Domestic Bliss | By : WotanAnubis Category: +M through R > Pandora's Tower Views: 1637 -:- Recommendations : 0 -:- Currently Reading : 0 |
Disclaimer: I don't own Pandora's Tower or any of its characters. No profit is being made. |
TITLE: Domestic Bliss
AUTHOR: WotanAnubis
DISCLAIMER: I don't own Pandora's Tower or any characters from it. No profit is being made.
PAIRING: Aeron/Elena
NOTE: Just a little quickie in celebration of the US release of Pandora's Tower.
* * * * *
"When's the last time you had a bath?"
It had sounded like an innocent comment made during an otherwise bland dinner. Just a simple way to fill up the silence. Aeron hadn't thought much of it and so had answered truthfully that he couldn't remember. He'd been far too preoccupied with his excursions to the Towers to pay any attention to that kind of details.
But now Elena was dragging him by the arm to the courtyard and it was dawning on Aeron it had been a serious question rather than a bit of conversational filler. Part of him felt like he ought to protest at Elena just deciding for him to take a bath, but somehow he couldn't quite work up the nerve. He might have been to one to brave the monsters roaming the Towers, but she was the one running their isolated little household.
Elena finally halted at the edge of the artificial pool fed by natural waterfalls that dominated the courtyard. Aeron stumbled to a standstill next to her. For a moment everything was quiet and serene. The soft sigh of the wind and lazy dancing of fireflies in the evening air made him forget, however briefly, that he was in a small military installation overlooking an endless chasm that threatened to swallow the world. But he hadn't forgotten Elena's curse. He couldn't.
"Right," said Elena, her voice a strange mixture of certainty and trembling nervousness. "Let's get our clothes off then."
"What?" said Aeron, abruptly shaken out of his reverie.
"Can't have a bath when you're dressed, can you?" Elena said, already struggling out of her white dress.
Whatever protests Aeron felt he ought to make died on his lips when more and more of Elena's slender and currently flawless body was revealed to him. He felt his face becoming unreasonably hot with more than just embarrassment. He also felt his cock suddenly growing longer and thicker, which just served to embarrass him even more.
"Well, come on," said Elena decisively once she'd kicked off her sandals.
Aeron tried not to stare. Elena stood before him completely naked and seemingly entirely unashamed. He wondered if this was some kind of Elyrian thing. That maybe Elyrians just weren't that bothered with nudity. He doubted it, though. But it was something to consider, at least, while he tried to keep his eyes firmly fixed on the pendant Elena was still wearing. And also tried not to let his eyes wander just that tiny bit downward to Elena's bare and perfect breasts.
"I'll do it, then," Elena said.
Aeron nodded mutely before Elena's words had worked their way through the confused haze of embarrassment and arousal that had wrapped itself around his mind. Once they did it was too late and Elena was already taking off his armour and clothes.
Aeron stood frozen while Elena's slender hands skillfully removed more and more of his armour. He heard her hum happily while she worked, which did help to relax him a bit, but also caused his growing erection to become uncomfortably trapped. He could only hope Elena didn't make a big deal of out it once she finally got around to taking of his pants.
She didn't.
Aeron gasped when Elena pulled down his white pants, his rigid cock suddenly springing free into the cool evening air. She glanced at it once, but seemed to show no more interest in it than she had, say, his arms or chest or anything. It was disappointing how little she seemed to care about his throbbing manhood and Aeron couldn't help but feel a bit hurt, stupid and irrational though it may have been.
Elena took Aeron's hand and stepped into the pool, taking him along with her. That simple touch of her hand instantly smoothed over his bruised ego and he instantly forgave her for not being completely enraptured by the mere sight of his penis.
The water was not as cold as Aeron had feared and the current that ran through the pool was not strong enough to bother him. All in all, the water was kind of pleasant and this whole bath thing started to seem like a good idea. Though he still couldn't tell whether it would've been better if Elena hadn't been here.
"I forgot the soap," Elena said, grinning sheepishly.
She let go of his hand, suddenly turning the evening a little colder, and head for the stone steps and their discarded clothes. Aeron watched walk away for a moment, then instantly regretted it. Even though Elena's body was perfect in every way, the sight of her bare back upset him far more than he would care to admit. So he looked away from her and lowered himself into the water to get his entire body wet and also cool his head a bit.
When he emerged, water dripping off his fit body, Elena stood in front of him holding a pink bar of soap that was supposed to smell of flowers but didn't.
"We'll soon have you cleaned up," she said before moving behind him.
Aeron tried to relax when Elena began washing his back and was having a hard time of it. As her slender hands moved skillfully across his bare skin, he felt the tension draining from his body. But he also felt a very different tension filling his body up again. Or, if not his body, then at least his cock. When Elena began singing softly to herself he felt his erection grow until its purple head broke the waterline and slapped against his abdomen. Elena didn't notice (or pretended not to), her hands continuing to caress his back with their cleansing touch uninterrupted.
Elena's hands worked their way further and further down Aeron's back, caressing each and every inch of his skin at least once. As she worked, Aeron became ever more aware that her questing fingers came ever closer to his ass. He could feel himself going red with embarrassment. He had no idea how he would deal with Elena handling his ass. He had even less of an idea how should go about dealing with it.
Aeron felt briefly relieved when Elena's hands left his back. Then he felt her bare breasts pressing against his wet skin and suddenly a different kind of awkwardness gripped him. Elena's slender hands moved to his chest, seemingly still concerned only with cleaning him, but the familiar way she leaned her chin on his shoulder and her melodious voice filled his ears with her soft song told him that there was definitely more going on here than a simple bath. Or perhaps he only hoped so.
Elena's cleaning of his chest and abdomen seemed less meticulous than when she'd been working on his back. Her quiet singing, too, seemed to change, her voice taking on a more dream-like quality. And every moment, her wandering hands drifted further and further down, moving ever closer...
Aeron grunted when Elena cupped his balls with her right hand and caressed them. His cock twitched hornily, his body becoming so hot he was almost surprised the water didn't turn into steam. He knew he was blushing terribly, but thanks to Elena's soft touch it mostly wasn't because of embarrassment any more.
Elena's hand moved up slowly and her fingers wrapped around the base of his thick cock. Aeron swallowed uncomfortably, his heart pounding in his chest. Part of him wondered if Elena's suggestion of a bath had just been pretense to get her hands on... on him. Most of him was rapidly ceasing to care.
"I guess I'll have to clean this, too," Elena whispered, her gentle hand sliding softly up his shaft.
"Hmm," said Aeron, his mouth dry, his body rigid with arousal.
"You don't... mind, do you, Aeron?"
Aeron shook his head.
"Oh, good," Elena said, giggling with relief. "I've... wanted to do this for a while, you know."
Aeron didn't know how to reply to that, so he didn't. He just stood and stared down Elena's arm wrapped around his body, to her hand holding his cock and stroking it at a slow, delicious pace. She was as gentle as she always was, yet to Aeron she was overwhelmingly powerful. Because of her tender touch, pleasure welled up within him, brighter and more forceful than any he'd felt before.
But it wasn't just Elena's hand caressing his cock that made him feel so good. The way she held him, leaned against him, sang to him or perhaps them both... Elena was all around him, coccooning him in warmth, allowing all his worries to fade away. Except one.
Something inside Aeron stirred, yelling at him to leave now for the Towers and fulfill his duty. Another part of him argued that he had plenty of time; Elena had eaten well and would still be a long time before the curse would manifest again. Most of him just didn't want her to let go.
As Elena's right hand continued traveling up and down Aeron's fully rigid erection, casually causing an entire meadow of pleasure to bloom within him, he felt her left hand wandering down his crotch as well. He groaned when he felt her fingertips brushing his balls again and soon found his normally steady breath deteriorating into thick, aroused panting. A flash of animal fear shot through him, fretful of the notion that Elena might stop her gentle massage and decide to squeeze his testicles instead. It was dismissed instantly, without even having to think about it. Elena would never hurt him. Not even when...
Aeron closed his eyes, allowing himself to sink into a warm haze of pleasure, while Elena's gentle touch continued to stroke and caress his dick and balls. For the first time since far too long, perhaps for the first time in his life, Aeron felt totally relaxed. No tension, no fear and almost no worries. Elena held him and sang to him and pleasured him and everything was
Aeron blinked uncertainly. Something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what it was. Especially with Elena contently massaging him. He could tell her to stop so he could clear his head a little, but he didn't have the heart to. Her quiet song was so sincerely happy that it would simply be rude to interrupt her. But even so, something was off.
He was being held and being sung to and being pleasured.
He was.
She wasn't.
Aeron abruptly broke free from Elena's embrace, splashing water everywhere as he stumbled away. He turned around and the hurt in Elena's red eyes shamed him more than he could tell.
"Did I... do something wrong?" she asked.
Aeron shook his head. "No. I did. I didn't give anything back."
Elena smiled. "Oh, Aeron," she sighed. "Don't be silly. After all you've done, this is the... No, this is what I want to do."
Aeron took a step forward and came close enough for Elena to take both his hands. Their fingers intertwined. She pulled him a step closer still and they kissed.
It was Aeron's first kiss and it lasted forever. Standing in the artificial pool, their two wet, naked bodies pressed against one another, their souls merged into one and the curse was broken.
Well, of course they hadn't and it hadn't, but to Aeron it felt as though it should have. If this had been a story it would have.
Their lips parted, but somehow it felt like they didn't. Aeron looked into Elena's eyes and knew that forever still hadn't ended. Without breaking eye contact, he let go of her hands, grabbed her just below her shapely ass and lifted her up.
Aeron had intended to sweep Elena up and onto her cock, joining their two bodies together in one smooth motion. It didn't work out that way. Even though he was pretty strong and she was kind of petite, he lost his balance and the two of them fell into the water. Aeron was grateful enough that he didn't bang his head on the tiles as he fell on his back, but was positively elated to find Elena lying on top of him and giggling.
"Sorry," he muttered through a mouthful of water.
Elena stopped giggling and, smiling, began undulating against his naked body, her pussy brushing against his cock. She was incredibly wet and Aeron was almost certain it was only mostly because of the water.
"I appreciate the thought," she said and sighed happily.
Aeron hesitated for a moment, unwilling to stop Elena rubbing his cock with her pussy, but a second mouthful of water made his decision for him. Aeron moved so that he sat down on the tiled floor, embracing Elena as she settled into his submerged lap and, most importantly, making sure his head wasn't frequently underwater.
Elena kissed him again, her stomach pressing against his erection. She moved as they kissed, rising a little and then lowering herself so that her lower lips kissed his lower head. Pleasure surged through Aeron's body at the hesitant, uncertain touch and he would've gasped if Elena hadn't still been kissing him.
She pulled back a little, her red eyes glittering with nerves and anticipation.
Aeron nodded.
Grunts and moans filled the evening air when Elena lowered herself, her tight inner walls wrapping around Aeron's shaft and slowly sliding down its length. Aeron shuddered with pleasure, half surprised that his stimulated dick didn't unload its seed like it obviously wanted to. Heated pleasure filled his body and judging by the look in Elena's darkening eyes something similar was happen within her as well.
Elena gasped quietly once she fully lowered herself into Aeron's lap, his entire cock vanishing into her. They kissed again, their tongues briefly meeting, when Elena began moving. Subtly, at first, a kind of slow undulating that squeezed Aeron's cock as it caressed her heated wetness. It wasn't long before Elena started moving more deliberately, breaking their kiss to slide up and down Aeron's shaft in ever-growing strokes.
Aeron found himself moaning in time with Elena. Her slow, rhythmic moving along his cock filled him with pleasure and seemingly formed a thick, hardening knot just below the base of his shaft. Some dark, primal part from the back of his mind urged to speed up, to fuck Elena hard, but it was overruled. Aeron was perfectly content to let her set the pace, enjoying the slow stimulation of his cock, not to mention the way her wet breasts slid up and down his bare shaft as she leisurely fucked him.
Besides, there was something dark and primal about Elena as well. Something unrelated to the curse. Something selfishly interested in its own pleasure. Closing her eyes, Elena allowed herself speed up, her slow movements along Aeron's cock became faster and faster until her modest breasts started bouncing up and down. Her mouth hung open, spilling endless moans of lust, interrupted only by rare, brief gasps of air.
Aeron would've liked to think that the rare sight of rapturous bliss running through Elena's body was more powerful than the feeling of her tight sliding up and down his cock, but that just wasn't true. The more Elena worked herself into a frantic craze, the more she seemed able to stimulate his dick and the fiercer Aeron's pleasure became. He began thrusting his hips awkwardly, an instinctive attempt to join with Elena in her lustful rhythm. He wasn't quite sure he'd managed it, but the way Elena suddenly groaned with heartfelt emotion assured him nevertheless.
Aeron moved together with Elena. He wasn't sure whether she was still fucking him or if he was now fucking her. A single look at Elena's agonisingly joyful face told him it didn't matter. He pleasured her and she pleasured him and that was the only thing that could possibly be important.
It wouldn't last, Aeron knew. With every thrust down into his lap, Elena fed his approaching orgasm. HIs body tensed with pleasure, the knot beneath his cock seemingly ready to burst, even his balls felt as though they were preparing squeeze as much of his seed out of his manhood as they could manage. He wanted it to happen. To release all of his pleasure into Elena. But he didn't want it to happen. Elena had worked herself into a blissful trance and it would be cruel to awaken her from it. No matter how much his body might burn and throb and yearn, he would not allow himself to come before Elena had.
He might have managed it, too, he told himself later. If only he had been given the choice.
Elena opened her eyes and looked at him, her expression full of lustful clarity.
"Please," she gasped quietly. "Come in me, Aeron."
Aeron might have been able to fight the desires of his own body, but he didn't stand a chance against Elena. He groaned as he came, pleasure rushing through his body and out his shaft, which throbbed against Elena's inner walls as streams and streams of his seed flowed into her. Elena shuddered when the first of his semen entered her and she undulated around his shaft, seemingly determined to milk his cock for every drop it could give her.
"Yes," Elena moaned blissfully. "Oh, Aeron, yes!"
Grunting, Aeron took hold of Elena's hips and forced her as far down his climaxing shaft as he could manage. He didn't know why he did it, only knew that he had it to do it. He soon understood when he heard Elena squeal with raw bliss, her pussy tightening noticeably, almost painfully, around his member, squeezing yet more of his whitish climax out of him. Elena came joyfully, deliriously, so completely without restraint that Aeron envied her. Or would have if he hadn't been so happy for her.
Elena collapsed once it was over, leaning heavily against Aeron, resting her head on his shoulder as she panted to get her breath back. Aeron held gently, but a bit awkwardly. He wasn't sure what to do next. He could feel his cock softening even though it was still inside of her and wondered if he was supposed to pull out now or not.
"I'm sorry, Aeron," Elena panted.
"What?" Aeron asked, his mild confusion making place for sudden bewilderment.
"You couldn't... let go," Elena continued. "Not fully. I could see it in your eyes. It's because of... because of me, isn't it? The curse?"
"Yes," Aeron admitted.
"You'll break it," Elena said, sounding far more confident than Aeron felt. "One day you'll break it. And then..."
"And then..." Aeron agreed.
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