red buried her face into Nikko's neck, her breathing becoming heavy. The sorcerer craned his neck in to nibble at her ear, whispering a plethora of vulgar things to her. She keened under his expert ministrations, pushing her hips down in a desperate attempt to feel more. "You're like a waterfall," he whispered. If his lips hadn't been right next to her ear, she'd have missed it. She bit down on his neck slightly, but it was enough to trigger a strong jab inside of her. Red's entire body was hot all over and she could feel a spring inside of her coiling, coiling... "Take me," she pleaded. Nikko needed no further prodding or cajoling. In one fluid, well practised movement, he had her resting on the pillows, pinned below him. His soul stone, which was shimmering slightly, dangled down and Red reached up and grasped it. She guided his head down by and and repeated, "Take me." Nikko made short work of her trousers and moved back on top of her, angling himself at her entrance. He paused and gazed at her, his hand coming up to brush a curl out of her face. "Red, I-" "Nikko, I appreciate what you're trying to do, and I love romance, really. But if you don't get going, I might choke you," the magi said. She brought her hand up and held the hand that Nikko had rested along her temple. "Romance me afterward; I promise." Nikko gave her a smile that she'd only seen once before, and she felt a surge of warmth for him, which was almost instantly replaced by a fiery fullness as he pushed into her. Red looked up into his eyes, only to be met with closed eyelids. Nikko's eyes were shut and he breathed as evenly as possible. She reached up and toyed with his hair. "What's wrong?" She paused. "Did you-?" He kissed her cheek, chuckling. "No, love. I'm just... savouring the moment." "Well, there's a specific part of my anatomy that wants you to savour the moment in motion," she said, pushing her hips up. With another low chuckle, Nikko pulled out, nearly entirely, then pushed gently back in. Red growled and wrapped her lets around his waist, pressing him in further. Gentleness was not what she had in mind. Nikko smirked, receiving her message. Without any further pretenses, he pulled out and slammed back into her. Red cried out as every nerve in her body was seared as if touched by ice. She locked her ankles and lifted her hips to meet each of his powerful thrusts. She was driven into the pillows, each thrust accentuated with a vulgar moan. Her nails raked down his back, leaving red lines all over his pale skin. With each drag of her nails, Nikko hissed in pleasure, driving ever harder and faster into her. Red whimpered under him. The fire in the pit of her stomach was spreading rapidly throughout her body. She couldn't think clearly, could barely focus on keeping her arms and legs wrapped around Nikko. She somehow, however, managed to keep lifting her hips and meeting him thrust for thrust. Their gasps and pants, the sound of skin colliding with skin rebounded off the stone walls. The sorcerer certainly knew exactly what he was doing as he angled his thrusts perfectly, hitting every sweet spot she knew she had, and some she had no previous knowledge of. The spring deep within her had reached a breaking point. Red began panting out his name, one syllable falling from her lips with every thrust. Crying out in a way she swore she would never do, Red arched off the bed and clung to Nikko, her orgasm wracking her body like a violent storm. She was only aware of her inner walls tightening, and of Nikko swearing in her ear as he reached his own climax. She felt the heat of his seed splash into her body, filling her, making her whole. The two lovers lay in the sweaty, pleasantly exhausted aftermath of their passion, panting and sprawled. Nikko withdrew his softening member from her body and collapsed on his back next to her. Red and Nikko remained still for several long moments. Neither moved, neither spoke. Only the sound of their breathing, which was slowly returning to normal, punctured the silence. Then, Nikko moved to stand up, glancing around for his clothes. "Where do you think you're going?" Red asked, rolling onto her side. "We're intoxicated, love. What just happened... that's what happens when alcohol is involved," he said, not looking back at her. He straightened his soul stone and made to stand. He found that he couldn't, however, because Red had looped her arms around his waist. "I thought I told you to romance me when we were done." "I could romance you, but would you really want it?" There was doubt in his voice. She sat up and pressed herself against his back, wrapping her arms around him. "So woo me, love," she whispered. Nikko twisted around and looked at her. His blue eyes held no humour, no mirth. He didn't think he'd ever been so serious in his life. "I'm serious, you know. You make me happier than I've ever been," Red told him gently. "But.. I have hurt you. Made you angry enough to leave me before," Nikko protested. "It's because I care so much that you can infuriate me so. Even when you make me want to punt you to Voltar and back, I'm happy." She paused, taking the time to drop small kisses across his shoulders. "I know what I feel, Nikko. You make me happy." "I'm.. I am not a star at relationships, you know," he said. "And I am very out of character when you toss me onto the stage like this," he said to no one in particular. Red tilted is head up to hers, smiling. "Don't worry, I'm not either. We'll learn as we go." "There's a we? When was this decided?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "When you moaned my name on your back," she said lewdly. "Oh." He pulled her close to him. "I suppose I cannot argue that point." "Of course not. I'm generally right," Red mused, dragging his body down to the bed. This time, the sorcerer went willingly, and only opened his mouth to kiss her once more. Okay, a bit of 'splaining. There's this website called MagiStream, where I'm an active member. I'm writing my own "Keep Story", and Red, Nikko, and Loryn are the main characters. This little vignette has nothing at all to do with the plot of the story; this isn't a foretelling of the future. It just popped into my head and stood there dancing naked until I wrote it down. Dedicated to my dear Phoe, who is partially responsible for this :P Maybe I'll write her some KeisinxPheona next.. This was my first foray into writing het in many a long year. I haven't written any het since 9th grade, and I'm three years out of high school, lol. So it does suck, and I apologize, but I promised my friends~While AFF and its agents attempt to remove all illegal works from the site as quickly and thoroughly as possible, there is always the possibility that some submissions may be overlooked or dismissed in error. The AFF system includes a rigorous and complex abuse control system in order to prevent improper use of the AFF service, and we hope that its deployment indicates a good-faith effort to eliminate any illegal material on the site in a fair and unbiased manner. This abuse control system is run in accordance with the strict guidelines specified above.
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