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Reviews for Bloody Domination (Revised)

By : Breech_Loader
  • From ANON - MaddiChan on November 06, 2006
    Uh, sorry for the half review, accidently sent it through. Anyway, not really understanding why Tikal is coming into this (But then again, the more to suffer, the more fun I have reading it!) but that was a LOT better then what you had before. I laughed a lot this time around (I Fuckles. That word. So cute and funny and wrong, all at once...) Anyway, I really loved the new chapter better, it rocked!

    As much as I don't want you to hurt Tails, I can't wait to see what happens to him...::sniffle:: Though one thing: is uh, everyone going to point out that they 'wish Shadow would die' or that he's a monster? Cause the next person that says it? Should you know. Get bitch slapped.

    Update soon, I enjoy the read!
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  • From ANON - Disaster Master on November 06, 2006
    New chapter 8= 1 out of 5. Sick. Don't got anything to say about this so, have a nice day!
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  • From ANON - BZLF on November 06, 2006
    Vastly superior. I do wonder how Shadow shall unlock the Master Emerald, and if he does, will he even be able to do anything to Tikal? Will she have gained control or friendship with Chaos that will save her from Shadow at the last second? Yeah this was a good update.
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  • From ANON - Draconis on November 05, 2006
    I don't want to sound like a smart ass when I say this, so please, don't take it as much Froggy, but thank you. You honestly don't know has refreshing it is to actually register a complaint about a story without an author bitching at you and all their rabid fans chasing you with pitch forks. XD

    To be honest, I didn't mean to rant the way I did, but it just sorta...typed out. ^_^* The fact of the matter was though, is that I saw so much potential in the story just from the summary and in the end, I kinda felt let down. As I said before, I never was a big fan of Shadow/Amy in the first place, because of the way it's done (and because honestly, I have my own views about said ship and why I despise it) but I have a tendacy to make exceptions when the story is epic, impressive, or just down right badass and original. (I actually hated Shadow/Sonic before I read another story on this site that completely changed my tune. . .)

    What I was excepting honestly, was something I hadn't seen/read before in a Sonic story of that pairing or at least if I had, it being done in such a great way where I wouldn't care or even notice it until far later. And in the end, I couldn't help but feel disappointed. To be honest, what bothered me the most was Sonic. I've seen him portrayed like that so many times in the ship that it had down right become sickening. And when he actually resorted to using weaponary--I hadn't felt that pissed since I realized Shadow was using in a gun in Shadow the Hedgehog.

    But it was kinda the Badass Tails story fault: (By the way, when I said I liked Tails in that story, I wasn't being sarcastic. That's the first time I've ever seen him portrayed that way and I loved it.) after reading it, I was expecting something 'out of the box' and interesting, hence while I was willing to give it try and it felt like I was reading more of the same. (Kinda like Sonic always some fluffed out submissive in a lot of Sonic/Shadow stories excpet for the one I honestly liked.)

    As for Amy: I hate Mary Sues. And I hate when she's portrayed as one since she isn't--it's actually, why I love Amy so much. She can be kind, understanding and sweet, but determined, argumentative and headstrong. And a *little* obsessive and slightly creepy. ^_^*

    ::hugs you:: You are still a badass writer! You and Harley! I just didn't like that particular story for that particular reason.

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  • From ANON - Xiander's on November 05, 2006
    Hot damn, this story is bitchin! What day(s) do you normally update it? I want to keep track of this one.
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  • From funkman on November 01, 2006
    Man, this story is getting kinda, ahem, nasty. Interesting, but nasty. Not to the point where I'd give it ridiculously low ratings like some people, ::looks around:: but pretty nasty. I think it's bs that you're getting such low ratings, and I tried to change that, but the score barely manages to increase. Gotta go, later!
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  • From Froggy22651 on October 30, 2006
    Well, Draconis, that was quite an extensive, if passionate review, and I apreciate the honesty. Being the other writer of the ARAAT series, I plead guilty to most charges laid against it. Yeah, we made Sonic too much of an ass. Amy was simply too perfect and rational and kind. Yeah, our unflattering portrayal of Rouge was unfair. We did go too far at times. And no, I will not appologise for Tails, because the little guy really is that badass.

    ARAAT has been a learning experience for me, a practice ground, and I have indeed learned a lot. If we were to go back and redo the series, there would be significant differences to it, and it would be, in my not-so-humble opinion, much improved. Hey, perhaps one day we will do that. I certainly would enjoy taking a shot at ARAAT: The Revised Edition.

    As for the story at hand, I agree wholeheartedly that it has taken a turn for the worse. Knuckles is acting way, way out of character. In the context of this story, Shadow is also totally out of it. Within the space of two chapters it has gone from sick and twisted to lovey-dovey, and it's making my head spin. Terminus is appearantly the main culprit, having turned the story in this direction, and Harley let it happen. This is surprising, considering that Harley has always been very critical of my work, and I've become a better writer for it. But hey, I can forgive her a moment of weakness in giving in to some hot, sweaty cyber-mansex. : P

    Just as long as she fixes it. In any case, I've already complained to both writers elsewhere, and I hope they can get this thing back on track.
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  • From ANON - MaddiChan on October 30, 2006
    My god that was a good chapter. The pairing was odd, and as I said before, the part seems out of place considering how the story is going/being written, but damn it. That was mighty hawt ass slash. And I for one, love you for it. Another great chapter and as always...please go easy on Tails. I'll give you lots and lots of cookies if you do! Oh. And you should update this sooner. Man, this story is badass, how the hell does it have such a low rating star wise! ::Goes to fix that::
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  • From ANON - Draconis on October 30, 2006
    I'll begin by saying I like your entire story as a whole, though I do have a few rants:
    1. I won't bother to tell the characters are OOC since you already gave that warning, but for the record, you have a tendancy to do that. A lot. In all the stories you write. ::cough::Amy=Marysue::hack::Sonic=Completeasswhole::cough:: It's also very easy to see which characters you love, dislike, or have a neutrual stand on. (And to me, that's not good writing. That's you transfering your feelings for said characters and making the characters an outlet.) To be honest now that I think of it, this was the ONLY story you've written where Amy WASN'T a Mary Sue and Sonic hasn't been a complete asswhole. I'm in awe.

    2. Is there a reason you write GUN as being so weak and rather stupid minded when it comes to fighting? Yeah Shadow's the UL but let's be a little serious here...

    3. I have no problem with hot gay man sex. I don't. But really. Knuckles and Shadow just scare me. Actually--Knuckles scared me. A lot. In the last two chapters. For once, I was almost wishing for AmyxShadow--at least I'm used to you making Amy an out of character-the light shines out of my ass while Sonic becomes a total asshole Mary Sue--or at least a Mary Sue--as much as I hate that god aweful ship. (So very cliche', how that pairing is written. Sorry, even yours.) I understand Knuckles switching out Shadow for Sonic and all but...::shivers:: As a Knuckles fan, this made me very depressed to be honest.
    I'm actually very surprised at how easy Knuckles is getting it. I'm also disturbed by how easily he gave in and how fluffed out he's acting. Again, as a Knuckles fan, this depresses me. Greatly. Even Cream stood up better than he did. He admits he likes one person and he just melts. That was just sad and so completely anti--GRRRR this pissed me off! I'm agreeing with you Harley--you REALLY should have written that part... Or at least, have Shadow be a total asswhole and use Knuckles' weaknesses against him instead of turning into some fluffed out yoai...GRRRR!

    4. I'm not a Tails fan, or a least a major one, but really. You went easy on Amy ::cough::jadedfavortism:: and Knuckles::scaryflufftime:: so I don't see why Tails should just get it so godawful bad. I expect it, as he is Sonic's best friend/whatever else you're making him, to get it the worst (though Rouge got it pretty...ugly.) but still, if you can go easy on friggin Knuckles, you can go just as easy on Tails.

    Over all, your story gets a 3/5 from me. The Knuckles chapters just leave a bad taste in my mouth and Amy getting it easy when just about everyone else will probably get it horribly was just annoying, as it's obvious you were only nicer to her because of favorism on the writer's part. (Though I have to wonder if this is the same case with Knux...) I will however, rate your story 4 stars as I don't believe by any means, it should have been at two stars. It's no where near as bad. (Actually, up until Knuckles, I thought it was great, minus Amy getting it so easy.)

    On a side note, I refuse to review ARAAT at all because quite frankly...nothing I say would be good. Except the sex scenes are well written. But everthing else so so cliche' and rather...insulting to certain Sonic characters as a whole. And good lord I'm such an Amy fan but I down right HATE it when she's turned into a Mary Sue for that pairing. She's a annoying yet lovable 12 year old. The END people. If some chick stulked me everyone I went and was all clingy, I'd run away too. That doesn't make Sonic an ass. That makes him LOGICAL. And I'm not a big Sonic fan but it does disturb me how you portray him in that story. Rouge too (And I loath her but geez, she's not as over the top bitchy bad as you make her in stories.) (Though what kills me is that in every single (or just about) Amy/Shadow pairing, for some reason, all of sudden, Sonic is just SO jealous and in love with Amy. If it weren't so cliche' in those stories and annoying, it'd be hiliarous.) Whether I like a character or hate them, I would rather they stay in character, with them reacting to the situation as they would if it actually happened to them, not the way the ff authors think they should. I won't knock your story too hard as it has tons of reviews--though I have my own laughable thought on THAT too: people like more of the same. ::sighs:: Hence why no one makes any good, original, outstanding stories anymore. No one puts there foot down and says they won't except more of the same. But I digress.

    I'm happy your writing this story, as it's one of the very few I actually read that you've written. (The one with Tails being badass was WONDERFUL by the way, OOC or not...)
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  • From ANON - Héous on October 30, 2006
    Ok, I'm going to have to pitch in and review here too. As much as I love your writing, Harley, no writer can get me hot on gay sex. I'm a dude, and my junk only stirs up to thoughts of moist vagina. I have absolutely no problem with homosexuals. Hell, I even think they should be allowed to marry (I live in America, nobody wants them to marry here). After all, what they do in the bedroom is their business. But graphic depictions of homosexual intercourse tend to leave me with a feeling of dirtiness, much like a dentist who has their way with you when you're under the laughing gas. I'll just get to the point: Please, no more gay sex. PLEASE. Get back to Shadow brutally raping women (and men, if you must, but I'll just skim over those parts), It's what us normal people enjoy. *Irony fully intended*
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  • From ANON - BZLF on October 30, 2006
    Interesting as usaul. However, " Once the two Mobians had dried themselves off," I know Knuckles is a Mobian but how could Shadow be one? Anyway I really hope to see another update again soon. And Hurt tails! Yeah, hurt him bad!
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  • From ANON - Disaster Master on October 30, 2006
    -DM vomits- EW! That's sick! If you keep making more gay sex, I'll give you bad ratings too. Let's get back to the part where Shadow gets evil and kills more of Sonic's friends. Kill Tails! Kill him! Then Sonic will rip Shadow apart, limb from limb. I give this chapter a 2 out of 5. I would've given it a 1 out of 5, but the reason I gave it a little better is because the story progressed. If it would've been sheer sex between Shadow and Knuckles, then I would've given it a 1. Or maybe even a zero.

    Oh, and xain....... WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU! Are you gay or something? You're creeping me out too! Yaoi is not for guys.
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  • From ANON - xain on October 30, 2006
    yay ty ty ty for not killing knuckles and yes he did say "i love you too sonic" but mainly that's just a slip of toungue that happens in the heat of passion XD

    steven:ok dude quit reading the man sex stories your creaping me the fuck out!
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  • From ANON - rob weston on October 28, 2006
    This is 1 story i hope u guys can think up more of. I just want 2 say that this is a great fic. keep it up.
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  • From ANON - LoneWolf23k on October 26, 2006
    Bleh... God, this is fucking sick...

    And Knuckles would never just give in to Shadow like that, especially after everything Shadow's done.

    Sorry, but this just sickens me to no end.
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