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Reviews for Bloody Domination (Revised)

By : Breech_Loader
  • From ANON - Draconis on January 01, 2007
    Okay, I thought I was pressed for time but since I'm actually not, allow me elborate on my previous views and review:

    1. My disappointment
    The only reason I found it disappointing to begin with was because--hell I don't know. It was interesting seeing Sonic, after everything that had been done to his friends and the anger he felt, still try and safe Shadow--only for Knuckles to kill him in the end anyway. The situation itself was handled on point, as I honestly believe that's how Knuckles would have resolved the conflict reguardless, as he's too hot headed and violent to really think at the entire issue at hand. Yes Shadow was a murdering rapist, but there was something terribly wrong with him and that's something both Tikal and Sonic at the very least was able to see and take into consideration. I'm not saying that makes both bigger people, just that they try to have more of an understanding and try to put things into persepective reguardless of what has happened and who did what.

    That's why I think Knuckles is an asshole yet I understand him: his reaction was completely justifiable given his personality and views but rather you want to admit it or not, Tikal and Sonic were correct as well: two wrongs don't make a right and just because they were choosing instead to try and give Shadow some kind of support, forgiveness or help didn't make them foolish or weak. (No foolish would have been the Sonic acting obliviously stupid of the situation and the actions and completely tossing it over his shoulder as if it never occured.)

    So yes, I am upset that Shadow died at the end. Sure a 'monster' died and 'got what he deserved' but I've always felt that redemption was always better than revenge: it shows a stronger moral and character once the transformation is complete.

    Another reason that I didn't like the ending was because there were a few things that weren't resolved--or rather they weren't because Shadow died and we never got to see what would happen next.

    2. My Amy/Shadow Crack
    This was me being sincale in a sense but to be honest, I have seen rather ridiculous situations in Sonic stories (I won't always say it was Amy) where the character was raped, the rapist goes through some kind of salvation type thing, and then WTF all of a sudden those two are together. To be honest, given the premise of the story and the fact that it would still appear that Amy still has feelings for Sonic--if she wants to be with any man right now--not to mention the other issues at hand, I would find well...silly. Amy is still friggin 12 and to be honest, I'm still frowning about her having a baby. I mean really, that's so complicating: what should she honestly do? Have the baby and give it away? Abort the baby? Have the baby and keep it, yet be slightly jaded against it given the circumstances of it's birth? Have the baby yet love it anyway, realizing it wasn't it's fault and take things accordingly? I mean what's the best, realistic decision given the circumstances and her age? Decisions...decisions (and that's ONLY if there's a sequel...) Now don't get me wrong, I definately think that given time, Amy could be forgiving...but after everything she's been through, do I even remotely see her sucking it up that much and just...getting together with Shadow? If she were maybe in Tikal's position or even Sonic's, MAYBE. But she's had a very, VERY tramatizing experience and what appears to be, a lasting reminder. And while forgiveness is one thing...romance and such is a total different thing and I honestly feel that she couldn't do that.

    3. A Sequel
    To be honest, I'm 50/50 on this. I mean what would be the point to be honest? I mean I'm hoping your more creative than to go the whole 'Shadow's baby is evil/takes his place route'. Then, if Shadow were to stay dead, then what would happen? Knuckles goes insane and tries to take out everyone? If you bring Shadow back, does he try to redeem himself only to start failing as the 'voices' come back and he has to deal with everyone (save maybe Sonic and a 'keeping his distance' Tails) pretty much hating him? Would Knuckles be the villian (or rather,the slightly self-rightous villan?)? And what about him 'liking' Sonic? And will Tails ever be able to sit down again? What about that damn baby Amy's pregnate with now? Or Lady Vanilla? Will she be as forgiving to Shadow? Would Shadow and Sonic actually get together somehow or at the very least, become good friends? (I still have no problem with SLASH and I was holding out on my hopes until the end there...lmao) Or hell, break Tikal back out and put him with her--okay maybe not because her Mary Sue -ness would make me want to slap babies after a while...but you get my drift. Or hell, who said Shadow had to be with anyone. I just want to him to have a strong, supportive something so that he can get the encouragement and help he needs.

    Overall, I do love Harley's crazy ass Shadow and it was definately refreshing to see to all the Sonic characters for the most part (not counting Shadow and having Rouge's bad traits overly emphazied) completely in character and adapting to the situation as they probably would. This is by far, my favorite story by you guys, save the badass Tails one and for that reason alone, I wouldn't mind seeing a sequel. I just hope it be kept just as interesting and the characteristics done as properly. Okay seriously, Knuckles being the badguy in the sequel is sounding better and better all the time. It's so rarely done and do love my Knucklehead. (Though actually, I did like that Knuckles/Amy one. That was scary interesting...)

    So in all, this story definately deserves a 4/5 (Damn those stupid stars remaining at 3...). And I hope to see more stories that branch out from Amy/Shadow from you guys. (If I could pay you, I'd bribe you to right a badass SLASH with Shadow/Sonic for me. You guys are so great I'd love to see what you can do with that. But alas, I shall only continue to sit on my hands.)

    You both have a great day, thanks for the wonderful adddition to my favorites Sonic Fanfics list, and I hope to see something new soon!
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  • From ANON - Draconis on January 01, 2007
    Goodness, what a sad ending. I can't help but understand Knuckles position but still think he's a complete asswhole. So odd...
    Anywho, at least Shadow got redeption of some sort, and that was better than nothing. And I rather like that in the end, Tikal was absolutely right: had violence not been the answer, then maybe the outcome could have been happier for everyone.

    As for a sequel...I really don't see why there should be one, unless you want to have Shadow live anyway. And then what exactly? Have him try to go down the path of goodness only for 'the voices' to come back? Knuckles gonna be the bastard bad guy? Another excuse for you to put Shadow/Amy (and have it be legitimate) in your story(ies)? Oh yeah, I can just see it: Even though Amy was savagely raped, she completely falls in love with Shadow in the end because deep down, he was a good guy. How...unrealistic.

    Okay, okay, I'll give it a rest. Though I suppose you could do a would just depend drastically on how you chose to do it. (Would Knuckles liking Sonic come into play later in a baaaad way? lmao)

    Not a bad ending overall, though *slightly* disappointing.
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  • From ANON - BZLF on January 01, 2007
    NO! He dies to swiftly! Make him be hanged by his own intestine!
    Alright well. It sucked Shadow died so painlessly. Should have done something more to him. As for sequal.. Do you really think its fair to end it like this? I say yes! Bring him back! Make a sequal! I wanna see him suffer!
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  • From ANON - Sam on January 01, 2007
    Knuckles is 100% right. Shadow deserves to die like Knuckles said. I can't believe that Sonic is still trying to save and protect Shadow after all the bad things that he done. He raped and killed most of Sonic's friends and even raped Amy and got her pregnant. Sonic tried to explain to Shadow before that he didn't drop him but what did Shadow do after that? He tried to kill Amy again and he even raped Tails. So yeah, I'm glad that Shadow died cause if Sonic somehow saved him, then Sonic is risking his friends lives again.
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  • From ANON - Serious Sam on January 01, 2007
    I´ve read every chapter and I liked the story very much.
    But I hoped that Shadow wouldn´t die. But hey, maybe he isn´t dead yet and the doctors are able to reanimate him^^
    Besides there´s still Amy´s baby.
    Well,a sequel would be cool.
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  • From Froggy22651 on December 28, 2006
    I've always been fond of the Voice of Reason, and it speaks once again. There's nothing particularly funny or arousing about of any of this, and if someone finds the rape of children in it either...well, I think they've missed the entire point. It was certainly unpleasant to write this stuff, and it's my hope that it's just as unpleasant to read it.

    Draconis! My favorite reviewer! Glad to hear from you again. To answer your unasked question, I was the one who played as Knuckles most recently, and I also was responsible for Tails (I've always wanted to try him) and Amy. Nothing against Terminus, but he really played Knuckles too soft in the previous version, and I felt like redeeming the tempermental, obsessive Rad Red and injecting him with a nice big dose of rage. Harley's going to handle him next. As for Tails, the thing I like about him is that for all of his intelligence, he's very naive and trusting, a tragic combination in this case.
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  • From ANON - Voice of Reason on December 28, 2006
    Maddichan: It is not the rape I object to, as that is an important plot device that is integral to the story. What I did object to was Maniacal Mercury's suggestion that it would be okay to have sex with an 8-year-old if it is consentual. I do not agree with this, as 8-year-olds are incapable of consenting (even when they are as intelligent as Tails is), because of their susceptibility to be open to many suggestions and the process known as grooming, whereby pedophiles trick young children into thinking that sexual conduct with them is "okay". That is what I object to.
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  • From ANON - MaddiChan on December 28, 2006
    Voice or Reason: where where you when Cream was getting raped in like, the first (or was it second?) damn chapter? Cause that little baby was like six. I'm not saying Tails and Cream getting raped is okay---actually, you can toss Amy in there because she's only twelve herself--but I think the writer is trying to show just how disgusting Shadow really is. And what's a worse type of monster than one that prays on children?
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  • From ANON - Draconis on December 28, 2006
    Oh, and I just wanted to add:
    The beginning of the chapter, where he was trying to find Amy? Again, powerful and moving. You couldn't help but feel sorry for Amy--and hold your breath and pray she could get out of there. Good lord, my heart was skipping beats!
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  • From ANON - Draconis on December 28, 2006
    That's the one thing I actually hate to see in fanfiction when it comes to Amy: most author's usually take her personality and go one way or the other in a extreme direction with her. She's either overly nice where she gives Cream a run for her money on the 'Mary Sue' title or she's overly annoying and obessive to the point where that most fans are just down right insulted. Sure she can *be* annoying. And obessive. And a little creepy. But overall, Amy Rose a sweet and good hearted person. She's a good balance of characteristics and it's honestly rare to find a fanfiction author that can dipict her well. I've honestly, see maybe two stories that way.

    But now I digress. I'll look you up Froggy! And nice to see you working on this fiction now!

    Now, let's get back to this piece of work...

    1. Amy Pregnate
    This issue to me is a two sided coin. I understand why a lot of reviewers don't like this turn of events but to be honest, taking my own person comments out of the situation, I think that's a terribe fate for Amy short of death. I mean look at the big picture here: Who the HELL wants to be pregnate by their rapist? Not to mention the girl is only twelve. TWELVE! What the hell does a twelve year old really know about raising children? I will admit, I thought it was a pure show of favoristim at first that Amy was allowed to live when everyone else seemed to be biting the dust but I rather like this turn of events to be lone as we don't dwell on it because there are other characters in the story with their own problems. Now here's my question: is Amy going to keep the baby at all? This entire ordeal has had a pyscological effect on her I'm sure and well...if she didn't, I dont' think to many people would down right fault her. Personally, unless the pregnate plays any kind of major role, it really wasn't needed though however, that type of things does happen and for the overall tramatic play of it, I think it was a good decision. So kudos.

    2. Sonic
    I just want to bring this up because I thought it was too hiliarous: okay, at the beginning of the chapter in question (Going Round in Circles) you said there will be 'Less Wanker Sonic'. And yet, in this chapter, he risk Amy's life with a damn race just to save her!? How the hell isn't that being less of a wanker? LMFAO! No no, I get the point of the part but I just found it rather...ironic. Though I will say, I am very interested to see how Sonic will handle things in the next chapter. Amy is one thing...but Tails? Will Sonic be so forgiving knowing that Tails has been hurt? I can't wait until Monday.

    3. Revised Chapter and Knuckles
    For the love of all things Sonic: THANK YOU. I can't believe how well you do Knuckles in this situation as a whole. His entire reaction to everything thus far is exactly as I thought it would have been! I'm not sure who is doing Knuckles now, Harley or Froggy, but whomever you are, as a serious Knuckle's fan, I love you right now!

    4. Tails Big Scene
    Is it wrong that I laughed through most of the chapter? Him being so naive was just...priceless. Yet strangely, in character. It actually made me feel worse for him, as he honestly didn't understand or know that Shadow was different and considered him a friend. And Shadow's progression of sanity actually made the chapter powerful. It's gotten me rather excited to see what will happen in the finale.

    I'm completely done for now, as I want to wait to see what will happen in the end. I won't say 'sequal' because I always judge such thing by their endings. But so far, the story is interesting and good, so continue to write it. (And damn it people, get this shit off of 3 stars...)
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  • From Weasel on December 28, 2006
    Welcome to the Internet, Voice of Reason. Congratulations on reading TEXT PORN and talking as if Tails being eight years old actually mattered. Threatening to call the police just because of Innurnets? You make me laugh. There's plenty of other arguments I could come up with, but the situation pretty much makes fun of itself.
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  • From ANON - Voice of Reason on December 28, 2006
    Maniacal Mercury said:

    Tails is 8 years old! :o
    Him getting fucked is not a good thing!
    .........Unless he consents of course! ^.^


    No, even then it's not okay. Tails is 8 fucking years old. What are you, a fucking pedophile? Should I call the police before you become a card-carrying member of NAMBLA and tell people that it's okay to fuck 8-year-olds as long as they say it's okay? They're not fucking old enough, you sick bastard! Go get your jollies off with people your age, because I have no fucking respect for anybody who exploits children.
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  • From ANON - BZLF on December 28, 2006
    My deepest apologies for not having reviewed already. (I've been busy enjoying Christmas gifts.) and I thought I already had. Anyway;Good to see Shadow arguing with himself about what he is doing. Didn't much enjoy Tails getting raped, but meh, he was a longtime coming(or however the saying goes.)
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  • From ANON - Weasel on December 27, 2006
    Foxes being stuffed is ALWAYS good. 'Tis what they're made for!
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  • From ANON - MaddiChan on December 27, 2006
    I'm not sure if my last one got deleted but I can't wait for the next update. Please have Sonic forgive Shadow...and save him mentally if he can't do it physically. And don't kill Tails. If you didn't kill Amy (and made her...pregnate...yeeeah...) or Knuckles, then Tails can live too. Cause made him too precious.
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