What Would You Pay For Your Life? | By : Reddragon90 Category: +A through F > Elder Scrolls - Oblivion Views: 5250 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Oblivion or the Elder Scrolls and I make no money from this what so ever. |
At first it had been a silly bet made while drunk, but when she sobered up she could see the possibilities. Easy spoils always made the tips of her ears tingle. Apparently there was a fort just outside of Cheydinhal ripe for the picking and lucky for her some stupid superstition and a few traps kept looters and bandits at bay. Apparently it was haunted. She snorted quietly to herself and picked up the pace. She could barely make out the towers in the distance and she couldn’t wait to get indoors, even if it was a drafty old ruin it had to be better than the nipping cold outside. Methredhel, who had issued the bet in the first place, had tried to talk her out of it before she left but to no avail. The extra coin and the bragging rights had her sold on the idea. After just a short walk she stood in the middle of the ruins and she couldn’t for the life figure out why it hadn’t been looted yet, it didn’t look any different from any other old place in the country. With a practiced flick of the wrist she had the front door open in only a few seconds but it didn’t take long before she figured why the place had been left alone. It was practically crawling with undead and there were more than just a “few” traps. But she wasn’t the type of woman to just give up. It might also be because she’d been bragging for days about the loot she was going to score and if she didn’t bring something valuable back she wasn’t going to be able to show her face in the Imperial city ever again. Her ego was going to get her killed one day, she was sure of it. -.-.-.-.-.- As soon as the door to the fort opened he was aware of the intruder, but he was surprised she didn’t leave when she’d dispatched the first guardian. But not this one, perhaps she was more than just your ordinary bandit? He continued to watch the little bosmer sneak past guardian after guardian and where she got spotted she cleverly used the many traps to make quick work of them. He quickly made the deduction that she was unarmed, foolish little girl. Lucien watched the small and unarmed elf with more and more interest, perhaps she would even make it all the way to his inner sanctum. She would be the first to manage the gauntlet in a long time, not since… A tiny smirk spread across his thin lips as he remembered the last thief to manage to get all the way to his sanctuary. Perhaps he would reenact the fun he had had that time? -.-.-.-.-.- She cursed herself for not bringing any weapons with her, or someone that could actually use them. What? She was a thief, she snuck past the scary stuff. If she wanted stuff dead she paid someone to do it for her. But these undead things had an uncanny ability to see her even though she was sure she was as close to being invisible as she could be without using magic. They were cheating, she just knew it. So she decided to cheat too, well not as much cheat as use her environment against her foes. Why strain herself trying to wrestle undead when she could just trick them into walking into the deadly traps that were scattered around the complex? And it was sort of amusing to watch the skull of a skeleton get sliced off its neck only to knock the skull of another undead that had been sneaking up on her. But she couldn’t stop and admire her handiwork for long; she still hadn’t found anything remotely valuable yet. So she kept moving forward slowly. She had no idea how long it took her to find what she had been looking for, but it was too long, it always way. The only thing separating her from, what seemed to be someone’s home, was a locked iron gate. With a quiet snicker she fished out her lock picking tools and set to work but before she could hear the satisfying noise of the lock clicking she was roughly pushed up against the cold gate. “My my, what have we here?” The form trapping her practically purred “A thief?” Dread settled like a stone in her belly and she tried to struggle against the man, for it was clearly a man with a voice like that. She tried to turn her head to catch a glimpse of him but the moment she began to turn he gripped the back of her neck and forced her face back into the bars. “Eyes front, little thief” He ordered briskly “Because that is what you are, no? A filthy little thief here to rob me.” He sounded almost amused while she struggled to breath under the pressure. “No” She gasped out. “No?” He purred “I think you’re lying to me, thief. You will learn soon enough not to lie to me” Struggling only made her tired and he wouldn’t relent, he pressed her against him as he unlocked and led her through the gate. “Let me go, you- ahh” pushed down against a wooden table she was yet again depraved of breath as he placed his full weight on top of her. “Shhh, I suggest you do not finish that sentence, little thief” He purred and nipped painfully at her ear, making her jerk away from him. “If you want to leave anytime soon, that is” “Why haven’t you killed me yet?” She spat angrily. “Killed you? No no” He chuckled “I try not to mix business with pleasure, my dear” She stopped moving instantly. What have you gotten yourself into, girl? By Talos was she screwed. Before she could come up with a witty and disarming reply she felt the tingle of magic running over her body and settle across her wrists. “There, now isn’t that much better?” He murmured and stood up, she tried to do the same but it was like he was still holding her down by the wrists. “Oh yes, feel free to struggle all you want but it won’t do you any good” She quietly swore as he walked away from her only to reappear in front of her for the first time. She couldn’t see much of his face because of the hood and robes he wore, but he looked human to her and his lips were curved into a sardonic smirk. She wants to punch him. Or stab him, that works too. -.-.-.- Lucien openly admired the bosmer struggling on his table, the curve of her arse was definitely her most appealing feature. He had to admit that her temper wasn’t too shabby either as it already had him discreetly rubbing himself through his robes. He disappeared from her view again and made quick work of her leathers, it is not the first time he has had to cut a struggling female out of her armor. He hummed in appreciation as he eyed her struggling form. “Did no one warn you about coming here, little thief?” He purred and began channeling a spell. “I have spent a lot of time weaving the rumors that surrounds this place and you decide to ignore them?” She remained silent. “You risk your life, and for what?” He dragged the cold steel of his blade against her flank, making her stiffen “Pretty baubles?” He chucked the blade across the room suddenly, startling the little bosmer, he didn’t need it anymore. The black smoke of his spell licked his hand and the sight made him chuckle. “So quiet, like a mouse” He murmured and almost fondly stroked her auburn hair “But tell me, little mouse, what would you pay for your life?” He pressed his hand to the small of her back. The blood curdling scream that followed made him twitch in his robes. -.-.-.-.-.-.- It took her a while to figure out that she was the one screaming, at first she couldn’t figure out why she was screaming. Then she felt it, the pain, but it felt strange to her. The sharpness of a blade she could endure, just like the blunt pain of bruised bones but this was like nothing she’d ever felt before. The feeling wasn’t physical, the sizzling of her back was nothing compared to the ruthless tugging at her mind. She didn’t know for how long she screamed but when she came to again her torturer was sitting across the room from her with a book in his lap. When had he moved? “Awake at last?” He didn’t look up at her. “I was beginning to worry I would have to hide your body” She shuddered at the thought, not doubting him. He got to his feet, he wasn’t very tall but he carried himself like he owned the world. When he reached her he lowered himself to his knees and pushed the hood from his face. If it weren’t for the fact that she knew he was a twisted bastard, she might have found him attractive. He reached out a finger to lift her chin from the table, he smelled like smoke and nightshade. “Pain suits you, my dear” he trailed her bottom lip with the pad of his thumb “But where is your defiance, hmm? Did it really take so little to break you?” “To Oblivion with you” She wheezed tiredly and tried halfheartedly to snap at his thumb with her teeth. She was rewarded with a slow quirk of his lips and a firm grip at the back of her skull. With only the grip of her hair he tugged her up from where she’d lain prone on the table and led her to the single bed in the corner where he unceremoniously threw her down. She swore when she realized the spell keeping her down must have lifted while she’d been unconscious, but she hadn’t even thought of struggling. Filled with anger and shame let out a strangled growl and aimed a kick at his midsection, only to have the man catch her foot and smirk down at her. When she tried to her other foot to dislodge him, he caught that one too and forcefully spread her naked thighs wide. “Let go of me, you fetcher” She snarled and tried to claw at him. He shook his head and folded her legs back up against her chest and laid between them. His face was so close to hers that she felt his steady breath against her cheek. “Let you go?” He murmured and nudged her nose with his own “You haven’t even answered my question yet, little thief” Confusion spread across her face. “What question?” she hissed. He smirked. “What would you pay for your life?” he murmured before crushing his lips to hers harshly. She fought him as best she could but he was both stronger and more determined than she was. It didn’t take long for her to bury her sharp nails in his hair and pull him closer. -.-.-.-.- Finally the bosmer was showing some spirit, Lucien mused as he freed himself from the confines of his robes and her clutches. Watching the thief struggling under him to gain some measure of control over the situation just made it sweeter to deny her. But the sight of her small breasts moving in time with her labored breathing and her little tongue darting out to try and sooth her swollen lips almost sent him into a frenzy, but control was everything. Everything, he reminded himself firmly. So instead of hilting himself in her, like he wanted, he settled for grinding against her wetness while still keeping her legs firmly folded across her torso. She was at his complete mercy to do whatever he wanted with. “You bastard” She wheezed and tried to move against him “Are you going to fuck me or what?” “So crude” He murmured and buried his face in her neck “But is that what you want me to do, little thief? To fuck you?” She didn’t even stop to consider the implication of her actions when she nodded firmly. “Tell me what you want me to do to you, thief. Tell me and I might be merciful” The snarl and struggling that followed his demand made his blood boil and the pressed his cock harder against her vulva, but he didn’t enter her. “Tell me” He demanded and sank his teeth into the lobe of her ear making her groan. “What’s the, ah, point? You’ll do it anyway” She snapped and squirmed. “The point is” He murmured and put more pressure on her legs, making her groan in pain “I can make this horribly painful for you, or just moderately painful. The choice is yours” “Ow, ow, I’m not meant to bend that way” He eased up on her just a fraction only to push down on her again “Ahh, stop it…please” “If not hurt you, what do you want me to do to you?” He mused. “Fuck me, you fetcher” She gasped “I want you to fuck –Ahh!” He didn’t allow her to finish her sentence, his need was becoming too much for him and he drove himself forward and took the breath from her lungs in a single thrust. The velvety heat of her insides drove him harder and harder into her, this wasn’t about her and this obviously wasn’t about affection. He was free to take what he wanted from her and leave her behind. But she wasn’t prone under him, she mewled and clawed at his robes, and when he was distracted enough to let his grip on her legs slip she took the opportunity to wrap them firmly around his waist. The new angle allowed for deeper penetration and was enough to make them groan in union. “Yeees” She hissed and buried her nails in his hair and pulling his face down towards her neck where he instantly latched on. The sharp pain drove him wild, they rutted like animals and where’s she was all claws he was all teeth. He made sure her long neck was covered in teeth marks, when he was done with her there would be no doubt about she had been up to. He felt himself nearing the edge and by the sounds his partner was making, so was she. With a wicked smile adoring his lips he reached up and pulled her hand out of his hair and worked it in-between their bodies. “Touch yourself, elf” He purred and sat up to watch her face struggle with all the emotions she was feeling. “Make yourself come on my cock” She quivered around him and quickly began touching herself with practiced movements. “It’s not, ah, you making me come” She murmured defiantly and closed her eyes. With a snort he reached up and forcefully cracked one of her eyes open with his fingers. “Keep telling yourself that, but you will keep your eyes open” She opened her eyes and glared up at him. “You will watch me as you come. Do I make myself clear?” “My eyes are open, aren’t they?” She spat. It didn’t take long before she was shuddering and falling apart under him and it was the feeling of her strong inner muscles milking him that brought him over the edge. He hilted himself in her and emptied himself as close to her womb as he could. When he finished with her he pulled out of her and tucked himself back into his robes. The afterglow didn’t stop her from trying to dart away when he was seemingly distracted. She got as far as to the middle of the room before the stunning spell hit her square between the shoulder blades and she fell to the ground. -.-.-.- This had to stop, she thought dimly as she came too again. “I warned you” She cracked open an eye and was faced with Methredhel’s green orbs. She seemed to be at her fellow bosmer’s shack in the waterfront. Last thing she remembered she was…oh. “How did I-“ “How should I know? You were lying face down on my doorstep” Her sister in crime crossed her arms sternly “naked” “By Talos...” She groaned and buried her face in the shabby old blankets. Methredhel placed a hand on her back and gently stroked her neck. “Don’t worry I don’t think anyone saw you” She murmured “So…” “Yeah?” She turned to face the other elf who was awkwardly looking anywhere but at her. “He got you too, eh?” She said and pointed at her back. The thief turned her head and tried to look where Methredhel was pointing. Shit. That utter fetcher! On the small of her back was a very large black handprint. Something drew on her. “Wait, he got me too?” The look on Methredhel’s face said it all. How much would it cost to have the Dark Brotherhood have this fetcher killed? She had connections, damn it.
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