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Reviews for Room and Board

By : sillyneko345
  • From ANON - Kuromei on September 16, 2012
    lol The party from J&D's POV. Cute. X3 Particularly the very end, in the bush. Poor Jak, being reminded that leaf piles are where spiders live. I'm surprised his screaming didn't attract the cops, again. XD lol

    I can't wait to see what Jak does about that kiss. Will he think it was pure alcohol on Dax's part? Or will he think the alcohol just loosened Red up just enough. Like I said, can't wait. :3 Until later!
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  • From grimreaperchibi on September 15, 2012
    Now that I know the magical properties of Phoenix-cheek, I shall have Zelda call him on it. *insert evil laughter here* And the fluff will come. Razer just needs to stop being so...Razer first. That, unfortunately, really does need to get beaten out him. It will happen sooner than later, though, so bare with me for a little while longer. It'll be worth it, I promise.

    Dear god, I should not like how much of an asshole you make Erol. You really make it fun to hate his sleazebag ways. Even the game can't boast that for me, so congratulations. Again, I'm ever humbled by the fact that you take my prodding and suggesting as well as you do. It does bad things to my ego. And for the record, I am traumatized by Jinx saying the word "jiggling." I totally hear it in his voice whenever the word comes up now. I can't even look at jello now without remember it, let alone actual jello shots (Muse thought that was particularly hysterical when we went to the drag show earlier).

    Keep going! This is where the fun all starts.
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  • From ANON - Lil Sebastian on September 08, 2012
    GAH! I'm really lovin' this story! At first I was kinda thrown off by the lack of Jak angst (since it basically fuels my existence aha) but then I started to really love the switch up and new perspective. Like, I mean, if Jak had never been taken from him and shoved in prison Daxter would have the harder story. Especially if he had never met Jak. Poor little Dax has no family, Jak is really all he has and in this AU where he doesn’t meet him until college its so cool to see how he woulda developed without Jak by his side. I also never really thought too much of their different speaking styles. In canon it doesn't really draw a line between them since you know they're both super tough and have gone through shit but here its really interesting and emphasises their different backgrounds.

    I am totally and madly inlove with chapter 8. I don’t even know how to elaborate on that I just.. I love it. Jak is such a sweetheart and Daxxie oh my god you precious, marred, little baby. Ugh. It is just SO good. Also, headcanon on Daxter's abandonment accepted :)

    Also, the thought of Jak having ‘the gay talk’ with Torn made me laugh and 'awww' so hard, oh my god ahaha.

    I really love how this story that is so fun and like kinda a cliché AU (in a good way!!) is not just super entertaining and wonderful but also it’s a really neat character study kinda. Like, if things were a bit different this is how the boys and their lives would have turned out. And I don’t know… I guess that’s the point of it but I still just found it really cool!

    Okay wow okay I’m gunna stop rambing now and just say: I love every single piece of this story and cannot wait for the next chapter!!! You are fabulous! Update soon! :)

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  • From Jakkumon on August 24, 2012
    1 question: What is/are frat houses?

    I like Studio Ghibli too, My Neighbour Totoro, seen that, but the first one I watched was Spirited Away which I only watched because it had a dragon it, and then I went on to watch the others; Grave of the Fireflies is so sad :( and Porco Rosso I just plain didn't like. Ponyo was on Film4 the other week or so and I only saw about 3 quarters of it cause the signal decided to break on it, not impressed.

    I thought the film you were describing was Nausicaa at first but then when the bit about the boy came in I thought wait now it sounds like Laputa - and I have the song from that - Kimi wo nosete, awesome.

    And this has to be the first fic I've ever read where Daxter's a virgin but Jak isn't, cause most people do it the other way round.

    Hope the next chapter comes along soon, I want to know how Jak gets back in the room.
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  • From ANON - Tainted_Emerald on July 30, 2012
    No. Way. Did you really just reference Castle in the Sky? Just have to mention that that's my favorite studio Ghibli film, and one of my favorite films period.

    Anyways, that prank mentioned at the end of chapter 9 really paid off didn't it? I wonder if Jak has caught on to Razer and Phoenix as well, they weren't exactly being subtle about it. I'm also wondering if Razer plans on returning the favor anytime soon...or if Jak might request something similar be done.

    I've been loving the bits of angst you've been injecting here and there. I think seeing Daxter so vulnerable and wanting of comfort just kind of hits you right where it hurts you know? And it's such a rare thing in your writing, but very well placed and utilized when it is used (that scene in Fun and Games, chapter 4, for instance). I'm supremely impressed with Jak's self-control in those situations.

    Looking forward to that Halloween party, as well as the next chapter of Keep Talking. Thanks for all the hard work!
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  • From ANON - darkmavrik on July 25, 2012
    love this story and all of your other JxD stuff.
    small question: I've heard a lot ottselboi dax (ears n' tail on human) stuff in passing but nothing focused on it. WHY IS THAT?
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  • From ANON - ChromaPharm on July 16, 2012
    Outtakes are brilliant as always, but more importantly: UST is go! Ahhh, I'm too impatient for them to gradually hook up - when is it kinkysextimes? Although, I am loving the adorable squee moments too, so I'm not really complaining. And yes! Finally Phoenix has done something about Razer. :3 Looking forward to more accidentally witness fluffy moments there ^^
    I really enjoy your style and I'm already looking forward to the next update (on whatever story it may be). :D
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  • From ANON - Gothicpumpkin on July 16, 2012
    Loved it, had me laughing at the outtakes.I read your story on fanfiction, and thought I would come check it out here for the unedited version.Still like it.I hope to see more soon.
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  • From ANON - Kuromei on July 15, 2012
    Castle in the Sky! Loved that movie. 83 I missed my chance to buy it when the rental place closed down, tho. -3- It and Kiki's Delivery Service. Oh well, at least I got the Cowboy Bebop motion picture, and same for The Slayers. XD Got my other Ghibli films from other sources. My Ghibli love is so old, I have Princess Mononoke on VHS. Remember those? Speaking of which, I need to get the DVD sometime. Lordy, I've gotten old..............

    Enough anime geekage. Jak and Dax geekage time! *glomps* They are slowly edging toward mutual attraction. Jak taking baby steps while Dax gets his shit together? Perfectly fine! It's happening, and that's what matters. :3

    Congrats on (what I'm assuming is) a successful move! Here's to a future filled with Jak&Daxxie-ness! *raises cup of Dr. Pepper* KANPAI!!
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  • From ANON - Reva on July 14, 2012
    Finally! Another chapter! :D

    Movies are Totoro and Laputa, castle in the sky, aight? Last one's one of my favourites, too.

    I was totally expecting Jak to kinda ask Daxter to help him with his virginity, or at least walk into dax masturbation..but none D: You're killing me! But this kind of a teasing story is also great. Can't wait for the next chapter!

    - your faithful&forever reader Rev
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  • From ANON - Grimreaperchibi on July 14, 2012
    Smidgeon of jealous? You call a whole shelf a smidgeon? Either I need a bigger room, or we need to define some terms here...

    *le sigh* You do such fun and fluffy things even while you're out torturing someone (which I'd like to say again that you achieved very well even if the scene wasn't behaving for you). It's almost not fair. Yeah, I know, different set of circumstances between groups, different motivational backgrounds, I'm a drama-monger, blah, blah. Seriously though, after that piece of fluff, I feel like a total heel for what I'm about to do to Razer in the next little bit. I may have made him earn it, but it really does seem like I need to work on my fluff quotient for this series.

    And I still maintain that Phoenix-cheek sounds like some sort of power-up. +10 to Soothing or something. Or maybe it's a counterpart to a Phoenix Down? That could have some interesting potential later...

    As always, you're doing a great job, even if it doesn't feel like it. Hang in there! The fun stuff will get here sooner than you think!
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  • From ANON - ChromaPharm on July 11, 2012
    As I've been re-reading your whole archive again, I remember actually how much I love this one. Can't wait for the updates. There isn't a thing I don't adore about this.
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  • From TaintedEmerald on June 06, 2012
    So begins the sexual tension indeed. I wonder what it'll take to get Dax to succumb to it though...hope Jak doesn't end up pushing him too hard, or we'll be back at that shower scene again. Pretty sure the big guy will have it under control though, as long as he doesn't take too much advice from Jinx.

    This story has been amazing so far, and has the potential to be your best AU yet I think. Especially with their later years in college as possible sequels. Kind of wish I could just read it all right now, but then again, I'd probably just gulp it all down rather than savor each individual chapter like I've been doing. Kind of a bad habit of mine when reading books.

    *sigh*, I wish my college experience could have been more like this, but I didn't dorm so no luck there. Also, was that a bit of self-depreciating humor I spied there miss English major? Anyways, looking forward to the next chapter, as always. Hope you're having a nice summer so far.
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  • From ANON - Mustacheyouaquestion on May 06, 2012
    Hey Thar, thanks for replying, and personally i would just love to see more of you writing stuff, SO EXCITED for UST, also i read that 'mateship' thing the totally wrong way and thought you were/are doing a foursome in the next chapter. also, so happy that Roll To Me is going to be worked on some more, because honestly, you, grimreaperchibi, and amaronith are my favorite slash writers for Jak and Daxter.

    Also, i understand the not being able to update stuff, and am perfectly fine with you doing some one-shots between updates, just as long as it doesnt cut into any of your other stuff (hopefully Roll To Me and Keep Talking will be able to tide me over)

    and one last thing "… he would probably never sleep again, either."

    anyway, im just rambling now,
    Keep on being a great writer, Tatty-bye!
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  • From Jakkumon on May 02, 2012
    I'm loving this so much!

    I forgot to review the last chapter cause the site logged me out and I had to go find my login.

    Can't wait to see this prank bit, sounds exciting!
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